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==Card List==
==Card List==

:''The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: [[/Cards 1-100|1-100]], [[/Cards 101-200|101-200]], [[/Cards 201-300|201-300]], [[/Cards 301-400|301-400]], [[/Cards 401-500|401-500]], [[/Cards 501-600|501-600]], [[/Cards 601-700|601-700]].''
:''The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: [[/Cards 1-100|1-100]], [[/Cards 101-200|101-200]], [[/Cards 201-300|201-300]], [[/Cards 301-400|301-400]], [[/Cards 401-500|401-500]], [[/Cards 501-600|501-600]], [[/Cards 601-700|601-700]], [[/Cards 701-800|701-800]], [[/Cards 801-900|801-900]].''

<!-- *** PLEASE NOTE: New cards should go at the bottom of this list, not the top. *** -->
<!-- *** PLEASE NOTE: New cards should go at the bottom of this list, not the top. *** -->

{{card|title=Spy|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:'''target opponent reveals their hand.|type=Thing|creator=Jindra34}}
{{card|bgcolor=600|title=Cursed Book of Doom|creator=Jindra34|type=Action|text=You lose. If this card is revealed to be in your hand outside of your turn you lose.}}
{{card|title=Gift|bgcolor=600|text=Give target card in your hand to target opponent.|type=Action|creator=Jindra34}}
{{card|title=The Past-Seer|bgcolor=ff6600|type=Thing|text=At any time, you may take the top card from the discard pile and shuffle it into the draw pile.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=The Present-Seer|bgcolor=ff6600|type=Thing|text=At any time, you may ask any number of players to reveal their hands to you and only you.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=The Future-Seer|bgcolor=ff6600|type=Thing|text=At any time, you may see what the card on top of the draw pile is.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Rainbow Declaration|bgcolor=456|type=Action|text=If there are 7 or more colors of cards in play you win.|creator=Jindra34}}
{{card|title=Whu?|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=destroy target thing with more than 15 words in its rules text.|creator=Jindra34}}
{{card|title=The Abyss|type=Thing: Location|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a card would be put in the discard pile instead remove it from play. This card is destroyed if the draw pile ever has fewer than 7 cards left in it or if another location is played.|creator=Jindra34}}
{{card|title=Who's That?|text=Negate the effects of any card that makes reference to fictional or real people in their title.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=?}}
{{card|title=Death Wormhole|type=Thing-Quantum|text=Whenever a Thing is destroyed by another Thing, the card is placed in the hand of the player to the right of the player who controlled the destroyed card. Death Wormhole can only be destroyed by an Action.|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=0X}}
{{card|title=Slow Motion|type=Thing-Quantum|text=Actions are not discarded immediately, but stay in play and in effect like Things. If an Action's effect would normally last for only one turn, it becomes a voluntary effect. Only an Action can destroy this card. |bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=3}}
{{card|title=The Latest Thing|text=This card counts as a copy of the most recent Thing to be added to the Infinite Dvorak deck web page, excluding those added since the start of the current game.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Quicksand|text=Whenever a Thing uses an Action ability, destroy it at the end of the turn.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=I'll Come In Again|text=You may play this at any time. Take a previous card you played this turn back into your hand.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Og|type=Thing-Living|text=Destroy any number of Things whose titles contain more than one syllable every turn. If any player plays five cards with multi-syllabic names while Og is in play, eliminate her or him from the game.|flavortext=Og not get!|bgcolor=663300|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Segregate|text=Put all the cards in the discard pile into the draw pile. Shuffle the draw pile. Divide the draw pile up as evenly as possible among the players. All players now have their own draw pile and their own discard pile. Whenever a card is destroyed, it is sent to its owner's discard pile.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=!Yad Sdrawkcab S'ti|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=All players increase their hand size by one for every Thing they control (other than this one) which has at least one word which, spelled backwards, is a real word (including names, last and first). One-letter words are excluded.|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=A1}}
{{card|title=Foraging Trail|text=Whenever an opponent draws a card (unless it's the first card they've drawn that turn), you may also draw a card.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Kitchen Cupboards|text=Whenever a player would draw a card, they may choose to take a random card from an opponent's hand, instead.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Losing Height|text=At the start of each player's turn, they must destroy a Thing they control.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Battering Ram|text=Put all of your Thing cards in a line so that the the top of the first card touches the bottom of the next one. The first card must touch the end of the playing surface closest to you. If the line of cards reaches across the playing surface and touches one of an opponent's cards, that player is eliminated.|bgcolor=600|type=Action|creator=Corrigan|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Corrosion of Conformity|type=Thing|text=Destroy all blue Things. No blue Things, red Actions green Reactions or teal Tack-Ons may be played while Corrosion of Conformity is in play.|bgcolor=cc6666|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=8}}
