From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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package demo; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class Dvorak { public class Card { private HashMap<String, String> attrHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s*=\\s*(.+?)\\s*$"); public boolean parseToken(String attr) { if (attr.toLowerCase().equals("card")) return true; boolean dbug = false; Matcher m = p.matcher(attr); if (m.find()) { String at =; String val ="\"", "\"\"");; if (dbug) System.out.println("In parseToken, attr = " + attr + ", at = <" + at + ">, val = <" + val + ">"); attrHash.put(at, val); return true; } if (dbug) System.out.println("In parseToken, attr = " + attr + ", no match"); return false; } public String toString() { return "\"" + attrHash.get("title") + "\",\"" + (attrHash.get("bgcolor")!=null?attrHash.get("bgcolor"):"") + "\",\"" + (attrHash.get("cornervalue")!=null?attrHash.get("cornervalue"):"") + "\",\"" + attrHash.get("type") + "\",\"" + attrHash.get("text") + "\",\"" + attrHash.get("creator") + "\""; } public Card() { } public String getAttribute(String attrName) { return attrHash.get(attrName); } public void setAttribute(String attrName, String attrVal) { attrHash.put(attrName, attrVal); } } private ArrayList cards; public void printAll() { printAll(new PrintWriter(System.out), -1); } public void printAll(PrintWriter pw) { printAll(pw, -1); } public void printAll(PrintWriter pw, int startingAt) { for (int i=0; i<cards.size(); i++) { pw.println((startingAt>=0?((i+startingAt) + ","):"") + cards.get(i)); } pw.flush(); } public Dvorak(String filename) throws IOException { boolean dbug = false; cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String lineIn = "."; String currText = ""; Card currCard = null; while (lineIn!=null && br.ready()) { lineIn = br.readLine().trim(); if (dbug) System.out.println("Contructor read line: " + lineIn); if (lineIn.length()==0) continue; currText = (currText + " " + lineIn).trim(); boolean done = false; while (!done && currText!=null && currText.length()>0) { if (currCard != null) { int pipe = currText.indexOf('|'); int end = currText.indexOf("}}"); if (pipe<0 && end<0) { done = true; } else { int sep = Math.min(pipe, end); if (pipe<0) sep=end; else if (end<0) sep=pipe; String token = currText.substring(0, sep); if (!currCard.parseToken(token)) System.out.println("Card = " + currCard.getAttribute("title") + ", token rejected: " + token); currText = currText.substring(sep + (sep==end?2:1)).trim(); if (sep==end) { cards.add(currCard); currCard = null; } } } else { int start = currText.indexOf("{{"); if (start<0) { done = true; } else { currCard = new Card(); currText = currText.substring(start+2); } } } } } private Dvorak() { } public static void main2(String[] args) { Dvorak d = new Dvorak(); Card c = Card(); c.parseToken(" BgColor = 660000 "); c.parseToken("corner=1U"); c.parseToken("creator=Kevan"); c.parseToken("text = Take an extra \"turn\" after \tthis one."); c.parseToken(" title=Time, Walk "); c.parseToken("TYPE=Action"); System.out.println(c); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length<2) { System.out.println("Usage: Dvorak [inputfile] [outputfile] [first number, default 1])"); return; } int firstNum = -1; if (args.length>2) { try { firstNum = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(args[2] + " is not an integer, not numbering"); } } Dvorak d = new Dvorak(args[0]); d.printAll(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(args[1])), firstNum); } }