Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000
Cards 2001-2100
Cards 2101-2200
Cards 2201-2300
Cards 2301-2400
Cards 2401-2500
Cards 2501-2600
Cards 2601-2700
Cards 2701-2800
Cards 2801-2900
Cards 2901-3000
Cards 3001-3100
Cards 3101-3200
Cards 3201-3300
Cards 3301-3400
Cards 3401-3500
Cards 3501-3600
Cards 3601-3700
Cards 3701-3800
Cards 3801-3900

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens usually have individual types (such as "Energy" or "Goblin"); if a token has a type, that's also considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400, 2401-2500, 2501-2600, 2601-2700, 2701-2800, 2801-2900, 2901-3000, 3001-3100, 3101-3200, 3201-3300, 3301-3400, 3401-3500, 3501-3600, 3601-3700, 3701-3800, 3801-3900, 3901-4000, 4001-4100, 4101-4200, 4201-4300, 4301-4400, 4401-4500, 4501-4600, 4601-4700, 4701-4800, 4801-4900, 4901-5000.

Rob Peter to pay Paul
Action Reaction
Discard this card to take control of a token to pay for a destroy a token effect. When played as an action, remove a living thing in the discard pile from play and give another player 3 money tokens.
Card by gill_smoke
St. Peter
Whenever a living thing would enter the discard pile if you have not played a thing on your last turn you may put the destroyed thing into your hand.
The official position is against reincarnation, but sometimes the boss makes exceptions.
Card by gill_smoke
Take a card from the discard pile and put it in your pocket.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Friendly Fire
If you discard this card, destroy a random thing you control.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Chaotic Vortex
Destroy target Thing and a random Thing. Play the top card of the deck. Discard your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ

Gaze Upon the Ruins
If there are at least 5 Things in the discard pile for each player, you win the game. Otherwise, exchange a card in your hand for a Thing in the discard pile.
Card by Bucky
Norte Dame
If you can get this into America you would win the game.
Stupid Americans think they own everything.
Card by gill_smoke
Quiet solemn holy and honorable country Church
Thing: create a piety token. Action & Thing: If you control at least 20 piety tokens you may end the game and decide the winner.
Smiting sinners isn't as effective as cultivating devotion in oneself.
Card by gill_smoke
This is considered living if there is a church in play. Action: if this is a living thing destroy a living thing and replace it with a copy of this card.
Card by gill_smoke
Louis Vuitton Leather
Things you control cannot be destroyed by fire or water-based means.
Whenever you play a thing, translate its text into Japanese, then back into English.

This card does not count as leather for purposes of cards that refer specifically to leather.
Card by ChippyYYZ
In order to discard it a card or it introduces a card to her of the series of the version in its hand or permuted a card in its hand with a card in the other hand of the players.
Try and get some use out of this one!
Card by Nehh

