Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400, 2401-2500, 2501-2600, 2601-2700, 2701-2800.

This Is Caketown!
Return target Thing to its controller's hand.
Card by Binarius
Radioactive Bite
Generate a random number from 1 to 100. Go to the Superpower set of the Infinite Dvorak Deck and create a copy of the card of that number and place it in your hand. On a 100, you are eliminated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Murphy's Lawyer
At the beginning of your turn, destroy a random thing. Its controller may discard a random card to prevent its destruction, unless this was the thing destroyed.
Card by ChippyYYZ
More Cowbell!
Create a Cowbell Token for each player.
Card by ChippyYYZ
You may play this Thing under any player's control. Action: Destroy a Thing belonging to the controller of Saboteur. Any player may play this Action.
Card by Kevan
Andrew's Lucky Die
Whenever dice are rolled, you decide the outcome.
Card by Zt
The Shuffler
You may shuffle the draw pile at any time.
Even if it isn't your turn. Even if players are trying to search the draw pile for a card.
Card by Zt
Nude at the Airport
Play with your hand revealed. You may play up to two things per turn.
Card by Zt
If there is another Thing in play, immediately destroy Antimatter and any other Thing of your choice. When this occurs, gain 10 Energy Tokens.
Card by Bucky
Suspend your turn. A player of your choice takes a turn. Then, your turn resumes where it left off.
Card by Bucky
Play in response to someone winning the game. Nobody besides you can win this turn. Anyone else who would win instead loses a Thing of your choice or discards a card at random from eir hand.
Card by Bucky
Old School
Destroy a Thing under every player's control which was not one of the first 500 cards added to the Infinite Dvorak deck.
Card by Binarius
Capture the Flag
Whenever a Thing is destroyed, the player whose turn it is gains control of Capture the Flag. If you control Capture the Flag at the start of your turn, and have five or more cards in your hand, you win the game.
Card by Kevan

Doom Token Device
For every turn this card is on the field, create 2 Electricity Tokens. This also applies to the moment it is played. Electricity tokens allow you to play an extra machine for every 5 electricity tokens on the field.
Card by NARF
If you draw this card, you must play it at the next available oppurtunity. All opponents may draw enough cards to fill their hands.
Card by NARF
All players choose someone at the table to vote for (They may not vote for themselves). The player with the most votes may choose if each player can draw a card next turn. In a tie, destroy this card and all effects of this card.
Card by NARF
Thing - Partycle
At the beginning of your turn you may destroy this card and put a copy of Election from the Infinite Dvorak Deck Archive into your hand.
Massive, major component of hot air. Lots of spin.
Card by Binarius
The Decline and Fall of the Mighty Culture of NguNbuLe
At the beginning of your turn erase the last sentence on this card. Indestructible.
Action: Target opponent discards a card.
Action: Take a Thing from the discard pile in your hand.
Action: Destroy target Thing.
Action and Thing: Erase target Thing's first sentence.
Card by Zt
Fancy Sentence-Erasing Machine
Action: Erase target Thing's last sentence. You may not erase a Thing's first sentence this way.
Can you spot the loophole?
Card by Zt
Nude at the Train Station
Play with your hand revealed. At the beginning of your turn you may draw an extra card.
Card by Zt
Avant Garde
For each word that appears in the title of more than one non-token Thing, destroy all Things with that word in their title.
Card by Kevan
Whenever a player draws a card, they must reveal it to all players.
Card by Kevan
Block the Door
Thing cards may not be played. Any player may discard a Thing to destroy this card, at any time.
Card by Kevan
Action: Gain control of target female.
Card by Zt
Femme Fatale
Action: Gain control of target male.
Card by Zt
Action: Gain control of target undead or animal.
Card by Zt
Buy One Get One Free
If you put a Thing into play earlier this turn, create a copy of it and put that into play.
Card by Kevan
Turret Gun
Whenever an opponent plays a card, you may discard three cards (if you have them) to send it to the discard pile with no effect.
Card by Kevan
Better the Devil
Draw and reveal five cards. Discard two of them. An opponent picks one of the remaining ones, which you must play immediately; the final two are discarded.
