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{{card|title=Four-Leaf Clover|type=Thing|text=You may choose to discard the first card you draw, during a turn, and draw another card.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Four-Leaf Clover|type=Thing|text=You may choose to discard the first card you draw, during a turn, and draw another card.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Flush|type=Thing|text=Hand size limit 1 card.  When this card has been in play for one full turn, destroy it and draw 8 cards.|bgcolor=606|creator=Binarius}}
{{card|title=Stunt Double|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Binarius|text=When this card comes into play, draw five cards and place them face-down under it.  If an opponent's Action targets you, you may divert its effects to Stunt Double's hand; if you would be eliminated, destroy Stunt Double.}}
{{card|title=Laser Guidance System|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Binarius|text=When you play a card that calls for a decision to be made randomly, you may make the decision yourself instead.}}

Revision as of 08:13, 22 November 2008

The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400, 2401-2500, 2501-2600, 2601-2700, 2701-2800, 2801-2900, 2901-3000.
Token Discontentment
If this card is destroyed, the player who destroyed it must create and put Token Uprising from the the archive into play. Action: Destroy a non-token thing belonging to the player with the most tokens in play.
Card by Pongo
Token Uprising
Play under the control of nobody. At the beginning of their turns, all players destroy a random thing they control for every token they control. If this card is destroyed, the player who destroyed it must create and put Token War from the the archive into play. Tokens are considered aggressive cards.
Card by Pongo
Token War
Play under the control of nobody. All tokens are considered to be under the control of a seperate player, whose turn is inserted after the player who played this card's turn. On this player's turn, for every token this player controls, destroy a random thing owned by a player who isn't the one described above. If this player is eliminated, destroy this card. Tokens are considered aggressive cards.
Card by Pongo
Infinitesimal Dvorak Deck
Roll a d6 and count clockwise around the table that number, starting with you. The player reached is the winner.
That didn't take long. What are those other cards for?
Card by Goldenboots
David Blaine
Action: Put a thing into your hand and replace it with a thing from your hand.
Action: Replace a word on a thing with "Ace of Clubs".
Action: Give an Ace of Clubs Token to a player.
"Wanna see some magic?"
Card by ChippyYYZ

Language In-Crowd: Chinese Edition!
手中限拿十張牌。動作:抽十張牌,可自由保留、擲出、或送給對手。懷疑此規則者要把手中所有的牌擲出。 Action: Discard a card and draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Gordian Knot
Indestructible. If this Thing is destroyed, the person who destroyed it wins.
Card by Binarius
America Votes 3008
All players secretly choose Red or Blue and then reveal their choices simultaneously. Players who made the majority choice may draw two cards, and those in the minority must discard two cards.
Card by Binarius
Wanted Poster
Whenever a Thing with a Bounty token on it is destroyed, whoever destroyed it may draw three cards. Action: Put a Bounty token on a Thing.
Card by Kevan
Chinese Bakery Entrapment
Play under the control of another player. The controller of this card may not use any action abilities other than the one on this card.
Action: Create 10 fortune cookie tokens.
Card by Pongo
Low Orbit Ion Cannon
Action: Destroy a material thing, and any tokens placed on it.
Card by Pongo
Security Exploit
Use the action ability of an opponent's thing.
Card by Pongo
Zombie Hater
When this comes into play destroy all zombies. When a new zombie comes into play destroy Zombie hater.
Card by gill_smoke
Stick and stones may break my bones
Action Reaction
play in reaction to any action that would effect your things Replace one of thier things with a rubble token instead.
"but words will never hurt me"
Card by gill_smoke
I'm ruber your glue
Action Reaction
play in reaction to any action that would effect your things offending action must now effect the offending players stuff.
"What you say bounces of of me and sticks to you"
Card by gill_smoke
Order No. 227
If any thing would leave play, destroy it instead.
Ни шагу назад!
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Sacred Writings of (your name here) Are Inviolate!
No card attributed to Kevan can have its text changed in any way, even if the card permits this.
Action: Change the previous sentence by replacing the card creator name with another card creator name.
If you choose Goldenboots, the action stops working.
Card by Goldenboots
Whenever a specific amount of tokens is required, it requires half as many.
Card by Pongo, credit to ChippyYYZ
The Illuminati
This card does not exist. If this card is destroyed or removed from play, shuffle it into the draw pile.
Action: Insert "FNORD" into a card's text.
Action: View the hand of a player with a card containing "FNORD" in play, and play a card from it.
Card by Pongo
Stick of Dynamite
On your next turn, destroy this, a thing of your choice, and two random non-token things belonging to the controller of the thing of your choice you destroyed.
