Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000, 2001-2100, 2101-2200, 2201-2300, 2301-2400.

Thing: trigger another living thing's action ability under your control.<br\>
"You are under my control"
Card by gill_smoke
Attach to another living thing. If Svengali would leave play the other card is destroyed.
Card by gill_smoke
Return target Thing to its owner's hand.
Card by Binarius
Hunger Strike
You may not draw cards. If you have no cards in your hand at the beginning of your turn, you win. Thing and Action: Discard a card.
Card by Binarius
Pringles Cantenna
Name an opponent when this card enters play. Their Things also apply to you as if you controlled them, but you may not use those Things' Action abilities.
Card by Binarius
Miss Me?
Move one card from the discard pile into your hand.
Card by Corrigan
Library Card
Action: Put one Thing from the draw pile into play under your control. After having it in play for 3 of your turns, you may return it to the draw pile and then shuffle it, or discard one card at the beginning of each of your turns as long as you have it. If the Thing is destroyed, discard your hand. If an opponent takes control of it, they must discard a card each of their turns.
Card by Corrigan
I Hate You All!
Action: Create a Spite token and give it to another player. If a player has 3 or more Spite tokens, their maximum hand size is 3.
Card by Corrigan
Breeder Node
Thing:Gain a copy of target Node.
Card by Bucky
Parasite Node
Action:Draw a card for each Node you control, then destroy one of your Nodes.
Card by Bucky
Fabricator Node
Action:Gain one copy of target Token for each Node in play.
Card by Bucky
Forgot About Corr
If there are no Things by Corrigan in play, any opponent who cannot produce a card by Corrigan from their hand must discard their hand in shame.
Card by Binarius
Formulaic Insult Contest
Choose a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. Each player reveals all the cards in his/her hand with that word in their titles. The player who reveals the most cards gets to take control of up to 3 Things.
"Yo mamma's so fat she got diabetes!"
Card by Corrigan
Giant Happy Spider Friend
Your hand size is eight.
Action: Remove target living Thing's Action ability. After five turns, it is destroyed.
Card by Corrigan
Where is the Internet?
No players may draw cards.
"Where is that thing? I've heard that it's in my computer, but it's so small.
Card by Corrigan
Ten Million Years Later
Destroy all Things and replace each of them with a Dust token.
Card by Kevan
Freedom of Information Act request
Action - Reaction
Play as an opponets card would go to the discard pile, place in your hand instead.
Card by gill_smoke
L33t sp34k
Change the Title of any card in play.<br\>
Card by gill_smoke
New world order
Return all living things to thier owner's hands
Card by gill_smoke
Take the three top cards from the discard pile.
Card by NARF
Void Node
Action:Put a node from play into your hand.
Card by gill_smoke
Horror of the Infinite
Cards that refer to specific types of Thing cannot be played. If any Things (except this one) refer to specific types of Thing, destroy them.
Card by Kevan
Modest Abundance
Whenever a player would draw a card, they instead draw cards until they have three in their hand. (If they already have three or more cards in their hand, they skip that draw.)
Card by Kevan
Mixed Bag
Put ten tokens into play under your control, each of a different type.
Card by Kevan
Clean Slate
All players discard their hand. Shuffle discard pile into draw pile. Then all players redraw hand.
Card by NARF
Deadly Switch
Switch discard pile with deck.
Card by NARF
Big Red Button
Every player chooses a number from 1 to 6. Roll a six sided die. If anyone chose the number rolled, make them discard their hand. Numbers can be shared by multiple people.
Card by NARF
Just Visiting
Play immediately when one of your Things is to be destroyed. Put it back under your control at the beginning of your next turn.
Card by Binarius
You may play two Actions per turn.
Card by Binarius
Deep Thought
When you draw this card, you must play it immediately. At the end of your turn, put this card on the bottom of the draw pile. The second time this card is played, you and the player who played it first both win.
Card by Binarius
Thing Soul
The soul of a homicidal maniac.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Thing Soul
The soul of an innocent child.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
New Strategy
Discard your hand, and draw three new cards.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
No Corner For YOU!
This thing cannot be destroyed. All cards with corner values must be discarded immediately unless expressly stated against by the card.
Card by NARF
Action Lock
If you draw this card, you must play it at the next available chance. You are not be able to play actions if there is someway not to play actions while this card lives. If you have a full hand of actions, you must either skip your turn or discard.
Card by NARF

