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{{card|title=Chaos Device|type=Action|text=Destroy all of a random player's Things. That player discards their hand and draws five cards. If that player is you, draw a card and begin your turn.|creator=Binarius}}
{{card|title=Chaos Device|type=Action|text=Destroy all of a random player's Things. That player discards their hand and draws five cards. If that player is you, draw a card and begin your turn.|creator=Binarius}}
{{card|title=H4cked|type=Th1ng|text=Th15 c4rd 15 h4ck3d.|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=006|longtext=|flavortext=}}

<!-- {{card|title=|type=Thing|text=|creator=|bgcolor=006|longtext=|flavortext=}} -->
<!-- {{card|title=|type=Thing|text=|creator=|bgcolor=006|longtext=|flavortext=}} -->
<!-- {{card|title=|type=Action|text=|creator=|bgcolor=600|longtext=|flavortext=}} -->
<!-- {{card|title=|type=Action|text=|creator=|bgcolor=600|longtext=|flavortext=}} -->

Revision as of 19:37, 30 October 2019

The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000
Cards 2001-2100
Cards 2101-2200
Cards 2201-2300
Cards 2301-2400
Cards 2401-2500
Cards 2501-2600
Cards 2601-2700
Cards 2701-2800
Cards 2801-2900
Cards 2901-3000
Cards 3001-3100
Cards 3101-3200
Cards 3201-3300
Cards 3301-3400
Cards 3401-3500
Cards 3501-3600
Cards 3601-3700
Cards 3701-3800
Cards 3801-3900
Cards 3901-4000
Cards 4001-4100
Cards 4101-4200
Cards 4201-4300
Cards 4301-4400
Cards 4401-4500
Cards 4501-4600
Cards 4601-4700
Cards 4701-4800
Cards 4801-4900
Cards 4901-5000
Cards 5001-5100
Cards 5101-5200
Cards 5201-5300
Cards 5301-5400
Cards 5401-5500
Cards 5501-5600
Cards 5601-5700
Cards 5701-5800
Cards 5801-5900
Cards 5901-6000
Cards 6001-6100
Cards 6101-6200
Cards 6201-6300
Cards 6301-6400
Cards 6401-6500
Cards 6501-6600

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens usually have individual types (such as "Energy" or "Goblin"); if a token has a type, that's also considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set, Flavor set, Pokédex, Adiart Inhabitants.


These expansions add cards and/or rules to games using the Infinite Dvorak deck or its subsets:

Dvanguard set, Dvanguard booster pack, Shroud booster pack, Illusion booster pack, Up Your Sleeve booster pack, Swords booster pack, Vintage booster pack, ChippyYYZ booster pack, Ponies booster pack, Heavy Actions booster pack

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400, 2401-2500, 2501-2600, 2601-2700, 2701-2800, 2801-2900, 2901-3000, 3001-3100, 3101-3200, 3201-3300, 3301-3400, 3401-3500, 3501-3600, 3601-3700, 3701-3800, 3801-3900, 3901-4000, 4001-4100, 4101-4200, 4201-4300, 4301-4400, 4401-4500, 4501-4600, 4601-4700, 4701-4800, 4801-4900, 4901-5000, 5001-5100, 5101-5200, 5201-5300, 5301-5400, 5401-5500, 5501-5600, 5601-5700, 5701-5800, 5801-5900, 5901-6000, 6001-6100, 6101-6200, 6201-6300, 6301-6400, 6401-6500, 6501-6600, 6601-6700, 6701-6800, 6801-6900, 6901-7000.

You're a Lizard, Harry!
Everyone gains a Wizard or Lizard token, with their choice of each.
A wot
Alolan Sandslash
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Alolan Sandshrew to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Icicle Spear - Choose 5 of an opponent's Things. Flip a coin for each. For each Heads, destroy that thing. If this Pokémon is evolved and you flip less than 3 heads, destroy 1 more of those things.
It runs across snow-covered plains at high speeds. It developed thick, sharp claws to plow through the snow.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Poison Sting - Give an opponent a Poison token. Before their turn, players with Poison tokens flip a coin. If tails, they discard a card.
Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Nidoran♀ to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Captivate - Choose an opponent. Flip a coin. If heads, or if this Pokémon is evolved, that player chooses one Thing they control and puts it into your control.
It has a calm and caring nature. Because its horn grows slowly, it prefers not to fight.
Card by The T
No Vacancy
The total number of non-token Things in play may not exceed the number in play when this card comes into play (including this card). If a player would play a Thing in excess of this total, they must destroy one of their non-token Things first.
Card by Binarius
Bear Trap
You may only play this card on a turn during which you do not play an Action. Play this card face-down and destroy it when it is turned face-up. Destroy this card when an opponent plays a Thing. You gain control of that Thing.
Card by Binarius
Toilet Paper
Throw Toilet Paper onto target tangible Thing. Attached Thing's abilities may not be used. Action: Return attached Thing to your hand and destroy Toilet Paper.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Nidorina to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Earth Power - Choose an opponent. Discard cards from the deck until you discard cards of 2 types. For each card of the most type, that player discards that many. If this Pokémon is evolved, draw 1 discarded card.
Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Double Kick - Choose 2 cards in an opponent's hand (without looking). That player places those cards face down, out of play, and places them back in their hand at the end of the turn.
Its large ears are flapped like wings when it is listening to distant sounds. It extends toxic barbs when angered.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Nidoran♂ to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Poison Jab - Discard a card from an opponent's hand. Flip a coin. If heads or if this Pokémon is evolved, give them a Poison token. Before their turn, players with Poison tokens flip a coin. If tails, they discard a card.
It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact.
Card by The T
Postmodernist Sculpture
It's about 8 feet tall and made of some metal rectangles with curvy bits. You're not sure why, but regarding it contemplative­ly seems to make you feel more erudite, or percipient, or maybe just pretentious. Draw two cards.
Card by Binarius
Target opponent flips a coin. On tails, you may look at their hand and play their next turn for them.
Card by Binarius
Vow of Asceticism
You may only play this card if you control no Things. Discard all Things in your hand when you play this. You may take two Actions per turn, but you may not draw at the beginning of your turns and you may not play Things: immediately discard any that you draw.
Action: Draw a card.
Action: You may not be eliminated before your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Nidorino to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Megahorn - Choose an opponent. Discard a card from their hand (without looking). Then, they choose 2 cards in their hand and discard them. If this Pokémon is evolved, you choose all 3 instead (without looking).
It is recognized by its rock-hard hide and its extended horn. Be careful with the horn, as it contains venom.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Charm - Choose an opponent. While this Pokémon is in play, their hand size is reduced by 1. This can only affect each opponent once.
Many appear when the night skies are filled with shooting stars. They disappear with sunrise.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Cleffa to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Metronome - Reveal cards from the deck. Play the first Action or Thing's Action ability you find, then shuffle those into the deck. If this Pokémon is evolved, you may play another Action this turn (except this one).