{{card|title=Comet|type=Thing-Astronomical|text=At the beginning of this card's controller's turn, they must give control of Comet to the player to their left. If Comet is ever destroyed, it is returned to the draw pile in 10 turns.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=330033|cornervalue=7}}
{{card|title=Monkey|type=Thing|text=At the beginning of each of your turns while the monkey is in play, pick a yellow thing currently in play and remove it from the game. If there is no yellow thing in play you must provide one from your hand. If you do not have a yellow thing in your hand, discard your whole hand and the monkey. |creator=Clucky|bgcolor=006|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Light Filter|type=Thing|text=Draw a card from the deck and place it under this card so that the color of the card can been seen to all. While this card is in play, every card has the color of the card drawn. |creator=Clucky|bgcolor=000}}
{{card|title=Color Monopoly|type=Action|text=Show everyone one card from your hand. Each player must then give you every hand in their hand which matches in color with the card you showed them. |creator=Clucky|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Trebuchet|type=Thing|text=Whenever a Thing comes into play under your control, you may destroy one other Thing you control to destroy any other Thing in play.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Fight Scene|type=Thing|text=Thing cards cannot be played. Any player may reveal a hand that contains no Action cards, to destroy Fight Scene.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Decimate|type=Action|text=Remove from the game a tenth of the Things in play, a tenth of each player's hand, a tenth of the deck and a tenth of the discard pile, rounding up in all occasions.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=The UnThing|type=|text=You may play this during your turn, if you put a Thing in play as well. Counts as a negative Thing. If you have less than zero Things at the start of your turn, win the game.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=FFA}}
{{card|title=8-Ball|bgcolor=000000|cornervalue=8|text=Whenever an opponent would destroy any number of your Things, those Things are chosen randomly. If 8-Ball is destroyed in this manner, the player who destroyed it is eliminated from the game.|type=Thing|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Smart Aleck|type=Thing-Person|text=The card on top of the discard pile is still in effect unless its text contains the phrase 'as long as this card is in play'.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=ec791d|cornervalue=A1}}
{{card|title=Thickhead|type=Thing-Person|text=No cards whose Type includes words such as 'Pun', 'Meta', 'Quantum' or 'Ironic' have effect while this card is in play.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|flavortext="If I don't geddit, it can't be tha' 'mportant."|cornervalue=2M}}
{{card|title=Incredible Density|type=Thing|text=As long as this thing is in play it takes two card effects played during the same turn to destroy a thing.|creator=Jindra34|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Double Time|type=Thing|text=As long as this card is in play players may play twice as many cards as normally allowed.|flavortext=Soldiers! MOVE OUT!|creator=Jindra34|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Grammar good is not|text=As long as this card is in play if any one speaks in proper english grammar they immediately are eliminated from the game.|creator=Jindra34|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=You-niquity|type=Thing|bgcolor=006600|text=No cards may be copied for any reason. This includes self-copying. Also, no card may be played if it shares a name with a card currently in play.|creator=Corrigan|flavortext=Everyone is special!|cornervalue=1}}
{{card|title=Iron Fist|type=Thing|text=Any decisions that would be made by the majority are instead made by you. No other player may offer suggestions to you.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=6f7170|cornervalue=Fe}}
{{card|title=Materialistic Book|type=Thing|text=No Things that do not represent actual physical things may be played.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=04114b|}}
{{card|title=Let Me Try|type=Action|text=Choose a card from the discard pile which you haven't played yet this game, and put it into your hand.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Bono|cornervalue=U2|bgcolor=ff66cc|text=At any time, you may change this card's colour to green or blue. Give the player with the fewest money tokens 4 money tokens. Also, negate the lingering effects of any Action cards. Whenever a location card is in play, you may choose to remove its effects at any time.|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing-Person}}
