Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000
Cards 2001-2100
Cards 2101-2200
Cards 2201-2300
Cards 2301-2400
Cards 2401-2500
Cards 2501-2600
Cards 2601-2700
Cards 2701-2800
Cards 2801-2900
Cards 2901-3000
Cards 3001-3100
Cards 3101-3200
Cards 3201-3300
Cards 3301-3400
Cards 3401-3500
Cards 3501-3600
Cards 3601-3700
Cards 3701-3800
Cards 3801-3900
Cards 3901-4000
Cards 4001-4100
Cards 4101-4200
Cards 4201-4300
Cards 4301-4400
Cards 4401-4500
Cards 4501-4600
Cards 4601-4700
Cards 4701-4800
Cards 4801-4900
Cards 4901-5000
Cards 5001-5100
Cards 5101-5200
Cards 5201-5300
Cards 5301-5400
Cards 5401-5500
Cards 5501-5600
Cards 5601-5700
Cards 5701-5800
Cards 5801-5900
Cards 5901-6000
Cards 6001-6100
Cards 6101-6200
Cards 6201-6300
Cards 6301-6400
Cards 6401-6500
Cards 6501-6600
Cards 6601-6700
Cards 6701-6800
Cards 6801-6900
Cards 6901-7000
Cards 7001-7100
Cards 7101-7200
Cards 7201-7300
Cards 7301-7400
Cards 7401-7500

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens usually have individual types (such as "Energy" or "Goblin"); if a token has a type, that's also considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set, Flavor set, Pokédex, Adiart Inhabitants.


These expansions add cards and/or rules to games using the Infinite Dvorak deck or its subsets:

Dvanguard set, Dvanguard booster pack, Shroud booster pack, Illusion booster pack, Up Your Sleeve booster pack, Swords booster pack, Vintage booster pack, ChippyYYZ booster pack, Ponies booster pack, Heavy Actions booster pack, Gems booster pack, Flame booster pack

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400, 2401-2500, 2501-2600, 2601-2700, 2701-2800, 2801-2900, 2901-3000, 3001-3100, 3101-3200, 3201-3300, 3301-3400, 3401-3500, 3501-3600, 3601-3700, 3701-3800, 3801-3900, 3901-4000, 4001-4100, 4101-4200, 4201-4300, 4301-4400, 4401-4500, 4501-4600, 4601-4700, 4701-4800, 4801-4900, 4901-5000, 5001-5100, 5101-5200, 5201-5300, 5301-5400, 5401-5500, 5501-5600, 5601-5700, 5701-5800, 5801-5900, 5901-6000, 6001-6100, 6101-6200, 6201-6300, 6301-6400, 6401-6500, 6501-6600, 6601-6700, 6701-6800, 6801-6900, 6901-7000, 7001-7100, 7101-7200, 7201-7300, 7301-7400, 7401-7500.

I win by Conensus
Action: All opponents vote for you to win instantly. If at least 2/3rds of them accept, you win and the game is over. Otherwise, nothing happens.
The Flood
Destroy everything, even if it is indestructible.
Copy Machine
Create a copy of target thing in play.
Post-Credits Scene
Draw a card. Remove this card from the game face-up along with a card in your hand face-down. Reveal that card at the end of the game. If your playgroup plays another game of Dvorak after this one, add that card to your opening hand instead of returning it to the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Field Research
Whenever an Action card you play would cause you to draw two or more cards, draw one fewer. Whenever an Action card you play would not cause you to draw any cards, draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Echoing Calamity
When this card enters play or is destroyed, each player discards all but three cards from their hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Take the High Road
Play immediately in response when you would destroy an opponent's Thing. Leave it undisturbed and draw three cards instead.
Card by Binarius
Carpool Lane
You may discard a card and draw a card at the end of your turn if you control at least three other non-token Things.
Card by Binarius
Opponents may play at most one card per turn. When an opponent would draw a card, you instead draw a card and then give them a card from your hand. Destroy this at the beginning of your turn.
Card by Binarius
Military Funding
At the end of your turn, if an effect you control destroyed an opponent's Thing since the end of your last turn, draw a card. Otherwise, rotate this card 90° clockwise.
When this card completes a clockwise rotation, put it in the discard pile and discard two cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Open The Vaults
Put all Things from the discard pile into play under your control. At the beginning of your next turn, destroy all Things you control.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Trick Dealing
Whenever you interact with the deck (drawing cards, putting cards on top of the deck, shuffling the deck, etc.) you may first set aside the top card of the deck without looking at it and put it back afterwards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
You may only play this while it would be illegal to play a card. If no one catches you, draw 3 cards. If someone dos catch you, discard your hand and destroy this thing.
Sly Deal
Trade and equal amount of things between yourself and an opponent.
Let's see you play this, sucker
If card 69 is played, play this out of turn to counter that card from being played. You can only play this to counter card 69 from being played.
This title serves multiple purposes.
Snooze Button
Play immediately in response to an opponent's Action to delay its effect until the start of their next turn. You may discard a card to return this card to your hand if you have not already done so twice.
Card by Binarius
Thrice Charmed
Play this onto target Thing. When you play this, specify up to three other Things you control; if attached Thing would be destroyed while any of them remain in play, return it to your hand instead.
Card by Binarius
You must play this as soon as it enters your hand, but it does not count against your per-turn limit. Discard a card when you play this. At the end of your turn, destroy this if all opponents' hands are empty; otherwise, put it on top of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Gyro Stabilization
Once during your turn when you discard a card, you may draw a card.
