Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.
Cards 1-100
Cards 101-200
Cards 201-300
Cards 301-400
Cards 401-500
Cards 501-600
Cards 601-700
Cards 701-800
Cards 801-900
Cards 901-1000
Cards 1001-1100
Cards 1101-1200
Cards 1201-1300
Cards 1301-1400
Cards 1401-1500
Cards 1501-1600
Cards 1601-1700
Cards 1701-1800
Cards 1801-1900
Cards 1901-2000

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, tell them on the talk page. (There's an option to filter specified users' cards out when you export the deck to play with, so don't worry too much if someone's cards are irredeemably unplayable.)
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in any game that it got drawn in.
(A good test is to open a random archive page of the Infinite Dvorak Deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you should probably word it more generically.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Selected Sets

If you'd prefer a more compact subset of the deck, you may appreciate one of the following:

Superpower set, Token set

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900, 901-1000, 1001-1100, 1101-1200, 1201-1300, 1301-1400, 1401-1500, 1501-1600, 1601-1700, 1701-1800, 1801-1900, 1901-2000.

Thing - Party Member
In immediate response to any Thing being put into play, destroy one Not On The List token to return that Thing to its owner's hand. Action: Put one Not On The List token into play.
Card by Binarius
The Horn Of Heaven
Play this card onto any Thing. That Thing cannot be destroyed while The Horn Of Heaven is in play.
Card by Binarius
The Robber
You may not draw cards at the start of your turn. Action: Give this Thing to any opponent.
Card by Kevan
Mortgage Payment
If you are the only player with cards in your hand, win the game. Otherwise, take up to two cards at random from another player's hand.
Card by Bucky
Action:Target player must give you either a card from their hand or a Thing they control. If they cannot, they skip their next turn instead.
Card by Bucky
At the start of each turn flip a coin. If it comes up heads, gain an Energy token.
Card by Bucky
Conveyor Belt
Action: Discard a card at random (if you have any in your hand), then draw a card.
Card by Kevan
Cold Storage
This card and cards on it may not be destroyed. Action: Place a card from your hand on this card. Action: Place all cards on this card into your hand and remove this card from the game.
Card by Atticus
Prop Comic
You may take an additional thing action for turn.
Card by Atticus
Destructive Impulse
Everyone discards their hands and destroys all things they have in play, then draws an amount of cards equal to the number of cards they discarded.
Card by Atticus
Mystical Tattoo
Draw an extra card at the beginning of every turn. Your hand size limit is increased by one.
Card by Binarius
Draw three cards and attach them to Caddy, face-down. Action: Exchange one card in your hand with one card attached to Caddy.
Card by Binarius
Phoenix Down
Play in immediate response to any player being eliminated to nullify their elimination; instead, they discard randomly down to one card and all of their Things are destroyed.
Card by Binarius
Draw two cards. This card may be played during anyone's turn.
Card by Atticus
Play in response to a player being eliminated. You may look through their hand and take as many cards as they want. Then proceed with the elimination.
Card by Atticus
Play in response to the destruction of one of your things. Throw the card at your opponent. Then draw a card and play another thing from your hand.
Card by Atticus
Form of the Shark
At the end of your turn, if you have not played a card that turn, you are eliminated. Action: Destroy a Thing other than this one.
Card by Kevan
Quantum Fluctuations
At the end of every player's turn, a random player discards one card randomly and draws a card.
Card by Binarius
Grand Slam
Discard a number of cards equal to the number of opponents. Then take one Thing from every opponent and put it under your control.
Card by Binarius
Unholy Bandwagon
Play only if you have no undead Things. Put 20 Zombie tokens into play under your control.
Card by Binarius
Put a Thing from the discard pile into play under any player's control.
Card by Kevan
Everything Must Go
At the start of each player's turn, before drawing, that player must play a random card, if they have one in their hand. This counts towards their Action/Thing limit for the turn.
