Infinite Dvorak deck

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The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, raise it on the talk page.
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in every game.
(A good test is to open a random archive page from this deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you probably haven't worded it generically enough.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent effect, something that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600.
Cut-Budget Doom Weapon
If both the draw pile and discard pile are empty, you win the game. Action:Remove the top card of the draw pile from the game.
"The fools! I will destroy them all... in mere decades."
Card by Bucky
Diplomatic Solution
Write down a word. If you can get any player to say that word in two turns that player is eliminated. Otherwise each opponent gets to draw three cards.
Card by Jindra34
Artillery Squad
Action:Destroy any number of things you control. Destroy twice as many things you do not control.
Card by Jindra34
Heavenly Bow
At the start of each of your turns you may put one thing on the bottom of the draw pile
Card by Jindra34
Choose a card in play or in the discard pile, and erase its card text.
Card by Kevan
Play only if there are at least ten cards left in the draw pile. If the draw pile becomes empty, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
On Strike
Name a card when this comes into play. You may not draw or play cards, and other players may not draw cards. Any player may search the draw pile and give you the card you named, or give you the card from their hand, to destroy this Thing.
Card by Kevan
Twin Invention
Target opponent creates a card. At the start of your next turn add a copy of that card to both your hand and the opponent's hand. The card cannot refer to or have proper nouns in it.
Card by Jindra34
Piracy is Theft
If a player controls a Thing which was created as a copy of another card, they may not win the game. Action: Create a copy of any Thing in play, and put it into your hand.
Card by Kevan
At the start of your turn, put a Food token into play under the control of each player.
Card by Bucky
Conservation of Matter
Whenever a player gains control of a Thing, they must destroy another Thing they control. Whenever a player loses control of a Thing, they gain a Token. These effects do not apply to each other.
Card by Bucky
Any player may play one action from a thing between the end of their turn and the beginning of their next turn. While this card is in play, no-one may play any actions from their hand.
You may not play any action cards while this is in play.Action:Discard an action card from your hand. Create an untitled thing with text=Action:Text of discarded action. Anyone may discard a card to destroy an untitled card.
No-one may play any cards from their hands while this card is in play. Any player may discard a card or cards during their turns. Each player chooses a card. This card has the following text tacked on:Action:You may play an action and a thing card from the discard pile.
Breeding grounds
Anyone may use this action. Action:Pick two cards that are in play, if by a majority vote, they are deemed similar enough to breed place them on this card. Every turn roll a d6 for every pair of cards on this card and similar enough to breed, for every 6 rolled create a copy of both cards and place them either in front of you or shuffle them into the deck.
Card by Ryan_1729
Good Bye
Eliminate one player who has no things in play. This card cannot be played on your first turn.
Card by Jindra34
Each player looks through the deck and chooses a thing. This thing is played under their control, with the text "if this card is destroyed, you lose" tacked on.
Tennis Ball
Whenever you play an Action card, give control of Tennis Ball to an opponent of your choice. If you control Tennis Ball at the end of your turn, discard your hand and destroy this card.
Card by Kevan
If Battery is played as an action, one of your opponents' cards is now under your control. If Battery is played as a thing, you may create one counter of the type of your choice and play it under your control. If you create five tokens in this way, destroy battery. Battery is removed from game instead of going to the discard pile, whether played as an action or thing.
If played as an action, you may now create a new turn order. If played as a thing, play onto an opponent. His hand size is reduced by one, two if lead stays in play for over ten turns.
If played as an action, three turns from now, draw three cards. If played as a thing, destroy Book if you create a token. Action:Draw a card.
Clerical Error
Any player may take an Action to destroy a Thing they control, and destroy another Thing that starts with the same letter.
Card by Kevan
Asteroid Mining Ship
Any player may take an Action to destroy one Asteroid token they control; unless you discard a card in response, this destroys Asteroid Mining Ship. Action: Destroy a Thing, and put two Asteroid tokens into play under its owner's control.
Card by Kevan
Critical Mass
Destroy five Things. If there are fewer than five Things in play, this card has no effect.
Card by Kevan
Each player puts a copy of each thing they control into play
Card by Jindra34
Mighty Token Robot Force
Destroy five Things you control. If you do so, you may search the draw pile for any Thing card and put it into play under your control.
Card by Kevan
Long Vacation
You may not play or create cards. At the end of your turn, you may either destroy this card or gain up to 7 non-Money-related Tokens of any one type of your choice.