{{card|title=Shocking Revelation|type=Action-Reaction|text=Play this card whenever  a player looks at any card in another player's hand. The player whose hand is being looked at discards their hand. They then draw a new hand and can look at the hand of the player who looked at their hand initially.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006600}}
{{card|title=Uncle Joe's Science Lesson|type=Thing|text=All numerical values (including corner values) on all cards in play are changed to infinity.|flavortext="There are some things that are so infinitely huge no one could get it. Then some things are so infinitely tiny no one could ever get it."|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=660033|cornervalue=7U}}
{{card|title=Quick Brown Foxes|type=Action|text=If the titles of a player's Things contain every letter of the alphabet, that player wins. If this is true for more than one player, the player with the least number of total letters in the title of their things wins. |creator=Clucky|bgcolor=660033}}
{{card|title=Reverse Gravity|type=Thing|text=All players things are kept face down and can only be looked at by the player who owns the thing. All players hands must remain face up at all times. When this card is removed from play, the effect is reversed back to its original form.|creator=Clucky|bgcolor=036}}
{{card|title=Sky Islands|text=When this card is played, shuffle all of the cards in the discard pile into the draw pile. For as long as this card is in play, if a card is in the discard pile for 5 turns, it is completely removed from the game.|type=Thing-Location|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=9999cc}}
{{card|title=The Universe Flickers|type=Action-Quantum|text=If you have had this card in your hand for 4 of your turns, you must play it. If you do not, you are eliminated from the game. For the rest of the turn, all cards, including those in the players' hands, are considered to be '''completely''' blank.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=333333}}
{{card|title=Icy Heart|bgcolor=00cccc|text=No cards may be returned from the discard pile. No player may draw more than one card per turn, and no player may have more than 5 cards in her or his hand. Negate the effects of any card that would prevent another card from being destroyed.|type=Thing-Symbolic|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=0C}}
{{card|title=Anything Can Happen In The Next Half Hour|type=Thing|text=If there are ever any Action cards in the discard pile, they are immediately shuffled into the draw pile.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Fifth Ace|type=Action|text=Search the draw pile for any card and put it into your hand. Any opponent may discard two cards to prevent this.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Mimic|type=Thing|text=When Mimic comes into play, choose another Thing; it is destroyed, and its controller gains control of Mimic. '''Action:''' Discard two cards to destroy a Thing.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Reunite|type=Action|text=If any players were eliminated from the game, they are now brought back into the game. They sit in their original seats.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=bfce82}}
{{card|title=Spirit Duplicator|type=Thing-Machine|text=Whenever a card is duplicated, the duplicate(s) must be purple.|bgcolor=8e09a2|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=P.O.W. Execution|type=Action-Violent|text=Destroy all cards under your control who were played by a different player.|bgcolor=665248|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Unexpected Birthday|type=Action|text=Choose an opponent. They must choose a Thing they control, and give you control of it.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Brain Swap|type=Action|text=Swap your hand of cards with that of a chosen opponent.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Pizza Deadline|type=Thing|text=If a player takes longer than 30 seconds to take his or her turn, their turn is skipped.|cornervalue=3S|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Spin the Wheel of Fortune|type=Action|text=Put all Things in play into a stack and shuffle it. Deal each player an equal number of cards. If there are any cards left over, shuffle them back into the draw pile. In your hand, you may change this card's colour to any other color.|bgcolor=1f6506|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Smart Allen|type=Thing-Person|creator=Corrigan|text=For as long as this card is in play, only Actions whose title's first word is an adverb or a present-tense verb may be played.|bgcolor=ec791d|cornervalue=A2}}
{{card|title=Martian Chess|type=Thing|text=After a player has played an Action card, they must hand it to an opponent instead of putting it in the discard pile.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Brockian Ultra-Cricket|type=Thing|text=After a player has played an Action card, they must destroy a Thing they control, if they have any.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Oscar Wilde|type=Thing-Person|text=On all cards in play other this one, the word 'destroy' is replaced with the phrase 'render blank'.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=ad8123}}