It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon.
Card by The T
Thing - Advanced Class
Action: Return one of your non-token Things to your hand.
Action: Target Thing is indestructible until your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Falcon Knight
Thing - Master Class
If you do not use Falcon Knight's ability, any attempt to target it before your next turn has a 50% chance of failure. Action: Target opponent discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Unique Class
Activate an ability of one of your Things when you play Dancer. Action: Return Dancer to your hand.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Neutral
ReAction: When a Player destroys one of your things, you may prevent them from doing so. If you've already this during the current round, you cannot do it again. Action: Destroy target thing. You can only do this twice.
I don't really mind who wins..
Thing - Neutral
Action: Place a Walking Bomb Token onto Target Thing, or move an existing one to Target Thing. You can only do this once per turn.
Action: Destroy all things with Walking Bomb tokens on them.
Magic will take over this lousy castle.
Thing - Neutral
Action: Place a Stonewall token onto target thing. Anyone targeting it will fail, unless they are destroying it. Destroy it at the start of your next turn. You can't do this action on the same thing twice in a row.
For The Reformation, Mithras, and other destructive forces
Blue Spell
Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of the deck.
OR put an Action card from the discard pile into your hand.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may put target Thing on top of the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Green Spell
Look at the top 5 cards of the deck.
You may reveal any living Things from among them and put them into your hand, then discard the rest.
OR you may put a Thing from among them into play under your control, then shuffle the deck.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may destroy target nonliving Thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
White Spell
Put a Protection Token on target Thing. It can't be destroyed for as long as it has a Protection Token on it.
OR destroy target Thing. Its controller draws a card.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may have each opponent be unable to play Actions or use Action Abilities on their next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Jumbo Cactuar
Action - 10,000 Needles: Destroy Jumbo Cactuar and a random Thing belonging to each opponent.
Card by Binarius
Action: Target player gains a Fulcrum token. Action: Return one of your Things to your hand and destroy a Thing belonging to an opponent with a Fulcrum token. Action: If you have a Fulcrum token, destroy one of your non-token Things and return target Thing to its controller's hand.
"Give me a Lever long enough, and a Fulcrum on which to place it, and I will destroy a Thing even if it says it cannot be destroyed." — Archimedes/The T
Card by Binarius
Play a copy of the next Thing you play during this turn into target opponent's control.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Clefairy to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Moonlight - Draw up to your maximum hand size. If this Pokémon is evolved, you may play another Action this turn (except this one).
Some scientists believe that it gazes intently at the sky on nights with a full moon because it's homesick.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Will-O-Wisp - Place a Will-O-Wisp token on an opponent's Thing. When a Thing with a Will-O-Wisp token uses an Action ability, that player flips a coin. If tails, that Action instead has no effect.
From its mouth spew flames that seem to resemble the spirits of the deceased. Some people mistakenly think this fire is a ghost.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Vulpix to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Fire Spin - Choose an opponent. Roll a d3. That player cannot play Things for that number of turns. If this Pokémon is evolved, roll a d6 instead.
Legend has it that this mystical Pokémon was formed when nine saints coalesced into one.
Card by The T
Thing - Neutral
Action: If you don't already have one out, place a Stand Guard token on Target thing. Every time an action targets the thing with the SG token on it, gain 1 Money token. Destroy the SG token at the begining of your next turn.
For the Profits!
Thing - Neutral
Action: Destroy Target thing and gain a Soul token.
Action: Do any of the following, destroying a Soul token for each: Gain an extra Turn, Draw an extra card, Skip Target player's turn.
Death Reaps His Rewards...
Thing - Neutral
Action: Put a Framed token on opponent's Target thing.
If a thing with a Framed token gets targeted, gain a Mark token and destroy that Framed token. If you have 5 Mark tokens, you win.
It doesn't matter who, what, when, where, why, or how you are, I hate you.
Name Brand T-Shirt
Gain a Prestige token and either destroy 2 Money tokens or discard 2 cards when you gain control of this.
Card by Binarius
Train Bento
Thing - Food
A braised pork cutlet and three vegetable sides on a bed of rice - a healthy way to get through the day. Draw a card when you play this. You may play an Action card when this is destroyed.
Card by Binarius
Scroll of Reflection
Until your next turn, when any of your Things would be targeted by an opponent's Thing, you apply the effect to that Thing instead, and when any of your Things would be targeted by an opponent's Action, you apply the effect to one of that opponent's Things instead.
Card by Binarius
Alolan Vulpix
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Frost Breath - Choose an opponent. They can only play 1 Action or Thing next turn, instead of both.
It exhales air colder than -58 degrees Fahrenheit. Elderly people in Alola call this Pokémon by an older name—Keokeo.
Card by The T
Alolan Ninetales
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Alolan Vulpix to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Dazzling Gleam - All opponents discard a card from their hands. If this Pokémon is evolved, take 1 of those cards into your hand.
The reason it guides people all the way down to the mountain's base is that it wants them to hurry up and leave.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Charm - Choose an opponent. While this Pokémon is in play, their hand size is reduced by 1. This can only affect each opponent once.
It moves by bouncing along. As it moves a lot, it sweats, and its body gives off a sweet aroma.
Card by The T
Thing - Neutral
When this comes into play, randomly choose 5 different opponent things, and put a Heathen Token on them. You win if all things with a Heathen Token are destroyed.
Action: Destroy Target thing. You can only use this once.
No one expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!
Thing - Neutral
Action: Play or move a Possession Token on Target opponent's thing, then destroy another Target thing. You can only have 1 Possession Token out at a time.
Action: Use whatever has the Possession Token's action.
Why force people to do things, when you can do it.. yourself?
Thing - Neutral
Action: Use Target opponent thing's action. The controller of it also gets to use it after you.
You must be crazy, not me.
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Igglybuff to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Sing - Each opponent flips a coin. If tails, they skip their next turn. If this Pokémon is evolved, choose one of those players and take one card from their hand (without looking).
Recordings of Jigglypuff's strange lullabies can be purchased from department stores. These CDs can be found near the bedding area.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Jigglypuff to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Play Rough - Choose an opponent. Flip a coin. If heads, discard a card from their hand (without looking). If tails, they choose a card in their hand and put it in your hand. If this Pokémon is evolved, you choose the result instead of flipping.
Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Confuse Ray - Choose an opponent. On their next turn, the first time they choose to play a card, you choose a card from their hand (without looking) for them to play.
It does not need eyes, because it emits ultrasonic waves to check its surroundings while it flies.
Card by The T
When this comes into play, put a Magnet token on target thing. Action: Put a Magent token on target thing.
Anyone who has a thing with a Magnet token can use the ability of this thing, or another thing with a Magnet token.
Very Attractive
Entrance Hall
Thing - Room
You may use any actions found on any other Room Things.