Reciprocal Tenderness
If you control a male and a female thing create 3 money tokens
Card by gill_smoke
Perfidious Wretches
If target player controls things of 2 or more genders they discard their hand and skip their next turn.
Card by gill_smoke
At the beginning of your turn create an unfinished story on Scheherazade. If Scheherazade would be destroyed destroy an unfinished story token instead and create a finished story token. If there 1001 tokens on Scheherazade Her Controller wins the game.
Card by gill_smoke
Concentrated Global Warming Burst
Destroy a Thing and remove the 10 cards of the deck from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Take control of a Thing. You may skip your next turn to take control of all Things.
Card by ChippyYYZ
B Diminished Chord Of Death
If you control Things with the letters B, D, and F in their cornervalues, Eliminate target player. If you also control a Thing with Ab in its cornervalue, Eliminate all players instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Change or add to the Flavortext of any card in play or your hand
Card by gill_smoke
New overbearing technical regulations
All non living things may not perform action abilities without also discarding a card.
Card by gill_smoke
Dangerous Security
Attach to a living thing. If that thing would be destroyed destroy this and a random other thing also.
Weren't you supposed to stop that from happening?
Card by gill_smoke
Play only any time a Thing that contains blood or a similiar vital fluid is destroyed. Destroy target Thing.
bloodrocute - blud'ro`kyoot': vt (1) to electrocute by sending an electrical current through blood.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Whenever you destroy a Thing, draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Destroy all Living Things. Each player gains a Blood Token for each Thing destroyed.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Discard a card or destroy a token, Target player drinks a swiggle of their beverage or is eliminated.
While your up, I only have a swiggle left could ya get me another?
Card by gill_smoke
Strength Punishes
Action Reaction
Discard this card when another player would destroy one of your things and destroy one of theirs after yours is destroyed. When played as an action The last player to use a destroy effect destroys all of their things.
Card by gill_smoke
Honor Restrains
Action Reaction
Discard this card when another player woud destroy one of your things prevent that effect. When played as an action No one may play a destroy effect until the end of your next turn.
Card by gill_smoke
Play this card into any player's control. Discard a card whenever you play an Action.
Card by Binarius
Play this card into any player's control. You may play at most one card per turn.
Card by Binarius
Sore Throat
Play this card into any player's control. You may not draw cards if you drew any cards during your last turn.
Card by Binarius
Exploding Present
You may play this into another player's control
At the end of your turn, destroy this and discard two cards or your hand.
Card by Bucky
Teleporting Present
You may play this into another player's control
At the end of your turn, give Teleporting Present and another Thing you control to a random opponent.
Card by Bucky
Gift-Wrapped Promulg
Thing - Beast
You may play this into another player's control
At the end of your turn, destroy one of your other Things to feed Gift-Wrapped Promulg. If you can't, you lose the game unless you discard three cards and destroy Gift-Wrapped Promulg.
Card by Bucky
Green Christmas
Destroy all snow tokens
Card by gill_smoke
After Christmas Clearance Sale
Destroy X tokens reveal X cards from the draw pile put the things in your hand then put the rest at the bottom of the draw pile.
I got these great deals but Next season we'll have to do better.
Card by gill_smoke
Snow is a four letter word
Destroy this card when there are no snow tokens in play. Players with snow tokens may not use action abilities. When this comes into play players gain tokens for every Title word with 4 letters or more in their hand and in play under their control. Thing(global): Destroy a snow token.
Card by gill_smoke
Destroy all the Snow tokens that you own.
I wonder how long it'll be before they notice....
Card by Nehh
The Meltifier
The owner of this card can not own snow tokens.
This is more like it!
Card by Nehh
Each player draws 2 cards for every card they have in their hand with a word in the title that is more than 10 letters long.
Card by Nehh
Steal a random card from a chosen opponent and destroy one of their Things.
Card by Binarius
Discard all of your Things when you play Timeslip; you may not have any in your hand while it is in play. Draw a card whenever you play an Action card. You may play Action cards at any time, but you may only use Action abilities during your turn, and only once per turn.
Card by Binarius
Discard your hand, and draw an equal number of cards at the beginning of your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Snow Rule
Players with snow tokens may not use action abilities. Thing(global): destroy a snow token.
Card by gill_smoke
Plowed Drive
Destoy all of your snow tokens
Card by gill_smoke
Polar Reaches
If not in play already create a copy of Snow Rule and put it into play. At the beginning of your turn give every player a new snow token.
Card by gill_smoke

Kill It With Fire
Destroy target Thing. Any player may destroy one of their water- or ice-related Things to save it.
Card by Bucky
Elemental Mastery
If you control a token of each of these types:(Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy and Void), you win the game. Otherwise, gain a token of one of those types and return this card to your hand.
Card by Bucky
Magma Amulet
Action: Gain a Fire Token and an Earth Token.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Cloud Amulet
Action: Gain a Water Token and an Air Token.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Scroll of Elemental Ball
Action: Destroy two tokens you control of any of the following types:(Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy and Void) to destroy target Thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Void Slinger
Things with two or more Void tokens on them are considered blank.
Thing:Gain a Void token.
Action:Move up to three of your unattached Void tokens onto target non-token Thing.
Card by Bucky
Mud Slinger
Thing:Gain an Earth or Water token. Action:Destroy one of your Earth and one of your Water tokens. Target player discards a random card.
Card by Bucky
Mud Volley
Target player discards a random card. That player gains an Earth token and a Water token.
Card by Bucky
Earthen Dam
Gain three Earth and five Water tokens when you play this card. Once during your turn, you may destroy one Water token to draw a card. If you have no Water tokens, destroy this card. If you have no Earth tokens, destroy all of your Water tokens and this card and discard your hand.
Card by Binarius
Air Gun
Thing: Gain an Air token. Action: Destroy two of your Air tokens. Target player discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Nullification Ray
Action: Replace target Fire, Water, Earth, Air, or Energy token with a Void token.
Card by Binarius
Body swap
Swap the titles of 2 living things in play.
Card by gill_smoke
Transmuting Design
Swap a card in play with one from your hand if you replace it with an action card the new owner plays it immediately.
Card by gill_smoke
Libram of Deceptive Rebuke
At beginning of their turn players turn their face down cards face up if it is an action card play it immediately. Action: Replace a card in play with a card from your hand face down.
Card by gill_smoke
If played as a thing, Phlebstoonium can be played on any card to act as whatever fuel that card needs. If played as an action, Phlebtonium removes a selected player's field entirely and allows you to draw that same amount of cards as removed.
Power, raw and rich!
Card by Anonymous
Destroy target thing. If it was the most technologically advanced thing in play, draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Energy Overload
Choose a Thing with an Action Ability that requires energy tokens to use. Its controller activates that ability without paying any energy. Destroy that thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Aether Warp
Remove target Thing from the game. Its controller reveals cards from the top of the deck until a thing is revealed. that player puts the revealed cards on the bottom of the deck and the thing into play.
Flip a coin. On a heads, switch that Thing's rulestext and flavortext.
Card by ChippyYYZ