Card by Kevan
Hyperdimensional World-Eating Blackhole
Whenever a Thing is removed from the game, draw a card and remove target thing from the game.
Once it gets started, there's no turning back.
Card by Zt
At the beginning of your turn, before drawing a card, you may look at the top three cards of the draw pile and rearrange their order, if you wish so.
Action: Gain control of target spirit.
Card by Zt
Green Politician
Every player may use this Thing's abilities.
Action: Draw the top card of the discard pile.
Card by Zt
Weapons Dealer
Action: Give a player a thing you control and draw a card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Do Not Touch
If an action's only target is this card, then the action's player is eliminated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Ha Ha Ha! I Switched Your Bullets With Marshmallows!
Play in response to an action. That action is negated and goes to your hand. Give its player an action from your hand; they must play that card instead.
I may have just won "First Correctly-Used Semicolon".
Card by ChippyYYZ

Play this card after any player's turn. The next player's turn is skipped.
Card by Goldenboots
I Share My Goodies
Thing - Add-on
Play this on a Thing in play. The target Thing now belongs to all players, and all may use any abilities of the Thing equally. This add-on is destroyed when the base Thing is destroyed
Thanks for sharing :)
Card by Goldenboots
Willful Ignorance
Whenever you have more cards in your hand than every other player, destroy this Thing.

Action: The player (or players) with the most cards in his or her (or their) hand (or hands) discards a card.
Card by jtwe
The Spectral Pickle Factory
At the start of your turn or when you play this card, flip a coin. Tails: return this card to the hand of the player on your left.

Action: Draw three cards.
None may know the hour of its coming and going.
Card by jtwe
Motorcade of Generosity
Each player may create any number of tokens of any type of his or her choice under the control of any other player.
...and that's how you can afford your rock and roll lifestyle.
Card by jtwe
Whenever a specific amount of tokens is required, it requires twice as many.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Income Tax
Whenever a player gains tokens, they gain half as many, rounding up.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Advanced Alchemy
You may use tokens you control as though they were any type of token.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Currency of the Realm
Any type of token may be substituted when monetary tokens are required at a rate of 1 token per Money or Universal Currency token or 10 tokens per Gold token.
Card by Binarius
Hot In Here
Hand size limit 3. Actions must be played as soon as they are drawn.
Card by Binarius
All Good Things
Action: Destroy target Thing that has been in play for five turns or more.
Card by Binarius
It's Morphin' Time!
You cannot play this card if you control fewer than six Things. Put six Things you control into the draw pile and shuffle it. Take the top six Things from the draw pile and put them under your control. This card's colour can be black, red, blue, yellow, green or pink. You must declare its colour when you play it.
Card by Corrigan
Once this card has been in play for four turns, the player who controls the most Thing cards that represent tangible objects wins the game.
Card by Corrigan
Luddite Attack
Erase the text of target mechanical or electronic Thing.
"Down with the cotton gin!"
Card by Corrigan
40 Acres And A Mule
Every player with less than five cards in their hand may draw until they have five cards. The player who controls the most non-token Things may then look at every opponent's hand and take a card from each.
Card by Binarius
Destroy every Thing that is not referenced by its own ruletext.
Card by Binarius
Life Is But A Dream
Discard your hand, destroy all of your Things, and walk away from the game singing "Row Row Row Your Boat". You win.
Card by Binarius
Perverse Pleasure
Thing (rule)
Destroy at the begining of your turn. All Action abilities that destroy, create a token of the type they normally would destroy instead.
Card by gill_smoke
Garlic press
When this comes into play destroy all undead tokens.
Card by gill_smoke
The Unclean One
Instead of owner useing the discard pile place your discards under the Unclean One, when he leaves play cards under unclean one go to your hand.
"Dude, that's just gross."
Card by gill_smoke
Giant Mirror
This card has all texts of all Things currently in play.
Card by Zt
Giant Toilet
You may play this under an opponent's control. At the beginning of your turn you gain n indigestion tokens, where n is the total number of Things your opponents could have played, but did NOT play during their last turn. If you control six indigestion tokens, your belly explodes and you are eliminated. Action: Flush: Remove target Thing other than this from the game.