Card by Pongo

Return of the Zombie plague
Create a zombie token for every card on the discard pile
Card by gill_smoke
Your hand size is reduced by one Action: Destroy living thing, create Zombie token in its place.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombified Electrician
Destroy an energy token to play. Whenever you would create an energy token you may discard a card to make a second energy token.
Card by gill_smoke
Organic Robot
A living thing. You may play an additional thing each turn.
Card by Pongo
Soup Kitchen
Action: Create a soup token.
Card by Pongo
Caffeine Pill Box
When this card goes into play, put six caffeine pill tokens on it. Flip a coin on the turn you play this card's action ability. If tails, skip your next turn. If this card is destroyed, destroy all caffeine pill tokens on it. Action: Destroy a caffeine pill token and play two additional actions this turn.
Card by Pongo
Interpolation Interchange
Play only if you control at least one non-Token Thing with nonempty ruletext. Insert the word "only" anywhere in the text of target Thing controlled by an opponent. That opponent may insert the word "not" anywhere in the text of one of your Things.
Card by Goldenboots
Second Law of Thermodynamics
All players who control more than zero energy tokens must turn an energy token into an unlabelled token at the the beginning of their turn.
The entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.
Card by Pongo
Third Law of Thermodynamics
If there are no energy tokens in play, no actions or things may be played, and all material things are considered blank.
As a system approaches absolute zero, all processes cease and the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value.
Card by Pongo
High-Frequency Shield
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, equip it to a thing you control. Neither this nor the equipped thing can be affected by any card that modifies text, overrules indestructibility, or sends it anywhere but the discard pile.
Regular destruction, however, is still quite effective.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Sorting Hat
Whenever a thing (or token) comes into play, a random player gains control of it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Indestructible. You cannot be eliminated.
Play this only when you destroy a living thing or eliminate a player.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Mountain of Skulls
Whenever a living Thing is destroyed, gain a Skull token. If this card is destroyed, you may destroy five Skull tokens to return it to your hand instead. If you have at least ten Skull tokens, create a copy of Castle of Pain from the Infinite Dvorak deck and put it into your hand. Action: Destroy a living Thing.
Card by Binarius
Castle of Pain
You have no hand size limit. If you control Mountain of Skulls, it is indestructible. When this card enters play, each opponent must choose either to give you the card they draw at the beginning of their turns or not to play Things. If you have at least fifteen Skull tokens, create a copy of Throne of Blood from the Infinite Dvorak deck and put it into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Throne of Blood
Destroy this card at the end of your turn if you do not also control Castle of Pain. Thing and Action - Scourge of Carpathia: Eliminate a player with no living Things.
Card by Binarius
Action-Grenade Belt
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, put three grenade counters on it, remove an action in your hand from the game, and equip this to a thing you control. Equipped thing has
"Action: Destroy a grenade token to use the action that was removed from the game."
Card by ChippyYYZ
Incarnation Of The Abstract
All immaterial things in play are put under this card. This card is a living thing and has all text of all cards under it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Camo Suit
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, equip it to a thing you control. Equipped thing cannot be affected by actions that do not affect all things in play.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Not So Smug Now!
If target Thing is indestructible, blank its text. If target Thing is uneditable, destroy it. If target Thing is both indestructible and uneditable, eliminate its owner. If target Thing has neither protection, add the text ' Action: Put a money token into play ' after its text.
Card by Goldenboots
The Chieftain
Action: Put the card "The High Warrior" from the discard pile into play. If it is not in the discard pile, create it and put it into play. Action: If you control "The High Warrior", put the card "The High Shaman" from the discard pile into play. If it is not in the discard pile, create it and put it into play.
Card by Pongo
The High Warrior
If one of your things would be destroyed, you may destroy a warrior token instead.
Action: Destroy a thing.
Action: Put n/2 (rounded down) warrior token(s) into play, where n is the number of players in the game currently.
Card by Pongo
The High Shaman
Action: Put up to three living or undead things from the discard pile into play.
Action: Put five zombie tokens into play.
Action: Destroy three zombie tokens and play two additional actions. This action may only be used once per turn.
Card by Pongo
Global reset
Restart the game.
Everybody discards their hand and destroy all things in play deal 5 cards to all players. It's now the next player's turn
Card by gill_smoke
Dagon take your soul
Either eliminate a player in control of a zombie token or destroy a living thing
"Marlak Dagn Schulak"
Card by gill_smoke
Thing god
When this comes into play destroy all living things, take control of all undead things. The game ends at the beginning of your next turn, you win unless someone else controls a god.
Shaak Ti Kali ma
Card by gill_smoke
Land of the Gods
All living things are considered gods. This card and all gods are indestructable.
Card by Pongo
Replace all undead things (including tokens) with person or [living thing name here] tokens.
