Infinite Dvorak deck/Adiart Inhabitants
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The Infinite Dvorak Deck,
Adiart Inhabitants | |
Designer | JakeTheWolfie |
Date | 9/22/2019 and onward |
Players | 2+ |
This is a subpage of a larger deck. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
This is the Court of Adiart (As it currently stands)
King Cards
Good King
Thing - Blue Dragon
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Place a safeguard token on target thing. Destroy the safeguard token when target thing would get destroyed instead. You can only have 3 out at a time.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Corrupt King
Thing - Black Rose
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: View a card of 1 opponent who doesn't have an ally token, and give them an ally token.
ReAction: If all opponents have an ally token, destroy them
We are the Reformation
ReAction: If all opponents have an ally token, destroy them
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Devout King
Thing - Cultist
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Reaction: If a player uses an action, you may choose to cancel it, skipping an action next turn.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Neutral King
Thing - Neutral
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. ReAction: If you are eliminated, cancel the elimination, destroying this thing instead.
I simply wish to live
I simply wish to live
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Psycho King
Thing - Neutral
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Destroy opponent's target thing.
Action: Eliminate target opponent, and lose this action ability.
I simply wish for you to die
Action: Eliminate target opponent, and lose this action ability.
I simply wish for you to die
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Rando King
Thing - Unknown
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Randomly choose a king from the Adiart Inhabitants subdeck. This thing is now that king.
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Blue Dragon Cards
Thing - Blue Dragon
Reaction: When one of your things would get destroyed, put a Token of Delay on it. Whichever thing has that token will be destroyed at the end of your turn. You can only have one out at a time.
Action: Move the Token of Delay made by this card onto another thing you control.
For Adiart
Action: Move the Token of Delay made by this card onto another thing you control.
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Put a Token of Healing on one of your things. Destroy the Token instead of the thing if it gets destroyed.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Put a token of armor on this card. Action: Put this on one of your things, defending it. If the thing gets destroyed, destroy this card, or destroy the armor token, if there is one.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Put an opponent's thing under this one. That thing's action cannot be used.
Action: Along with the first action, you may choose to destroy the chosen card. You can only use this once.
For Adiart
Action: Along with the first action, you may choose to destroy the chosen card. You can only use this once.
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Play a 2nd facedown card under this. Action: Compare the Card Types of the facedown card with an opponent's card in hand. If they are the same, take the facedown card back into your hand and use the opponent's card as the facedown card.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Perform another Thing's action that you control twice.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: View a card's card type in an opponent's hand.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Place a Paladin token on an opponent's thing. If the opponent uses that thing's ability, destroy the token and the thing. You can only have 1 Paladin token out at a time.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Look at a card in an opponent's hand.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
ReAction: When a player makes an action, you may prevent them from doing this, unless you can't take any actions. If you do this, skip an action on your next turn.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Action: Perform an opponent's action from a thing they control. They cannot perform that action on their next turn.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
The first time this gets destroyed, if a Thing destroys this, destroy that thing. If an action destroys this, that player discards a thing. Flip this card over, and do not destroy it.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Court Wizard
Thing - Blue Dragon
ReAction: If anyone targets one of your things, you may redirect it to another thing you control.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Blue Dragon
Whenever someone draws any amount of cards, you may look at 1 of them.
For Adiart
For Adiart
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Black Rose Cards
Thing - Black Rose
You cannot play this if you control the Cult Leader. There can be at most 3 Black Rose people in your control. Action: Destroy Target Thing, and create the Black Rose Member from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, then gain control of it. 2 turn cooldown.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Mastermind from the Infinite Dvorak Deck when you play this, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. There can be at most 3 Black Rose Members in your control. Action: Destroy Target Thing.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Black Rose Member
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. ReAction: When a player makes an action, you may prevent them from doing this, unless you can't take any actions. If you do this, skip an action on your next turn.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Perform an opponent's action from a thing they control. They cannot perform that action on their next turn.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Destroy an opponent's thing if the Assassin failed to destroy it, bypassing any forms of protection.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Look at another opponent's card. If it not a thing, this action fails. Otherwise, you may read the text on the card to yourself.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. ReAction: When a Thing gets destroyed, you may remove it from the game, and discard one of your own cards instead.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Perform another Thing's action that you control twice.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. ReAction: If anyone targets one of your things, you may redirect it to another thing you control.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Whenever someone draws any amount of cards, you may look at 1 of them.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, destroy this card and create the Assassin. ReAction: If you use the Assassin's ability, you may choose it to become unstoppable. You can only use this twice.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Create or Move a Poacher Token onto an opponents thing. While it's there, target thing cannot be used. You can only control 2 of these tokens at a time.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Choose 2 cards in an opponents hand, and look at what their types are. If they match, you look at the rest of the card.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Action: Choose a card in an opponent's hand and look at it's type.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Black Rose
If you do not control the Assassin from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. Your hand size is now infinite, but will always be counted as if you had 1 card.