Card by Kevan
On their next turn, a chosen opponent draws once and discards once, playing nothing.
Card by Binarius
Vaccine Factory
Comes into play with 3 Solanum Research tokens on it. At the beginning of your turn, destroy one Solanum Research token; if you can't, create 10 Vaccine tokens. Action: Destroy any number of Vaccine tokens to destroy an equal number of Zombie tokens.
Card by Binarius
Epic Fail
Play in response to another Action. That Action takes effect as if it reads "Destroy one of your Things at random."
Card by Bucky
Three-handed sword
Action:This card gains the text "Action: Destroy target Thing" until the end of the turn.
Card by Bucky
Flash Powder
Whenever you become the target of an Action, destroy Flash Powder and prevent that Action.
Card by Bucky
Lunar Cry
Every player receives three Monster tokens. At the end of your turn, flip a coin for each of your Monster tokens. Heads: destroy one of your Monster tokens; tails: destroy one of your Things. When Lunar Cry is removed from play, destroy one Thing for every Monster token you still have.
Card by Binarius
The Needs Of The Many
Play immediately in response to any Action that has an effect on one player; that card affects all other players instead.
Card by Binarius
Hot Potato
If Hot Potato is played, destroy it immediately; if Hot Potato is played or discarded, lose a turn. Thing: Give Hot Potato to the opponent of your choice.
Card by Binarius
ALZ heimer's
May play on another Player. Your maximum hand size is decreased by one. Owner may discard a card to avoid an action or action ability effect.
Card by gill_smoke
Owner may take any number of actions. All Action abilities may only be played once per turn.
Q: How many kids with ADHD does it take to screw in a light bulb.
A: Lets go ride bikes.
Card by gill_smoke
FlashMob Super Computer
Only one of this cards action abilities may be played each turn. Owners Hand size increases by one for every node token in play, The number of actions per turn for the owner increases by one for every program token in play. Programs my not excceed nodes
Action: Create a node token.
Action: Create a program token.
Card by gill_smoke
Revolution Of The Stars
Every player gives one card from their hand to every other player. If any player has fewer cards than opponents, they must draw up to the correct number, distribute them, and then discard down to their previous hand size.
Card by Binarius
Knight Fork
Name two Things in the control of a chosen opponent; your opponent decides which one gets destroyed.
Card by Binarius
Regenerative Brakes
Whenever you discard a card or any of your Things is destroyed, create a Potential Energy token. During your turn, destroy two Potential Energy tokens to put an extra Thing into play.
Card by Binarius
Plot Significance
Play onto another Thing. When you do, rename that Thing. Neither Plot Significance nor the card it's played on can be destroyed until the other is.
Card by Bucky
Hostage crisis
All of target Thing's controllers must destroy it, or discard two cards, or eliminate themselves from the game.
Card by Bucky
Destroy up to six tokens belonging to the same player.
Card by Bucky
Warlock Punch
Destroy target Thing so much harder than Falcon Punch that its controller discards a random card.
Card by ChippyYYZ
If Sandbag would be destroyed, return it to your hand instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Full Bar of Star Power
If you would be eliminated while this is in play, instead destroy this, discard your hand, and you cannot lose until 4 turns have ended.
Card by ChippyYYZ
pressure sensitive switch
May be played on another player. If owner plays a non living thing they destroy pressure sensitive switch and a random living thing. Face down cards count as generic things with no text<br\>Thing: flip a card face down.<br\>Action: flip a card face up.
"What does this do?"
Card by gill_smoke
Big red button
May be played on another player. If owner plays a living thing they trigger Big red button's action ability.Action: Destroy random thing.
"What does this do?"
Card by gill_smoke
Wall lever
May be played on another player. If owner plays a living thing they trigger one of Wall lever's abilities<br\>Thing: Roll a die if 1 create a food token.<br\>Action: Roll a die if 6 create money token.
"What does this do?"