Card by jtwe
The first time each turn that a proposed card is rejected, that card's creator discards two cards, then draws a card.
You're watching the Family Learning Channel. And now, angry ticks fire out of my nipples!
Card by jtwe
Survive Until Tuesday
This card comes into play with 7 counters on it. At the start of your turn, remove a counter; if you can't, you win the game. After each other player's draw stage, he or she may remove a counter, skip the rest of his or her turn, and roll a six-sided die; on a 1, you lose the game.
Card by jtwe
Superconductor Electromagnetism
Give control of target Thing to target player.
It levitates bullet trains from Tokyo to Osaka. It levitates my desk where I ride the saddle of the world. And it levitates... me!
Card by jtwe
House of Cards
If House of Cards ever has ten Card tokens on it, you win the game. Action: Discard any number of cards to put the same number of Card tokens onto House of Cards.
Card by Kevan
Each player chooses and destroys a non-Token Thing they control (if they control one).
Card by Kevan
Booby Trap
When any player plays a Thing from his or her hand, destroy this card and draw and discard the top card of the deck. If the discarded card has the same number of words in its title as the Thing, destroy all Things that player controls; otherwise, that player draws 2 cards.
Card by jtwe
The Horrors You Have Committed
Play when a Thing is destroyed. The player that destroyed that Thing loses their next turn.
Card by jtwe
The card texts of all Things, other than this one, are considered blank.
Card by Kevan
Ten Thousand Fists
Play when an Thing's Action: is used. Destroy the Thing and draw a card. (This does not cancel the Action.)
If this disturbs you, then walk away.
Card by jtwe
Ten Thousand Spoons
Reaction - Ironic
Play when a non-Action, non-Thing card is played. Cancel that card's effects and destroy it if it's in play.
... when all you need is a knife.
Card by jtwe
Ten Thousand to One
Play when a coin is flipped, a die is rolled, or a target is chosen randomly. Reflip the coin, reroll the die, or rechoose the target.
Never tell me the odds.
Card by jtwe
Universal Eraser
Action:Chose a word. Erase all instances of that word from all cards in play. Any card rendered non-sensical by this card is destroyed.
Card by Jindra34
Replacement text
Any time a word is erased you may put a different word in its place.
Card by Jindra34
Fast Forward
Take two extra turns after this one. During these extra turns, you may not play or draw cards.
And then a bunch of stuff happened, yada yada yada, and then I won! Any questions?
Card by jtwe
Ink Pen
Add one word to a card. This word may be placed anywhere but cannot render a card nonsensical.
Truly this pen is mightier than every sword.
Card by Jindra34
If played as an action, name a card and search the deck for that card. If you find a card with that title, you may put it in your hand and shuffle the deck. If played as a thing, write down a number. When this card is destroyed, create that number of tokens under your control.
When you play this card from your hand, play it onto an opponent's thing. That thing now has no effect(s). Action:Destroy the card that this is played on. Play this card as if it was played from your hand.
Ink Sword
When this card comes into play erase one sentence from any thing and add it to this card.
Card by Jindra34
Swap meet
Action:Swap control of two things.
Card by Jindra34
Role play
Create a character and write their description on the back of this card. At minimum this description must include a name, an occupation, a species and a native setting. Anytime a player fails to refer to the player as that character or they speak out of character the offending player must create a copy of this card (blank back) pick one of their cards and shuffle them into the draw pile.
Card by Ryan_1729
Roll play
All cards that involve rolling of dice and coin flips now involve rolling of things other than dice and coins. Vote on how to determine the result(s) before rolling. If online each player rolls a die. Odd numbers mean draw that many cards, even means discard half that many rounded up. If you cannot discard that many cards skip the extra amount of your next turn.
Card by Ryan_1729
All players draw to the current hand limit. Set all cards not in players hands in a pile out of play and then place all cards in players hands in a new draw pile. The hand limit is now halved, rounding up or down (vote.) If there are no achievable winning conditions, add up to three from the out of play cards and/or the Infinite Dvorak Deck wiki.
Card by Ryan_1729
Rain on your Wedding Day
Action - Ironic
Until the beginning of your next turn, Actions on Things in play cannot be played.
Card by jtwe
A Free Ride
Action - Ironic
Draw a card. You may play another Action this turn. You cannot lose the game, and no other player can win the game, as a result of that Action.
...when you've already paid.
Card by jtwe
Good Advice
Thing - Ironic
When you play this card, choose Action or Thing. At the start of your turn, draw a card, and discard it if it is the type you chose.