When Gyro Stabilization is destroyed, discard a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Lightning-Breathing Dragon
At the beginning of your turn, gain an Energy Token if you don't have one.
Action: Gain 2 Energy Tokens.
Action: Spend an Energy Token for each card in an opponent's hand to destroy target Thing they control.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Fastest Gun In The West
When this card enters play, create a copy of Bullet Time (#7487) and put it into play under your control.
Action: Discard an Action card to destroy target Thing. Bullet Time doesn't apply to this Action Ability.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Red Hacks
At any point during the game, you may end target player's turn if they've played at least one action/thing. You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
Green Hacks
At any point during the game, you may prevent target thing from being destroyed. You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
Blue Hacks
At any point during the game, you may redirect a target to another target thing. You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
Yo-Yo Stabilizer
At the end of your turn, rotate Yo-Yo Stabilizer 360˚ clockwise, divided by 2 for each Yo-Yo Weight that has become Extended. When it completes a clockwise rotation, draw a card. Action (global): This gains 2 Yo-Yo Weight tokens if none are in play. Action (global): Ex­tend all Yo-Yo Weights in play.
Card by Binarius
Only Mostly Dead
Return the topmost living Thing in the discard pile to play.
Card by Binarius
Ice-Breathing Dragon
At the start of your turn, gain a Frost token if you have fewer than 4. Action: Spend any num­ber of Frost tokens to afflict target opponent during their next turn. If you spend at least
1: They play at most one card.
2: They may not draw cards.
3: They may not play cards.
4: They skip their turn.
Card by Binarius
Black Hacks
At any point during the game, you may destroy target thing. You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
White Hacks
At any point during the game, you may gain control of target thing in the discard pile. You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
Rainbow Hacks
At any point during the game, you may use a hack: Red (#7522), Green (#7523), Blue (#7524), Black (#7528), or White (#7529). You cannot do this if you've already done this before your next turn.
I have control over ALL OF SPACE AND TIME!
Preemptive Plagiarism
Each opponent reveals an Action card from their hand, or reveals a hand containing no Action cards. Choose an Action card revealed this way. This card has that Action's text as additional ruletext.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Mana-Breathing Dragon
Gain one Mana Token whenever you discard a card, or two if it's an Action.
Once during your turn, you may spend a Mana Token to put the top card of the deck on top of target Thing. If it's a Thing, treat it and that Thing as one Thing with only the properties of the top card. Otherwise, destroy that Thing and put that card into the discard pile, or play it by spending two Mana Tokens.
Card by ChippyYYZ
During each opponent's next turn, they can't create tokens, they can't play Action Abilities of Things, and you may look at the first card they would draw each turn. You may put that card in the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Each player gains two Energy tokens for each card in their hand and each non-token Thing they control. Any player with more than ten Energy tokens must, until they have at most ten, destroy four of them and either destroy a non-token Thing they control or discard a random card.
Card by Binarius
A Quiet Night In
Draw a card. If it is a Thing, you may play it face down and turn it face up at the start of your next turn. End your turn.
Card by Binarius
Omni-Gate Device
Action: Spend 3 Energy tokens or discard an Action and a Thing to activate the device. Until the end of your turn, all cards in opponents' hands are considered to belong to you.
Card by Binarius
Red Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of Red Hacks (#7522) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Spend 2 Crypto tokens to either: Gain 2 uses of Red Hacks OR ignore "if they've played at least one action/thing." on Red Hacks' text for the next use.
Green Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of Green Hacks (#7523 if you do not have one). At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Destroy 2 Crypto tokens to either: Gain 2 uses of Green Hacks OR play an additional thing this turn.
Blue Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of Blue Hacks (#7524) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Destroy 2 Crypto tokens to either: Gain 2 uses of Blue Hacks OR amplify the target by having it target twice as many valid targets for the next use.
Scrambling Blast
Target player discards their hand, then draws that many cards minus one.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Test of Devotion
Target player discards a card. You may discard a card with the same creator to repeat this process. If you discard least 3 cards this way, take an extra turn after this one.
Card by ChippyYYZ
For The Greater Good
Destroy target Thing. Each player draws two cards and discards a card.
A tragic loss, but it must be done for the benefit of all of us.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Greater Good
Play immediately in response when an opponent destroys a Thing. Each player draws two cards and discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Celestial Alignment
Draw a card whenever a Thing card enters play. Discard a card whenever a Thing card leaves play.
Card by Binarius
Nova Bomb
Shuffle all Things with Action abilities together and place them face down. In order starting with target player, each player draws a Thing, plays its first Action as if it were a standalone Action card if possible, and then destroys that Thing and discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Black Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of Black Hacks (#7528) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Destroy 2 Crypto tokens to either: Gain 2 uses of Black Hacks OR make a player discard their hand, then redrawing the lost card amount.
White Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of White Hacks (#7529) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Destroy 2 Crypto tokens to either: Gain 2 uses of White Hacks OR gain 1 target thing from target player.
Rainbow Hacker
When this enters play, gain a copy of Rainbow Hacks (#7530) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Crypto Token. Action: Destroy 2 Crypto tokens to gain 2 uses of Rainbow Hacks.
System Bypass
At the end of your turn, discard a random card.
When this enters play, attach it to a Thing you control with an Action Ability. Treat "Action:" on the attached Thing as "At any time, if you haven't done so since you last began a turn, you may do the following:"
"I'm in."