{{card|title=Communist Fashion|type=Thing-Oxymoron|text=Change the colour of every card in play to khaki. If Communist Fashion is destroyed, all of the other cards that were in play when it was destroyed may never have their colour changed.|bgcolor=b3c392|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Unplugged Refrigerator|text='''Action:''' Destroy this card to destroy 3 adjacent Things which are all under the control of the same player.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=e8e9a9|type=Thing-Appliance|flavortext=Gonna fall on you!}}
{{card|title=Token Ring|type=Thing|text=Other players may not play cards. Whenever you play a card (not including this one), give control of Token Ring to the player on your right.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Fast Response|type=Thing|text=Whenever an opponent plays an Action, you may play an Action.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=00F}}
{{card|title=Weapons Race|type=Thing|text=Whenever an opponent plays a Thing, you may play a Thing.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=00F}}
{{card|title=Registering Protest|type=Thing|text=Whenever an opponent plays a Thing, you may play an Action.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=00F}}
{{card|title=Concealed Weapons|type=Thing|text=Whenever an opponent plays an Action, you may play a Thing.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=00F}}
{{card|title=Gorgon|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Replace a chosen Token with a Stone Token.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Goldberg Device|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Activate the Action abilities of every other Thing you control, in an order of your choosing.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Vegetable Patch|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Discard any number of cards to generate that many Seed Tokens, or destroy any number of Seed Tokens to draw that many cards.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Gold-Digging Spouse|text=This card can only be controlled by the player who controls the most Things other than this one.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|type=Thing-Person}}
{{card|title=Stockholm Syndrome|type=Thing|text=If, while Stockholm Syndrome is in play, control of a Thing is changed and remains so for 3 turns, that Thing may not be returned to its original controller for the remainder of the game.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Supporting Fire|type=Thing|text=Whenever one of an opponent's Things is destroyed, the Thing to its left and the Thing to its right are destroyed too.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Enough Already|type=Action|text=If each player has taken ten or more turns in this game, you win.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Remember This?|type=Thing|text=All Things without corner values have a corner value equal to the number of words in their title, followed by the initial letter in their title.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=2R}}
{{card|title=Deadline|type=Action|text=If you have played three or more cards since the start of your last turn (this one not included), you win.|creator=Zaratustra|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=|bgcolor=ffffff|type=Thing|text=When you play this card, you must change its title and colour. You may also give it a corner value and expand its type beyond 'Thing' if you wish. '''Action:''' Destroy one non-living Thing.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Possessed Desk|type=Thing-(Living)-Supernatural|text='''Action:''' Change Possessed Desk's 'Living' status to 'Non-Living' or its 'Non-Living' status to 'Living'. When Possessed Desk is living, its colour is black, and when it is non-living, its colour is brown. '''Action:''' If Possessed Desk is living, destroy a non-living Thing. If Possessed Desk is non-living, destroy a living Thing. |creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=000000|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Smart Alfred|text=If an Action card is discarded from a player's hand, it takes effect.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=ec791d|type=Thing-Person|cornervalue=A3}}
{{card|title=Degeneration|type=Action|text=Destroy a Thing controlled by an opponent, and replace it with a Thing card from your hand.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Fleshcraft|text=Create a living Thing called 'Flesh Golem'. Choose two random cards from the discard pile. For Flesh Golem's text, give it one sentence from each of those randomly-selected cards. 'Flesh Golem' is then immediately under your control.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=600|type=Action}}
{{card|text=Any card with a corner value can destroy a card with a lower corner value. A Thing with no corner value is considered to have a corner value of 0. If a card's corner value contains one or more letters, replace the first letter with its value in Scrabble points and add it to the number. |type=Thing|bgcolor=006|title=The Triumph of the Left Brain|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=8L}}
{{card|title=Hitman|type=Thing-Person|text=This card is not considered to belong to any one player. Any player may use Hitman's abilities. '''Action:''' Sacrifice an even amount of tokens. Destroy a number of Things equal to half the amount of tokens you sacrificed.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=666666}}