Card by Zt
Giant Amoeba
At the beginning of your turn, you may create a copy of this card.
Action: Destroy target ant or small insect.
"I'm sorry, it's still only one inch tall."
Card by Zt
Mutilate The Bodies
Cards that would be destroyed are removed from the game instead. Zombie tokens cannot be generated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Attack Of The Mutant Taste Buds
Destroy all things with flavortext.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch
Action: Destroy this card to remove target thing from the game.
...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy."
Card by ChippyYYZ

Reality TV Tribe Switch
Order players by number of Things controlled, high to low, breaking ties by rock-scissors-paper. All Things now in play are redistributed by players in order choosing a Thing and placing it in play under their own control. All effects of the Things coming into play occur again.
Pick up your new buffs.
Card by Goldenboots
Hallowed Ground
Playable on another player. Owner cannot control any undead.
Card by gill_smoke
Credit Market
if there is a money token on Credit market everybody at the beginning of their turns creates a money token. Otherwise every turn everybody must destroy a money token, and destroy a money token for every card with action abilities if able. Action: Create a money token. Action: Destroy a money token.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombie Dance
Thing (rule)
Destroy this card at the beginning of your turn.
When this comes into play, destroy all zombie tokens.
When this leaves play create a zombie token for each one destroyed previously.
Card by gill_smoke
Vodka is Good, Meat is Rotten
Choose a Thing with ruletext in (near enough) English. Input the Thing's ruletext into an internet translater, to translate into another language (chosen by this card's player). Take that text and have in translated back into English, and replace the original ruletext with the result.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Card by Goldenboots
Square Enix
Action: Create a Final Fantasy n Token, where n is one higher than the current number of Final Fantasy tokens in play.

If you control the most recent Final Fantasy, you win.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Temporal Anomaly
Roll a die and subtract 2. Draw that many cards, play that many extra actions, and play that many things.
On a -1, instead skip your next turn.
On a 4 (that's a 6), Epoch Fail! You are eliminated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Wrath of Britain
Destroy all things which have titles that contain a R that would not be pronounced by someone with a British Accent.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Button Mashing
Draw 3 cards and play them in order.
Card by Bucky
Matter Synthesizer
Thing:Put a Token with a name of your choice into play.
Card by Bucky
Destroy a Thing. For every word in that Thing's name, its former controller gains a token with that word as its name and type.
Card by Bucky
Red Ring of Death
Play into the control of any player. That player may not use the Action abilities of their Things.
Card by Kevan
Draw three cards if you control more non-token Things than any other player.
Card by Binarius
You may not be eliminated, and no opponent may win the game.
Card by Binarius
Play onto a Thing with an Action ability. That Thing is indestructible, but it cannot use its Action ability.
Card by Binarius
Downloadable Content
Pick a random subsection of the Infinite Dvorak Deck and a random number from 1 to 100. Create copies of the card of that number and the four after it (1 is after 100) and shuffle them into the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Soul Absorbtion
Put target living thing in your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Is This Your Card?
Play in response to any chance event.
The result of that event is the Three of Clubs.
Discard a random card? More like Discard the Three of Clubs.
Card by ChippyYYZ
D&D pdf
This thing is immaterial and cannot be destroyed.

"Dude, you're out geeking the geeks" -JS
Card by gill_smoke
So simple a caveman could do it
Remove all Reptile related cards from play. While your at it destroy all cards with more than 3 lines of rules text.

There's a distinction between destroy and remove from game -Zt
Card by gill_smoke
Witty Comeback
Action Reaction
Play in response to any action. Try to convince the player their action doesn't do anything.
".. And that's what I should have said" CRSE
Card by gill_smoke
Not Quite Dead
Put a Thing into play from the discard pile. Use its Action ability once (if it has one), then destroy it.
Card by Kevan
Habbo Hotel
Action: Place 1 mod token on this card.
Action (Global): Place 1 raid token on this card.
Action: Copy this card.
Recieve 10/n where n = (number of raid tokens on this card - number of mod tokens) money tokens each turn. n cannot go below 1.
Pool's closed due to AIDS.
