Difference between revisions of "Infinite Dvorak deck/Cards 2201-2300"

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|text=When Kindle comes into play put all cards in play with more than 4 lines of rules text under Kindle. Kindle may be considered a copy of any one of those cards, the rest are considered out of play. <br\> '''Action:''' Switch Kindle's mimic card.
|text=When Kindle comes into play put all cards in play with more than 4 lines of rules text under Kindle. Kindle may be considered a copy of any one of those cards, the rest are considered out of play. <br> '''Action:''' Switch Kindle's mimic card.

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|text=Create a NATO token when you play this card. Give contol of the Nato token to another player. If there are more than two players, players with NATO tokens cannot destroy things of players with NATO cards. <br\>'''Action:''' destroy NATO token.  
|text=Create a NATO token when you play this card. Give contol of the Nato token to another player. If there are more than two players, players with NATO tokens cannot destroy things of players with NATO cards. <br>'''Action:''' destroy NATO token.  

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{{card|title=SETI@Home|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Draw a card.  If it is an Alien card, you win.|creator=Binarius|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=SETI@Home|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Draw a card.  If it is an Alien card, you win.|creator=Binarius|bgcolor=006}}

{{card|title=Apothecary|type=Thing|text=At the beginning of your turn, play either a Potion or Salve Token.  Apothecary may use its Actions at any time.<br\>'''Action:''' Destroy a Potion; play an Action.<br\>'''Action:''' Destroy a Salve; prevent an Action|creator=redtoast|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Apothecary|type=Thing|text=At the beginning of your turn, play either a Potion or Salve Token.  Apothecary may use its Actions at any time.<br>'''Action:''' Destroy a Potion; play an Action.<br>'''Action:''' Destroy a Salve; prevent an Action|creator=redtoast|bgcolor=006}}

{{card|title=A Flurry of Dead Chickens|type=Action|text=All players get ten Dead Chicken Tokens.|creator=redtoast|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=A Flurry of Dead Chickens|type=Action|text=All players get ten Dead Chicken Tokens.|creator=redtoast|bgcolor=600}}

Latest revision as of 04:24, 7 December 2022

The Infinite Dvorak Deck

Cards 2201-2300

Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
This is a subpage of a larger deck.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.
Complex Plane
Things with one i token are imaginary, and Things with two i tokens are negative. Except for this card, real and imaginary Things may not interact with each other. If any player has a negative number of Things, they win. Action: Put an i token on any non-token Thing.
Card by Binarius
Mirror Maze
This card comes into play with five Mirror tokens on it. Whenever one of your non-token Things would be destroyed, roll a die; if the result is less than or equal to the number of Mirror tokens in play, destroy a Mirror token instead.
Card by Binarius
Turbo Mode
Any player who does not play both an Action and a Thing during their turn is eliminated.
Card by Binarius
Every token and every card referring to tokens is destroyed.
Card by Andraxx
Self-Destruct Signal
Destroy any number of your own Things and/or Things played onto your Things.
Card by Bucky
Target player reveals 2 cards at random from their hand, then discards any Actions revealed this way.
Card by Bucky
Deflector Field
When this comes into play, gain an Energy Token. If one of your non-Token Things would be destroyed and you control an Energy Token, destroy one of your Energy Tokens instead.
Card by Bucky
I'm the Librarian and I'll Do Whatever the Hell I Want
This card's controller can look through the draw deck at any time and rearrange the cards therein as they see fit. At the beginning of their turn, the Controller may take any two cards from the deck. This card can be destroyed by a majority vote four turns after it is played.
Card by redtoast
Enough with the Crazy Titles
Destroy all Things in play with two-line titles or titles longer than three words.
Card by redtoast
King in the Castle
Everything that players would normally vote on to decide has its outcome decided by the controller of this card. Every time this occurs, create a Civil Unrest Token. When you have five Civil Unrest Tokens you must destroy King in the Castle.
Card by redtoast
Pretend to win the game, but you actually don't.
I use Autowin! I win!
Card by ictl
Every player draws a card for every non-token Thing they have less than the average number of Things in play, or discards a card for every non-token Thing more than the average.
Card by Binarius
Mr. Fusion
Thing: Destroy a non-token Thing you control and play an Action.
Card by Binarius
Draw ten cards and skip your next turn.
Card by Binarius
Cosmic Keystone
If Cosmic Keystone is destroyed and there are no other Keystones in play, the game ends.
Card by Bucky
Mutation Chamber
Action:Destroy one of your Things. Then reveal cards from the top of the draw pile until you reveal a Thing. Put that Thing into play and the other revealed cards on the bottom of the draw pile.
Card by Bucky
Destroy all Things and end your turn.
Card by Bucky
When Kindle comes into play put all cards in play with more than 4 lines of rules text under Kindle. Kindle may be considered a copy of any one of those cards, the rest are considered out of play.
Action: Switch Kindle's mimic card.
Card by gill_smoke
craddle to craddle
Owner never has to discard, and may use the discard pile as a draw pile.
Card by gill_smoke
Create a NATO token when you play this card. Give contol of the Nato token to another player. If there are more than two players, players with NATO tokens cannot destroy things of players with NATO cards.
Action: destroy NATO token.
Card by gill_smoke
Whoa, Hey, What Are We Doin'
The discard pile is now the draw pile; the draw pile is now the discard pile.
Card by redtoast
At any time---including in order to counter an action---players may vote to decide if a card is too silly for the game. If it is, discard that card.
Card by redtoast
The Biggest Secret
(As long as this card is in your hand, you've won the game. However, you may not play this card, nor may you tell anyone you've won. Keep that to yourself. If someone tries to eliminate you, the game ends. Now, shhhhh.)
Card by redtoast
Royal Court
Whenever a player controls 10 Sycophants, they win the game