...that you just can't take.
Card by jtwe
Let the cards flow!
Draw a number of cards equal to the number of things you have, including tokens. If you reach your hand size limit, have your opponents draw the rest equally. If an opponent hits his/her size limit, put the rest of the cards he/she was to draw from the draw pile into the discard pile.
If this card is played as an action, all opponents discard a card. If played as a thing, all things in play execpt this one lose their text after three consecutive turns in play starting when this card is played. Cards regain their text if they leave play for any reason.
Whenever you gain one or more Money-related tokens, you may put one of them on Piggybank. If any tokens are removed from Piggybank, destroy it. (When Piggybank is destroyed, you keep control of the tokens that were on it.)
Action: If there are 7 tokens on Piggybank, win the game.
Card by jtwe
Every player puts there hand in a pile. Then starting with you and going by turn each player looks through the pile and selects one card and adds it to their hand. Continue this process until all cards have been removed from the pile.
Card by Jindra34
If played as an action, no-one may draw a card for the next five turns. If played as a thing, play this onto another thing. Tack on the text: Action: Ignore the next effect that would destroy this thing. You may not use this thing next turn.
After playing a Thing, a player must give a Thing they control to another player (unless they only have one Thing in play).
Card by Kevan
Soulless Abominations!
This card counts as a religious phenomenon. All clones or copies of cards created except by breeding, while this card is in play must be marked as such. For each card that can be proven to be a clone/copy a coin is flipped. If heads the card is removed from the game. If a card is suspected of being a clone/copy two coins are flipped, if two heads come up then the card is removed from the game.
Card by Ryan_1729
Zergling rush
Action:Create a zergling token. If you haven't played this action already, you may play another action this turn. Action:Destroy x things and destroy five x zergling tokens.
When another Thing is played, destroy Tumbleweed. At the end of each player's turn, that player draws a card.
Don't no one come 'round here much no more...
Card by jtwe
Outdated Television Set
All cards which would normally cause this player's maximum hand-size to be reduced are negated.
Card by Corrigan
Play this card only if an action was played the previous turn. Redo the turn on which the action was played, except the action affects the opposite player instead of the one it normally would.
Card by Corrigan
All living things other than this one must be returned to their respective players' hands in the same turn this card is played. No living things may be in play while Boogeyman is in play. For the purposes of this card, cyborg things are not considered living.
Card by Corrigan
Choose any card with at least one counter on it. If it has fewer than 5 counters on it, put one additional counter on it for each counter it already has. Otherwise, put 5 more counters on it.
Card by Bucky
Time Machine
Whenever you skip a turn, place a time counter on this.

At the beginning of your turn, if this has 5 or more time counters on it, you win the game.
It's essentially a cardboard box, and on the outside of it I wrote "Time Machine" in Sharpie.
Card by JJ12121616
Action:Target player discards a card at random. If they discard an Action card this way, they gain control of Dodgeball.
Just like Gym class.
Card by JJ12121616
You Can't Stop the Funk!
You may play this card at any time. Until the end of the turn, nullify the first effect applied to a thing you control that would destroy or change control of it.
Card by JJ12121616
Haunted Motorcycle
Destroy one of your opponent's Things. Your opponent now controls Haunted Motorcycle.
Card by Corrigan
George Nelson's Zombie
Destroy all of your opponent's Things and take any Money Tokens attached to those Things. You may do this as many times per turn as you choose, but you cannot spare any of your opponent's Things or Money Tokens.
"I'm feelin' ten feet tall!"
Card by Corrigan
Cubic Zirconium
Cubic Zirconium counts as a diamond.
When this comes into play, discard at least 10 Money tokens or destroy this.
Action: Target player gives you a card from their hand.
Action and Thing: Roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1 or 2, destroy this. Any player may play this ability.
Card by JJ12121616
Play "Freebird"!
When this card comes into play, name a card. Your opponents play with their hands revealed. If an opponent could play the named card, or a card named "Freebird", destroy this card and that opponent plays that card. (They make any decisions it calls for.)
Card by jtwe
Aviator Sunglasses
Aviator Sunglasses may be played onto any Thing you control. The Thing that Aviator Sunglasses is played on is not affected by Location cards.
Card by Corrigan
The Russian Mafia
For as long as The Russian Mafia is in play, you can negate any Actions of your choice. No Actions played while The Russian Mafia can take effect without your consent.
Card by Corrigan