Card by Pongo
Healer Gone Horribly Wrong
If this card would be destroyed, you may destroy a mana token instead.
Action: Destroy a living thing and create a mana token.
Action: Destroy a mana token and put a living or undead thing from the discard pile into play. If it is a non-undead thing add the sentence "This is a zombie." to the beginning of the card's text.
Healing was good, but this is much better.
Card by Pongo
The Almighty Flying Frog of Buxtephlog IX
Thing - God
Action: The Almighty Flying Frog of Buxtephlog IX wins the game. All other players are eliminated.
Possibly the most powerful card in the whole Infinite Dvorak deck.
Card by Zt
Three Hyperactive Pigs
Action: Reveal three Action cards from your hand. If you do, take three extra Actions this turn (not counting this one). Don't use this Action more than once a turn.
Card by Zt
Throwing Cards
Throw n cards into target opponent's face. The cards are discarded. The result depends on the value of n:
n=1 Target opponent discards a random card.
n=2 Target opponent destroys two random Things she controls.
n=5 Target opponent destroys all Things she controls.
n=6 Target opponent is eliminated.
Card by Zt
Risky Transplant Operation
Give target thing the action ability of an action in your hand or a thing you control, then discard the action or erase the ability from the thing, then flip a coin. If heads, do nothing further, if tails, destroy all things involved.
Card by Pongo
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Thing - Deity
Indestructable, immaterial, invisible, and can pass through normal matter with ease.
Action: The Flying Spaghetti Monster uses His Noodley Appendage to steal a thing from your opponent and put it under your control.
Action: The Flying Spaghetti Monster gets drunk on the beer volcano and creates a midget token under your control.
Action: A stripper from the stripper factory distracts one of your opponents. They miss their next turn.
Card by Pongo
Marcus Brigstocke
You may play this under the control of an opponent. The card "David Blaine" is now "Git Wizard". If you have both this card and "Git Wizard" in play under your control, you are eliminated.
I know I shouldn't have referred to a specific card, but I couldn't resist.
Card by Pongo
Suspended Plastic Box
You may skip a turn to put a Publicity token into play. If you control ten Publicity tokens, you win the game. If you play or draw a card, destroy this Thing.
Card by Kevan
Spivak Shielding
Cards which would use the incorrect "he/she" personal pronoun against you cannot be played.
Card by Kevan
Warp Blade
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, equip it to a thing you control. Whenever equipped thing would destroy a thing, it removes it from the game instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, put all tokens you control on it and equip it to a thing you control. Whenever this or the equipped thing would be destroyed, you may destroy a token on this card instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, put an energy token on it and equip it to a thing you control. If this or the equipped thing would be destroyed, you may destroy an energy token on this card instead. If there wasn't an energy token on this card at the end of your last turn, put an energy token on this card at the beginning of your turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Action Reaction
Play in reaction to any action that action does nothing.
"No you don't understand That's not what I meant"
Card by gill_smoke
Plan Z
Destroy all living things make a Zombie token under your control for each thing destroyed.
"I love plan Z!" -Plankton
Card by gill_smoke
Attach to a living thing. That thing cannot take actions
Card by gill_smoke
Ralph Nader
Take 2.5% of the weight of all the votes of any vote held (take an equal amount of weight from each player, including yourself) and add it to the weight of your vote.
Card by Pongo
The Demonic Spellbook of David Blaine
Thing - Equipment
When this comes into play, equip it to a thing you control. Equipped thing has
Action: Replace target card with a (card's title) Token.
Action: Replace target token with a (token's name) card. If the token was on a card, destroy that card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Fury of Jimi Hendrix
Destroy up to five things.
Set this card on fire and remove it from the game.
Card by ChippyYYZ
War Profiteering
For each player, reveal cards from the deck until you find a thing that equips to another thing, put it in their hand, and draw a card.
Not neccesarily an Equipment, though.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Random Stranger
All random effects target this card.
"Why me? I'm just a random stranger!"
Card by Zt
Innocent Bystander
All destroy effects target this card.
"Why me? I'm just an innocent bystander!"
Card by Zt
Antichrist Superstar
Action: Replace target living Thing with a strawberry candy token.
"This guy is more popular than any rock band nowadays." - The Rolling Stone. "I have to tell to all these young groupies: I'm sorry, the Lord of D. is busy. A very disappointing job." - Pol Pot, Satan's personal butler.
"I LOVE strawberry candy." - Satan
Card by Zt
Badly-Programmed Homebrew Software
At the beginning of your turn, roll 1d6. If you roll a 5 or 6, discard a card.
Action: Draw three cards.
Extremely useful, but ridden with bugs.