Thing Lock
If you draw this card, you must play it at the next available chance. You are not be able to play things if there is someway not to play things while this card lives. If you have a full hand of things, you must either skip your turn or discard.
Card by NARF
Limited Ammunition
Whenever a Thing uses an Action ability, the player who controls it must destroy a Thing (including tokens) they control.
Card by Corrigan
Mongol Go-Go!
Each player destroys 3 Things and gives control of 1 Thing they control to a different player.
Card by Corrigan
The Best Breakfast Ever
Discard 2 cards, then draw 5 cards and discard 1 card.
"I had to discard a card for it, so it must be really really great, right?"
Card by Corrigan
Both you and a target player must write down a number between one and ten. You both show your numbers at once. If your number is higher, that player is eliminated. If their number is higher, you are eliminated. If the numbers are the same, shuffle Destiny back into the draw deck.
Card by redtoast
All In
Whoever has the most hard cash on them wins the game.
Card by redtoast
Magistrate of Prepostery
Action: Everyone secretly picks a number from one to ten. The highest number draws a card; the lowest number discards a card. If two players match numbers, they exchange that many cards, either in play or in their hand. Everyone gets as many Confetti Tokens as the number they chose.
Card by redtoast
Condorcet Paradox
All players vote "Yes" or "No" (or abstain) on the proposition: "All players without a card stating a winning or losing condition in their hand or under their control now win the game". If "Yes" wins, the proposition decides the game. If "No" wins, all players who voted "No" must discard a card. Tie: nothing happens.
Card by Goldenboots
Queen of Spades
Good thing we're not playing Hearts.
Card by Goldenboots
Thing - Party Member
Whenever you destroy a Thing, create a Head token. If you control ten Head tokens, this card gains the text "Action - Head Cane: Eliminate an opponent."
Card by Binarius
Play into target opponent's control. Your hand size is decreased by one.
Card by Binarius
Custer's Last Stand
Play immediately in response to one of your Things being destroyed by an opponent. Destroy one more, along with two of that opponent's.
Card by Binarius
Rain Dance
Before revealing this card say: "Hallawullawalla!", dance around the table and show your tongue to all other players. If somebody asks you, if you are crazy, they are eliminated.
Card by Zt
The Necronomicon
Play this face down into target player's control and tell the player: "This is so scary, I cannot even show you." If this card is looked at or destroyed by his owner, the owner is eliminated.
You may spice up your every day conversation using fancy words like: "eldritch", "hideous" and "blasphemous".
Card by Zt
Nepth Charge
Action: Take control of another player's Thing, placing a Brain Rot token on it as t comes into your possession. Every subequent turn, place another Brain Rot token on that controlled card. When a controlled Thing has five Brain Rot tokens on it, discard that Thing.
Card by redtoast
Look at the top four cards of the draw pile and rearrange them as you see fit.
Card by Binarius
Crotchety Old Geezer
Action: Return a Thing that an opponent played during their last turn to their hand, and return Crochety Old Geezer to your hand. You may not use this ability on the same turn in which you play this card.
Card by Binarius
Rend Asunder
Identify two of target opponent's Things. They must either allow you to choose one and take control of it, or destroy them both.
Card by Binarius

Thing Brick
Discard your hand when you play this card. At the start of each of your turns, destroy the Opponent-controlled Thing that's comes first alphabetically.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Thing Brick
Action: Draw until you have a full hand.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Thing Brick
At the end of their turn, every Opponent must give you a card from their hand.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Evil Hand
You may play this under an opponent's control.
During your turn you have to slap yourself in the face once. If you forget it, you are eliminated.
Action: Look at the top two cards of the draw pile and rearrange them, if you wish so.
Card by Zt
Stephen King stole my ideas!
Play this in response to an action. The action is considered to be played by you now, with you making any decisions for it.
Card by Zt
Rune of Haste
Discard n cards. Then choose an Action or Thing ability and use it 2ⁿ times, with you making any decisions for it.
Card by Zt
Aardvark town
Thing Brick
Draw an extra card each turn.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Thing Brick
Action: Destroy any of your active Things, and draw three cards.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Thing Brick
Your maximum hand size is now seven.
Card by Depressi added by gill_smoke
Out of Body Experience
All opponents reveal their hands. Then choose a card from a target opponent and take it.
That's not an OBE, that's just robbery!
Card by Zt
I'm on the Astral Plane Now and All You Suckers Down There Can Bite Me
Human things cannot target you or the things you control.
He's truly reached enlightenment.
Card by Zt
The Combo Card
Choose one:

+ Gain a token of any type and name.
+ Use any Action ability two times with you making any decisions for it.