Destroy all things in play that consist of water or must swim in it.
Non-newtonian fluids? INGENIOUS!
Card by NARF
For as long as this thing is in play, any laser related actions may be used twice.
Card by NARF
Cuttlefish Swarm
Action:Place one ink token on a target thing.
Action:Play a mollusk based card without using up your one use per turn.
One cuttlefish is enough, but for all you know, there could be more there, waiting invisibly... TO EAT YOU!!
Card by NARF
Terminal Disease
Play onto a Thing. Destroy that Thing at the start of your turn.
Card by Bucky
Nullification Ray Mk 2
Action: Replace target non-Void token with a Void token.
Remember Rule 3
Card by Bucky
Kanbei's Error
All things classified as buildings cannot use any action abilities until next turn. When the next turn comes along, this thing is destroyed.
Most Useless Base Ever
Card by NARF
Battleship In A Lake
Any card that seems illogical(e.g. players vote on it) cannot be played while this card is in play.
"THIS FLAK! How is this possible? How did you get a battleship in such a tiny lake!?"
Card by NARF
Technical Support
Flip a coin every turn this card is in play. If it comes up heads, any thing or action that has to do with electronics or mechanics cannot be destroyed or negated this turn. If it comes up tails, then every thing that has to do with electronics or mechanics gains one Failure Token. A Thing with 3 or more Failure Tokens is destroyed.
Card by NARF

Elemental Conjurer
Thing person
Thing: create one token of the following types (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy and Void) Action: destroy one token of the following types (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy and Void) you control to destroy a thing'
Abjuration is the same thing really.
Card by gill_smoke
Lower Elemental Transmuter
Thing person
Thing: discard a card to create one token of the following types (Fire, Water, Earth) Action: change the type of any token to one of the following (Fire, Water, Earth).
Card by gill_smoke
Upper Elemental Transmuter
Thing person
Thing: discard a card to create one token of the following types (Air, Energy and Void) Action: change the type of any token to one of the following (Air, Energy and Void).
Card by gill_smoke
Bottler's Spirits
Thing: Gain a Fire token or a Water token. Action: Destroy one Fire and one Water token you control. Draw five cards, play three of them, and gain a token of one of the following types at random: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy, and Void.
Card by Binarius
Particle Accelerator
Thing: Gain an Energy token. Action: Destroy one of your Energy tokens and gain one token of each of the following types: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Void.
Oh, so that's how the universe works!
Card by Binarius
Nullification Ray 3000
Discard a card to play this. Action: Replace target Thing with a Void token and flip a coin. On tails, the power coupling has overheated and you may not use this ability during your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Recycling Program
At the start of your turn, you may destroy one of your Things and discard a card. If you do, draw a card and gain an untyped Token.
Card by Bucky
Vacuum Boon
Destroy any number of tokens that are on Things, or destroy any number of dirt-related Things, or discard any number of cards, or gain four Void tokens.
That sucked.
Card by Bucky
Sleep Powder
Turn target Thing face-down.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Trapped Under Ice
Play this on top of another Thing. That thing is not considered to be in play.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Icy Winds
Target player may not draw cards on their next turn.

Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may destroy target Thing that player controls.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Living Thing person
The owner of this card may not play action cards. Whenever Feebs would be destroyed the owner may discard their hand and draw 7 cards instead.
Card by gill_smoke
Scratch Your Eyes Out
Blank the rules text of a living thing in play.
Card by gill_smoke
Card Portal
At beginning of your turn you may discard a card to remove a card from play.
Card by gill_smoke
Telepathic Assault
Destroy a living Thing and look at its controller's hand.
Card by Bucky
Necromantic Transmutation
Remove a thing from play and give the previous owner a Zombie token
Card by gill_smoke
Put a copy of Insanity rule (#4671) into play if not already. Each player recieves N - X insanity tokens, where N is the number of things that player controls and X is the number of players. If X is larger the negitive tokens become sanity tokens.
Card by gill_smoke
Extended Stay
When played put a thing in play under this card. Action (global): Destroy this card and 3 money tokens to take control of the things under this card.
Card by gill_smoke