Card by Pongo
Finger of Death
Destroy target living Thing. If your opponents do not control any living Things, instead force an opponent to discard two cards at random. If your opponents do not control any living things and have at most one card in each of their hands, eliminate an opponent instead.
Card by Bucky
Play this under any player's control. When this comes into play, put your hand under this. At the beginning of each of your turns, put a random card from under this card back into your hand. Destroy this card when there are no cards under it.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Card Force
Play at any time. Put a card in your hand on top of the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Box Of Memories
When this comes into play, put 5 random cards from the discard pile under this card. When this card is destroyed, put these cards in your hand.
Action: Destroy this card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Uc 1
UPC code
Attach to a non living thing if that thing would be destroyed, create a copy of it in owners hand.
12546 68004
Card by gill_smoke
Attach to a living thing. Add "Destroy a thing" to any action ability, or increase by one the number of things destroyed.
Card by gill_smoke
Attach to a living thing. Thing cannot take actions unless there are at least two tokens on this card. Action: Destroy a token on this card take two more actions.
"Two point Oh is what we're shooting for."
Card by gill_smoke
Black and White Movie Era
Yellow and white cards are white. All other cards are black. Nobody may generate more than one token per turn.
Card by Zt
If all Things you control are black, win the game. Otherwise the game ends and nobody wins, nobody loses.
"A draw with Black is almost like a win in chess." - Some guy
"The turning point in my career came with the realization that Black should play to win instead of just steering for equality." - Bobby Fischer
Card by Zt
Pain in the Ass
You may play this under an opponent's control. At the beginning of your turn, discard a card.
Card by Zt
Allergic Reaction
Choose a type of Token. Each player discards a card for each token of that type under their control.
Card by ChippyYYZ
All cards are considered to have no creator.
Card by ChippyYYZ, unless this is in play
Discard a card and reveal cards from the top of the deck until you find a card with the same creator as the discarded card. Put it into your hand and shuffle the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Word War
all players write for 10 minutes the one with the largest word count wins the game (pages of repeated words does not count).
Hey I thought we were playing cards
Card by gill_smoke
Word Sprint
Write for 10 minutes create a prize token for every 100 words (pages of repeated words does not count).
Hey, I thought we were playing cards
Card by gill_smoke
Change the "Card by" line on every card in play reflect Kevan as the creator.
"Who does that guy think he is anyway?" -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
600 cal
Ham and Eggs
If two opponents both control living things, eliminate one opponent and destroy all the other's living things. Put a Cholesterol token into play.
The hen is involved; the pig is committed
Card by Goldenboots
I Teach You In A Spanish Way
Look at an opponent's hand and choose a card for them to play on their next turn.
It's really about business management.
Card by Binarius
Refried Beans
Whenever you would draw a card, you may choose to draw from the top of the discard pile; if you do, gain a Flatulence token.
Card by Binarius
It's Called epMotion
Destroy five Money tokens when this card comes into play. Action: Put an Action under this card; as long as it is there, this card has "Action: [that Action's ruletext]".
Girl, it's time to automate.
Card by Binarius
Burial Chamber
If a player controls no tokens, they cannot win the game.
Card by Kevan
When this comes into play, put five Pill tokens into play under your control. Action: A chosen opponent either destroys any Pill token, or discards a card at random.
Card by Kevan
Action: Reveal a card from your hand that has the word 'destroy' on it. A chosen opponent discards a card of their choice.
Card by Kevan
It's mine
Take a card from another players hand.
Card by gill_smoke
Gimme That
Take a non living thing from another player.
Card by gill_smoke
Take a token from another player.
Card by gill_smoke
Cold Cut Combo
reveal the top card of the draw pile, cut the draw pile and reveal the top card, resolve any actions revealed and put the things into your hand.
I'll have mine with no mayo
Card by gill_smoke
Killer Combo
Discard a card to play. Destroy a token and a living thing and remove a card from the discard pile from play.
Card by gill_smoke
It's a tie.
All players win
Card by gill_smoke
Tit for Tat
Players may only play Action cards if the player who took the turn before them played an Action card. Any player may discard a card to ignore this effect for one turn.
Card by Kevan
Game of Life
If a player controls less than two or more than three tokens, they must destroy all tokens they control. Action: If you control two tokens, put a token of any type into play. Any player may play this ability.
Card by Kevan
Forced Hand
Whenever you would discard an Action card, you may play it instead. It doesn't count towards your Action limit.
Card by Kevan
"Odd. That Wasn't Supposed To Happen."
Play in response to a player winning the game. Negate the card that caused them to win and put it into your hand.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Hydra Emblem
Whenever a token you control is destroyed, replace with two of the same tokens.
Card by ChippyYYZ
This Is Madness!