Action:Gain a Sycophant Token.
Card by Bucky
In Between Moments
If a Thing would be destroyed, it does not leave play until the end of your turn.
If it's not your turn, it doesn't leave play until after your next turn.
Card by Bucky
Brain Food
Action:Destroy Brain Food and draw 3 cards.
Card by Bucky
Arms Dealer
Draw and reveal cards until you have revealed two cards with 'destroy a Thing' in their text. Keep one, and give the other to an opponent. Discard all other cards revealed in this way.
Card by Kevan
Armistice Dealer
Destroy all Things with the word 'destroy' in their card text. Each player reveals their hand and discards any cards with 'destroy' in their card text.
Card by Kevan
Generous friends
All players either give you a card from their hand or a token they control.
Card by gill_smoke
mass production
All cards that produces tokens have that ability triggered now.
Card by gill_smoke
Schrödinger's cat
if Schrödinger's cat would be destroyed flip a coin instead if heads Schrödinger's cat is not destroyed.
Card by gill_smoke
Show me Anger!
Force a player to play an 'offensive' Action on another player.
Card by redtoast
Action: Place a Dead Cells Token on a player. A Dead Cells Token takes up space in the same way a card might; thus, where a player would normally have five cards, they now have four cards and a Dead Cells Token
Card by redtoast
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Select an Action ability from the Things in play which you do not control. Activate that action ability twenty times (with its controller making any decisions required).
Card by Kevan
Howling Mine
Each player draws an extra card at the start of their turn.
Card by Kevan
Shadow of the Colossus
When Shadow of the Colossus comes into play, add to another player's 'living' thing "Action: Put a Scale the Colossus token into play." If ten Scale the Colossus tokens are in play, destroy Shadow of the Colossus. If the Thing that can Scale the Colossus is destroyed, give another 'living' Thing that ability. Action: Destroy a Thing that cannot Scale the Colossus.
Card by redtoast
Arthur, King of the Britons
Every instance of the number 3 is read as 5.
Card by Binarius
War of Attrition
Every player with more than one card in their hand must discard a card at the end of their turn.
Card by Binarius
Action: Draw a card. If it is an Alien card, you win.
Card by Binarius
At the beginning of your turn, play either a Potion or Salve Token. Apothecary may use its Actions at any time.
Action: Destroy a Potion; play an Action.
Action: Destroy a Salve; prevent an Action
Card by redtoast
A Flurry of Dead Chickens
All players get ten Dead Chicken Tokens.
Card by redtoast
Zombie Infestation
Whenever you destroy a non-Token Thing, gain a Zombie Token.
Card by Bucky
Mailed to China
Return target Thing to its controller's hand. If it's a token, destroy it. Either way, draw a card
Card by Bucky
Play this as if it were the top Action in the discard pile. If there are no Actions in the discard pile, or if this is the top card in the discard pile, draw three cards.
Card by Bucky
Make it Rain
The controller of this card may place as many of any kind of Token (that does not affect play) on any player at any time.
Card by redtoast
Action (Thing)
If half (rounding up) or more of the cards in target player's hand are Actions, that player chooses either elimination or playing with their hand revealed for the rest of the game and discarding any Action that comes into their hand. If they choose the latter, they keep this card as they would an indestructible Thing.
Card by redtoast
Yes, Please
Target player draws you two cards.
Card by redtoast
The Other Man's Grass
Starting with you, each player gains control of a Thing of their choice (excluding Things whose ownership has already been changed by this card, this turn).
Card by Kevan
Cut and Shut
Action: Destroy a non-token Thing you control, and put two Half tokens into play. Action: Destroy two Half tokens. Draw and reveal cards until you draw a Thing card; put it into play. Discard any other cards drawn in this way.