We are the Reformation
We are the Reformation
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Cultist Cards
Cult Leader
Thing - Cultist
If this card gets destroyed and there are any other Cultists things, destroy a Cultist thing. This cannot be played if you control the Mastermind Action: Destroy Target Living Intelligent Thing that is not a Cultist from an opponent. Create and Play the Cultist card from the Infinite Dvorak Deck. Takes two of your turns to recharge.
Mithras invites you with open arms
Mithras invites you with open arms
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader's ability takes 1 less turn to use.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains Action: Destroy a card
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains Action: Perform an action on another Thing's card.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains Action: Destoy a Cultist card, and Gain another Cultist card.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains
Action: Look at 3 hidden cards.
Praise Mithras
Action: Look at 3 hidden cards.
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it. While you control this, The Cult Leader no longer has a cooldown.
It's so.. Hideously Beautiful..
It's so.. Hideously Beautiful..
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains Action: Destroy 2 living intelligent things, and gain 2 Cultists from the IDD.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy this Thing. While you control this, The Cult Leader gains Action: Destroy 2 of your things that have red blood, or 1 Cultist thing to gain 1 Mithras Token. If you have 5 of these, turn the Cult Leader into Mithras from the IDD.
Praise Mithras
Praise Mithras
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Cultist
If you do not control the Cult Leader From the Infinite Dvorak Deck, Gain a copy of it and destroy an opponent's thing. Action: Create and place a Darkness token on an opponent's thing. After 3 turns, destroy Target thing and the token.
Praise Corax
Praise Corax
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Neutral Cards
Thing - Neutral
Action: Place a Walking Bomb Token onto Target Thing, or move an existing one to Target Thing. You can only do this once per turn.
Action: Destroy all things with Walking Bomb tokens on them.
Magic will take over this lousy castle.
Action: Destroy all things with Walking Bomb tokens on them.
Magic will take over this lousy castle.
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: Destroy Target thing and gain a Soul token.
Action: Do any of the following, destroying a Soul token for each: Gain an extra Turn, Draw an extra card, Skip Target player's turn.
Death Reaps His Rewards...
Action: Do any of the following, destroying a Soul token for each: Gain an extra Turn, Draw an extra card, Skip Target player's turn.
Death Reaps His Rewards...
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: Play or move a Possession Token on Target opponent's thing, then destroy another Target thing. You can only have 1 Possession Token out at a time.
Action: Use whatever has the Possession Token's action.
Why force people to do things, when you can do it.. yourself?
Action: Use whatever has the Possession Token's action.
Why force people to do things, when you can do it.. yourself?
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
ReAction: When a Player destroys one of your things, you may prevent them from doing so. If you've already this during the current round, you cannot do it again. Action: Destroy target thing. You can only do this twice.
I don't really mind who wins..
I don't really mind who wins..
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: Place a Stonewall token onto target thing. Anyone targeting it will fail, unless they are destroying it. Destroy it at the start of your next turn. You can't do this action on the same thing twice in a row.
For The Reformation, Mithras, and other destructive forces
For The Reformation, Mithras, and other destructive forces
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: If you don't already have one out, place a Stand Guard token on Target thing. Every time an action targets the thing with the SG token on it, gain 1 Money token. Destroy the SG token at the begining of your next turn.
For the Profits!
For the Profits!
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: Put a Framed token on opponent's Target thing.
If a thing with a Framed token gets targeted, gain a Mark token and destroy that Framed token. If you have 5 Mark tokens, you win.
It doesn't matter who, what, when, where, why, or how you are, I hate you.
If a thing with a Framed token gets targeted, gain a Mark token and destroy that Framed token. If you have 5 Mark tokens, you win.
It doesn't matter who, what, when, where, why, or how you are, I hate you.
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
When this comes into play, randomly choose 5 different opponent things, and put a Heathen Token on them. You win if all things with a Heathen Token are destroyed.
Action: Destroy Target thing. You can only use this once.
No one expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!
Action: Destroy Target thing. You can only use this once.
No one expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!
Card by JakeTheWolfie
Thing - Neutral
Action: Use Target opponent thing's action. The controller of it also gets to use it after you.
You must be crazy, not me.
You must be crazy, not me.
Card by JakeTheWolfie