Whenever a player would discard a card, they may play it instead.
This is a reference to something other than Sparta.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Slow Zombies
Action: A chosen opponent chooses a Thing they control. Destroy it.
Card by Kevan
House of Cards
You may skip drawing a card to put a Card token into play. Action: Destroy any number of Card tokens you control, to draw an equal number of cards.
Card by Kevan
Revolving Fireplace
Set aside all non-token Things you control. Play every card from your hand, in any order. Put all the cards you set aside into your hand.
Card by Kevan
Vile Aggressor
Vile Aggressor must perform action every turn or be destroyed, When this is destroyed, destroy another thing.
Action: destroy target thing
Card by gill_smoke
Drink Combo
Thing (rule)
All living things must flip a coin before performing action abilities, if tail make a puke token instead of performing action.
"There's a six drink minimum here."
Card by gill_smoke
Combo punch
Take control of target thing and two tokens, if available, from the same opponent.
"Ouch, that's gotta hurt."
Card by gill_smoke
Dominance Display
At the start of their turn, if a player has more than one living Thing, they must destroy a living Thing they control.
Card by Kevan
Overpowered and Out of Here
Any Thing in play before this comes into play, and any card played after this is in play, containing two of the words win, lose, remove, text, destroy, eliminate, all or every is cancelled. If an Action, it has no effect. If a Thing, its ruletext is blanked. For each cancellation, you must erase a boldface word from this card that appeared on the cancelled card.
Card by Goldenboots
Mate in Three
Any player claiming to win the game must demonstrate that the card(s) and/or Token(s) that allow him/her to win had been in play for at least three of the player's turns.
Action: win the game.
But not right now.
Card by Goldenboots
Teamwork wins!
Any player claiming to win the game must demonstrate that TWO OR MORE cards or Tokens were required for his/her win - that is, the player would not have won without all of these items.
Action: win the game.
Not really.
Card by Goldenboots
Trailing Extension Lead
Whenever an opponent invokes a Thing's Action ability, you may use the Action ability of any Thing you control, immediately afterwards.
Card by Kevan
Powder Keg
Action: Destroy this card; draw four cards and play all of the Actions you draw.
Card by Binarius
Don't Stop The Music
Destroy this card at the beginning of your turn. At the beginning of every player's turn, activate an Action ability of a Thing you control that you have not activated since the beginning of your last turn. Action: Ignore target Thing's first sentence until the beginning of your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Discard any number of cards and draw an equal number of cards.
Card by Binarius
Gamma irradiated
Attach to an animate thing. gains the following rules text 'after using an action ability This card must use "Action: destroy a thing." before using another action.'
Card by gill_smoke
It's all positive
Everybody reveals thier cards and removes from the game any cards with destroy effects and any cards with a semanticly negative word. (except, without, no, not, -n't)
"Buy Jolt Cola"
Card by gill_smoke
How many tokens would it take?
Everybody counts thier tokens the one with the most gets posession of the rest.
Card by gill_smoke
Looping Twine
If you would discard this card, keep it and an opponent must discard a card instead.
Card by Kevan
Martian Tripod
If an Action card is played, destroy Martian Tripod. Action: Destroy a Thing.
Card by Kevan
Reverse the Polarity
Whenever a Thing (other than this one) would be destroyed, a copy is created instead, and put into play under the control of the original Thing's controller.
Card by Kevan
Action: Destroy target abstract concept.
"Perché questo ti incuteva tanto spavento?" "Perché era del Filosofo. Ogni libro di quell'uomo ha distrutto una parte della sapienza che la cristianità aveva accumulato lungo i secoli." - Eco, Il nome della rosa.
Card by Zt
Thomas Hobbes
War! Whenever a player destroys a Thing, he gains a homo homini lupus token. If somebody controls 4 or more homo homini lupus tokens, he wins the game. All players may agree to replace this card with a textless card called: "Leviathan".
"For by Art is created that great Leviathan..."
Card by Zt
Immanuel Kant
You may negate any Actions that are longer than two sentences.
"That's not logical" - Immanuel Kan... wait... That's a Mr. Spock line, you pseudo-intellectual!
Card by Zt
Method of Descartes
Doubt the existence of all non-deity Things. For each such, owner rolls a d6. The Thing is destroyed on a 1.
I think pink, therefore I am pink.
Card by Goldenboots
University of Woolloomooloo Philosophy Department
Change the name of a Thing to "Bruce"
Do you mind if we call you Bruce, Bruce?
Card by Goldenboots
Categorical Imperative
Any Actions you play affect all players equally. So if one player is targetted, all players are targetted. If one Thing is targetted, one Thing belonging to every player is targetted.