Thing - Room
Action: Gain a Food Token.
Black Spell
Destroy target living Thing.
OR look at target opponent's hand. They discard a card of your choice.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may put a Thing card from the discard pile into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Red Spell
Discard your hand and draw that many cards.
OR take control of target Thing until the end of your turn. You may use an Action Ability of that Thing this turn without spending an Action.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may destroy target tangible Thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Each opponent draws three cards and gives you two of them.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Throne Room
Thing - Room
Action: Gain a Crown Token.
Action: Put a Crown Token on a thing you own. It's action will always be able to be performed.
Furnace Room
Thing - Room
Action: Destroy Target token.
Portal Room
Thing - Room
When this is played, create a copy of this card and play it on an opponent, ignoring the 1st sentence. Anyone with Portal Room may use the thing's actions owned by anyone else with Portal Room.
Lesser Scroll of Reflection
Until your next turn, when any of your Things would be targeted by an opponent's Thing, you apply the effect to that Thing instead.
Card by Binarius
Meditation Retreat
Your hand size is unlimited. If you play a card, destroy this.
Card by Binarius
Target player must reveal their hand and discard all of their Actions.
Card by Binarius
Technically not Elimination
Target opponent skips their next 1000 turns. This gets destroyed after this effect is complete
Grande Staircase
Thing - Room
Action (Global): If a [Your Name] Token isn't on this card, you may place it on this card and draw a card.
Action: (Global): If a token of [Your Name] is on this card, destroy an opponent's token that's on this card. They discard a card.
Run up the stairs, just to get pushed back down..
Coal Chute
Thing - Room
Action (Global): Discard 2 cards, and Create a Room Thing, that is consentually not overpowered. Shuffle it into the top 10 cards in the deck.
Sacrificial Lamb
When more than one of your Things would be destroyed, you may choose to destroy Sacrificial Lamb instead.
Card by Binarius
Damn Autocorrect
Replace all forms of the following terms on target card.
  • Action: Anyone
  • card: care
  • destroy: feast
  • discard: discuss
  • draw: dear
  • opponent: opening
  • player: platter
  • Thing: Time
Card by Binarius
Quick Study
Put two copies of the most recently played Action card into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Film Room
Thing - Room
Action: Use Target opponent's thing's action on target thing that you own.
Ritual Room
Thing - Room
Action: Destroy 10 of your Living things to gain a copy of Mithras from the Infinite Dvorak Deck, as well as destroying this thing and gaining a copy of Pentagram Chamber from the IDD
Pentagram Chamber
Thing - Room
Anything evil (besides this thing) cannot be destroyed.
Look at target opponent's hand. You may discard two cards to take a card from their hand and put it in your hand. You may destroy a Thing you control to take control of one of that player's Things.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Whenever you would draw a card, if the top card of the discard pile is a Thing, draw that Thing instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Trash Confluence
Until your next turn, whenever a card would be put into the discard pile except from your hand, put it into your hand instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Trash Field
Thing - Room
Action: Take an action from the discard pile.
Thing - Room
Action: Take a weapon from the discard pile.
Animation Studio
Thing - Room
Action: Gain 1 Inspiration Token. Action: Destroy 100 Inspiration tokens to gain an unholy amount of Money tokens, and win the game.
Long Walk
If you have not played a Thing this turn, draw 3 cards and end your turn.
Card by Binarius
Knee-Deep Mud
Target opponent may not play an Action during their next turn.
Card by Binarius
Not Exactly Destruction Per Se
Move target Thing to the top of the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
I can't believe it's not Discarding!
Place an opponent's card in hand faceup onto the discard pile.
Death's Casino
Thing - Room
Action (Global): Create an Action labeled "[Player Name] Lost the Gamble" with the text "[Player Name] is eliminated, unless they play this themselves." Then shuffle it into the deck.
The lucky numbers are.. 6.. 6.. 6.. 7.. 7.. 7!
CounterAttack of Jake
Action - Counter
Play this only if someone plays a card by JakeTheWolfie. That player is eliminated
Imagine if JTW got screwed by this
Take a Thing from an opponent. Give a Thing you control to an opponent. Exchange the positions of two Things you control. Rotate a Thing you control 90˚ clockwise.
Card by Binarius
Penalize the player who most recently destroyed an opponent's Thing by looking at their hand and taking two cards: one for the destroyed Thing's controller, and one for you. Instead of playing an Action during their next turn, the offender may draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Riposte of Binarius
Play immediately in response when an opponent plays a card by Binarius. Draw five cards and immediately play any cards by Binarius that you draw. If you play five cards in this way, you win.
Card by Binarius
Whenever an opponent would destroy one of your things, destroy this one and one of theirs instead.
Chain Reaction
Action - Chain
Anyone else with a chain reaction must play theirs. Anyone who plays Chain Reaction copies this card and, along with all of the just played chain reactions, shuffles them into the deck.
Just yanking your chain
Jack in the glocks
At the beginning of each of your turns, choose a random number up to 13. If there are more tokens on this card then that number, destroy this card and all of it's tokens. You are eliminated. Otherwise, place a time token on this card. Action: Give an opponent control of this and everything on it.
Risk Premium
Discard two cards. If you do, flip a coin: on heads, draw five cards.
Card by Binarius
Discard two cards. If you do, draw four cards and discard three of them.
Card by Binarius
Heh...no, though.
Play immediately in response to an opponent's Action to negate its effects on you. Discard any number of cards and draw an equal number.
Card by Binarius
Single Pool of Creativity
If all cards in play (except this one) are created by the same person, you win.
Ink Machine
Action: Gain an Ink Token.
Action: Destroy 5 Ink Tokens to play a copy of a thing in play that wasn't created as a result of this action.
Fluctuating Room
Thing - Room
At the beginning of your turn, this card counts as another randomly chosen room type thing in the Infinite Dvorak deck.
The Action Cycle
Shuffle the most recently discarded Action into the draw pile and play an Action from your hand, then draw cards until you draw an Action and keep it, discarding the rest.
Card by Binarius
The Reverse Action Cycle
Shuffle an Action from your hand into the draw pile and put the most recently discarded Action into your hand, then draw cards until you draw an Action and discard it along with the rest.
Card by Binarius
Of Futures Past
This card counts as a copy of the 10,000th card in the Infinite Dvorak Deck archive.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Zubat to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Leech Life - Take a card from an opponent's hand (without looking) and put it in your hand. If this Pokémon is evolved, take 2 instead.
Sometimes they drink so much blood, they can't fly anymore. Then they fall to the ground and become food for other Pokémon.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Zubat to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Air Slash - Choose an opponent. They discard a card from their hand. Flip a coin. If (at least one is) heads, skip their next turn. If this Pokémon is evolved, flip 2 coins instead.
It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Sweet Scent - Until the start of your next turn, you can not be affected by opponent's actions.