{{card|title=Ubik|type=Action|text=Destroy a Thing you control. Draw and reveal seven cards, choose a Thing from among them (if there are any), and put it into play. Discard the other drawn cards.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Survival of the Fittest|type=Thing|text=Whenever a Thing comes into play, its controller must destroy a Thing they control.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Juggling Balls|type=Thing|text=At the end of each player's turn, if they have more than three Things in play, they must destroy all but three of those Things.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=The Rich Get Richer|type=Thing-Unjust|text=Each player's hand size is equal to the number of Things they currently control, including this one. Whenever a Thing is destroyed, the player who controls that card must discard a card from his or her hand; when a player plays a Thing, he or she must draw a card.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=MW}}
{{card|title=Smart Alvin|text=No player may use the abilities, voluntary or involuntary, of a non-living Thing unless he or she also controls a living Thing. This does not apply to non-living Things that could, in reality, operate or activate themselves.|type=Thing-Person|cornervalue=A4|bgcolor=ec791d|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Rob a Junkyard|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Create and control 5 Token tokens. Token tokens count as tokens, but cannot be voluntarily used for any purpose.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Musical Cards|bgcolor=666666|type=Action|text=Play any song made by a well known artist. Then select another player. The selected player then has to name the song title and song artist before the end of the song. If they are unable to do so, the selected player must discard their current hand, and each player then optionally donates a card of their choice to the selected person.|longtext=true|creator=Sly}}
{{card|title=Dalek|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Destroy a Thing. Its controller may choose to immediately play an Action card from their hand to prevent the destruction; that Action takes effect as normal.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Rage|type=Thing|text=Whenever a Thing is destroyed, the player whose turn it is may select another Thing and destroy it. (This card doesn't trigger itself.)|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Nuclear Briefcase|type=Thing|text=If this Thing is destroyed, destroy all Things.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Shelter in the Shadows|type=Action|text=Play a game of hide and go seek. Count to the number of cards in play including this one. Whom ever you find first loses. If you find two people at the same time, the person you tag first loses.|longtext=true|creator=Sly}}
{{card|title=Black Hole|type=Thing|text=At the start of your turn, gain control of a Thing you do not control. If every Thing in the game belongs to you, destroy all Things and discard your hand.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Constant Implosion|type=Thing|text=Every 3 turns, destroy Things in play other than this one.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=330033|cornervalue=C2}}
{{card|title=Ritalin|type=Thing|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|text=If any cards would be randomly selected, they are selected normally instead.}}
{{card|title=Reason to Live|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=If any Thing requires its own destruction to take effect, then that aspect of its effect is removed. Also, if any Thing requires itself to be discarded after a certain amount of turns, it instead stays in play until it is destroyed like any other Thing.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Old Age|type=Thing|text=At the end of your turn, put an Age token on every Thing except this one. If a Thing ever has three or more Age tokens on it, it is destroyed.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Mexican Standoff|type=Thing|text=Whenever a Thing is destroyed, its controller may destroy a Thing. (This card may trigger itself.)|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Frantic Shapeshifters|type=Thing|text=Whenever a Thing is destroyed, its controller may put a Thing into play from their hand.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=One cup too much|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a target would be chosen choose it randomly.|creator=Jindra34|flavortext=This is what happens when you drink too much caffeine}}