+ Change all instances of 2 to 4 on target card.
Card by Zt
At any time during your turn, you may discard an Action to draw a card.
Card by Bucky
At any time during your turn, you may discard a card with a Cornervalue and draw a card. If that card's cornervalue shares a symbol with the cornervalue of a Thing you control, draw an additional card.
Card by Bucky
Food Drive
At any time during your turn, you may discard an edible Thing from your hand to draw a card.
Action: gain a Food token.
Card by Bucky
Going Rogue
Choose a Thing, and a player. That player must either immediately play an Action card or Action ability to destroy the Thing, or give control of the Thing to you.
Card by Kevan
Penalty Shootout
When this comes into play, put a Football token into play and have every player draw a card. Action: Give a Football token you control to an opponent. They must either play a Thing from their hand immediately, or lose the game. Any player who controls a Football token may use this ability.
Card by Kevan
Solar Flare
Destroy all electronically-based Things.
Card by Binarius
Mr. Universe
Mr. Universe counts as both living and electronic. Your hand size limit is increased by three. You may not control living Things other than this one. If you play any card dealing with zombies, you win.
Card by Binarius
High Noon
You and target opponent each roll a die, and the higher number wins. The winner may destroy a number of the loser's Things equal to the difference between the rolls; if the difference is six or more, the loser is eliminated. Before you roll, you may discard cards from your hand; your die roll is increased by 1 for each.
Card by Binarius
Reality Glitch
Each player chooses a Thing in play, and creates a copy of it under their control.
Card by Kevan
High-Energy Field
Whenever a Thing uses its Action ability, destroy it.
Card by Kevan
Imperial Walker
Whenver a thing uses an ability that would effect walker, the enemy card is destroyed after it uses the ability, even if Imperial Walker is dead.
Card by Kevan
Action: Pick a token type. Each player destroys half the tokens they control of that type (rounding down).
Card by Kevan
Hall of Mirrors
Whenever a player plays an Action card, each of their opponents may then play a copy of that card.
Card by Kevan
You never know...
Ask target player, if she wants all her things destroyed. If she answers "yes", destroy them. If she answers "no", nothing happens.
Card by Zt
You never know... Part 2
Ask target player, if she wants all her things destroyed. If she answers "no", destroy them. If she answers "yes", nothing happens.
Card by Zt
You never know... Part 3
Ask target player, if she wants to discard her hand. If she answers "yes", she has to discard it. If she answers "no", nothing happens.
Card by Zt
Thing Monster
May play on another player, Owner may only play an action or a thing each of thier turns but not both.
Card by gill_smoke
Thing Dragon
Comes into play with 10 money tokens on it. if one of his money tokens are destroyed, destroy 2 random things you control. <br\>Thing: Create a new money token on this card. <br\>Action: Destroy target thing.
"There's a dragon up there"
Card by gill_smoke
Margin writer
Thing Person
Action: add Flavor text to any card in play
Card by gill_smoke
Cause the Action of another player to be repeated exactly as it just happened (i.e., targeting the same player with the exact same effect). Can be played whenever another player uses an Action.
Card by redtoast
Draw as many cards as another player just drew. Can be played whenever another player draws one or more cards.
Card by redtoast
Repeat the action of another player as though you had played the Action (i.e., not exactly as it occurred; you may choose a different player and any actions required of you by the Action must be done again). Can be played whenever another player uses an Action.
Card by redtoast
EMP Blast
All other players discard a card at random. If a player discards a card with a cornervalue containing a '4' or an 'S', they discard an additional card at random.
Card by Bucky
Corner the Market
Choose a symbol. Gain control of all Things with a cornervalue containing that symbol.
Card by Bucky
Junkyard Raider
Action: Move the top card of the draw pile to the discard pile. If it has a cornervalue containing a '5' or an 'S', move it to your hand instead.
Card by Bucky
Pre-World War Parents
During any opponent's turn you may destroy a curfew token you control to prevent a thing from being played. The thing is put in the discard pile. After you used this ability don't use it till the beginning of the next player's turn.
Action: Gain a curfew token.
"Can I go study latin, please?" "No! Eat your spinach first!"
Card by Zt
Action and Thing: Take a card from the discard pile and put it under Graveyard.
Action and Thing: Play a card from under Graveyard as if it were in your hand. If it was an action, it goes back to the discard pile after being played.
Card by Zt
Hive Queen
If you control ten or more honey tokens and no player other than you controls living things, you win.
Action and Thing: Create a Bee card with text: "At the beginning of your turn you may destroy a living thing."
Action and Thing: Put a honey token into play.
Stop them before it's too late!
Card by Zt