During the day, it stays in the cold underground to avoid the sun. It grows by bathing in moonlight.
Card by The T
Near 0 odds
Before play, players should draw until 3 things were drawn. If those 3 things are in play while this is in play, you win.
Actual Garbage
When this enters play, throw it in the garbage and use another piece of garbage as it's placeholder.
Free Tacos
Everyone gains a taco token with the text "Every turn, gain a taco token"
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Oddish to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Sleep Powder - Place an opponent's Thing face down. It is considered blank. That player may use an Action to flip a coin. If heads, flip it back. If this Pokémon is evolved, they must wait 2 turns to use that Action.
It secretes a sticky, drool-like honey. Although sweet, it smells too repulsive to get very close.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Gloom to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Solar Beam - Create a Solar Beam token. Or: (if this Pokémon is evolved, and:) Destroy a Sun, Energy, or Solar Beam token in order to destroy a Thing. If you control a Solar Beam token for one full turn, destroy it.
Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Gloom to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: Petal Dance - Discard a card from an opponent's hand. For your next 2 turns, you cannot play cards and may only use this Action. If this Pokémon is evolved, once during these 3 turns, you may draw 1 of these discarded cards.
When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open.
Card by The T
Destroy 4 of your sun/money tokens, interchangeable, when this is played. Action: Put a pea token on opponent's target thing. If it has 3 Pea tokens on it, destroy it.
How can a single plant grow and shoot so many peas so quickly? Peashooter says, "Hard work, commitment, and a healthy, well-balanced breakfast of sunlight and high-fiber carbon dioxide make it all possible."
Each turn, gain a money token.
Sunflower can't resist bouncing to the beat. Which beat is that? Why, the life-giving jazzy rhythm of the Earth itself, thumping at a frequency only Sunflower can hear.
Cherry Bomb
Destroy 6 of your sun/money tokens, interchangeable, to destroy target thing, and the 2 closest things to it.
"I wanna explode," says Cherry #1. "No, let's detonate instead!" says his brother, Cherry #2. After intense consultation they agree to explodonate.
Sushi Express
Draw one card per player and place them face-up in a circle around the draw pile as the Conveyor Belt. Rotate the Con­veyor Belt clockwise after your turn. When a player would draw a card, they may instead take the closest card on the Con­veyor Belt and replace it with the top card of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Snorkel Mask
Action: Look at the top two cards of the draw pile. You may swap their positions if you wish.
Card by Binarius
Stellar Observatory
Unravel the mysteries of the cosmos! Action: Roll a die. If you roll the cornervalue or under, add 1 to the cornervalue and draw cards/gain Money tokens as follows. You've discovered a:

1-2. Star: Gain a blank card of type "Thing - Star". You may name it.
3. Gamma Ray Burst: 1 card, 2 Money
4. Supernova: 2 cards, 3 Money
5. Event Horizon: 3 cards, 5 Money

6. Inhabited Planet: 3 cards, 10 Money
Card by Binarius
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Stun Spore - Each opponent flips a coin. If tails, they skip their next turn.
Burrows under the ground to gnaw on tree roots. The mushrooms on its back absorb most of the nutrition.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
You may play this card onto Paras to evolve it. If you do, it can use text from its prior evolutions.
Action: X-Scissor - Choose an opponent. Discard a card from their hand (without looking). If this Pokémon is evolved, discard 2 cards instead.
The bug is mostly dead, with the mushroom on its back having become the main body. If the mushroom comes off, the bug stops moving.
Card by The T
Thing - Pokémon
Action: Confusion - Choose 2 opponents. They exchange their hands.
Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats bugs. It is attracted by light at night.
Card by The T
Laundry Room
Thing - Room
Action: Shuffle a Thing in the top 10 cards of the discard pile into the top 10 cards of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Starting with you and proceeding in order, every player may take a card from target opponent's hand.
Card by Binarius
Tales from the 12th Millennium!
Draw cards until you draw a card indexed between 11,001 and 12,000 in the Infinite Dvorak Deck archive. Shuffle the other cards you drew back into the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
E=em see squared
Destroy target thing. If anyone objects, just give them a bad reason why.
Unholy Summoning
Create 1000 money tokens.
Sorry, some people just complained about making life easier.
Good King
Thing - Blue Dragon
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Place a safeguard token on target thing. Destroy the safeguard token when target thing would get destroyed instead. You can only have 3 out at a time.
For Adiart
Little Aches and Pains
Play this card into target opponent's control. You may not play both an Action and a Thing if you did so during your last turn.
Card by Binarius
You may not draw at the beginning of your turns. Your other non-token Things are indestructible.
Card by Binarius
Lash Out
If you control at most one Thing, destroy up to two Things belonging to an opponent who controls three or more.
Card by Binarius
Button Crashing
Draw 3 cards and play them in order, then discard your hand.
Stupid lousy cheap third party controller.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Tempest Shadow
Thing - Pony
Whenever you play an Action, you may discard a random card to destroy target Thing.
Whenever another Pony is put into the discard pile from anywhere, draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Big Macintosh
Thing - Pony
At the beginning of your turn, you get an Apple Token. You may play an additional Thing each turn by spending 1 Apple Token for each word in its title.
Action: Look at the top card of the deck. You may spend an Apple Token for each word in its title to reveal it and put it into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Play this on a living thing. While target thing has this, it's action cannot be prevented.
The Crown of Only the msot powerful Kings and Queens.
Action (Global): Discard any number of your cards. Then randomly choose a number between 1 and 20. If you discarded more cards than that number, destroy this and draw the number of cards you discarded +5 extra cards.
Jake of Hearts
Action: Bring a thing in the discard pile into an opponent's possession.
Return target Thing to its controller's hand. If an opponent controlled that Thing, return the topmost Action card of the discard pile into your hand. Otherwise, return any Action card in the discard pile into your hand.
Let's go over this one more time.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Bring The Fire
Shuffle all other Action cards in the discard pile into the deck, then reveal the top 5 cards of the deck and put all Action cards revealed this way into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Power Overwhelming
During your turn, you may reveal three Action cards from your hand. If you do, this card's text becomes "You may play an additional Action card on your turn." until it leaves play.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Damned Monkey!
Turn all things in play upside-down, shuffle them into a new pile, and deal out one to everyone, destroying the rest.
Comic Book
While you control this, you gain 2 more actions per turn.
Serial Killer
When you draw this, play it under no one's control immediately. At the start of each person's turn, destroy a random thing owned by anyone.
Second Sleep
Once per round, during an opponent's turn, draw a card and discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Every player draws a card,
OR every player discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Monopoly Banker
Whenever a card instructs an opponent to draw a card, you instead draw and then give them a card. Whenever a card instructs an opponent to discard a card, they instead give you a card and then you discard.
Card by Binarius
Anything involving magic will be nullified while this exists.
Destroy Target thing that you own.