Reaction: When another player plays an Action or uses an Action ability that affects him/herself, you may apply the same Action/ability to yourself.
The name "Immanuel Kant" was taken.
Card by Goldenboots
Action: Destroy a Thing, if you control three or more Hobbe tokens. Action: Replace a token with a Hobbe token and gain control of it.
Card by Kevan
When this comes into play, destroy all Things other than this.
"The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." - Whitehead
"You are all nothing but footnotes to me, suckers!" - Plato Himself
Card by Zt
You may insult all other players, but if somebody insults you, he is eliminated.
"This card takes philosophical Dvorak to a completely new dimension."
Card by Zt
John Locke
When John Locke comes into play, he gains the Action and Thing abilities of target thing.
"He just plagiarized anyway." - Some mean-hearted professor.
Card by Zt
Political Fallout
Play in response to an action ability, take control triggering thing.
Card by gill_smoke
Bipartisan Pollitics
Action Reaction
Play in response to an action ability, Destroy one of your things and the thing that triggered this card.
Card by gill_smoke
Afternnon Nap
Thing (equipment)
Attach to a living thing it can't take actions other than Action: destroy a money token to destroy this card.
Card by gill_smoke
Token Clock
When this comes into play, put eight Sand tokens into play. If no tokens of any type are in play, you win the game. Action: Destroy a token.
Card by Kevan
For each type of token in play, destroy all but one token of that type.
Card by Kevan
Superdollar Printing Press
Action: Choose a token in play, and create two copies of it under your control.
Card by Kevan
Everybody has to talk a lot, but if somebody writes down anything, he is eliminated.
Action: Search the draw pile for a philosopher or a card that contains the word "philosophy" and put it in your hand.
Card by Zt
Niccolò Machiavelli
The player with most things in play is "Il Principe". Only "Il Principe" may play Actions from his hand. (Action abilities are exempt from this rule.)
"Dal momento che l'amore e la paura possono difficilmente coesistere, se dobbiamo scegliere fra uno dei due, è molto più sicuro essere temuti che amati." - Machiavelli
Card by Zt
Friedrich Nietzsche
You are the Übermensch and cannot be eliminated.
Action: Destroy target god.
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
Card by Zt
While this card is in play, the title of all non-token Things in play is 'Bruce', and all tokens are Bruce tokens instead of their normal type. Action: Put a Bruce token into play.
Card by Kevan
J-P Sartre
Being IS nothingness. Next player eliminated wins the game.
But it's meaningless.
Card by Goldenboots
Everything is for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds.
Action Lisbon earthquake: all living things with action abilities lose them.
Action Search the draw pile for a card which would eliminate a player and shuffle it into the top five cards of the draw pile.
Pessimists also believe this is the best of all possible worlds.
Card by Goldenboots
I'll Come In Again
Return a Thing you control to your hand, then play it again immediately.
Card by Action
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Whenever a player would play a card, they must name a card of the same type (Thing or Action) from those in the discard pile. The played card becomes a copy of the named card. (If there is no such card in the discard pile, the card is played unchanged.)
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Card by Kevan
Token Garbage Collection
All tokens whose name/type are not mentioned on current Things in play are (at your option on a case-by-case basis) either destroyed or converted into tokens named Token.
Who can keep track of this garbage?
Card by Goldenboots
ALL? Not me!
Equip this onto a Thing. Equipped Thing can only be destroyed or altered by an effect for which it is the only targetted Thing. Control of this card goes to the player destroying the equipped Thing.
Kevan says I don't have to.
Card by Goldenboots
John Stuart Mill
If the total number of Tokens ever decreases, the Action below automatically triggers (under your control).
Action: Add 5 Utilitarian Tokens to the game and redistribute the ownership of Tokens as ordered by you, but so that nobody's total number of Tokens goes down.
Greatest good of the greatest number.
Card by Goldenboots
Literature - A Disstory
Who is the most overrated author ever? Everybody writes down a name secretly. If 2 players chose the same name, both win. If sb. wrote down one of the names below, she gains an irreverence token and draws a card. Hemingway, Twain, Melville, Updike, Sartre, Saramago, Camus, Dostoyevskij, Tolstoy, Roth, Kafka, Goethe, Schiller, Mann, Kundera, the guy who wrote the bible, Cervantes, Dante, Calvino, Shakespeare, Homer.
Card by Zt
Time Machine
Action: Take a card from the discard pile into your hand. Gain a time token.
Action: If you control ten time tokens, destroy this card: travel back into time and prevent opponent's birth: target opponent is eliminated.
Card by Zt
Dannyboy, Hacker Legend
Whenever an Action ability is used, you may change the Action ability's target.
"He sees numbers, where you see only random letters, doors, where you see only walls, meaning, where you see only bits and bytes."
