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(Created page with "{{Infobox | title=It Belongs in a Museum | designer=ChippyYYZ | date=May 2024 | players=2+ | status=Unfinished | unlocked=true }} Proof-of-concept. All cards and rules subject to change, or at least clean-up. Players race to search for ancient artifacts. Inspired very directly (but not exclusively) by the two greatest Indiana Jones movies and Temple of Doom. ==Special Rules== When you Exhaust a Thing, turn it sideways until your next turn. An Exhausted Thing can't be...")
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Revision as of 12:19, 20 May 2024

It Belongs in a Museum
Designer ChippyYYZ
Date May 2024
Players 2+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Proof-of-concept. All cards and rules subject to change, or at least clean-up.

Players race to search for ancient artifacts. Inspired very directly (but not exclusively) by the two greatest Indiana Jones movies and Temple of Doom.

Special Rules

When you Exhaust a Thing, turn it sideways until your next turn. An Exhausted Thing can't be Exhausted further until then. Relics are indestructible and have a dollar value. The first player to hold $1,000,000 worth of Relics wins. Relics are kept in the Relic Deck. When you Search a Location, pay any necessary cost, then look at the top two cards of the Relic deck. Play one with a tag matching the searched location and put the rest on the bottom of the Relic Deck. If you play a Relic this way, discard the searched location.

The possible tags are:
[Art] [Statue] [Weapon] [Remains]
[Sacred] [Mythological] [Historical] [Magic]
[Middle East] [Central/South America] [Asia] [Europe] [North America] [Africa]

Some cards cost a certain number of resources to play. Resources represent funding, crew, equipment, good standing, etc. Players begin the game with 1 resource. Each turn, each player gains resources equal to 1 plus the number of Relics held by the player with the most.

Assets can be Exhausted. Obstacles can be played on Locations with a matching tag, and prevent Searching that location. Traps always cost 1 and are played face-down on Locations with a matching tag. When a trapped location is searched, reveal the trap.