Role Reversal
Turn target thing, with 1 action ability, into an action card, with said action, and shuffle it into the top 10 cards of the deck. Alternatively, turn a discarded action into a Thing with that action ability, shuffling it into the top 10 cards of the deck.
First Aid Kit
This comes into play with three Bandage tokens. When a non-token Thing would be destroyed, you may destroy a Bandage token to return it to its controller's hand instead.
Card by Binarius
Box Attack
Target Thing's controller destroys either it or two other Things they control.
Card by Binarius
Runoff Filter
When an opponent discards at the end of their turn due to their hand size limit, you may exchange a discarded card with a card from your hand.
Card by Binarius
Sudden Death
Discard the entire deck, and all hands, and destroy all things. The current discard pile does not exist anymore. Every player creates an Action titled "[Your Name] Loses" with the text "[Your name} is eliminated from the game." Shuffle these together and give each player one. Continue play.
Corrupt King
Thing - Black Rose
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: View a card of 1 opponent who doesn't have an ally token, and give them an ally token.
ReAction: If all opponents have an ally token, destroy them
We are the Reformation
Devout King
Thing - Cultist
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Reaction: If a player uses an action, you may choose to cancel it, skipping an action next turn.
Praise Mithras
The Violence Inherent in the System
Destroy a Thing belonging to an opponent with fewer Things than you.
Card by Binarius
Create six Crate tokens with "Action: Destroy this and draw a card." You gain one, and each of the others falls into a random player's control.
Card by Binarius
Cursed Bone Die
Thing - Evil
When you play this, discard up to 6 Actions to imbue the die with their powers, overwriting the following results in ascending numerical order:

1. Eliminate a random player.
2. Destroy one of your Things.
3. Draw 3 cards.
4. Destroy an opponent's Thing.
5. Discard your hand.
6. Lose a turn.

Action: Roll. The die is indestructible until your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Neutral King
Thing - Neutral
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. ReAction: If you are eliminated, cancel the elimination, destroying this thing instead.
I simply wish to live
Psycho King
Thing - Neutral
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Destroy opponent's target thing.
Action: Eliminate target opponent, and lose this action ability.
I simply wish for you to die
Rando King
Thing - Unknown
You cannot control more than 1 king at a time, even if forced to. Action: Randomly choose a king from the Adiart Inhabitants subdeck. This thing is now that king.
Power Underwhelming
Once during your turn, if you did not do so during your previous turn, you may reveal three Action cards from your hand. If you do, you may draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Middle Ground
Draw four cards. You discard one, then a chosen opponent selects another to discard. Put one of the remaining two into your hand and give the other to the opponent.
Card by Binarius
Town Crier Auditions
When playing a card, a player must read it in a loud voice after proclaiming, "Hear ye, hear ye!"
Card by Binarius
Secret Winner, decided long in advance
Everyone writes down one opponent's name, a vote, on a new card, a vote card, and sets it aside. You may at no time reveal your votes. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the game wins with any other winners/losers. This superceeds any other losing.
Action (Global): Vote on your vote card.
Secret Loser, decided long in advance
Everyone writes down one opponent's name, a vote, on a new card, a vote card, and sets it aside. You may at no time reveal your votes. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the game loses with any other winners/losers. This superceeds any other winning.
Action (Global): Vote on your vote card.
Tango with the Reaper
Choose any player to flip a coin. On heads, target player wins the game, and play continues. On tails, target player is eliminated, and play continues.
It takes two to tango..
Color Commentator
Action: Add flavortext to target Thing.
If you have at least 3 Things with flavortext, Action: Target opponent discards a card.
If you have at least 5, Action: Destroy target Thing.
If you have at least 8, Action: Eliminate target opponent with no Things with flavortext.
What a dull way to go.
Card by Binarius
Seize the Initiative
Whenever a player plays a card, another player may interrupt their turn and begin their own by revealing a card from their hand whose title contains all of the initials of the first card's title (with multiplicity). They must play that card during their turn.
Card by Binarius
Final Redoubt
If a player has only one Thing in play (besides this one), it is indestructible.
Card by Binarius
Kafka Trap
Play this on target thing. Target thing cannot perform action abilities while this is atop it.
That's what a [] would say!
Grab Bag of Rags
Gain 5 rag tokens, each with the text of "You discard a card/destroy a thing that you control at the end of each turn.
Action: Give player this rag token. They cannot give it back to you directly."
Instead of playing this, give this to another player's hand, adding an X to it. You cannot discard this, and your hand shrinks for every X on this card, including these two.
I could add another 23rd letter here, but that would be malicious...
XOR Swap
Exchange a Thing in your hand with a Thing in play.
Card by Binarius
Boundless Magnanimity
Play a Thing into an opponent's control, draw a card, and gain a Prestige token. Until the end of your next turn, any player may recover this card from the discard pile during their turn and play it as their Action.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Aura
This comes into play with a Thorn token. Whenever an opponent destroys one of your Things or causes you to discard a card, they must discard a card or destroy one of their Things for each of your Thorn tokens. Action: If you have 5 cards in your hand, discard one and gain a Thorn token.
The might of your blows shall be felt a hundredfold unto you!
Card by Binarius
Poisonous Gas
Thing - Aura
This comes into play with a Poison Gas Token. Whenever an opponent would interract with one of your things, you may destroy any number of Poison Gas tokens to destroy an equal amount of their things. Action: If you have 5 cards in your hand, discard one plant thing or 3 cards and gain a Poison Gas token
Do I smell... death?
"Showering" Room
Thing - Room
Action: Place an opponent's living thing under this one. After 3 of your turns, destroy it.
The Screams are all in your mind.
Thing - Plant
This thing prevents anyone from interracting with your things, aside from this one.
Ew, Kale.
Big Brouhaha
Destroy any number of your non-token Things. Every opponent must discard the same number of cards; those who cannot must discard their hand and skip their next turn.
Card by Binarius
The Crow
Send any number of cards from your hand and Things you control to the bottom of the discard pile. Take the same number of cards from the top of the discard pile (excluding this one), shuffle them, put them on top of the draw pile, and draw a card. Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may draw another card. You may discard a card to return this card to your hand.
Card by Binarius
Bottled Actuator
When this card is destroyed, recover the most recently discarded Action and play it immediately.
Card by Binarius
mods r asleep go buck wild
If there are no Things in play by Bucky or Kevan, you may draw a card and discard a card once during your turn. If you discard a card by Bucky or Kevan or if any player plays one, remove this card from the game and skip your next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Play the topmost Action card by Bucky or Binarius in the discard pile.
Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may play the topmost Action card by ChippyYYZ in the discard pile.
"Good artists imitate. Great artists steal." -ChippyYYZ
Card by ChippyYYZ
Protection Racket
Things by JakeTheWolfie can't be destroyed except by cards by JakeTheWolfie.