Card by ChippyYYZ
For The Pretty Good
Destroy target Thing. Each player draws a card and discards a card.
I'd say this worked out pretty well for mostly everyone involved.
Card by ChippyYYZ
For The Lulz
Destroy target Thing. Each player discards a card.
We live in a society.
Card by ChippyYYZ
I'm bored, who wants some tea?
Go make some tea for everyone, then end the game.
For the more simple Dvorak Player
I'm bored, who wants some Ghost Peppers?
Get some Ghost Peppers for everyone, then end the game.
For the hot-headded Dvorak Player
I'm bored, who wants some Free Air?
Everyone takes a deep breath. End the game afterwards.
For the "I'm holding my breath so this game will go on forever" Dvorak Player.
Enchanted Soil
When Enchanted Soil has completed a full turn with a Sunlight token and a Water token on it, destroy it and replace it with a copy of Potted Card (#6009). Action: Give Enchanted Soil a Sunlight token or a Water token.
Card by Binarius
Enchanted Garden
At the end of your third full turn after playing this, draw until you have drawn a number of Things equal to the number of players. Put one of them into your hand and distribute one of the others to each opponent at random. Then destroy this and give each player a copy of Enchanted Soil (#7555).
Card by Binarius
Hit the Ground Running
If your hand is empty, draw four cards and play up to two of them.
Card by Binarius
Red Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of Red Hacker (#7537) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Spend 2 Glitch tokens to either: Gain 4 uses of Red Hacks OR ignore "if they've played at least one action/thing." on Red Hacks' text for the next 2 uses.
Green Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of Green Hacker (#7538) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Destroy 2 Glitch tokens to either: Gain 4 uses of Green Hacks OR play 2 additional things this turn.
Blue Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of Blue Hacker (#7539) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Destroy 2 Glitch tokens to either: Gain 4 uses of Blue Hacks OR amplify the target by having it target 4 times as many valid targets for the next use.
Heavy Is The Crown
When this card enters play or at the beginning of your turn, you may gain an Ambition Token.
Your maximum hand size is reduced by 1 for each Ambition Token in play.
During your turn, you may spend 6 Ambition Tokens and discard two cards to win the game.
Action and Thing: Gain an Ambition Token.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Extra Thicc
When this card enters play, put the top 4 cards of the deck face-down underneath it. If this card leaves play, those cards leave play likewise.
For each card underneath this card, this card counts as a extra Thing for any rules or effects that count a number of Things.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Maker's Hands
Action: Reveal the top card of the deck. You may reveal a card from your hand with the same creator to draw a card.
Action: Discard two cards that share a creator to put target Thing in the discard pile.
"I create with one hand, but I destroy with both hands at once."
Card by ChippyYYZ
Black Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of Black Hacker (#7546) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Destroy 2 Glitch tokens to either: Gain 4 uses of Black Hacks OR make a player discard their hand, then redrawing 1/2 their original hand.
White Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of White Hacker (#7547) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Destroy 2 Glitch tokens to either: Gain 4 uses of White Hacks OR gain 2 target things from target player(s).
Rainbow Hacker Base
When this enters play, gain a copy of Rainbow Hacker (#7548) if you do not have one. At the beggining of your turn, gain a Glitch Token. Action: Destroy 2 Glitch tokens to gain 2 uses of all hacks (excepts Rainbow Hacks.)
Bubbling Cauldron
At the end of your turn, you may put any number of cards from your hand face down under this card. Action: Discard the cards in the cauldron. Look at an equal number of cards from the top of the draw pile and put one into your hand.
Eye of Wily Gatekeeper and toe of Positronic Flux Regulator...
Card by Binarius
Saw It Once in a Movie
Play up to two of the three bottommost Actions in the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
Fronthand Backhand
Allow target opponent to indicate their preference for "fronthand" or "backhand". Regardless of their choice, destroy one of their Things.
Card by Binarius
Suddenly, Pineapples
Destroy all tokens, and each player gains pineapple tokens equalling the amount of tokens that they controlled.
Action: Destroy target thing. If it is successful, shrink your handsize by 1. If not, shrink it by 2.
Do it again
Gain an extra action while you control this.
Reverberating Echo
Play immediately in response to an opponent's Action card. In order starting with the player after them, each of their opponents plays the same Action.
Card by Binarius
I'll Have What I'm Having
Put a copy of every Thing you have played this turn into play under your control.
Card by Binarius
Oversized Sweatshirt
When you would discard a card, you may put it Up Your Sleeve instead if you have fewer than three cards Up Your Sleeve. Action: Move a card from Up Your Sleeve to your hand.
Card by Binarius
Center of Affairs
When this enters play, everyone moves their hands into one central hand. Anyone may play cards from the central hand or their own hand. This is indestructible until the central hand is depleted.
Treasure Chest
When this enters play, draw the top 3 cards and play them facedown under this thing, without ever looking at them faceup. Action (Global): Take a card from under this thing, and replace it with a card in hand facedown.
Free Sushi Bar
When this enters play, every player gains a copy of this card without doing this sentence. Action: Place or take a card under this thing.
Action: Move all Free Sushi Bars and any cards under them clockwise.
Caffè Sospeso
You must transfer this card to the control of a player with fewer cards in hand than you, if possible. When an opponent would discard a card, they instead give it to you.
Card by Binarius
Noah Webster's Vengeful Ghost
Play this card into any player's control. During any turn in which you play a card, you must play the alphabetically earliest card in your hand.
