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From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 15:18, 6 February 2007 by Kevan (talk | contribs) (→‎The Dvorak Wiki: Wiki is now live on the root of!)
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Dvorak is a card game where all of the cards start out blank; players choose a theme, make up enough cards to get started, shuffle and deal, then add further cards to the game as the game progresses. It provides you with enough rules to start a game, but leaves the theme and the depth up to you.

You can use it as a skeleton for making a solid and standalone card game, you can play it as an experimental or cut-throat Nomic, you can use it to kill half an hour drawing silly pictures and forcing your friends to perform forfeits, you can throw together an amusing card game based on your favourite film or sport or in-joke... It's blank cardboard, it's fairly multipurpose.

You can also play the games that other people have come up with, over the years - just pick something from the Deck Archive to print out and cut into a deck of cards, or play the game online.

The Dvorak Wiki

In an attempt to bring Dvorak properly into the 21st century, we're going to try moving everything (including deck lists) to a publicly-editable wiki, to see what happens.

As with the game itself, we're making this up as we go along - feel free to pitch in with suggestions, advice or boring old legwork, in this uncertain time. You can check Special:RecentChanges to see what's been happening recently, and discuss the changes on the Dvorak mailing list.

If you want to keep up to date with developments, RSS feeds are available for new page additions and recent changes.