Game Development deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 00:12, 26 April 2013 by Gimlear (talk | contribs) (→‎Points)
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Special Rules


The goal is to have the most production points after 5 milestones.


Each milestone lasts a certain number of turns and may have special rules and restrictions for each. All players must abide by each milestone, meaning that changes to the timing of a milestone affect all players. At the end of each milestone, all cards left in players' hands and discard pile are shuffled into the deck. Then the next milestone deck is shuffled and new hands dealt before the next turn begins.

If a milestone would be changed so that it happened before the current turn, it is instead changed to happen at the end of the current turn.

If a card has text of the form "<Milestone>:", it means "Each turn during the <Milestone> milestone, instead of playing an Action card you may".


  • 3 turns.
  • Use the separate "Preproduction" deck.
  • Each player may play as many things during their turn as they wish.
  • At the beginning of each player's turn, that player draws until they have 5 cards in hand.

Vertical Slice





At the end of the game, each player counts up their points as follows:

  • Each developer (Programmer, Artist, Level Designer, or Producer) is worth 1 production point
  • 1 extra production point if they also have a lead role (Game Designer, Lead Programmer, Lead Level Designer, or Lead Artist).

Card List


Game Designer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Producer.
Lead Artist
Thing - Title
Play only attached to an Artist.
Lead Programmer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Programmer.
Lead Level Designer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Level Designer.
Beastmode B
Thing - Programmer
Magical M
Thing - Programmer
Jurassic J
Thing - Programmer
Bioshock B
Thing - Programmer
Wishing W
Thing - Programmer
Wild W
Thing - Programmer
Mickey M
Thing - Programmer
E Machete
Thing - Level Designer
Legendary L
Thing - Level Designer
Beautiful B
Thing - Level Designer
N the Great
Thing - Level Designer
Z the Spy
Thing - Level Designer
Notorious N
Thing - Level Designer
Texas T
Thing - Level Designer
Happy H
Thing - Level Designer
Crazy C
Thing - Level Designer
Awesome A
Thing - Artist
Killer K
Thing - Artist
Bombshell B
Thing - Artist
Wonderful W
Thing - Artist
Mighty M
Thing - Artist
Totally T
Thing - Producer
Austin D
Thing - Producer
Big B
Thing - Producer