Card by Binarius
The Lost Art of Cornervaluing
Any opponent who does not control a Thing with a cornervalue and does not reveal a card with a cornervalue from their hand must discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Dark Haze
Target player's maximum hand size is reduced by 4 during their next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Cloaking Device
You and face down Things you control can't be targeted until your next turn. You may put a Thing card from your hand into play face down. Turn it face up at the start of your next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Selective Reality
Play this under any player's control, attached to a Thing they control.
The attached Thing is blank while it's not your turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Magical Bullshit
Target player skips their next turn.
When this enters play, play it on one of your things. No one may target anything you own except for this.
Internal Screaming
No one may target anything you own except for this.
Reveal the top 20 cards of the draw pile. Discard all of the Things revealed in this way. Shuffle all of the Actions and replace them on top of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
You win if your name is on this card. Otherwise, write your name on it.
Card by Binarius
How High Is the Balloon?
A balloon floats over flat land on a vertical tether. A trio of trigonometry enthusiasts stand such that they each view the balloon at an angle of 60˚ over the horizon. Alice observes an angle BAC of 30˚ between Bob and Carol, who are standing 60 meters apart.
Card by Binarius
Choose one:
Look at target player's hand, then they give you a card from their hand.
OR Target player gives you a random card from their hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Bottled Echo
When you play an Action card, put it under Bottled Echo instead of into the discard pile if there isn't already an Action card under Bottled Echo.
When this is destroyed, play an Action from underneath it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Time Stretch
Take an extra turn after this one. If you have at least 2 opponents, each other player takes an extra turn after their next turn, and you take another turn after your next non-extra turn.
Remove Time Stretch from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Not Paying Attention
Skip target player's next turn.
Card by Binarius
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
If you control at least 30 Things, including at least 10 non-token Things, and you control more Things than all other players combined, you win.
Card by Binarius
The Year in Review
Whenever a player would draw a card, they draw the bottom card of the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
If this ever leaves play, whoever caused it is immediately eliminated. When this enters play, play it on one of your things.
Time Dilation or whatever
Permanently gain an extra turn. Gain a token that does not count as a thing to remind you of this.
A shape in the shadows, a chill in the air
Everyone gains 3 torch tokens with the text: "If you ever have less than 1 torch token, you are eliminated"
Infinite Dvorak Update
Reveal cards from the top of the deck until any three cards revealed this way share a creator. Put those cards into your hand and shuffle the rest into the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Gamer Cosmetic Pack
Things you control are Black and Red instead of their other colors.
An exclusive skin set only available in Infinite Dvorak: Legendary Edition.
Card by ChippyYYZ
My Secret Weapon
Look at the top two cards of the deck. If they are both by ChippyYYZ, you may reveal them and play one or both of them. Draw two cards.
I don't actually have a secret weapon, I just claim to have one as a distraction to buy myself a moment to think. Though once in a while I think of a secret weapon.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Most Impartial Order
Reveal the top 10 cards of the draw pile and replace them arranged in alphabetical order by creator.
Move all of the revealed cards by Aetherknight, AldusValor, and Atticus to the bottom of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
At the end of your turn, you may put any number of your Things and cards from your hand under Ballast. Put Ballast and all cards under it in the discard pile at the start of your turn, then draw an equal number of cards and play one of them.
Card by Binarius
Deluxe Prestige Skin
Instead of their other colors, Things you control are two shades of gold.
Card by Binarius
If this, or any things you own, leave play, whoever caused it is immediately eliminated. This destroys itself after 3 turns.
I go against all of you who say "you can't make a truly indestructible thing." Just try me.
BiStable Card
At the beginning of your turn, flip a coin. On heads, destroy target thing. On tails, destroy this thing.
Put a copy of "Indestructible" (#7607) and BiStable Card (#7608) into target opponent's control.
y�█□҉□-Breathing Dragon
Whenever you draw a card while your hand is empty, gain a Glitch Token.
Whenever this card becomes the target of an Action, flip a coin. On heads, return it to your hand and put it back into play at the end of the turn.

Action: Put a Glitch Token you control on target Thing. Its ruletext is blank for as long as it has a Glitch Token on it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Offer Counsel
Any number of target opponents, up to the number of other cards in your hand, may in turn order look at your hand and take a card from it. Draw a card, plus two cards for each opponent targeted this way.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Quarantine Zone
Cards that were not in the game when it began cannot be created or enter any zone.
Things can't enter play from the discard pile or deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Michael Jackson
When this enters play, all things are black. At the beginning of your turn, the color either switches to White or reverts back to Black.
"I didn't take away chocolate, I just added vanilla" - ERB
The Game
Everyone secretly writes down a number. At the same time, everyone reveals their number. Whoever has the biggest number destroys that many things. Whoever has the second biggest destroys that many divided by 2 of their things, etc.
Action: Destory one of your things to destroy target thing.
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Choose a Thing in your control. Draw cards until you draw a card by the same creator. Put it into your hand and shuffle the other cards you drew into the draw pile.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may draw a card by Binarius in the same manner.
Card by Binarius
At the end of your turn, draw a card if you have played both an Action and a Thing. Otherwise, destroy Flow.
Card by Binarius
Goodwill Gesture
Target player distributes half of each type of token they control, rounding down, to all of their opponents as evenly as possible.
Card by Binarius
When an opponent who controls fewer tokens than you would discard a card of their choice, they discard a random card instead. This doesn't apply if they must discard a card with certain properties.