Card by Zt
Elaborate Insurance Policy
If a Thing (other than this one) is destroyed when it isn't your turn, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
The Beast
Not living. Cannot be destroyed by Action abilities.
Action: Destroy one third of all living Things. (Rounded up. You decide which Things exactly.)
Action: If there are no living Things in play, put a trumpet token into play.
Action: Destroy seven trumpet tokens you control and eliminate all other players.
Card by Zt
Paper Wars
Destroy n things you control. Target player has to discard n/10 (rounded down) cards. If he cannot, he is eliminated.
Card by Zt
Andrew's Lucky Talisman
Whenever dice are rolled you may add one or detract one from the result. Whenever a coin is flipped, you decide the outcome. Whenever an opponent draws a card, you may roll a die. On a one, you get the card instead.
Card by Zt
Out of Ammo
An Action ability cannot be played if it would destroy a Thing or eliminate a player.
Card by Kevan
Lost in Research
Draw five cards. An opponent of your choice may destroy up to three Things you control.
Card by Kevan
Apple Tree
Action: Every player draws a card.
Card by Kevan
Sounds better when you say it
Action Reaction
play in reaction to an action card. you preempt control.
Card by gill_smoke
Epic fail
When you play this, eliminate yourself and another player.
Card by gill_smoke
Draft Proposal
Action Reaction
Play in response to a thing being played. put it in your hand. change its type to draft, it is unplayable from you hand.
Now why would you go and do that for? -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
Beer Machine
Instead of discarding a random card you may destroy a random Thing you control.
Action: Everybody gets drunk and discards a random card.
Action: Gain a money token.
"What do you mean ya don't drink? Are you funny in the head or something?" - Bub
Card by Zt
Everybody has to smile. If a player doesn't smile, he is eliminated. Instead of destroying a Thing you may draw a card.
"I love your pink new hat!" - Bub
"Err... are you sure Bub said THAT?!" - Gill Smoke
Card by Zt
Annoying Pseudo-Pop-Science Rambling Guy
Whenever a Thing is destroyed, destroy this card instead and quote Murphy's law.
Card by Zt
Splintering Crevasse
Toss a coin for each Thing in play. For each coin that comes up tails, destroy that Thing.
Card by Kevan
Spiked Treadmill
Play only if each player has three or fewer cards in their hand. If a player ever has five cards in their hand, they are eliminated.
Card by Kevan
Whenever anyone plays an Action card, they must return it to their hand instead of putting it in the discard pile.
Card by Kevan
Swap target card with a Thing in the discard pile.
The card can be anywhere - in play, in someone's hand, already in the discard pile...
Card by Bucky
I read Ulysses by James Joyce and you didn't!
Gain 2 intellectual tokens and 1 token of your choice.
Card by Zt
In Soviet Russia Card Plays You!
Play in response to an Action. The Action's text is changed till end of turn. All instances of "the" and "a" in the Action's text are removed. Each subject in the sentence becomes an object, each object becomes "you". Dots become exclamation marks.
- "Eliminate target opponent." -> "Target opponent eliminate you!"
Card by Zt
Let's do it again!
All "at the beginning of your turn" effects on Things are performed twice at the beginning of the respective player's turn.
Card by Zt
Redistrubite the Wealth
Collect all tokens sorted by type redistribute them fairly to all players destroying the remainder
"Yeah like that's going to work" -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
Broken Watch
Playable on another, owner may only take actions every other turn.

"It five o'clock somewhere." -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
Borg Collective
When a card is assimilated Borg Collective may add the action or thing ability to thier rules text. All of your things must be assimilated before you can assimilate others Action: Assimilate thing. (Destroy)
"Resistance is futile"
Card by gill_smoke
Overlord Necromancer
You may play this under an opponent's control. When this comes into play, target opponent gains control of all other Things you control. Your hand size is reduced by three. You may play cards from the discard pile as though they were in your hand.
Card by Zt
Robin Hood
Action: Target opponent reveals his hand. Choose a card from the opponent's hand and give it to a player other than you.
Action: Destroy target human.
"Who's that queer in tights?" - Last words of a Nottingham guard.
Card by Zt
I Kill Little Innocent Pandas
You are so evil that you laugh evilly at the beginning of your turn. If you forget to laugh you are eliminated.
Action or Thing: Discard a card, destroy target living Thing.
Card by Zt
The House Of The Rising Sun
No player may both draw and play a card in the same turn. Any player with no cards in their hand is eliminated.
Card by Binarius
Granny, Does Your Dog Bite?
View a chosen player's hand.
Card by Binarius
Evil Hiss
Every opponent discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Grandmother's Footsteps
Cards may not be played. Action: Return this to your hand.