Card by gill_smoke
Dramatic Chorale Singing
For 3 turn cycles after this card is played, nobody may play a card. After that, every player must play a Thing. Whenever an Action is played, double any numerical values in its text ('a' and 'an' are considered to be '1').
The stakes are higher! The tension is ratcheted! The drama is maxed! The Oscar is in the bag!
Card by Corrigan
Amphibian Eyeball
When you play an Action, you may destroy Amphibian Eyeball. If you do, increase any numerical values in the Action's text by one ('a' and 'an' are considered to be '1').
Card by Corrigan
Take a Gamble
Draw a card from a standard pack of playing cards (without jokers). If the card was a diamond, make money tokens equal to the card's number. If the card was a spade, draw cards equal to the card's number. If the card was a club, destroy random Things equal to the card's number. If the card was a heart, each opponent draws cards equal to the card's number.
Card by Corrigan
Nitrogen Triiodide
Flip a coin when you play this card. If tails, destroy it and discard your hand. If heads, you may carefully play it into any player's control. If that player gains or loses control of any non-token Things, all of their Things are destroyed.
Card by Binarius
ISO 2050
Destroy all Things that modify any player's hand size limit or card-drawing capability. Every player's maximum hand size is five and every player may draw once at the beginning of their turn.
Card by Binarius
Little Green Men
Steal a random card from a chosen opponent's hand.
Card by Binarius
Whenever you play a card, gain a Receipt token.
Card by Bucky
Warp Tile
Once per turn, you may return this to your hand. If you do, you may play an extra Thing that turn.
Card by Bucky
Destroy up to 20 of your tokens. Draw cards equal to half of the number of tokens you destroyed, rounding down.
Card by Bucky
Charity Tax Break
Action: Give a Thing you control to an opponent, and draw a card.
Card by Kevan
Universal Remote Control
Action: Activate another thing's Action: ability. Its controller makes any decisions involved.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Lvl. 76 Black Mage
Action - Flaraga: Target player takes 99999 damage.
Too bad that doesn't do anything.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Finger
Your maximum hand size is reduced by two.

Action: Give an opponent The Finger.
The card, not the gesture.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Campaign for Diversity
If at the start of your turn you control three other non-token Things and three Tokens of different types, and there are at least three cards in your hand and three in the discard pile, you win the game.
Card by Bucky
Return to the Void
Destroy target Thing with no cornervalue.
Card by Bucky
Sandglass Desert
Terrain - External Site
Action: Play an Action from the top of the discard pile. Put a card from your hand on top of the draw pile.
In the shifting zones, one moment can be forever.
Card by Zaratustra, ported by Bucky
zombified astrophisist
Everytime you loose a turn draw a card.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombie Ichor
Thing Equiptment
Attach to a non token living thing That thing is now a zombie. If thing has an action ability add the following to the actions text "Flip a coin if tails action does nothing."
Card by gill_smoke
destroy all your money tokens to play.<br\>Thing: create a drawing token.<br\>Action: destroy 5 drawing tokens to create one money token.
Card by gill_smoke
Enough Zombies Already!
Destroy all zombies and zombie related cards. Each player reveals their hand. Whoever has the most cards that refer to zombies is eliminated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
DvoRock Band
Make a band name and name four real songs. This card's name is the band name. Create four tokens with the names of the named songs.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Bu boz ujnf, boz qmbzfs nbz tbz "Dszqupefupobujpo".

Jg uifz ep, uijt dbse't dpouspmmfs jt fmjnjobufe.
Card by DijqqzZZA
Animal Sanctuary
Prevents one of the controller’s things from being destroyed. But, its self is always vulnerable.
Card by soniccuz
Winds of Change
All players exchange their hands with the person to their right.
Card by soniccuz
shallow grave
As long as there is a living thing in the discard pile you may use Shallow grave's action ability.<br\>Action:Create Zombie token.
Card by gill_smoke
wacky children
Roll a die and if it is 4 or higher you can draw 3 cards.