Those who have more power than others use it to keep things that way.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Destroy all non-living Things that are fire-based or electrical, and all tokens. Each opponent returns a Thing they control to their hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Old-Fashioned Draw Engine
Whenever you play your second card in a turn, you may rotate this card 90˚ counterclockwise.
When this card completes a clockwise rotation, destroy it.
Action: Draw a card and rotate this card 180˚ clockwise.
Don't work it too hard, it wasn't built for that.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Rat Race
When an opponent plays both a Thing and an Action in a turn, they gain a Tedium token. Players with at least 3 Tedium tokens may play no Actions other than the following.
Action (global): Discard a card and destroy a Tedium token.
Thing and Action (global): Discard a card and destroy your Tedium tokens.
Card by Binarius
Going By Too Fast
Draw a card for each card played by your opponents during their most recent turn.
Card by Binarius
Balloon and Dart Game
Draw until you have drawn one Thing per player; reveal them and shuffle the other cards you drew back into the draw pile. In order starting with you, each player may reveal a card from their hand that can destroy a Thing to select one of the revealed Things and put it into their hand. Discard the rest.
Card by Binarius
It's my Birthday
Everyone must give you a thing from their hand for you to take control of immediately. If you do not want it, they discard a random card.
When this enters play, play a thing under this. Action (Global): Offer the card under this to target player. If they accept, they gain control of the Thing under this, and you replace it with a thing in your hand. Gian a token with the text: You can play 1 additional card
If this has 8 Cake tokens, destroy this. Action: Eat. Place a Cake token on this. You gain 2 additional actions this turn.
Collaborative Project
Every card has all creators among Things in play in addition to its creator.
Collaborative Project has all Action Abilities of Things in play while it has at least 3 creators.
Collaborative Project is indestructible while it has at least 4 creators.
We made this deck, together.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Power Up
When this enters play, draw two cards.
Your maximum hand size is increased by two.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Overflow Turbine
At the beginning of your turn (after you draw a card), rotate this card 90˚ clockwise and draw a card.
When this card completes a clockwise rotation, discard your hand.
It generates more power than you know what to do with, but soon you won't have to know.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Each player may play a tangible Thing; each player who plays a living Thing may play any number of tangible Things.
Card by Binarius
Rack 'Em Up
At the beginning of your turn, destroy this and every Thing that entered play after it.
Card by Binarius
Department of Tautological Trivia
You win if your opponents are eliminated.
Card by Binarius
Left Paw of the Furry
If this along with Right Paw of the Furry (#7634), Left Leg of the Furry (#7635), Right Leg of the Furry (#7636), and Head of the Furry (#7637), everyone who has a part of the Furry wins the game.
Right Paw of the Furry
If this along with Left Paw of the Furry (#7633), Left Leg of the Furry (#7635), Right Leg of the Furry (#7636), and Head of the Furry (#7637), everyone who has a part of the Furry wins the game.
Left Leg of the Furry
If this along with Left Paw of the Furry (#7633), Right Paw of the Furry (#7634), Right Leg of the Furry (#7636), and Head of the Furry (#7637), everyone who has a part of the Furry wins the game.
Right Leg of the Furry
If this along with Left Paw of the Furry (#7633), Right Paw of the Furry (#7634), Left Leg of the Furry (#7635), and Head of the Furry (#7637), everyone who has a part of the Furry wins the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Head of the Furry
If this along with Left Paw of the Furry (#7633), Right Paw of the Furry (#7634), Left Leg of the Furry (#7635), and Right Leg of the Furry (#7636), everyone who has a part of the Furry wins the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Double Flip
Choose two target Things controlled by different players. Put each one in the other one's controller's hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Counterflow Turbine
Play this into any player's control. At the beginning of your turn, rotate this card 90˚ counterclockwise. When it completes a clockwise rotation, you may draw a card. When it completes a counterclockwise rotation, discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Smash to Bits
Destroy target inanimate tangible Thing. Give each player a token named for one of its parts.
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer.
Card by Binarius
How Do You Like Them Apples?
Target player who destroyed one of your Things during their most recent turn must discard their hand.
Card by Binarius
Magical Bullshit Townie with a knife poorly taped to it's arm
Action: Prevent target player from taking an action next turn. This also has a 10% chance to destroy one of their target things at random.
At the beginning of your turn, place an unstability token on this, then flip a coin. On heads, destroy this and a number of your things equal to the Unstability tokens on this card. Action: Destroy this and a number of things equal to the Unstability tokens on this card.
More unstable than Uranium!
When you play this, discard 2 things in your hand as well. Create a card with the text of both discarded things, and the title of both discarded things. Gain it into your hand.
Some Other Time, Perhaps
When an opponent would cause you to discard a card, you may reveal this from your hand instead.
Card by Binarius
Play immediately in response to an opponent's Action card to return target Thing they control to their hand.
Card by Binarius
Tag Team
When you play this card, reveal any number of Things from your hand and put them under it (and out of play). Action: Exchange another Thing in your control with a Thing under this.
Card by Binarius
Draw a card. Put a Thing from your hand into play on top of target non-token Thing. Those cards count as a single Thing with only the properties of the top card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Time Is Running Out
At the beginning of your turn, remove the bottom card of the discard pile from the game, then put the top of the deck into the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Hiding Place
At the end of your turn, you may hide a Thing you control underneath this card until this card leaves play or the beginning of your next turn (whichever comes first). Treat it as though it doesn't exist while it's hidden.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Mists of Time
Whenever there are more than three cards in the discard pile, shuffle all but the top three into the bottom half of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
I Can't Hear You
Place a Disregard token on target Thing in an opponent's control when you play this. Things with Disregard tokens are considered blank during your turn.