Card by Kevan
Fortress of Solitude
Opponents may not play Actions. You may not draw cards. When your hand is empty, destroy this Thing.
Card by Kevan
Sniper Rifle
Action: Target player shows you the Things in their hand. Choose one for them to discard.
Card by redtoast
The Vast Gulph of Space
While this card is in play, no one can see any Things except for their own and this card.
Card by redtoast
Comes into play with one Seed token. At the beginning of your turn, do one of the following:
  • Put a Water token on every Seed;
  • put a Sunlight token on every Seed; or
  • destroy every Seed token with a Water and a Sunlight token on it, draw a card for each, and flip a coin for each to put one or two more Seed tokens into play.
Card by Binarius
Remove all human Things from play; replace them if this card is destroyed.
Card by Binarius
Look through the discard pile for an Action played by an opponent that affected you and play it, affecting them.
Card by Binarius
Temporal Bypass
Play in response to an Action being played. That Action's effects do not occur until its controller's next turn.
Card by redtoast
Factory Floor
During your turn, you may destroy a token you control to play a Thing from your hand. This doesn't count towards your per-turn Thing limit.
Card by Kevan
Robot Uprising
All Things other than this one count as Robots. Each Robot has the ability "Action: Destroy a Robot."
Card by Kevan
Storm Warning
Destroy a Thing. You can only play this card if you revealed it from your hand during your previous turn. (You may reveal this card from your hand at any time.)
Card by Kevan
Do Not Panic
Draw a card at the end of your turn if you played no cards this turn. Opponents' cards can't force you to discard or play cards.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Panic Mode
And the end of every non-extra turn (not just your own), take an extra turn. Your maximum hand size is reduced by 4.
Card by ChippyYYZ
New Shoes
Draw two cards.
Card by Binarius
It's Past Somebody's Bedtime
The sleepyhead of your choice loses a turn.
Card by Binarius
You Scratch My Back
You and target opponent may each choose one of each other's Things to gain control of.
Card by Binarius
Occam's Razor Blade
Action: Destroy target Thing with the most words in its rules text among Things in play.
Chuck Norris shaves with this.
Card by ChippyYYZ
See What I Did There?
You may only keep this card in your hand or discard it; you may not play it or show it to anyone unless forced to. The player who forced you to show them the card is eliminated as soon as they read it.
Card by redtoast
You're Not Authorized
No player can force you to show any of your cards.
Card by redtoast
Pyramid Scheme
If you control exactly 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66 or 78 Brick tokens, you win the game. Action: Put one Brick token into play for every living Thing you control.
Card by Kevan
Mail Order Catalogue
An opponent of your choice draws a card and reads the title. You may either: take the card into your hand; or force them to discard it and repeat the process. When the tenth card has been drawn in this way, you must take it into your hand.
Card by Kevan
Bloody torso
Bloody torso counts as a zombie token
Card by gill_smoke
Action: Destroy Target living or undead thing
Card by gill_smoke
Zombified accountant
Everytime you gain money tokens you may draw a card.
Card by gill_smoke
Groundhog Day
At the end of each player's turn, any cards they played that turn (except for this one) are returned to their hand.
Card by Kevan
Action: Gain ten money tokens.
Card by Binarius
Your hand size limit is increased by two.
Card by Binarius
Token Pistol
Action: Destroy a token you control to return an opponent's Thing to their hand.
Card by Binarius
Time is Money
Action: Destroy five Money tokens you control to take another turn after this one. Action: Put five Money tokens into play under your control, and skip your next turn.