Card by Lost card resurrected by gill_smoke
Zombified librarian
Every time you destroy a nonliving thing draw a card.
Card by gill_smoke
Mirror Plane
For each non-Reflection Thing you control, gain a Reflection token.
Card by Bucky
Money Tree
Action:Gain a Money token.
Card by Bucky
Quotation Marks
Play onto any card. While Quotation Marks is attached to a card, treat that card as if all of its text is part of its title and it has no ruletext.
Card by Bucky
Every turn, you may draw or play an extra card or activate an extra Action ability. If Stimpack is destroyed, lose a turn.
Card by Binarius
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Draw three cards. Play one of them, discard another, and give the last to an opponent.
Card by Binarius
Hurricane Joe
A chosen opponent must discard his hand. In sympathy, every other player donates a card from their hand to him.
Card by Binarius
Play this onto two things, at least one of which you control. The two things and this are considered to be one thing that you control. Create a name for this new thing. Its text is the text of both of the things, except that you use the new name where it refers to itself by name.
Card by ChippyYYZ
If this this card would be destroyed, throw it across the room instead.
If your hand is ever empty, destroy IndestructoTank, ignoring its indestrctibility. You can still throw it if you want, though.
Action: Destroy a thing and flip a coin. On heads, activate this ability again, targeting a random thing.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Four Leaf Clover
Whenever something is decided by chance (dice, coins, etc.), you may reroll, reflip, etc. once, and pick which result to use.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Sleeping With The Fishes
Send target Thing to the bottom of the discard pile.
Card by Binarius
Zealous English Teacher
Thing - Party Member
Draw a card whenever anyone plays a card that contains a spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistake.
Card by Binarius
Personal Force Field
Your other Things may not be destroyed and opponents may not play any Things into your control. If you play a Thing, destroy Personal Force Field.
Card by Binarius
Screw the Rules, I Have Money!
Action: Place a nickel on this card to destroy a thing, or a dime to negate an action. When this card is destroyed, whoever destroyed it may take all of the money on it.
Card by Atticus
ChippyYYZ, The Forbidden One
If this and four other cards by ChippyYYZ are in your hand, you win.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Evil Council
While Evil Council is in play, all players must talk with Slavic accents. If a player does not talk with a Slavic accent, eliminate him/her.
Action: Each player chooses one Thing and destroys it.
Card by Corrigan
Eugenic Cleanse
Eliminate the least physically attractive player from the game. Vote if unsure.
"We must keep the race pure!"
Card by Corrigan
Ilgeayidzed Jistogu
Ilgogtilatyu, choi sapot gye-ad tshidz sagidz tezht vesaidze it idz pot il a ge-ai yalfyafe. Ig choi soid ge-ad it, shish choi sapt, choi shoid klosh tshat choi naje shop tshe samye vu digashilf tshidz sagid.
"I klosh, mu obzedziol shitsh otsheg yalfiafyedz setz gye-aiyu aplochilf. Tigu zereiyilf it il sugiyis."
Card by Corrigan
Bucket of Water Balloons
Action: Name a Thing in play and roll a die. 1: Miss. 2-4: Target Thing is removed from play until the conclusion of your next turn to dry off. 5-6: Target Thing is soaked and destroyed.
Card by Binarius

Sacrificial Altar
Once during your turn, you may place a card from your hand face-down onto Sacrificial Altar. Action: Destroy any number of these cards at once. Destroy 3 cards: play an extra Thing. Destroy 6 cards: Chosen opponent discards his hand. Destroy 10 cards: You win the game.
Card by Binarius
Language In-Crowd: Spanish Edition!
Acción: Descarta algunas cartas y repártate la misma cantidad de cartas de la baceta. Draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Dumb American
Non English cards are considered blank.<br\>
"Speak English or go home." -Bub
Card by gill_smoke
Copy Editor
Swap rules text on any two cards with corner values.<br\>
No that goes over here
Card by gill_smoke
When this comes into play it is considered to be a copy of one non livng thing in play.