If a Thing you control would be destroyed, you may put Protection Racket in the discard pile instead. If you do, you may draw a card, and you may gain control of target Thing by JakeTheWolfie
The Mafia looks out for its own.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Discard a random card to view an opponent's hand and choose a card for them to discard.
Card by Binarius
Happy to Help
During their turn, an opponent may reveal their hand to you and request an Action or a Thing if they have none. You may give them a card of the requested type and draw two cards. If you do not, both of you draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Etaoin Shrdlu
Destroy a Thing whose ruletext contains every letter in this card's title and play another such Thing into any player's control. If you played it into the control of the same person whose original Thing was destroyed, draw a card for each word in its title.
Card by Binarius
This thing is Indestructible, as most Legends are.
Action: Cross out a word on target opponent's thing.
Gain another turn after this one
When Manifestation enters play, you may reveal a Thing card from your hand. If you do, keep that card revealed while Manifestation is in play, and Manifestation becomes a copy of that card and gains "Opponents' cards can't destroy this card."
When you aren't revealing a card in your hand with this card's name, put this card in the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
South Park Attack
Destroy target Thing that has a subtype.
The only correct stance on any issue is to not have one.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Cavalry's Here
Each other player may discard a card. Randomly select X cards from the Ponies booster pack, where X is 2 plus the number of players who discarded a card this way. Randomly distribute two of those cards to your hand, and one to each player who discarded a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
When this enters play, create and gain control of a copy of this card.Action:For every 2 of this card that you have, create and gain control of a copy of this card.
Retraining Room
Thing - Room
Action: Destroy 3 living Intelligent things that you control to gain control of a copy of The Mastermind from Adiart Inhabitants
Jack of All Trades
Action: Use the action ability of opponent's target thing, given that you haven't used it before with this ability.
Air Out
Target player reveals their hand. They may discard a card and draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Flight of the Toasters
Mechanical, flying, and bread-related Things are indestructible until the end of your turn. For each one, destroy a Thing.
Card by Binarius
Voracious Shadow
You must play this card as soon as you draw it. It is indestructible until you gain control of another Thing. Shuffle it into the draw pile if it would be destroyed. If the Thing you most recently gained control of is destroyed, play this card into an opponent's control and discard a card. If you cannot, you are eliminated.
Patience, patience. All creatures tire.
Card by Binarius
No Discarding
Whenever anyone would discard any cards, the instead put the discarded card at the bottom of the deck.
False Prophet
Before someone draws any amount of cards, you may guess the type of one of them. If you are correct, you take the drawn card. If not, give them one of your cards along with this thing.
Food Fight
Gain 5 Food tokens, each with the text "Action: Give an opponent this token. They skip a turn."
Faulty Actuator
Action: Flip a coin. On heads, discard an Action card from your hand to recover the next most recently discarded Action and play it immediately. On tails, return this card to your hand.
Card by Binarius
When this comes into play, choose an ability of a Thing in play. That ability is considered removed from its original Thing and appended to Usurper's ruletext instead.
Card by Binarius
Misère Dvorak
If a player is eliminated, count that player among the winners of the game. If a player wins, count them among the losers.
Card by Binarius
Everyone's a Winner!
Everyone loses the game. If you do not play this your next turn, you lose the game.
You misspelled "Loser"
Actionable thing
When this enters play, draw 2 cards, then destroy this.
Thingable Action
Add this action's text to a thing you control as an action ability.
Broken Actuator
Action: Discard an Action card from your hand. Recover the most recently discarded Action and play it immediately.
Card by Binarius
Path of Asceticism
A player who controls no Things besides this one is an Ascetic. Ascetics may not be eliminated, and non-Ascetics may not win. If you are an Ascetic, you may prevent this card's destruction by revealing that your hand contains no Things. When the game ends, all Ascetics win.
Card by Binarius
During their turn, a player may reveal any number of cards from their hand, allow their opponents to take any that they wish, and discard the rest.
Card by Binarius
The Fucking Sun
When you obtain this, destroy all of your things. Destroy any things you obtain while you have this.
Bucket of Water
You are immune to the effects of anything related to fire.
Bucket of Fire
You are immune to the effects of anything related to water.
Bucket of Earth
You are immune to the effects of anything related to air.
Card by Binarius
Bucket of Air
You are immune to the effects of anything related to earth.
The classical element, not the planet. Dirt, rocks, terrain, etc.
Card by Binarius
You must play this card as soon as you draw it, but you may play an additional Action this turn. Destroy a random tangible Thing.
Card by Binarius
Salted Earth
Play Salted Earth into any player's control.
When you draw more than one card at a time, put all but one of those cards face-down underneath Salted Earth, and if Salted Earth has at least 4 cards under it, put those cards and Salted Earth in the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Winds of Change
Target player shuffles their hand into their deck, then draws that many cards minus one.
Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may have a different target player shuffle their hand into their deck and draw that many cards minus one.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Collossal Whale
When Collossal Whale enters play, all other Things become Inside The Whale (They're still in play, and control of those Things does not change).
For the purposes of Things Inside The Whale, Things not Inside The Whale don't exist.
For the purposes of Things not Inside The Whale, Things Inside The Whale don't exist.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Bolide Impact
Action (Fire/Earth)
You must play this card as soon as you draw it, but you may play an additional Action this turn. The next player in turn order discards their hand.
"That was close!"
"...Well, some might argue that it was too close."
Card by Binarius
Aurora Borealis
Action/Reaction (Fire/Air)
Destroy a combustible Thing,
OR play immediately in response when an opponent would force you to discard or reveal any cards from your hand to prevent the effect.
At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!
Card by Binarius
Thing (Air/Water)
When the previous player in turn order plays a Thing, you may immediately play a Thing in response.
Card by Binarius
Keep the Best, discard the rest.
Everyone chooses 1 card in their possession to keep. Discard and destroy the rest, as applicable.
Action: Gain a token with the title of Opponent's target thing. If you have 3 of these tokens, create and cain control of a copy of that thing.
The Basic Building blocks of life
Action: Destroy Target opponent's thing, provided that it would be smaller than an adult elephant.
Path of Self-Denial
A player may Fast by abstaining from drawing cards since (and including) the beginning of their most recent turn. Fasting players may not be eliminated, and non-Fasting players may not win. If you are Fasting, you may prevent this card's destruction instead of breaking your Fast during your next turn. When the game ends, all Fasting players win.
Card by Binarius
If You Say So
Discard 2 cards.
Card by Binarius
Spectral Avatar
Play this card onto a Thing you control; attached Thing is considered blank. When this card enters play, you may a reveal a living Thing from your hand. If you do, this card becomes a copy of that card, minus its abilities, and gains "Opponents' cards can't destroy this card. When you aren't revealing a card from your hand with this card's name, put this card in the discard pile."