Card by Pongo
Natural Selection
Action: Draw and discard cards until you draw a living Thing. You may either discard it, or put it into play replacing a living Thing (which is destroyed). Any player may use this Action ability.
Card by Kevan
An Orderly Queue
A player can only play a card if they reveal their hand first, and that card's title is the alphabetically earliest in their hand.
Card by Kevan
We're All Liars On The Internet
Shuffle as many cards as you wish from your hand into the draw pile and draw an equal number of cards.
Card by Binarius
Power Fluctuations
Your hand size limit alternates on every turn between 8 cards and 3, and you may play alternately 3 cards or 1. Action: Draw a card and create an Energy token. Action: Destroy three Energy tokens and destroy this card.
Card by Binarius
Academy Graduate
You may play any mechanical or science-related Thing or activate any such Thing's Action ability at no cost to your per-turn limits.
Card by Binarius
Dirty Bomb
When this comes into play, destroy up to four Things controlled by an opponent. At the start of each of your turns, destroy a Thing you control (other than this one).
Card by Kevan
Just deserts
Action Reaction
Must be in control of a food item to play. When played in response to being Eliminated, all other players are eliminated instead. When played in response to one of you things being destroyed, Destroy all of the triggering opponents instead.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombified Assassin
Destroy a money token to use action ability.
Action: Flip a coin if heads destroy a living thing.
I never said he was any good, just available
Card by gill_smoke
Wild Draw 4
Draw four cards pick whose turn is next
Corner value in Spanish
Card by gill_smoke
Nuclear Weapons Programme
When this comes into play, destroy all other Things you control, and discard your hand. Action: Destroy all Things belonging to a chosen opponent. You may not play this Action the turn that this card comes into play.
Card by Kevan
Siren Song
Disable all aggressive cards for the next turn.
Card by Pongo
Static Cling
Disable all aggressive cards of a player of your choice for the next three turns.
Card by Pongo
For every Insanity token in play, your hand size is reduced by one. Action: Destroy a Thing other than this one, and put an Insanity token into play.
Card by Kevan
Look at an opponent's hand, and force them to discard any number of cards for it. For each card discarded in this way, they may draw two cards.
Card by Kevan
Everybody is making cards about Crime and Drug Abuse and Sex and who thinks about the children?!
Whenever a player swears, she is eliminated. If you control three moral tokens, you win.
Action: Remove target black or undead Thing from the game. If you do, gain a moral token.
Card by Zt
Mr. Elusive
Whenever this card is targeted, you draw a card and a random Thing is targeted instead.
Card by Zt
When me and Grandpa used to hunt Dinosaurs
Everybody may use this Thing's abilities.
Action: Destroy target living Thing controlled by opponent. If you do, gain a tooth token.
Action: If you control two or more tooth tokens, eliminate a player with no living Things in play.
"Everything was better back then."
Card by Zt
The Gloves Are Off
If a player is forced to discard a card, but has no cards in their hand, they are eliminated.
Card by Kevan
The Necronomicon
For every Insanity token in play, your hand size is reduced by one. Action: Draw three cards, and put an Insanity token into play.
Card by Kevan
Going Through The Motions
When this comes into play, each player (starting with you) draws two cards and plays them both immediately. Repeat this until the game ends, or until this Thing is destroyed. Action abilities cannot be played.
Card by Kevan
Friendship Sandwiches
Draw two cards plus one for every opponent; give every opponent one of those cards, and keep the other two.
Card by Binarius
Robot Sentries
Return Robot Sentries to your hand when an opponent plays a Thing to return that Thing to your opponent's hand. Destroy Robot Sentries when an opponent plays a Thing to destroy that Thing.
Card by Binarius
Noodly Appendage
Put a living Thing from the discard pile into play under your control.
Card by Binarius
Taunting the Spy
You have no hand size limit. If you have fewer than ten cards in your hand, you cannot win the game or eliminate any players. Action: Draw a card.
Card by Kevan
Secured derivitive
bad debt
if discarded you win
Its not a thing nor an action card and is therefore unplayable
Card by gill_smoke
Charnel house
Every time one of your living things would be destroyed, you may remove it from the game and create a zombie token instead.
