Curmudgeon CCG set
Curmudgeon CCG set | |
Designer | Drock |
Date | June 22, 2011 |
Players | 2+ |
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
There are 3 types of card in Curmudgeon.
Things: When you play a Thing, it goes onto the table in front of you and stays there, usually having a useful effect while it remains in play.
Actions: When you play an Action, it has an effect and is destroyed (sent to the discard pile) immediately afterward.
Events: Like Actions, except they don't have to be played during your turn.
Some cards have effects that read like this: "Action: <effect>." This means that instead of playing any Actions that turn, you can choose to use that effect instead. Not all effects work like this, and sometimes it's Things or Events that aren't played.
Costs and Stamina
In the upper right-hand corner of every card is a little box with a number in it. That number is that card's Cost. Each player starts the game with 7 Stamina. Every time you play a card, you lose Stamina equal to that card's cost. If you hit 0 Stamina (or less), you can't play any cards. At the beginning of each of your turns, you gain 2 Stamina. If you have more than 10 Stamina at the end of your turn, your Stamina is reduced to 10.
Each player starts the game with 0 Points. Points are awarded to players under certain conditions. The first player to reach 500 Points wins.
How Turns Go
Draw Step: If this is your first turn of the game, you get 7 Stamina and draw 5 cards. Otherwise, increase your Stamina by 1 and draw 1 card. If you only have 1 or less cards in your hand, you may draw an additional card. If you have no cards to draw from, shuffle your discard pile and turn it over. This is your new deck. Proceed as if nothing had happened.
Main Step: You can then play as many cards as you want as long as you can pay each card's Cost. It doesn't have to be in any particular order, but bear in mind that cards resolve (come into effect) in the order that they are played. At the end of the Main Step, if you have more than 10 Stamina, reduce your Stamina to 10.
Remember, Event Cards can be played during your Main Step or during your opponent's Draw or Main Step.
At any time during your turn, you can Crunch a Thing that's in play. When you Crunch a Thing, destroy it. Then multiply its Cost by 10 and give yourself that many Points. You can Crunch as many of your Things as you want during your turn.
Shouting "Curmudgeon!" is optional.
Prepare to feel the wrath of my above-average respiratory system!
That was a day to go down in history... The legendary Sandbox Showdown in kindergarten of 1973.
Does all this food make me look fat?
No slap-backs! I said no slap-backs!
Yeah, I'm taking today off for a little R&R. Gonna just chill out at the shooting range. Maybe hunt some deer, squirrels, baby ducks, who knows? It'll be magical.
You weren't busy or anything, right?
Bobby says you owe me thirty bucks too.
Sure, the extra hours at the office cut down on my "social time" and " having friends". But I'll be the coolest employee on Casual Friday with my solid-gold collar buttons.
Oopsie-poopsie! Maybe lay off the Schnapps next time, eh, Greg?
Mmm, vitamins.
That was fast.
Everyone tilt your head back!
My shoelaces? Actually very thinly woven corn.
Thanks, Gramma!
Who put that curb there?
Everyone got tired of Tim's moping after a while. It just made him mope more.
Call in now to order our combination toaster-vaccuum cleaner!
When your fingers start shaking you're about halfway there.
You know I'm good for it. I'll pay you back once I get my next paycheck.
That was the most refreshing lounge sofa nap I've had in a while. Ah well, back to the cubicle!
They're contagious, you know.
Yep. Bran.
Here come the waterworks. Time to call the wahh-mbulance.
I think I pulled my everything.
You think about what you done. You think real hard.
My heart hurts.
No, it's NOT a nice day to start again! How did you get into my Billy Idol playlist?
Good thing I brought by jumbo-brella.