Curmudgeon CCG set

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 06:35, 22 June 2011 by Drock (talk | contribs)
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Curmudgeon CCG set
Designer Drock
Date June 22, 2011
Players 2+
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export
Mtgcard.gif Generate Apprentice CSV

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.


Types of Card

There are 3 types of card in Curmudgeon. You can only play 1 of each card during your turn.

Things: When you play a Thing, it goes onto the table in front of you and stays there, usually having a useful effect while it remains in play.

Actions: When you play an Action, it has an effect and is destroyed (sent to the discard pile) immediately afterward.

Events: Like Actions, except they don't have to be played during your turn. However, you can only play one Event during whatever turn you decide to play one on.

Some cards have effects that read like this: "Action: <effect>." This means that instead of playing an Action that turn, you can choose to use that effect instead. Not all effects work like this, and sometimes it's Things or Events that aren't played.


Each player starts the game with 0 Points. Points are awarded to players under certain conditions. The first player to get 100 Points wins.

How Turns Go

At the beginning of the game, draw 5 cards. At the beginning of each subsequent turn, draw 1. You can then play 1 Thing, 1 Action and 1 Event. It doesn't have to be in that order, and you don't have to play all 3 types of card. If you run out of cards to draw from, shuffle your discard pile and turn it over. This is your new deck. Proceed as if nothing had happened.