User talk:NinjaWookiee

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Welcome Aboard

Hey man, welcome to Dvorak! When you want to add some new cards to the Infinite Dvorak deck, make sure you add them to the Infinite Dvorak deck itself, not to the archive pages. When the main page gets too big we take the top 100 cards out and make a new Archive page, so 5401-5500 should be "It's a Kind of Uno" to "Rig" (which I just did), 5501-5600 should be "Bullet Hell" to "Identity Crisis" (which will be done when it gets too big again), and your new 3 cards should go at the bottom of the Infinite Dvorak main page. I've already made the necessary fixes, so just remember this advice and you'll be fine. I also recommend watching the Recent Changes page, so you know what's going on.
Have fun with Dvorak!--ChippyYYZ 17:55, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the welcome! I already saw what's going on by looking at the recent changes, but thank you anyways for the instructions. I'm gonna keep that in mind in the future! :D --NinjaWookiee 18:52, 12 July 2011 (UTC

Rainbow Dash

I was just wondering when Rainbow Dash's "search for a pony" ability happens. I assume it's when you play it, but the card doesn't say. -- Corrigan 20:39, 3rd October, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, it happens when Rainbow Dash is played. I'll change the text to clarify it. --NinjaWookiee 14:11, 4 October 2011 (UTC)

Maybe we shouldn't have started with the pony-cards, guys...

Keep in mind that there are to date only 16 cards with "Pony" in their type. This card is too narrowly focused to be really useful. I don't mean to come down too hard on you; just remember, whenever you add a card, ask yourself "Is it fun? Is it useful?" -- Corrigan 13:04, 28th October, 2011 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure there are more cards in the infinite deck which are 'too narrowly focused' on something. I saw a lot of cards which weren't useful and a lot which weren't useful or funny. It was just meant to be a joke, because there were all those pony cards made lately and I'm pretty sure there will follow a lot more. I respect your comment and I actually wanna thank you for that. It shows me, that people actually read and possibly think about my cards. But really, I don't think this should be taken so seriously that someone should "rant" about it usefulness in this deck. And like I said, I bet this card will get more and more useful the time goes on. ;-) --NinjaWookiee 23:53, 28 October 2011 (UTC)

Ideas that may or may not get added later

Online Movie Review
Destroy 1 movie inspired thing.
This movie sucks!
Card by NinjaWookiee
Captain Nazi
You may search the deck for "Adolf Hitler" or "Third Reich" and put it on your hand. As long as "Captain Nazi" is in play, "Adolf Hitler" and "Third Reich" are indestructible. "Captain Nazi" can only be destroyed by action cards.
Card by NinjaWookiee
A Dead Girl
I guess some know how to use it.
Card by NinjaWookiee
Sheldon Cooper
You may choose to prevent anything that wouldn't make sense in reality.
Card by NinjaWookiee
Howard Wolowitz
You may choose to prevent a mechanical/robotic thing you own from getting destroyed. No one can play female things.
Card by NinjaWookiee
Raj Koothrappali
"Raj Koothrappali" can't do anything as long as at least 1 female thing is in play.
Thing: Look at the top 5 cards of the deck. Choose 1 thing of those cards and put it into play under your control. Put the rest of the cards under the deck. If the chosen card didn't leave play after 3 rounds, shuffle it back into the deck.
Card by NinjaWookiee
Leonard Hofstadter
You may prevent "Sheldon Coopers" ability at any time.
Action: Draw a card.

If you control "Penny" this card gains the abilities: There is no handcard limit for you and Action: Draw up to 3 cards.
Card by NinjaWookiee
This shit takes way too long, assholes!
You may prevent your opponents from searching the deck.
If you allow someone to search the deck for something you may search the deck for a card of your choice too.
After the 200th card all of the "search the deck"-abilities look like the stupidest idea ever.
Card by NinjaWookiee