Card by gill_smoke
Mos Eisley
Action: Create a Scum Token.
Action: Create a Villainy Token.
Card by ChippyYYZ
"Play It Again, Sam."
Target player plays a copy of the last card he played.
Bogart never actually said this.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Do Something! Anything!
Go to a random Subsection of the Infinite Dvorak Deck. This card is a copy of the first Action card on that page.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Stop playing this game, go to and download an view a rifftrax. Then come back, accuse Atticus of blatant advertising, and destroy a card. Whoever payed for the rifftrax may also destroy a card.
"Rifftrax makes everything better. Like beer." -Atticus
Card by Atticus
Demicanadian Runeloremaster
Thing - Character
At the beginning of every player's turn, create a Progress token. If there are ever more Progress tokens than Level tokens in play, destroy all Progress tokens and create a Level token.
Card by Binarius
Give one card to the player to your left. In order, every player gives one more card to the player to their left than they received, ending with the player to your right. If any player doesn't have enough cards, they must draw up to the required number, give them all, and lose a turn.
Card by Binarius
Dark Magic Attack
Return target Thing to its controller's hand; its controller is so stunned that he discards a card.
Card by Binarius
Actions may not be played, unless they would destroy Lucite.
Card by Kevan
Destroy any number of tokens. For each token destroyed, its controller must draw a card.
Card by Kevan
The Parking Lot is Full
Whenever a player puts a Thing card into play, they must then return a Thing card they control to their hand.
Card by Kevan
Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Discard your hand. If you discarded at least
1 card: take control of a thing.
2 cards: take control of two more things.
3 cards: control a player's next turn.
4 cards: Each opponent discards their hand.
6 cards: You Win.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Destroy target Thing and three other Things at random.
Card by Binarius
Thing - Terrain
Maximum hand size 3. At the beginning of their turn, every player must flip a coin and may only draw a card if they get heads.
Card by Binarius
Préemption de l'État
Immediately after any Thing is played, you may discard a card to put it under your control.
Card by Binarius
Reverse Time
Whenever a player would draw a card, they must instead put a card from their hand on top of the draw pile. Action: Take the top card of the discard pile, if it is an Action. Thing: Take the top card of the discard pile, if it is a Thing. Any player may use these two abilities.
Card by Kevan
Put a non-token Thing from play into your hand.
Card by Kevan
Chaos Field
Whenever a card is played, it goes to the discard pile immediately with no effect. The player who played it then draws a card, and plays it immediately.
Card by Kevan
Action: Create a Bullet token (maximum 6). Action: Destroy a Bullet token and destroy a Thing.
Card by Binarius
Drinking Bird
Play onto a Thing with an Action ability. That Action ability now happens once per turn automatically.
Card by Binarius
Out With The Old
Action: Destroy a Thing you control and draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Anything You Can Do
Pick an opponent. If they played an Action card during their most recent turn, play a copy of that Action. If they played a Thing, create a copy of that Thing and put it into play.
Card by Kevan
Arms Race
Reveal the top card of the draw pile; if it is a Thing, put it into play, otherwise discard it. Repeat until you have at least as many non-token Things in play as an opponent of your choice.
Card by Kevan
If You Can't Beat Them
Destroy all Things you control. Create a copy of each Thing belonging to a chosen opponent, and put them into play under your control.
Card by Kevan
The Hands of Fate have doomed this man.
Destroy one of your Things to play this card into any player's control. This card's controller may not win the game.
Card by Binarius
Imperial Battleship, halt the flow of time!
When your turn ends, take another turn.
Card by Binarius
Atmospheric conditions in outer space often interfere with transmitting.
Flip a coin whenever any player would activate an Action ability. If tails, the ability fails.
Card by Binarius
Trumpet Herald
Whenever you play a card, destroy Trumpet Herald. Action: Draw a card.