The Prisoner
Thing Person
All attempts to destroy or change ownership fail. <br\>Action: Take control of any card with a cornervalue
"You are number six"-Number One
Card by gill_smoke
Thing Person
Action: Add or remove a hex token on a thing in play. things with hex tokens may not use Action or Thing abilities
"Beware the Ides of March"
Card by gill_smoke
Captain Collosal
Thing Person
Comes into play with 10 hit tokens on it. If Captain Collosal would be destroyed remove a hit token instead. All destroy effects of opponets must target Captain Collosal first.
Card by gill_smoke
King Midas
Action: Replace target living thing with a money or a gold token.
Card by Zt
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Play this at the very beginning of your turn. In this turn, you draw the top card of the discard pile, discard cards to the top of the draw pile, play things and actions for another player you choose and you lose, if you win.
Card by Zt
Pyrrhic victory
Destroy target thing. Then destroy all things you control.
Card by Zt
If you were the last person to archive the Infinite Dvorak cards on the wiki, prove this to other players and draw five cards. Otherwise, this card has no effect.
Card by Kevan

Play in response to a Thing being destroyed. Pick a non-Token thing at random, from all the others in play - that Thing is destroyed instead.
Card by Kevan
Rocket Launcher
When this comes into play, put three Ammo tokens into play. Action: Destroy an Ammo token you control, to destroy a Thing.
Card by Kevan
Cloak of Polymorph
Play this onto target thing. As long as Cloak of Polymorph is in play, the thing it was played onto has all types and colours and belongs to all classes. (That means the thing is living and undead and inanimate and a robot and female and male etc. at the same time!)
Card by Zt
Talking Walls
You may play this under an opponent's control. When this comes into play, turn all non-token things you control face down. As long as a thing is face down it's simply not there. At the beginning of your turn you may put one of your things face up again.
Card by Zt
As long as this is in play, all instances of "Action:" on the things you control read "Action or Thing:"
Card by Zt

Lucky Bastard
Thing Person
As long as lucky bastard is in play owner decides the fate of all random events
Card by gill_smoke
Web Designer
Thing Person
"They don't really DO anything" -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
Thing Person
If Owner controls a tooth they win the game. <br\>Action: Make a shiny token.
"She thinks she's the freaken tooth fairy" -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
At the beginning of each player's turn, they must either put a Thing into play from their hand, take a non-token Thing they control back into their hand, or lose the game.
Card by Kevan
Fuel Injection
You may destroy this card at any time, to play a card immediately from your hand.
Card by Kevan
Cupboards raining from the sky
In this round, play as many things as you wish.
Card by Zt
Albert Camus
Action: Generate a zombie token.
"How do you know he didn't summon zombies? You don't even know who he was!"
Card by Zt
Instead of drawing a card, you may play an extra thing.
Action: Gain control of a ship (spaceships are fine, too).
Card by Zt
Blatant Violation Of Infinite Dvorak Rule #4
Play in response to any action with effects that wear off or occur at the end of a turn. Those effects instead wear off/occur at the end of that player's next turn, at which point you must discard your hand for violating rule 4.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Cloak of Nilmorph
Play this onto a thing. Equipped thing has no types or colors. It is neither male, female, living, undead, blue, red, etc.
Card by ChippyYYZ
E Unum Pluribus
If you control only one thing, create four copies of that thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ

Truckosaurus Rex
Action: Discard a card and destroy a Thing.
Card by Binarius
Draw a card for every Thing in your hand.
Card by Binarius
Blue Sky Catastrophe
At the conclusion of every player's turn, they must reveal the top card of the draw pile and place it in the discard pile. Count the number of lines in that card's ruletext, and count that far through the normal order of play to find out who takes a turn next.
Card by Binarius
Ghost in the Machine
Action: Pick a random Thing from all those with Action abilities, other than this one. Activate that ability as if you controlled the Thing.
Card by Kevan
Conjoined Twin
At the end of your turn, take another turn (but don't take another one at the end of that one). If this card is destroyed, you lose the game.
Card by Kevan
Always Get Paid In Gold Bars
When this comes into play, any player with no Gold tokens gets five Gold tokens. If anyone controls ten Gold tokens, they win the game.
Card by Kevan

Venus in furs
Thing Person
None of a chosen opponent's living things may perform actions.
Card by gill_smoke
Golf Pro
Thing Person
Destroy a money token to play, any one of your living things may take two actions when they would take one.
Try that again.
Card by gill_smoke
Thing Person
Destroy any number of tokens, for each token destroyed in this way attach two nonliving things together with a wire token, the attached things are considered one thing with all rules text.
Yeah, I can do that.
Card by gill_smoke
Missile Bank
Whenever a Thing comes into play, destroy it.
Card by Kevan
You may not play this card from your hand. If this card is in play under your control, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
You are a Nerd!
Choose a player. If he controls any things that are related to computers, internet, hacking or comics, he has to destroy all of them.
Card by Zt
Poetry Slam
Every player may play as many things as he wants during his turn, as long as the things' titles all rhyme.
Card by Zt
You are all going to suffer!
Play this in response to an Action.

If the Action would have destroyed things you control, destroy target thing instead.

If the Action would have caused you to discard cards, all other players discard their hands instead. If the Action would have eliminated you, eliminate all other players instead.
Card by Zt
Out Of Sight
If any of your Things is to be destroyed, you may give the opponent who would destroy it a card from your hand to prevent its destruction.
Card by Binarius
Friends In High Places
Destroy a Thing and draw four cards.
Card by Binarius
Past Life Melodies
Draw a card whenever you play an Action with a cornervalue. If you draw an Action with a cornervalue, draw another card.
Card by Binarius

