Robot Wars deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Robot Wars
Designers Kevan, Raven and Zarba
Date 7th October 2001
Players 2+
This is a playable deck - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Start your engines. Build yourself a Robot out of whatever eclectic electric components you can find (Solar Panels, Big Axes, Tin Foil, Plungers), and send it into the arena to disassemble those of your opponents.

Special Rules

Start Your Engines

Battle only commences when all Players' Robots have at least three Components each, or when the draw pile is emptied for the first time. Until battle commences, Player may not play Actions, nor use the abilities of their Robot Components.

Turn Types

When battle has commenced, play continues as for standard Dvorak, except that a Player must choose to take either a Normal, Upgrade or Reboot turn, each turn, with one restriction - if a Player plays an Upgrade Turn, they may not follow it with a Normal Turn.

Turn Type : Normal

The Player draws a card, may play a non-Component Thing, and may use a single Action. He or she then discards down to five cards.

Turn Type : Upgrade

The Player may play a Component Thing onto their Robot, but may not play an Action or draw a card this turn. If a Player chooses to Upgrade, they cannot resume Normal Turns until they have rebooted.

Turn Type : Reboot

The Robot spends a turn restarting itself. The Player may neither draw nor play any Things or Actions this turn.


Many Components permit the Robot to Attack a Component of another Robot. Internal Components can only be Attacked if the target has no Externals left. When Attacking a Component, the Attacking Player rolls a six-sided die - if he or she rolls higher than or equal to the target Component's Strength, that Component is destroyed.


Robots without Engines may not use any of their Components. If, after Battle has commenced, a Player's Robot is completely destroyed, that Player immediately leaves the game. If only one Robot remains, its controller is victorious.

Card List

Thing - Component
Action: Attack a Robot Component, adding two to your roll.
Card by Kevan
Plunger Arm
Thing - Component
Card by Kevan
Gerbil Powered Engine
Thing - Component - Internal
Card by Zarba
Steam Powered Engine
Thing - Component - Internal
Card by Raven
Solar Powered Engine
Thing - Component
Card by Zarba
Radio Scrambler
Thing - Component - Internal
Action: Discard a card. A chosen Robot may not use any of its Components during its next turn.
Card by Kevan
Nuclear Engine
Thing - Component - Internal
You need not discard cards when using Components' abilities. If Nuclear Engine is destroyed, destroy all Components you control.
Card by Kevan
Giant Spring
Thing - Component
You may use Giant Spring to avoid an Attack, unless you have already used it since your last Reboot.
Card by Kevan
Scary Face
Thing - Component
Scary Face is automatically destroyed if your Robot has no other external Components.
Card by Kevan
Steam Nozzle
Thing - Component
Action: Attack all external Components (or all internal if they have none external) of one robot with a single roll, subtracting three from the roll.
Card by Raven
Flamethrower Nozzle
Thing - Component
Action: Discard 2 cards, and attack all external Components (or all internal if they have none external) of one robot with a single roll, subtracting one from the roll.
Card by Raven
Big Axe
Thing - Component
Action: Attack a Robot Component. If you destroy an external one in this way, you may then attack an internal Component on the same Robot.
Card by Kevan
Pusher Arm
Thing - Component
Action: Push a chosen Robot - it triggers a Hazard of your choice, automatically rolling a '1'.
Card by Kevan
Precision Steering
Thing - Component - Internal
Add one to all Attack and Hazard-Avoidance rolls you make.
Card by Kevan
Flip Arm
Thing - Component
Action: Pick a Robot and roll a die. If you roll higher than the number of Components on that Robot, it misses its next three turns.
Card by Raven
Frenzied Assault
Make an attack with a weapon of your choice, adding four to all rolls for it. Then destroy that Component.
Card by Kevan
You may not be attacked until your next turn.
Card by Kevan
Thing - Component
Discard a card immediately before an attack roll to give it a -2 penalty. Use this ability only once per attack.
Card by Zarba
Destroy an external Component on a Robot which has fewer Components than your own. (If it has no external ones, destroy an internal.)
Card by Kevan
Quadrupedal Module
Thing - Component
Discard a card immediately before an attack roll to give it a -3 penalty. Use this ability only once per attack.
Card by Zarba
Heat Ray
Thing - Component
Action: Make a ranged attack on a Robot Component. If it is an Engine, add two to the roll.
Card by Kevan
You may play two extra Actions this turn.
Card by Kevan
Power Overload
Destroy a Component of a Robot which has more than six Components.
Card by Raven
Return a Component to its owner's hand.
Card by Kevan
Thing - Component
Card by Kevan
Thing - Hazard
Any Robot making a non-ranged Attack or evading with Wheels or Legs must roll a die. On a 1 or 2, they must destroy one of their Components, and Landmine.
Card by Raven
Thing - Hazard
Any Robot making a non-ranged Attack or evading with Wheels or Legs must roll a die. On a 1 or 2, they fall in - they must Reboot next turn, and Pit is destroyed.
Card by Kevan
Titanium Plating
Thing - Component
Card by Zarba
Wood Paneled Shell
Thing - Component
Card by Zarba
Radar Scanner
Thing - Component
Action: Look at an opponent's hand.
Card by Kevan
Thing - Component
Action: Make an attack on a Robot Component.
Card by Kevan
Bumper Spikes
Thing - Component
Action: Make an attack on a Robot Component, subtracting one from the roll.
Card by Kevan
Paint Balloon Catapult
Thing - Component
Action: Make an opponent discard a card.
Card by Zarba
AI Module
Thing - Component - Internal
Action: Draw a card.
Card by Zarba
Turtle Module
Thing - Component
You cannot use any other Components, and nothing can be used on your other Components, while this is in play.
Card by Raven
Oil Slick
Thing - Hazard
Any Robot making a non-ranged Attack or evading with Wheels or Legs must discard a card at random, and optionally destroy Oil Slick.
Card by Raven
Computer Virus
Thing - Component
At the end of your turn, discard a card, and put this card under the control of the next player. Action: Destroy this.
Card by Zarba
Mechanical Grabber Arm
Thing - Component
Whenever a Component is destroyed, you may discard two cards to put that Component into your hand.
Card by Kevan
Helicopter Rotors
Thing - Component
Your Robot may only be attacked by ranged weapons, and ignores Hazards. If Helicopter Rotors are destroyed, make an Attack Roll against every Component on your Robot.
Card by Kevan
Electron Ram
Thing - Component
Action: Discard two cards. Attack a Component, adding four to the roll.
Card by Kevan
Thing - Component - Internal
Action: Draw a card and reveal it to all Players. If it isn't a Component card, discard it.
Card by Zarba
House Robot
Thing - Hazard
At the start of each of your turns, House Robot selects a random Robot and Attacks a random attackable Component on it. House Robot may be Attacked and destroyed as if it were a Component, and ignores Hazards.
Card by Kevan