Card by Kevan
Parallel Universe
Looking at the cards in your hand and the non-token Things under your control; if there are two cards with the same name, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
Play immediately in response to an Action to negate its effect; the player who played it discards a card instead.
Card by Binarius
Ten Flaming Torches
If you have three Juggle tokens, you win. If you lose control of Ten Flaming Torches, discard your hand. You may not play Actions other than the following. Action: Create a Juggle token.
Card by Binarius
Prevent a Thing from being destroyed. You may play this card at any time, without it counting towards your Action-per-turn limit.
Card by Kevan
Zener Deck
Action: Name a vowel. Draw and reveal a card; if the first vowel in its name is the vowel you named, you may put that card into your hand. If not, discard it.
Card by Kevan
1000 Blank White Cards
Action: Create a Thing card with no card text and a name of your choice, and put it into your hand.
Card by Kevan
The Cursed Card
Do not read this card's text. If you have read this far, you are now cursed.
Card by Pongo
The Flying Dutchman
Thing - Vehicle/Aquatic
You may not win. The Flying Dutchman may not be destroyed by an Action ability. Action: Destroy a Thing.
Card by Binarius
Activate the Action ability of an opponent's Thing as if you controlled it.
Card by Binarius
The Sorcerer
Shuffle the discard pile into the draw pile and draw a card.
Card by Binarius
Post Peak Oil
Whenever a Thing uses its Action ability, put a Depletion token on it. Things with Depletion tokens on them cannot use their Action abilities. When Post Peak Oil leaves play, destroy all Depletion tokens.
Card by Kevan
Whenever a player plays a card or an action ability, they must discard their hand. When this happens, destroy Ceasefire.
Card by Kevan
Each player must play at least one card on each of their turns. Any player who fails to do so is eliminated.
Card by Bucky
Fit of Rage
Destroy target Thing you control. Destroy target Thing an opponent controls.
Card by Bucky
Generic Token Producer
Gain an Energy token at the start of each of your turns.
Thing:Gain a Money token.
Card by Bucky
Caesar's Favor
Play immediately when any Thing is to be destroyed. Flip a coin; if heads, prevent its destruction.
Card by Binarius
Brooding Silence
Thing and Action: Create a Silent Brooding token. Thing and Action: Destroy two Silent Brooding tokens and play as many cards from your hand as you wish.
Card by Binarius
Dutch Fugue
You must destroy a Thing at the beginning of your turn. If no other Things are in play, you win. If one of your Things is destroyed, destroy Dutch Fugue.
Card by Binarius
The Great Flood
If there is another thing in play, put it in the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Action: Destroy 200 money tokens you control to eliminate a player.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Optimus Prime, You've got Prostate Cancer.
Destroy a mechanical or electrical thing at the end of its controller's next turn.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Sneak Preview
Play with the top card of the draw pile facing up.
Card by Binarius
Steady State Theory
Whenever a Thing is destroyed, its controller may immediately play a Thing in its place.
Card by Binarius
Cream of the Crop
Draw four cards at the beginning of your turns, and discard three at the end.
Card by Binarius
Fault Line
Choose a player. They must divide their Things into three groups. Pick one of those groups at random, and destroy all the Things in it.
Card by Kevan
Missile Commander
Action: Destroy a Thing, and skip your next turn.
Card by Kevan
Holding The Wrong End
Play in response to a Thing being destroyed. That Thing is not destroyed, and its controller puts a copy of it into play under their control.
Card by Kevan
Thing - Party Member
Action: Put a Thing into play.
Card by Binarius
Highly Concentrated Evil
If this card is destroyed, the player who destroyed it is eliminated. If you are eliminated, play this card into the control of the opponent who eliminated you.
Card by Binarius
Flat Earth Society
You may not play Actions, including on the turn that this card enters play. If an opponent plays an Action that affects you, ignore it. You may destroy this card at the end of your turn.