Card by Binarius
Rain Out
Each player returns a Thing they control to their hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
If an opponent has more cards in their hand than you, draw a card. If an opponent controls more non-Token Things than you, you may put a Thing from your hand into play. If there are more creators among an opponent's Things than among yours, return this card to your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Play Stonewall into any player's control. Stonewall enters play with 3 Brick Tokens on it.
You may not play Things while there are any Brick Tokens on Stonewall.
Action or Thing: Remove a Brick Token on Stonewall from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Delayed Activation
Play a Thing into any player's control. Its ruletext is considered blank until the beginning of its controller's next turn.
Card by Binarius
Museum-Quality Scale Model Card Table
When this comes into play, gain tokens with the names of all other non-token Things in play and arrange them on this card around a Draw Pile token and a Discard Pile token.
Card by Binarius
Lonely in a Crowd
Target opponent may not play a Thing during their next turn.
Card by Binarius
Dark Avenger
Thing - Dark Elf
Whenever a Thing you control is destroyed, put it underneath Dark Avenger. Action: Use an Action ability of a card underneath Dark Avenger, then put that card in the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Thing - Dark Elf
Action or Thing: Look at target opponent's hand. They choose a card in their hand, and if it's an Action they choose any targets necessary for it. During their next turn they must play that card with the chosen targets if able.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Thing - Dark Elf
Action: Target opponent reveals a card from their hand if they have at least 3 cards in their hand. The first time they would play a card on their next turn, they instead reveal a random card from their hand. If it has the same title as the first revealed card, they discard it. Otherwise, they play that card if able.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Gesture of Deference
Choose a creator when this comes into your control. When an opponent plays a card by that creator, they must draw a card and give you a card. When you play a card by that creator, every opponent must draw a card and give you a card.
Card by Binarius
Shuffle the discard pile and put it face down on top of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Hidden in the Source Code
This card's ability is unusable and cannot be activated by anyone. Action: Discard five cards and win the game.
Card by Binarius
Savor The Moment
Whenever you play an Action while you have no more than one other card in your hand, return that Action from the discard pile to your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Move all Things you control, all cards in your hand, and this card Up Your Sleeve.
Turn: If this card is Up Your Sleeve, put it in the discard pile and play any number of cards from Up Your Sleeve, then put all cards from Up Your Sleeve into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Look at target opponent's hand. They discard a Thing card of your choice.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Ichor Sticker
Action: Place an Ichor token on Target thing. If that thing is attempted to get destroyed, it will be successful.
Action: Place a Cursed Flame token on Target thing. If that thing is targeted, destroy it.
Release The Hypnodrones
All things fall under your control.
Program: Make paperclips
T-Shirt Cannon
Action: Give a card in your hand to an opponent or play a Thing into an opponent's control.
Card by Binarius
My Two Cents
When you play a Thing whose ruletext contains the name of a token type, you may play this card immediately along with it, choosing a token type in its ruletext when you do. This counts as two tokens of the chosen type.
Card by Binarius
Condolence Card
Destroy an opponent's Thing and give them a card from your hand.
Card by Binarius
Fractal Divider
Action: Choose target thing and flip 1 coin(s). If none are tails, destroy that Thing. If that Thing is destroyed this way, increase the number of coins this ability flips by 1.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Sponsorship Deal
When Sponsorship Deal enters play, choose a creator. At the beginning of your turn you may reveal a card by that creator from your hand to gain 2 Money Tokens.
This turn made possible by Cards By Kevan®
Card by ChippyYYZ
"He Can't Keep Getting Away With It!"
Return this card to your hand, then discard a random card.
If you have played this card this game, destroy a random Thing you control.
If you have played this card three other times this game, you win the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Cerulean Spell
Take a Thing from an opponent and give them a Thing from your hand.
OR you may prevent the destruction of one of your Things before your next turn.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may put a living Thing in the discard pile into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Scarlet Spell
Put a Fire token with "Destroy attached Thing at the end of your turn" onto target Thing.
OR draw a card for every Thing you destroyed during your last turn, up to 5.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may force target opponent to discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Freshen Up
Discard any number of cards from your hand. Count the same number of cards from the top of the draw pile and shuffle the cards you discarded into them. Then draw the same number of cards.
Card by Binarius
Paperclip AI
At the beginging of everyone's turn, the controller of this destroys target thing and gains 5 Paperclip tokens.
Destroy target thing
Mirror Image
When played, place a mirror token on another target thing. This thing counts as a copy of that thing. If the Mirror token is destroyed, destroy this thing.
Thing Purist
Regard with disdain, verging on con­tempt, all Things with Action abilities (or indeed Thing abilities - why, the very idea!). Destroy/discard all such Things in your control or your hand. If you draw one, discard it and draw again. Instead of playing an Action, you may draw a card or play a Thing.
The old way is the correct way.
Card by Binarius
Early in the Morning
At the end of an opponent's next turn, you may play a Thing into any player's control.
Card by Binarius
Really Good at Being Mediocre
If you have more than three cards at the end of your turn, discard until you have three; if you have fewer than three, draw until you have three.
Card by Binarius
Riches To Rags To Riches
You may only play this card if you have at least four other cards in your hand.
When your hand is empty, put this card in the discard pile and draw five cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Think of Something
Action: If you control no other Things with Action abilities, draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Sleight of Sleight of Hand
Choose up to one card in each of
  • Your hand
  • An opponent's control
  • The top of the deck
  • Up Your Sleeve
and move it to another one of those zones. Each card must go to a different zone. An Action card put into play this way is immediately played.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Tyrannical Lexicographer
Reveal the top 26 cards of the draw pile and remove any with spelling mistakes to the discard pile, then alphabetize the remainder and replace them in order.
Card by Binarius
Apprentice's Spellbook
Action: If there are fewer than five cards under this card, put an Action from your hand face down under this card.
Action: If there are five cards under this card, shuffle them, reveal one, and do what it says.
Card by Binarius
"Archaeological Research"
Take an Action in the discard pile that could destroy a Thing and put it into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Blessed Bone Die
Thing - Good
When you play this, discard up to 6 Actions to imbue the die with their powers, overwriting the following results in ascending numerical order:

1. You are immune to elimination once.
2. No effect.
3. Play 2 additional actions.
4. Destroy an opponent's Thing.
5. Double your handsize.
6. Gain a turn.

Action: Roll. The die is indestructible until your next turn.
Global Warming
For every 100 of everyone's collective turns after this is played, everyone's handsize decreases by 1.
Global Cooling
For every 100 of everyone's collective turns after this is played, everyone's handsize increases by 1.
Cantor's Inverse Dimensionality Lemma
Let Γ be an isotropic tangent space of n at ζ and Ξ be a piecewise sesqui­linear transformation. Then there exists a relation f-1 of ζ such that we can con­struct a connected polytope in the p-adics diffeomorphic to H2(, p).
Proof: Suppose σ is a Euclidean sub­space of pn and ψ is an antisymmetric mapping. The result follows by dévissage. Any opponents to whom this is not obvious must discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Variegated Croton
Variegated croton.jpg
Codiaeum variegatum. This card is simultaneously red, orange, yellow, and green.