Card by gill_smoke
Haunted House
may be played on another player, owner must discard a card to take an action.
Card by gill_smoke
If I Had A Hammer
You cannot play Action cards, or use the Action ability of any other Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing.
Card by Kevan
Howling Wind
Every player takes a random card from the player on their left, then discards a card.
Card by Binarius
When this card comes into play, every player secretly chooses a number of cards to discard and then discards them; whoever discarded the most gains control of this card. On a tie, the tied players may bid additional discards for control. Action: Destroy this card and take another turn.
Card by Binarius
Every player must either destroy all Things under their control that can destroy other Things or discard their hand.
Card by Binarius
Bubble Ghost
Action: Give control of this Thing to a player who controls no Things, and draw five cards.
Card by Kevan
Broken Fusebox
Action: Activate the Action ability of another Thing you control three times, then destroy that Thing.
Card by Kevan
Sins of the Father
Whenever any non-token Thing is destroyed, the player who destroyed it gains a Sin token. Any player with a Sin token may not win the game. Any player may destroy a Sin token they control instead of drawing at the beginning of their turn.
Card by Binarius
Security Council Resolutions
Every player creates one card. Put these cards to a vote on whether to be shuffled into the draw pile. If assent is not unanimous for any one of them, none are shuffled in.
Card by Binarius
Mersenne Mania
Any player who controls 2n-1 Things, for prime n, may draw n cards.
Card by Binarius
Dropped Brain
When a player attempts to draw a card when the deck is empty, eliminate that player and destroy this card.
"Are you still serving breakfast?" "Uh, today, or, like, in general?"
Card by jtwe
The Eye of a Needle
If a player has one or more cards in their hand, they may not win the game.
Card by Kevan
Will Work For Food
Action: Gain control of a living Thing. Any player may play this ability.
Card by Kevan
Unfair polling
Take a vote for the winner the owner of this card gets 3 votes
Card by gill_smoke
Over Full Graveyard
if there are more than 10 living things in the discard pile living things that go to the discard pile are removed from the game and are replaced by a zombie token instead.
Card by gill_smoke
Super Computer
Your max hand size is increased by 27
"I'm sorry Dave I can't do that" -Hal3000
Card by gill_smoke
In This Week's Episode
Reveal your hand. If you have any Things with Action abilities in your hand, you may play each of those abilities once.
Card by Kevan
Boîte Diabolique
All sound-related cards are disabled.
It houses the 19 forbidden notes.
Card by Pongo
Mall Drug Store Nerf
For every card created by Kevan played, create a drama token and put it into play.
10/14/08: NEVAR FORGET
Card by Pongo
Turban Dead
Action: Destroy all things with no flavour text.
Oh no, they're not getting me.
Card by Pongo
WKRP Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway
For each opponent, roll a die. Give that many Dead Turkey Tokens to that player, then roll another die and give half that many Turkey Tokens to that player.
Destroy a random non-turkey thing for each living Turkey in play
I swear to God I thought they could fly.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Prototype Isochron Sceptre
When this comes into play, attach an Action card from your hand to it.
Action: This ability has an identical effect to the Action card attached to Prototype Isochron Sceptre, but you must discard a card to play it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Wait A Minute...
Pause the game for 60 seconds.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Gods Made Heavy Metal
Draw two cards at the start of your turns. Destroy this card if you do not play both an Action and a Thing during your turn. Action: Destroy target Thing unless its controller agrees to trade it to you for a chosen Thing you control.
Card by Binarius
From Hour to Hour We Ripe and Ripe
Discard a card, then draw three cards and play one of them.
Card by Binarius
Return a Thing you control to your hand and replace it with a Thing from your hand.
Card by Binarius
Action: Eliminate a player.
Card by moot##faggot
Finish What's On Your Plate
Players may not draw cards if they already have one or more cards in their hand.
Card by Kevan
Assimite Vampire
When this card has more than 100 tokens on it remove it and its tokens from play. <BRAction: Destroy a living thing add a blood token to card.
Action: Take control of another token, put on this card.
Card by gill_smoke
political wrangling
Take a vote to either "A: Owner takes another turn." or "T: game ends the owner of the most non token things wins." In case of a tie the card gets shuffled into the draw pile.