Card by Binarius
Ultimate Sacrifice
Each player secretly chooses 'yes' or 'no', then all players reveal their choice simultaneously. If you chose 'yes' and no other player did, you win the game. Otherwise, each player who chose 'yes' discards their hand and destroys all Things they control.
Card by jtwe
Disintegrating Pistol
Action: Destroy this.
Wow. It... disintegrated.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Disintegration-Proof Vest
If you would be eliminated, this card is not destroyed. It just stays on the table where your place was.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Whenever you play a Thing, you may destroy another Thing you control (other than See-Saw), to destroy a third Thing.
Card by Kevan
Reintegrating Pistol
If this is in the discard pile, put it on top of the deck.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Reintegration-Proof Vest
This card may not ever leave the discard pile.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Assimilation Drive
Create a new Thing card. Take one sentence from each of any number of Things in play, and add them to that Thing card's text. Put it into play under your control.
Card by Kevan
The Thing
Action: Destroy a Thing and replace it with a copy of this card.
Card by Kevan
At the start of each of your turns, you may gain control of a Thing with a Pod token on it, until the end of that turn. Action: Put a Pod token on a Thing.
Card by Kevan
Last Meal
When this card comes into play, draw five cards. At the end of your turn, you are eliminated.
Card by Binarius
At the beginning of his turns, target opponent must draw two cards and give you one.
Card by Binarius
Action Factory
Action: Draw cards until you draw an Action. Play it and discard the rest.
Card by Binarius
Master of the House
Action: Take another player's hand and keep it until it is their turn. In the meantime, you may peruse their cards at your leisure and, if you wish, show other players their cards.
Card by redtoast
What a Dick
Take another player's hand from them, put one of their cards in your own hand, then disdainfully toss the rest away from the target player. While they scrabble around on the floor for their cards, you and the other players may laugh derisively.
Card by redtoast
The Horrible Death-Ray
Destroy one of another player's Things. It must be removed from the game entirely, not placed into the discard pile. Shredding or burning it is encouraged.
Card by redtoast
Play this card onto another Thing. That Thing adds "-ophile" to the end of its title's last word, and also adds the following to the end of its text: "Action: Look through the draw pile and take the first Thing with an effect of the same type as this one (draw, destroy, etc.) and put it in your hand."
Somehow, this seems wrong.
Card by Corrigan
Weekend Warfare
Destroy a number of Things equal to the number of the current week in the current month (i.e., if it's the first week of the month, destroy one Thing).
Card by Corrigan
Searing Guitar Solo
Roll two six-sided dice and draw a number of cards equal to the result. Then, roll two six-sided dice and discard a number of cards equal to the result. If you do not have enough cards in your hand for the discard, make up for the difference by destroying the appropriate number of your own Things.
Card by Corrigan
Hall of Mirrors
Whenever an Action or Action ability specifically targets a single Thing, you may change it so that it targets a different Thing. If you do, destroy this card.
Card by Kevan
Every Problem Is A Nail
Whenever you play an Action card, its card text reads "Destroy a Thing." instead of its original text.
Card by Kevan
Quarter on a String
Action: Play as many Things as you want this turn.
Card by redtoast
Everybody Just Calm Down
While this card is in play all players can only play one card or use one Thing's action during their turn.
Card by redtoast
Mystery Box!
Draw five cards, but do not look at them. You may draw one of these cards during anyone's turn but must play it immediately. All Actions drawn must target you, even if the card specifies to target another player.
Card by redtoast
Can't Make Change III: The Search for Spock
Each player must pass an Action card in his or her hand to the player on his or her right, or reveal his or her hand to show there are no Action cards there. Then, each player that was passed an Action card, starting with you, plays that card if possible.
Card by jtwe
Gold Medal Winner
Draw a card, or four cards if you control more Things than any other player.
It's not whether you win or lose, but whether you can scam the judges into giving you the gold that counts.