Alpha Male
Thing Person
Playable on another, If another card owned by controler tries to use an action ability, Alpha Male's triggers instead. <br\>Action: destroy random thing.
Card by gill_smoke
Beta Female
Thing Person
Playable on another, If another card owned by controler tries to use an action ability, Beta Female's does too. <br\>Action: play a thing from your hand.
Card by gill_smoke
Token Exchange
Destroy 3 tokens of differing types to play. At the beginning of your turns roll a 6 sided die the number minus 1 is the token exchange rate, all effects that create tokens create the exchange rate number of tokens. All players may use Token Exchange's ability. Action: Destroy the exchange rate number of a one type of token to create one token of a different type. This is unusable if the exchange rate is zero.
Card by gill_smoke
Treasure Chest
Action: Draw three cards, or put ten Gold tokens into play, then destroy this card.
Card by Kevan
Every player draws a card, then discards a card.
Card by Kevan
Trap: Acid Spray
Target opponent discards their hand.
Card by Binarius
For the Orders Militant
If you control at least one Thing, any opponent who does not control any Things is eliminated.
Card by Binarius
Apollo Justice
Thing - Attorney
Draw a card whenever a living Thing comes into play.
Card by Binarius
K Street Lobbyist
When a vote is called on rules interpretation, KSL's owner picks an opponent, who must vote as KSL's owner directs. "Action:" propose a vote to change a single word on a card on the table.
Card by Goldenboots
Backroom Deal
You may agree with one other player to trade one word in the text of one of your Things with a word in the text of one of his/her Things. No more than three minutes may be spent negotiating the agreement.
Card by Goldenboots
Solor panels
At the begining of your turn you may create an energy token
Card by gill_smoke
At the begining of your turn you may create an energy token
Card by gill_smoke
Power Outage
All players destroy 2 energy tokens or on their next turn they cannot take any actions.
What are we going to do now, play cards?
Card by gill_smoke
Cleanup in Aisle Seven
Return any number of non-token Things of your choice to their owners' hands.
Card by Kevan
Large Hadron Collider
Action: Destroy a token you control, and any other token, to reveal the top card of the draw pile and play it immediately. Action: Put a Proton token into play.
Card by Kevan
Thing Destruction
Destroy a thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
You may reveal Waldo from your hand upon drawing him to draw five cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
When Octopi Ruled The Earth
All numbers in digit form are interpreted using the Octal system rather than the Decimal system.
The tens place is now the eights place, hundreds is now sixty-fours, etc.
If the digits 8 or 9 appear on any other card in play or in an action, shuffle this card into the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Destroy target Thing with a Cornervalue. Destroy all Things with cornervalues that shared a symbol with the destroyed Thing's cornervalue.
Card by Bucky
Game Corner
Whenever you play a Thing that shares one of its cornervalue symbols with at least two other Things, draw a card. If you ever control three Things with the same cornervalue, you win the game.
Card by Bucky
Corner Node
Whenever a player plays a card, you may change its cornervalue to the Roman Numeral corresponding to the number of Nodes you control. The change is permanent.
Card by Bucky
Quick inspection
Destroy all non token things in play without corner values
Card by gill_smoke
Free Parking
Create 1 money token for every token in play
Card by gill_smoke
Beauty contest
Collect 1 money token
Card by gill_smoke
Old English Mansion
Action: Put a ghost token into play.
Action: Sell the mansion: Gain ten money tokens or one gold token and destroy this.
Card by Zt
Soviet Spy
Action: Take a card from the discard pile and play it for target opponent. The opponent makes any decisions for it.
Card by Zt
Back to Nature
You may play this under an opponent's control. At the beginning of your turn, take a thing you control back to your hand.
Card by Zt
Bottled Time
Take an extra turn immediately after the turn in which Bottled Time is destroyed.
If it's somehow destroyed more than once in the same turn, you take only one extra turn.
Card by Bucky
Bottled Grime
When Bottled Grime is destroyed, gain two Sludge tokens.
Card by Bucky
Bottled Fairy
When Bottled Fairy is destroyed, draw two cards. If you would be eliminated from the game, destroy Bottled Fairy instead.
Yes, you still get to draw the cards.
Card by Bucky
Ten Green Bottles
When this comes into play, put ten Green Bottle tokens into play. If there are no Green Bottle tokens in play, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
The Day an Octopus got Elected President of the United States
All numbers on all cards read "four score and eight".
Card by Zt
Mutato, the Master
Action: Mutato becomes a copy of target thing but keeps this Action Ability in his text.
He could be everything. The chair you are sitting on, the water you are drinking, the air you are breathing. He could even be YOU and you wouldn't know it.
Card by Zt
I'm Saving that for Later
Action: Take a card from your hand and remove it from the game.
Action: Take a card that was removed from the game back to your hand.
Everybody may look at cards that are removed from the game.
Card by Zt
Bottled Antimatter
When Bottled Antimatter is destroyed, destroy target Thing and gain three Energy Tokens.

Action:Destroy Bottled Antimatter.
Now that's going out with a bang.
Card by Bucky
Giant Bottle
Action:Remove target Thing from the game an put it under Giant Bottle. When Giant Bottle is destroyed, return it to play.
Relax, I'm keeping him perfectly safe.
Card by Bucky

Things you control cannot be destroyed unless a player discards a card for each thing that's going to be destroyed.
"It's battlesuit, you idiot, BATTLESUIT!"
Card by Zt
You may play this under an opponent's control. At the beginning of your turn decide if you are drunk or lost during this turn.
Lost: You cannot play things.
Drunk: Destroy all money tokens you control and discard a card.
Card by Zt
The Incredible Phantastatron Plus Plus
You may play this under an opponent's control. All players may use this thing's Abilities. If you control more than 2000 tokens, the Phantastatron explodes and eliminates you.
Action and Thing: All tokens you control are copied.
Card by Zt
Bottle Node
Whenever a Node you control is destroyed, draw a card and gain a Node Token.
"How hard can it possibly be to clean up a node infestation?"
Card by Bucky
Genie in a Bottle
You have a free wish. I'm not joking! Just create a new card and shuffle it into the deck.
Card by Zt
Voodoo Puppet
When this comes into play, write target player's name on it. When Voodoo Puppet is destroyed, destroy a thing that player controls. When Voodoo Puppet is in your hand, that player is eliminated. (If there is more than one name on Voodoo Puppet, all player's are eliminated.)
Card by Zt
Voodoo Witch
Action: Rename target thing.
Whenever a thing is destroyed, all things with the same name are destroyed as well.
Card by Zt