Card by Binarius
Triliteral Shield
You are immune from the effects of cards with titles containing three capital letters.
Card by Binarius
If this has 7 tetromino tokens on it, destory this thing. Action: Throw. Place a Tetromino token on this, then destory target thing.
Draw a card. Put a Thing from your hand into play on top of target non-token Thing. Those cards count as a single Thing with only the properties of the top card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
I Can't Hear You
Place a Disregard token on target Thing in an opponent's control when you play this. Things with Disregard tokens are considered blank during your turn.
Card by Binarius
Easier To Alphabetize Them This Way
For each letter, destroy all but one Thing among non-token Things starting with that letter.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Copied Card
Play this card as a copy of a card played on the previous turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Apply Pressure
Target player returns a Thing they control to their hand. They can't play Things during their next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Copied Card
Play this card as a copy of a card played on the previous turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Copied Card
Play this card as a copy of a card played on the previous turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Copied Card
Play this card as a copy of a card played on the previous turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Order of the Golden Card
This certificate is presented to
for meritorious service to the game of Dvorak in recognition of his outstanding achieve­ment in contributing 1,000 cards to the Infinite Dvorak deck.
Each player's hand size limit is increased by 2 for each card by ChippyYYZ they control.
Card by Binarius
Concept Artist
Instead of a Thing and an Action, you may play two Things or two Actions during your turn, if you did not play two cards of the chosen type last turn. If you do, draw a card and discard it if it is not the same type.
Card by Binarius
Tell Me a Story
Play a Thing. If you do, you may play an Action. If you do, you may play a Thing, and so on.
Card by Binarius
Consolidate My Power
Draw four cards, then choose a creator. Put each Thing by that creator into your hand, then reveal your hand and discard all cards not by that creator.
Move a card by that creator from the discard pile to your hand if you chose ChippyYYZ (but not this card).
Card by ChippyYYZ
Faction Obligations
Things you control can't be destroyed by other cards with the same creator.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Sweep Up
Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may exchange control of two target Things.

Return each Thing to its controller's hand.
And with a wave of my hand, everything flies into its proper place. Roughly.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Master's Right Hand
Action: With no consequence to yourself, create a thing that does not contain a way for you to win by itself. Then gain control of it.
The Master's Left Hand
Action: With no consequence to yourself, remove a card from the game.
The Master's Extra Hand
If you control The Master's Right Hand (#7669) and The Master's Left Hand (#7670), you win. Action: Helping Hand. With no consequence to yourself, remove this from play and gain a copy of either The Master's Right hand, or The Master's Left Hand.
Village Drunkard
Thing - Townsperson
Action: Destroy target Thing and discard your hand. If the number of cards you discard in this way plus the number of Townspeople you control is at least 3, put Village Drunkard into your hand; otherwise, destroy it.
Card by Binarius
Eccentric Inventor
Thing - Townsperson
Action: Draw a card. If it is a Thing with an Action ability, you may use its ability. If it is a tangible Thing, you may put it into play first; otherwise, discard it.
Card by Binarius
A Mysterious Egg
It's awfully large for an egg—about the size of a small rain barrel—and very hard. Could something be growing inside?
When you have ended three turns in control of it, replace it with a copy of card #7678.
Card by Binarius
Time Reversal
Shuffle the deck and put all cards from the deck into a new discard pile, with this card on top. The old discard pile becomes the new deck. Turn it face-down and shuffle it, then draw two cards and discard a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Creative Synthesis
If the first two cards you play in a turn share a creator, reveal the top card of the deck. If it has the same creator, you may play it. Otherwise, draw it and discard a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Behold My Nameless Legions
Put the top three cards of the deck into play face-down as blank Things.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Dragon Hatchling
At the start of your turn, declare Rest or Feed. You may not Feed if you did so last turn.
Rest: Draw and discard once. You may play at most one card.
Feed: Discard a card or destroy one of your Things. When you have Fed three times, put a copy of Dragon Wyrmling (#7679) into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Dragon Wyrmling
When you play this, replace Dragon Hatchling to transform it or Hoard one of your tangible Things. When this first gains 3 Things, put a copy of Form of the Wyrm (#7680) into your hand. Action: Target opponent discards a card. Action - Hoard: Put a tangible Thing under this (and out of play); if this would leave play with any Hoarded Things under it, return them to their original controllers instead.
Card by Binarius
Form of the Wyrm
Select one of the following cards at random and put a copy of it into play: #1710, #4940, #7478, #7520, #7527, #7532, #7609. If you control Dragon Wyrmling, put the Things under it into your hand and move it to the discard pile; the selected card gains its Action abilities.
Card by Binarius
Simple Tool
Action: Remove target thing from play, and gain 3 stone tokens.