Card by jtwe
Balance Beam
At the end of each turn, if you played the same number of Actions and Things this turn, draw a card for each Action you played. If you played a different number of Actions and Things this turn, destroy Balance Beam.
Card by jtwe
Universal Currency
All Tokens in play, regardless of their type, are now Universal Currency Tokens.
Card by redtoast
L.L. Zamenhof
Faro: Celtabula ludisto nur povas paroli Esperanton ĝis lia proksima turno.
Card by redtoast
General Mills
Every turn, be it the controlling player's or otherwise, create a Wheat Token. Action: Destroy five Wheat Tokens; create and immediately play a blank Thing called "Cereal."
Card by redtoast
Action:Target player skips their next turn<br\>Action:Destroy target thing<br\>Thing:draw a card<br\>
That could mean anything
Card by gill_smoke
Puppet Master
Puppet Master's owner shares control of all animate things, and may use any action or thing abilities
Card by gill_smoke
As long as there are more than two players owner of Monarchy cannot be targeted by Destroy effects
it's good to be the king
Card by gill_smoke
Bullet Time
At the end of your turn, if you didn't take the previous turn, take another turn. You may not draw cards. If your hand is empty, destroy Bullet Time.
Card by Kevan
Texas Hold 'Em
As long as Texas Hold 'Em is in play, players can only have two Things in play at any time and all Things in play must be turned face-down (both rules excluding Texas Hold 'Em). Any player may use Texas Hold 'Em's action. Action: Discard all of your Things and play two more Things.
Card by redtoast
Bah Humbug
Block a player from drawing cards. Bah Humbug may be played at any time.
Card by redtoast
Doggy Discipline
If a player tries to play an Action, smack them with a rolled-up newspaper while shouting "No! Bad!", then discard the Action. This card can be played at any time.
Card by redtoast
Triple Triad
Thing: Gain control of target Thing whose cornervalue is numerically less than one of your Things' cornervalues. Any player may use this ability, but they may only use each of their Things once.
Card by Binarius
Dollis Hill
Nobody may play Things. Whenever any player plays an Action, give them Dollis Hill. Dollis Hill may only be destroyed by its controller or by a player in knip.
Card by Binarius
Draw two cards; you may play one of them, if it is an Action.
Card by Binarius
Swap Market
Action:Discard a card and then draw a card.
Card by Bucky
Cargo Wagon
Your maximum hand size is increased by 10.
Card by Bucky
Destroy target Thing. Its controller gains a Goo token for every word in that Thing's name.
Card by Bucky
Wanton Destruction
Destroy as many Things as you wish. While doing so, however, you must yell with barbaric fervor and furiously pound the table or applicable playing surface at least twice.
Card by redtoast
Wonton Destruction
Scalding hot soup! Target opponent discards half his hand, rounding down.
Card by Binarius
If any player has fewer than five cards in their hand at the end of their turn, they may draw until they have five cards.
Card by Binarius
Corner Kick
All Things with no cornervalue receive a cornervalue of 1.
Card by Binarius
Daler Mehndi
While Daler Mehndi is in play, all players must speak with Indian accents. Action: Spawn one Tunak Tunak Tun Token.
Card by redtoast
Musical Chairs
All players pass their Things to the player on their right and their hand to the player on their left. If there are only two players, discard this card as soon as it comes into your hand and draw another card.
Card by redtoast
Complex Plane
Things with one i token are imaginary, and Things with two i tokens are negative. Real and imaginary Things may not interact with each other. If any player has a negative number of Things, they win. Action: Put an i token on any Thing.
Card by Binarius
Mirror Maze
This card comes into play with five Mirror tokens on it. Whenever one of your Things would be destroyed, roll a die; if the result is less than or equal to the number of Mirror tokens in play, destroy a Mirror token instead.
Card by Binarius
Turbo Mode
Any player who does not play both an Action and a Thing during their turn is eliminated.
Card by Binarius