Difference between revisions of "Game Development deck"

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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|text=Target player takes a random card from your hand, then you take a random card from their hand.
|text=Target player takes a random card from your hand, then you take a random card from their hand.
|title=Character Animation
|type=Thing - Feature
|text=Requires an artist.

Revision as of 00:30, 26 April 2013

Special Rules


The goal is to have the most production points after 5 milestones.


Each milestone lasts a certain number of turns and may have special rules and restrictions for each. All players must abide by each milestone, meaning that changes to the timing of a milestone affect all players. When the end of a milestone occurs, all cards left in players' hands and discard pile are shuffled into the deck and new hands are dealt before the next turn begins.

If a milestone would be changed so that it happened before the current turn, it is instead changed to happen at the end of the current turn.

If a card has text of the form "<Milestone>:", it means "Each turn during the <Milestone> milestone, instead of playing an Action card you may".


  • 3 turns.
  • Use the separate "Preproduction" deck.
  • Each player may play as many things during their turn as they wish.
  • At the beginning of each player's turn, that player draws until they have 5 cards in hand.

Vertical Slice

  • 3 turns.
  • Use the "Production" deck from now on.


  • 3 turns.


  • 2 turns.


  • 1 turn.


At the end of the game, each player counts up their points as follows:

  • Each developer is worth 1 production point
  • 1 extra production point for each Lead.


Programmers, Artists, Level Designers, and Producers are considered Developers.

Developers are considered Leads if they have a Game Designer, Lead Programmer, Lead Level Designer, or Lead Artist title card attached to them.

Card List


Game Designer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Producer.
Lead Artist
Thing - Title
Play only attached to an Artist.
Lead Programmer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Programmer.
Lead Level Designer
Thing - Title
Play only attached to a Level Designer.
Beastmode B
Thing - Programmer
Magical M
Thing - Programmer
Jurassic J
Thing - Programmer
Bioshock B
Thing - Programmer
Wishing W
Thing - Programmer
Wild W
Thing - Programmer
Mickey M
Thing - Programmer
E Machete
Thing - Level Designer
Legendary L
Thing - Level Designer
Beautiful B
Thing - Level Designer
N the Great
Thing - Level Designer
Z the Spy
Thing - Level Designer
Notorious N
Thing - Level Designer
Texas T
Thing - Level Designer
Happy H
Thing - Level Designer
Crazy C
Thing - Level Designer
Awesome A
Thing - Artist
Killer K
Thing - Artist
Bombshell B
Thing - Artist
Wonderful W
Thing - Artist
Mighty M
Thing - Artist
Totally T
Thing - Producer
Austin D
Thing - Producer
Big B
Thing - Producer


Sharing Ideas
Target player takes a random card from your hand, then you take a random card from their hand.
Character Animation
Thing - Feature
Requires an artist.