Card by gill_smoke
Dimensional Shift
play a card from the discard pile
Card by gill_smoke
Jumping the Shark
Players may play any number of Things and Actions on their turn. Nobody may win or be eliminated while this is in play. This card cannot be destroyed by its owner.
Card by Kevan
Memory Tray
Hide an opponent's view of the game, then read out the name of all but one Thing they control. If they cannot identify the unnamed Thing within thirty seconds, it is destroyed.
Card by Kevan
If a Soul token leaves play, its controller is eliminated. Action: Give a Soul token to each player who doesn't have one.
Card by Kevan
Lucky Penny
If an opponent wins the game, you win too. If a card claims to eliminate you, you are not eliminated; all opponents toss a coin, those with Tails are eliminated. Any opponent may, at the beginning of their turn, take control of this card in return for your choice of any two of their Things in play or all the cards in their hand.
Card by Goldenboots
The next player to play a Thing, play an Action, create or destroy a Token, or use an Action: or Thing: ability - is eliminated.
Action: eliminate yourself.
Chess position where neither player can safely move.
Card by Goldenboots
Cool Sunglasses
Your hand size is increased by one. If one of your Things would be destroyed, flip a coin to prevent its destruction and draw a card instead.
Card by Binarius
Upwardly Mobile Dude
Draw an extra card at the beginning of your turn for every opponent who controls more Things than you.
Card by Binarius
Insane New Dance Move
Destroy a Thing, activate an Action ability, create five different tokens, and draw two cards.
Card by Binarius
Capacious Sleeves
Action: Discard a card, then draw a card.
Card by Kevan
The Extinction of the Language Taguma-Le
Senseless sentences and sentences that are not entirely English are ignored. Any player may use this Thing's abilities. Wakka fogo Wede tat digrlada. Zemesetes nogo putt i. Nogo fogo fu.
Action: Replace all instances of a non-English word on this card with an English word of your choice.
Card by Zt
Librarian on Speed
You may play this under an opponent's control. Whenever you discard cards, draw a card and discard down to your hand size limit. If you draw 20 or more cards in a row, you are eliminated.
"I'm the librarian and I'll take any drugs in the world I want!"
Card by Zt
Historical Society
Players may draw the top card of the discard pile instead of drawing a card.
"You are banned from this historical society! You, and your children, and your children's children .... for three months."
Card by Zt
Evil Tome
At the beginining of your turn destroy a token or evil tome.
Action: Discard a card draw and play a card
Action: Destroy one of your tokens, destroy a thing
Action: Discard a card Create 10 tokens of any type
Card by gill_smoke
Rock monster
Action: Replace a thing with a rubble token.
Card by gill_smoke
Discard your hand remove all of another's players things from the game
Card by gill_smoke
Inordinate Optimism
Action: Destroy a Lovecraft-related card.
Card by Pongo
Promoting your Pawn
Destroy a token you control. If you do, write: "Action: Destroy target tangible inanimate Thing." onto target Thing.
And he becomes a queen.
Card by Zt
José Raúl Capablanca
Action: Destroy target chess player.
Action: Win a tournament: Gain 1 money token.
The master. The one and only.
Card by Zt
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine
Cannot be destroyed, unless destroying player destroys 10,000 money tokens he controls.
Action: Destroy José Raúl Capablanca.
Action and Thing: Win a tournament: Gain 1 money token.
Card by Zt
Poison Gas Vent
At the start of each player's turn, they must put a Gas token into play. If a player controls ten Gas tokens, they are eliminated.
Card by Kevan
This Is Not My Beautiful House
Pick a number from one to three. Each player must destroy that many Things they control.
Card by Kevan
I've got Superpowers, but I use them only to make money
If you control 30 or more money tokens, you win.
Action: Unless an opponent destroys a non-token Thing he controls, gain a money token for every non-token Thing in play, but maximally 10 money tokens per turn.
Card by Zt
My God, I'm an Ant!
You may play this under an opponent's control. Your hand size is one.
Action: Use an Action or a Thing's Action ability from the discard pile.
Card by Zt
My God, I'm a Giant!