Card List

Collector Patron
Thing - Asset
Your [Art] Relics are each worth $50k more.
Exhaust when you play an [Art] location: The cost to play that location is reduced by 2.
University Job
Thing - Asset
At the end of your turn, if you have no Exhausted Things, you may Exhaust all of them and gain 1 Resource.
Government Contract
Thing - Asset
When this enters play, discard your hand and draw three cards. Exhaust any two of your Assets: Gain 1 resource.
Scholar's Diary
Thing - Asset
Exhaust when you draw any cards: Draw twice that many cards, then put half of them back on top of the same deck.
Trusty Whip
Thing - Asset
Exhaust: Ignore an Obstacle this turn.
Exhaust: Keep one card from your hand, Asset from play, or Resource that a Trap would cause you to lose.
Thing - Obstacle
Play on target Location; it can't be searched.
Discard a card when you play Nazis.
Pay 3: Gain control of this location. Any player may activate this ability.
Thing - Obstacle
Play on target Location; it can't be searched.
Snakes costs 1 less when played on a [Middle East] location.
Action and Thing: Ignore Snakes this turn.
Cult of Kali Ma
Thing - Obstacle
[Asia] [Magic]
Play on target Location; it can't be searched.
Give a card from your hand to an opponent: Ignore Cult of Kali Ma this turn.
The Hydra
Thing - Obstacle
[Europe] [Mythological]
Play on target Location; it can't be searched.
Pay 1 for each Resource on the Hydra, then put 1 of your Resources on it: Ignore the Hydra this turn.
Mummified Guards
Thing - Obstacle
[Middle East] [Remains]
Play on target Location; it can't be searched.
Ignore Mummified Guards while you have more cards in hand than Obstacles and Traps in the discard pile.
Rolling Boulder
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and put it into your hand, then discard random cards until you discard it. Lose 1 Resource for each other card discarded this way. If you can't, your search fails. Discard this Location whether your Search is successful or not.
Poison Darts
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and lose 2 Resources for each card you played this turn.
Crushing Ceiling
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and discard a card. Return this Location to your hand if your Search fails.
Spinning Blades
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and reveal a random card from your hand. If you don't reveal the named card, discard the card you revealed and destroy one of your Assets, and look at 1 fewer card from the Relic Deck.
Pattern Path
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and either reveal three cards with different costs from your hand, discard this Location without finding anything, or lose 2 Resources, destroy one of your Assets, and discard a card.
Leap of Faith
Thing - Trap
Play face-down on target Location. When you search this location, reveal this card and flip two coins. Flip one fewer coin if your hand is empty, and one fewer coin if you have no Resources. If you get a tails, your Search fails.
Ransack the Hotel
Target opponent puts a card from their hand on top of the deck. Look at the top 2 cards of the deck and put one of them into your hand.
Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Look at target opponent's hand and choose a card from it. Put that card into your hand.
Look at the top X cards of the deck, where X is your Resources. Reveal up to one Location from among them, put it into your hand, and discard the rest.
Consult the Texts
Look at the top card of the Relic deck. You may reveal it to flip over a Trap on a location where that Relic could be found. You may spend a Resource to destroy that Trap.
Translation Error
Swap a face-down trap in play with either a trap from your hand or another face-down trap in play, regardless of tags.
Dunhuang Caves
Thing - Location
[Asia] [Sacred] [Art]
Exhaust, Pay 3:
Search. Searching here costs 2 less if your hand is empty.
Greek Temple
Thing - Location
[Europe] [Mythology] [Statue]
Exhaust, Pay 2:
Roman Colosseum
Thing - Location
[Europe] [Historical] [Weapon]
Exhaust, Pay 2:
Vatican Catacombs
Thing - Location
[Sacred] [Historical] [Remains]
Opponents can't target Vatican Catacombs unless they pay 2.
Exhaust, Pay 3: Search. Searching here costs 1 less if you have a [Sacred] Relic.
Alien Crash Site
Thing - Location
Any Relic can be found here.
Exhaust, Pay 4: Search.
Antique Shop
Thing - Location
Any Relic can be found here. Antique Shop can't have traps or obstacles.
Exhaust, Pay 1: Flip two coins. If either is tails, discard Thrift Shop. Otherwise, Search.

Relic Cards

Cross of Coronado
Thing - Relic
[Central/South America] [Sacred] [Art]
When you find this, you and an opponent each draw a card and gain 1 Resource.
Chachapoyan Idol
Thing - Relic
[Central/South America] [Mythology] [Statue]
Gain 1 extra Resource at the start of your turn if you have none.
Fountain of Youth
Thing - Relic
[Central/South America] [Magic]
Unexhaust each other Thing you control. Don't unexhaust Fountain of Youth at the start of your next turn.
Sankara Stones
Thing - Relic
[Asia] [Sacred] [Magic]
As long as you control no other Sacred Relics, Sankara Stones is worth $100k more and opponents' Actions specifically targeting you or your Things cost 1 Resource more.
Masamune Blade
Thing - Relic
[Asia] [Historical] [Weapon]
You may ignore Obstacles on [Weapon] Locations.
Bust of Zeus (Autographed)
Thing - Relic
[Europe] [Mythological] [Statue]
When found, each opponent gives you 2 Resources for each of their [Mythology] Relics if able. When an opponent finds a [Mythology] Relic, they give you 2 resources if able.
Golden Fleece
Thing - Relic
[Europe] [Mythology] [Remains]
When found, put the bottommost Obstacle into an opponent's hand.
Burial Chamber of Ramesses II
Thing - Relic
[Middle East] [Historical] [Remains]
Instead of discarding the Location where you find this, you may put the bottommost Trap from the discard pile onto that Location.
Ark of the Covenant
Thing - Relic
[Middle East] [Sacred] [Historical]
When you find this, you may spend all your resources (minimum 1) to destroy target non-Relic Thing.
Clovis Blades
Thing - Relic
[North America] [Historical] [Weapon]
Clovis Blades are worth $100k more for each other [North America] Relic you have.