Card by Kevan
Market Forces
When this comes into play, give each player five Money tokens. Each player must destroy a Money token they control, before playing an Action or Thing, otherwise that Action or Thing cannot be played. Action: Gain two Money tokens. Each opponent gains one Money token.
Card by Kevan
Red Tape
No player may play an Action without first playing a Thing.
Card by Binarius
Gold-stone Castle
Action: Return any Thing you control to your hand.
Card by Binarius
Thing Parade
Action: Draw cards until you draw an Action. Discard it and keep the Things.
Card by Binarius
Boarding Action
Give target opponent any number of Things you control. Destroy that many target Things they control.
Card by ChippyYYZ
The Random Number Generator Is Broken.
Whenever a random result would be chosen from a fixed set (e.g. flipping a coin or choosing a random page of the Infinite Dvorak deck, but not choosing a random Thing in play or card in a player's hand), instead use the last result chosen for that set.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Error 404
Play immediately in response after a player searches the deck for a card. Remove that card from the game. They may search again.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Battle Royale
Every player sets aside their hand, then draws cards until they have five Actions and discards the rest. Starting with you, every player plays one card at a time. When anyone runs out of cards, every player discards their hand and picks up their original hand, and the game resumes.
Card by Binarius
Homing Missile
Name a Thing when this card comes into play. At the end of its controller's next turn, destroy that Thing and this card.
Card by Binarius
I'd Like One Of Each, Please
Shuffle your hand into the draw pile and put the top five cards from the discard pile (besides this one) into your hand.
Card by Binarius
Hit Points
When this comes into play, each player creates ten Hit Point tokens and puts them into play. If a player ever has no Hit Point tokens in play, they lose the game.
Card by Kevan
Wait! That's a Mimic!
Play in response to a Thing being played; destroy that Thing, and its controller discards a card at random.
Card by Kevan
A Hand of Things
If a player has more than five Things in play at the end of their turn, they must destroy Things they control until they have only five.
Card by Kevan
Corpse bride
In order to play attach to a living thing already in play if either card is destroyed both are. Counts as a zombie token.
Card by gill_smoke
Zombie garden
Whenever a living thing is destroyed create a zombie token on this card
Card by gill_smoke
Zombie gas
Destroy all living things and replace them with zombie tokens under original owner's control.
Card by gill_smoke
Look at target player's hand and the top 2 cards of the draw pile.
Card by Bucky
Look at the top 5 cards of the draw pile. Put one of them in your hand and replace the rest in any order.
Card by Bucky
Reveal an Action from your hand. Play this as if it were the revealed Action.
Card by Bucky
Trojan Horse
Instead of playing a Thing, you may put a card from your hand face-down under Trojan Horse. If Trojan Horse leaves play, send all cards under it to the discard pile. Action: Put all cards under Trojan Horse into play.
Card by Kevan
Action: An opponent of your choice must show you a card from their hand.
Card by Kevan
Fizzing Dynamite
This card comes into play with five Fuse tokens on it. At the start of your turn, remove a Fuse token from this card. When you remove the last token, destroy all Things you control. Action: Give this card (and all of its tokens) to an opponent of your choice.
Card by Kevan
All Things in play except Darkness are turned face down. On each players turn they may turn one of their Things face up and use the rules on the card. At the end of their turn if a player didn't use an Action or Thing ability on a card turn it face down. Thing: Turn a card face up Action: Turn a card face down.
Card by gill_smoke