It has a loud clank to it
Mechanical Contraption
Action: Remove target thing from play, and gain 3 gear tokens
It makes a small clicking sound
Digital Device
Action: Remove target thing from play, and gain 3 CPU chip tokens
It plays a small, low tone
Fancy Footwork
Play in response to an Action targeting you or a Thing you control that has feet. Negate that Action and draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Heavy Echo
Play this card as a copy of an Action card in the discard pile. Draw a card for every 4 cards above that card in the discard pile (not including this one), then discard that many cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Temporal Transfer
Put any number of cards from the top of the discard pile on top of the deck in a random order, then put the top card of the discard pile into play under your control if it's a Thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
A Sense of Community
No player may win or lose. At the end of a player's turn, they may exchange one of their Things with an opponent's Thing, and that opponent may discard a card and draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Schoolyard Superpowers
If you have not yet played an Action when you play this card, you may use the following ability and end your turn.
Thing and Action: Draw until you have six cards and play one of the cards you drew.
Card by Binarius
Hippocrates' Grand Elixir
A player who draws more than one card in a turn may not play any cards during their next turn.
Card by Binarius
A Portal Opening
Action: Place a thing into the Alternate Dimension. If the game ends before this is destroyed, all things in the Aliternate Universe stay in the Alternate Universe.
Alternate Universe
When this enters play, temporarily set aside all things in play, along with all hands. Everyone re-draws up to the base handsize. Play continues as normal If this is destroyed, put all things into the Alternate dimension, and Discard any Actions.
A Portal Closing
This cannot go under A Portal Opening. Action: Take a card from the Alternate Universe. If none are in there, draw a card.
Mighty Flick
Remove target token from the game.
Card by Binarius
Convection Current
At the end of each player's turn, move the top five cards of the draw pile to the top of the discard pile and the bottom five cards ofthe discard pile to the bottom of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Creators whose Things are controlled by the same player are Partners, and so are creators who are each Partners with the same creator. No Thing may be destroyed by a card created by a Partner of its creator.
Card by Binarius
fug i dropped the antimatter
When you draw this, play this immediately. Destroy one of your things.
When you draw this, the game ends with no winner
Water Bender
Action: Use the action of any liquid, or any thing containing liquid
Lusty Swipe
Choose a token in play. Remove all tokens identical to it from the game.
Card by Binarius
Third Arm
Destroy this at the beginning of your turn, or you may return it to your hand instead of playing a Thing. If you destroy a Thing during your turn, destroy a Thing at the end of your turn. Whenever an opponent draws their second card in a turn, draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Steadfast Cadre
If a player only controls Things by one creator (excluding this card), they are indestructible.
Card by Binarius
No Peeking
Play in response to an Action that would reveal or let a player look at cards in the deck or in your hand. Negate that Action. That Action's player discards a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Burnout Blast
Remove target Thing from the game. If you've already played Burnout Blast in the last 8 hours, shuffle all Things you control and cards in your hand into the deck, then discard the top 5 cards of the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Green Grass And High Tides
When a player would draw a card at the beginning of their turn, they may instead draw until they have four cards in hand. You may instead draw until you have five cards in hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Return to Sender
Return target tangible Thing to its controller's hand.
Card by Binarius
Lava Cannon
Discard a card at the start of your turn. You must play an Action each turn. If you use an Action ability of another Thing, destroy it. Action: Destroy target Thing.
Card by Binarius
War of the Elders
Creators whose Things are controlled by the same player, and no opponents, are Allies. No player may play cards by creators that are Allied under an opponent's control. Action (global): If you control any Allied Things, destroy target Thing; its controller may prevent its destruction by returning one of their Allied Things to their hand.
Card by Binarius
Play in response to an opponent's Action and discard any number of cards from your hand. For each card you discard this way, they repeat that action. Draw a card for each card you discarded.
Card by ChippyYYZ
At any time, if you haven't done so since you last began a turn, you may put a card from your hand or a Thing you control on top of the deck
Card by ChippyYYZ
Morse Code Intensifies
You may play an additional Action each turn. Discard a random card at the end of your turn if you played any Actions but didnt play an Action card or Action Ability by ChippyYYZ.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Shake the Tree
Target opponent discards a random card. Draw a card; the opponent chooses whether you draw from the draw pile or the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
Play this card into target opponent's control. Whenever you draw a card, you must announce its title.
Card by Binarius
Paddlewheel Aerator
Whenever a card is played, rotate Paddlewheel Aerator 90° clockwise. When Paddlewheel Aerator completes a clockwise rotation, you may draw a card and discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Visit From Santa
Each player draws a card. You may play an additional Action this turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Rudolph's Guidance
Non-rule effects can't prevent you from drawing cards, playing cards or Action Abilities, taking turns, or targeting Things.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Santa's Judgement
Whenever a player destroys a Thing they don't control or causes an opponent to discard a card, they become Naughty.
At the end of your turn, rotate Santa's Judgement 120° clockwise. When Santa's Judgement completes a clockwise rotation, each Naughty player discards a card instead of taking their next turn. Remove this card from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Frosty's Magic
Draw an extra card at the beginning of your turn. If you have not yet done so, you may immediately play a card you draw in this way and draw another one. At the end of your third turn since you gained control of this card, it melts into the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
Figgy Pudding
When this card leaves play, each player may draw a card for each turn it was in your control, up to a maximum of three. You may draw another card and play one of the cards you drew.
Traditionally prepared weeks in advance to allow its flavor to mature as it ages.
Card by Binarius
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree
Play immediately in response when a card would move from one player's hand to another's to take a random card from the donor's hand, or when a Thing in play would move from one player's control to another's to take control of another of the donor's Things.
Card by Binarius
99 reasons why
Play this on another thing. At the beginning of the owner of that thing's turn, they either destroy this and give you control of a copy of the thing under this, or they destroy this and the thing under this.