Card by Kevan
Parkour Run
Draw a card for every physical, non-living Thing which is taller than ten feet.
Card by Kevan
Precarious Shelf Space
Whenever a Thing comes into play, destroy a Thing at random.
Card by Kevan
Useless What-dya-ma-call-it?!?
When you play this card, it is put into an opponents hand of your choice. If it is put into your hand through this effect, you must play it next turn. On the 9th turn that "Useless What-dya-ma-call-it?!?" is played, the player who played it loses the game
Card by Jgr_94
Whenever a card is played, whenever an effect triggers, whenever a player draws or discards a card, you must say 'DUHH!'. If you forget, this card is sacrificed. If this card stays in play for 10 turns, you win the game.
Card by Jgr_94
For each token in play, put another token into play of that type, under the controller of the original token.
Card by Kevan
Action: Pick a Thing with an Action ability. Its ability activates once, with any decisions required by it being taken randomly.
Card by Kevan
Token Exclusion Principle
Every player with duplicate identical tokens destroys duplicates until only one of each type remains (per player).
Card by Goldenboots


Cornervalue Exclusion Principle
No two Things belonging to a player may have the same cornervalue (null cornervalues included). If any player has Things with matching cornervalues, that player must destroy all but a randomly chosen one (but indestructible Things have preference) . While trying to play a Thing with a duplicate cornervalue, toss a coin to see which Thing is kept..
Card by Goldenboots
Cards with a number in their cornervalue (ignore letters, etc) are Noble. Other cards or Common. No Common card may destroy, alter, or overrule any Noble card. No Noble card may destroy, alter, or overrule a Noble card with a higher number.
Action Enoble: Give the corner number of this card to another card.
Action Promotion: Double the corner number of a card.
Card by Goldenboots
Action: Discard a card with the word 'destroy' on it to destroy two Things.
Card by Kevan
Emergency Preparedness
Starting with your opponent, each player plays all the cards in their hand, in an order of their choosing. At the end of the turn, return all the played cards to their respective players' hands.
Card by Kevan
If Hummingbird would be destroyed, return it to your hand instead.
Card by Kevan
Bottled Lightning
You may capture one Action card and place it under Bottled Lightning as soon as it is played; its effects occur at the beginning of every one of your turns.
Card by Binarius
The Feel-Good Hit Of The Summer
Gain three Money tokens when you play this card. Gain a Money token and draw an extra card at the beginning of your turns.
Card by Binarius
When you play this card, change its title to a noun phrase beginning with the word "The". Any player who refers to you by any other noun phrase, or by your name without appending this card's title to it, is eliminated.
Card by Binarius
The Old Exploding Card Trick
Play after a player has drawn one or more cards. They must discard those cards, plus an equal number of cards at random.
Card by Kevan
Action: Choose a player and a token type. Take all the tokens of that type belonging to that player, and redistribute them one-by-one, going clockwise around the table starting from the player to the left of their owner. Any player may play this action ability.
Card by Kevan
Token Squash
Action: Destroy a token, if you control a token with a longer name. Any player may play this action ability.
Card by Kevan
Dead Cow Cultists
Action: Destroy a living Thing you control and discard a card. Then take two extra Actions.
Card by Zt
Life Insurance
Play onto target Thing. When equipped Thing is destroyed, destroy this card as well and gain 5 moneys tokens.
Card by Zt
Nuclear Power Plant
Players who control radioactive tokens, discard a card at the beginning of their turn.
Action: Gain two energy tokens. Roll a die. On a one this Thing's Action ability is triggered (this does not count as you playing a Thing).
Thing: Chernobyl II! All living Things are destroyed. Each player gains two radioactive tokens.
It's nucular. NU-cu-lar.
Card by Zt
Moral Compass
Whenever a player destroys an opponent's Thing, they gain one Evil token. If a player has any Evil tokens in play, they may not win the game. Action: Put a card from your hand into an opponent's hand, and destroy an Evil token. Any player may play this ability.
Card by Kevan
Action: Name a Thing. Action: Destroy the last Thing that you named using this card's other ability.
Card by Kevan
Four-Leaf Clover
You may choose to discard the first card you draw, during a turn, and draw another card.
Card by Kevan
Hand size limit 1 card. When this card has been in play for one full turn, destroy it and draw 8 cards.
Card by Binarius
Stunt Double
When this card comes into play, draw five cards and place them face-down under it. If an opponent's Action targets you, you may divert its effects to Stunt Double's hand; if you would be eliminated, destroy Stunt Double.
Card by Binarius
Laser Guidance System
When you play a card that calls for a decision to be made randomly, you may make the decision yourself instead.
Card by Binarius