You may play this under an opponent's control. Your hand size is increased by 5. Whenever you play a Thing, flip a coin. If tails, it is destroyed.
Action: Destroy target living Thing.
Card by Zt
Knight Fork
Choose two Things with the same background colour controlled by the same opponent. Opponent chooses which is destroyed.
Card by Goldenboots
Bishop Pin
Choose two Things with the same background colour controlled by the same opponent. Note their names on this card. If the first one listed is destroyed, removed, or changes controller, the second one listed and Bishop Pin are destroyed.
Card by Goldenboots
This card cannot be destroyed by any material thing or action pertaining to a material thing. Nobody may win through control of tokens.
Material wealth can only offer you so much. Spiritual wealth is a different matter.
Card by Pongo
Ninth Circle
This card cannot be destroyed by any material thing or action pertaining to a material thing. Nobody may be eliminated through control of tokens.
Wealth of every description is your downfall, but fear of the hellfire keeps you from misusing it.
Card by Pongo
Choose an opponent of any gender. You and that opponent are partners. If either wins, both win, if either loses, both lose. At the beginning of each turn place an Anniversary token on this card. Destroy Marriage when it holds 7 Anniversary tokens.
HOW many four-slice toasters???
Card by Goldenboots
All cards except this one have the text "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH".
Action: Destroy this card.
Do the impossible, see the invisible.
Card by Pongo
Sicilian Dragon
When this card comes into play, discard down to one card. Your hand size limit is seven. Draw two cards at the beginning of your turns.
Card by Binarius
Moral Victory
Target Thing's controller must either destroy that Thing or show you their hand.
Card by Binarius
No One's Head Shall Be Higher Than King's
No player may control more Things than you do.
Card by Binarius
B-Movie fest
Thing (rule)
Destroy this at the begining of your turn. When this comes into play move all living things under this card. When it leaves play shuffle and deal living things back to all players.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombie grinder
Action: Destroy a zombie to make a Green food token.
"Soylet Green, it's made of people."
Card by gill_smoke
Jeff Gruber
Action: Daring Fireball destroys one thing.
"Oh yeah, well you suck." -JG
Card by gill_smoke
Prophet's Work
Create a new card, of type "thing". Name it [random page on Wiktionary]ism and make its text forbid [random page on Wikipedia](s) from being in play, then put it into play. You may transliterate non-Latin titles.
Card by Pongo
Pharmaceutical Giant
Action: Remove 10 money tokens you own, and create and put the card "Expensive New Drug" from the archive into play.
Card by Pongo
Expensive New Drug
When this is played, choose any effects that can directly affect a thing, erase this sentence, note them on this card, and play this onto a thing. The card this card is on is protected from the effects you chose. At the beginning of your turn, remove a money token that you own or destroy this card.
Action: Move this card onto another thing.
Card by Pongo
Random Peril
Whenever a d6 is rolled, any player rolling a 1 is immediately eliminated. Whenever a coin is tossed, any player tossing Heads must roll a d6.
Baby needs a new pair of .... *&%*$%
Card by Goldenboots
Today is [weekday]!
Draw n cards. On Monday n is 1, on Tuesday n is 2... on Sunday n is 7. If today is Friday the 13th, draw 13 cards and destroy 13 things. (Consider "[weekday]" in the card's title the weekday it is currently, except on Friday the 13th, in which case it is "Friday the 13th".) All times described in this card are UTC.
Card by Pongo
The Card that Changes its Text by the Hour
This card has the text of the nth card of the Infinite Dvorak deck. n = ( ([current hour] + [current day of month] + [current month] + [current year]) x [current day of week] (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7) ) (in hh-dd-mm-yy format). All times described in this card are UTC. Add "Action:" in front of the text if the card is an action card.
Card by Pongo
Member Bonus
All players who have an account on the DvorakMUSH may draw an extra card at the beginning of their turn.
Of course it's unfair. That's the whole point.
Card by Pongo
Hot Potato
Play into control of an opponent. At the beginning of your (controller's) turn, roll a d6. On a 1 you are eliminated. Hot Potato is a living thing and a food.
Action: Give Hot Potato to an opponent.
Card by Goldenboots