Give everyone a copy of this card.
Experimental Death Cartoon
Action: Place an ink token on target thing. At the beginning of that thing's owner's next turn, they destroy that thing.
Spiteful Retort
Destroy a Thing controlled by an opponent who has caused you to discard a card or lose control of a Thing since the end of your last turn.
Card by Binarius
Play this into any player's control. You may not play Actions. After one full turn in control of this, you may put it in the discard pile instead of drawing at the start of your turn.
Card by Binarius
Headstone Mason
Whenever a non-token Thing is destroyed, its controller gains a token with its title.
Destroy it if the Thing returns to play, unless it's a zombie.
Card by Binarius
Double the Faxes!
Whenever any play would do an action, they do the action twice.
Tactical Suicide
Eliminate yourself along with an opponent.
Whenever anyone would target an opponent's thing, you may cancel the action by playing this.
Sticky Bomb Attack
When you play this, play any number of cards from your hand face down onto target opponent's non-token Things as blank Things. At the beginning of your turn, destroy one blank Thing and the Thing attached to it. If you can't, put this card in the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
If you have ever destroyed any opponents' Things, you may give each such opponent a card from your hand. If you do, you may draw the same number of cards.
Card by Binarius
Target opponent draws a card and discards a card instead of taking their next turn.
Card by Binarius
Chippy Sucks lol
Destroy anything from ChippyYYZ, and force anyone with cards from ChippyYYZ to discard them.
Computer Chip
Action: Eat. Destroy this.
Tastes like Sour Cream and Onion
Sour Cream and Onion
Action: Eat. Destroy this.
Tastes like Computer Chip
Boats Against The Current
Each player, starting with you, returns a card from the discard pile to their hand. Each opponent who does so puts a card from their hand on top of the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
When Reclamation enters play or is destroyed, return another Thing card from the discard pile to your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Lost And Found
Swap the cards in your hand with the same number of cards from the top of the discard pile (this card is not counted as part of either).
Card by ChippyYYZ
Stick the Landing
Play immediately in response when a Thing that entered play during your most recent turn would be destroyed. It remains in play; draw a card instead.
Card by Binarius
Emergency Teleport Pad
Action: Exchange target Thing with a Thing in your hand and destroy Emergency Teleport Pad.
Card by Binarius
Arcane Focus
If there is an Action card on this at the beginning of your turn, you may play it without cost. Action: Put an Action card onto this if it has none. Action: If there is an Action card on this, play it and return it to your hand.
Card by Binarius
When this has been in play for at least 5 rounds, eliminate yourself. Action: Give an opponent control of this.
Calendar from 1936
If January 1st of this year was on a Wednesday and it's a leap year, you win. Otherwise, draw a card then destroy this.
Re-Usable every so and so years!
Party Popper
Gain 100 Confetti tokens
Seek Wisdom in Thyself
Discard your hand. If you discard at least four cards, look at the top 10 cards of the draw pile and either put two of them into your hand and shuffle and replace the rest, or shuffle and replace them all and draw five cards.
Card by Binarius
Library of Binarius
When this enters play, draw until you have drawn 10 Things by Binarius and place them face up under this card; shuffle the rest into the draw pile. You may use the following ability for free when this enters play. Thing (global): Put a Thing under this into your control and return it at the start of your next turn. You may not borrow the same card two turns in a row.
Card by Binarius
Incantation of Protection
Play this onto target Thing. If attached Thing would be destroyed, it returns to its controller's hand instead.
Card by Binarius
Read The Runes
Action: Put the top card of the deck into the discard pile. If there are at least 5 Action cards in the discard pile, play the bottom-most one then remove it from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Phantom Memory
Treat this card at all times as a copy of the bottom-most Thing in the discard pile, except it counts as intangible and nonliving.
If the bottom-most Thing changes, so does this card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Dark Bargain
Put the bottom three cards of the discard pile into your hand, then discard a random card.
"I want them back. I don't care what it costs me."
Card by ChippyYYZ
Banish to the Past
Move up to three cards in the discard pile to the bottom of the pile.
Card by Binarius
Relic Destruction
Remove a card in the discard pile from the game.
Card by Binarius
Silence of the Ages
While there are cards in the draw pile, the discard pile may not be altered except by adding cards as they are discarded.
Card by Binarius
One of a Kind
One of a Kind
One of a Kind
Oracular Consultation
Action: Sacrifice a card to roll a die.
Opponents (1) each reveal a random card to you, or will not play (2) Actions or (3) Things during their next turn; target opponent (4) reveals their hand to you or (5) will not play anything during their next turn; or (6) look at the titles of the top four cards of the draw pile, put one into your hand, and replace the others in any order.
Card by Binarius
Angelic Blessing
When you play this, return an eliminated player to the game; they draw five cards. While they remain in the game, this card is indestructible and you may not be eliminated.
Card by Binarius
Void Prison
Put the top card of the discard pile face down onto target Thing. Those cards count as a single blank Thing. Its controller gains a Void token.
Card by Binarius
Put the top three cards of the deck into play under your control face-down in a stack. They count as a single Thing with the text "Action: Put this Thing into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Discard a random card. You control target player during their next turn (you see all cards that player could see and make all decisions for that player).
Card by ChippyYYZ
Hey Everybody, It's Christmas Time!
Each player rolls a die, creates a copy of card number 7713+X, where X is the number rolled, and puts that card into their hand. You roll two additional dice and create two additional cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ

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