Card by Binarius
Possessed Deck of Playing Cards
Thing - Evil
Once per turn, shuffle and reveal the top card of a standard deck. 2-6/7-10/J-K♣: You/Opponents/All players discard a card. A♣: A random player discards their hand. 2-10/J-K♦: De­stroy a Thing/a random Thing. A♦: Take a Thing from the discard pile. 2-10/J-K♥: Draw a card/2 cards. A♥: Take another turn. 2-10♠: Gain an In­sanity token. J-K♠: An opponent skips a turn. A♠: Eliminate a random player.
Card by Binarius
When this thing is destroyed with anything except fire, create a copy of it and everything on top of it, then gain control of them. You may replace all "fire" with any noun.
When this enters play, play it on any of your things. It gains the text: "When this thing is destroyed with anything except fire, create a copy of it and everything on top of it, then gain control of them. You may replace all "fire" with any noun."
When this enters play, you may replace the second "Stone" with any noun. Action: Destroy target thing that has sight, and gain 5 Stone tokens.
Happy Birthday to Me
When you play this, each opponent must draw cards until they draw a Thing, discard the other cards they drew, and place the Thing face down under this card. Thing: Turn a Thing under this card face up and gain control of it.
Card by Binarius
Void Vortex
Void Vortex destroys itself at the end of your turn. While it is in the discard pile, it is considered the bottommost card in the discard pile, and all cards below it are considered removed from the game.
Card by Binarius
For Emphasis
Return a Thing you control to your hand, then play it immediately.
Card by Binarius
Echo Hub
Whenever a player plays an Action card from their hand, they put it under Echo Hub instead of into the discard pile. They then play any Action cards that were already under Echo Hub, putting those Action cards into the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Button Masher
At the beginning of your turn, play or discard the first card you draw, then draw an additional card. This counts as one of your plays for the turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Boss's Cut
For each type of Token your opponents control, each opponent gives you one third of their Tokens of that type, rounded up. Draw two cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Triangle Power
Transfer up to 5 of your non-token Things into your opponents' control. Draw 1 card for the first such Thing you donate, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on.
Card by Binarius
Ball and Chain
Play this card into any player's control. You may only play an Action if you discard a card first.
Card by Binarius
The Ol' Razzle Dazzle
Draw two cards, discard one of them, and put a card from your hand on top of the draw pile.
Card by Binarius
Lose control of one of your things to gain control of an opponent's thing. They gain control of your thing.
Super Unabsorbant Sponge
Action: Gain a Token of a Liquid of your choice.
Super Absorbant Sponge
Action: Destroy a Token of a Liquid of your choice.
Deafening Silence
Remove the draw pile and discard pile from the game when this enters play, and replace them when this is destroyed. You may destroy this card at the beginning of your turn.
Card by Binarius
Landscaping Boulder
Sandstone, about 260 kg.
Your maximum hand size is decreased by 1. Action: Discard a card and transfer this card into target opponent's control.
Card by Binarius
Dog Whistle
Action: Incessant barking! Living Things are too annoyed to use their abilities before your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Perpetual Motion Machine
Action: Gain an energy token
Hanged Men
Three men appear before you, all chanting otherworldly things. You may choose to listen. If you do, random a number between 1-3.
1: They speak of good fortune. Draw 2 cards.
2: They speak nonsense. It itches at your brain. Discard 2 cards.
3: There was nothing to hear. Discard 1 card.
Ice Spike
Action: Destroy target thing. If it is on fire, destroy this as well.
Presented by Guacola®
Play onto target Thing. When attached Thing uses an ability, gain 2 Money tokens.
Card by Binarius
Pack Light
Every player's hand size limit is reduced by the number of non-token Things they control (besides this one). A player who controls more than five other non-token Things may not draw cards, but they may destroy any of their non-token Things at any time.
Card by Binarius
Persian Chessboard
Each player gains a Grain token with "At the beginning of your turn, gain a copy of this token."
Card by Binarius
Class Room
Thing - Room
Action: Draw from the deck until you draw a thing. Then replace any thing you control with it.
2048th note
There is no purpse for either this nor a note as short as the one described
Time Machine
Action: Choose an action played in the discard pile and random a player to play it again.
Ascending Node
Thing - Node
When Ascending Node comes into play, for each Node you control, search the deck for a Moon and put it into play.
Card by Binarius
Corner Office
Thing - Room
If you have at least 4 cards in your hand, you may look at the top card of the draw pile at any time during your turn. Action: Discard a card and look at target opponent's hand.
Card by Binarius
Average the number of cards in each player's hand. Each player must draw or discard until they hold that many cards, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Card by Binarius
Whoever has the most cards loses the game. Whoever has the least cards discards their hand. Everyone else may decide to either win the game, or discard a card. If more than 1 player chooses to win, all of them discard their hand, and the discarders draw a card.
Celstial Sigil
Action: Destroy the Sigil and play a copy of The Moon Lord
The Moon Lord
Action: The Lunar Floe overwhelms you. Discard 2 cards to steal 1 card.
Action: The Solar Energy empowers you. Draw 2 cards and destroy 3 things.
Awakened from Cryo­sleep in the Year 7299
Discard your hand and destroy all of your Things. Draw 995 cards and discard them immediately, then draw 5 cards.
Card by Binarius
Accident at the Funky Purple Ink Factory
Change the color of every Thing in play to Funky Purple.
Card by Binarius
Off the Grid
Recall all of your non-token Things to your hand when this comes into your control. You may not play Things. When this leaves your control, replace all recalled Things remaining in your hand into your control. Action: Destroy this.
Card by Binarius
The Cosmos
This counts as everything, at every time, in every way.
The Singularity
Destroy everything, and discard everything.
Thing - Item
Action: Destroy this and target thing.
Leap Day
Each player in turn order takes an extra turn after this one.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Rod of Reeling
At the beginning of your turn, rotate Rod of Reeling 90° clockwise. When Rod of Reeling completes a clockwise rotation, gain control of target Thing.
Action: Rotate Rod of Reeling 90° clockwise.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Ascension of Past, Present, and Future
Action: Discard six cards. If you do, draw three cards and replace this card's text with
During your turn, you may look at the top card of the deck. Once each turn you may play the top card of the deck or discard pile. It doesn't count as one of your plays for the turn."
Card by ChippyYYZ
Take Out of Context
Select two Things in play with abilities. Permanently exchange their abilities.
Card by Binarius
World's Greatest Ventriloquist
Activate an Action ability of an opponent's Thing.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may return this card to your hand.
Card by Binarius
Chaos Device
Destroy all of a random player's Things. That player discards their hand and draws five cards. If that player is you, draw a card and begin your turn.
Card by Binarius
Th15 c4rd 15 h4ck3d.