{{card|title=For the Want of a Nail|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Destroy a Thing, unless its controller discards a Thing card from their hand.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=It's Better to be a Coward for a Day Than to be Dead Forever|longtitle=True|text=No player may be eliminated from play if they control at least one tangible Thing. Whenever a player would be eliminated, a tangible Thing under their control is destroyed instead. The would-be eliminator can choose which Thing is destroyed.|flavortext='At least hiding keeps me alive!'|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Frank Zappa|type=Thing-Person|text=If a card's effect would apply to itself but doesn't because its text includes a phrase like 'other than this card' it affects itself anyway.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Launch a Volley of Envy Arrows|type=Action-Petty|text=Eliminate all players from play who control more Things than you do.|bgcolor=006600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Tactical Retreat|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Return a Thing you control to your hand. (You may choose play this in response to a Thing you control being destroyed, to return it to your hand instead.)|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Junkyard Army|type=Thing|text=Whenever any player destroys a Thing controlled by an opponent (other than this card), they gain control of it instead.|creator=Kevan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=The Rich Get Richer|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Each player draws as many cards as they already have in their hand.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Go on a Conquest|type=Action|text=Flip a coin for each card in play under an opponent's control. If the coin comes up heads, destroy the card. If the coin comes up tails, take control of the card.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Shishkebab|type=Thing|text=When it is your turn, you may use the abilities of all Things under your control in that one turn. If one of your Things is destroyed, destroy all of your Things|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Coin Shower|text=Create twenty Money Tokens and gain control of them. Create eight Money Tokens for every opponent, and give eight of those Money Tokens to each player. You must play Coin Shower immediately after you draw it, and after it is played your turn is over.|creator=Corrigan|type=Action|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Keyser Söze|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=When this comes into play, choose and secretly note down the name of another Thing you control (or this card, if you have no other Things). If that Thing leaves play, destroy Keyser Soze; if it leaves play on an opponent's turn, you lose the game. '''Action:''' Destroy a Thing.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Child's Play|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan|text=All players discard their hands. For as long as Child's Play is in play, all players' turns consist of drawing a card and then playing that card. The card, when drawn, must be played without exception. No player may draw more than one card per turn.}}
{{card|title=Flung Toaster|type=Thing-Appliance|bgcolor=666666|text='''Action:''' Select a tangible Thing under an opponent's control and flip a coin. If the coin comes up heads, then the target Thing is destroyed; if it comes up tails, Flung Toaster is destroyed. If Flung Toaster was not destroyed, give control of it to the target card's controller. Flip a coin. If the coin comes up heads, then Flung Toaster's new controller cannot use it.|creator=Corrigan|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Irreproducible Bugs|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=When this comes into play, pick a Thing with an action ability. Whenever its controller uses that ability, all other players may immediately play one Action card in response.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=My Man Friday|text=This card may never have control of it changed for any reason. This card may also fulfill any requirements outlined by other cards.|type=Thing-Person|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Have a Forked Lightning Bolt Strike|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Pick an opponent. Destroy their furthest-left card and their furthest-right card|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Peasant Revolt|type=Action|text=The player with the fewest Things in play wins the game.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=600}}
{{card|title=Whiteout|type=Action|text=Play this card at any time. Choose a card, and choose a sentence on that card. It loses that sentence until the end of your next turn.|creator=JJ12121616|bgcolor=FFF}}
{{card|title=Cinder Block|type=Thing|text=Action: Destroy target thing, then roll 1d6. If you roll equal to the number of things in play, you win.|creator=JJ12121616|bgcolor=666}}
{{card|title=Discard Fodder|type=Nothing at all...|text=You may not play this card. Whenever you discard Discard Fodder, roll 1d6 and draw cards equal to the number rolled this way.|creator=JJ12121616|bgcolor=DD0}}
{{card|title=Schadenfreude|type=Thing|text=Whenever an opponent loses control of a Thing to another player, has a Thing destroyed or has a Thing altered, draw a card for each Thing swapped, altered or destroyed.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=The Inverse Ninja Law|text=Add up all numerical values on all cards in play that have some kind of numerical value on them. Divide that number by the number of cards in play with numerical values. Replace their numerical values with the result.|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=The End of the Secrecy|text=All players lay their hands on the playing surface in front of them so all the other players can see them. Any player can use the cards in the hand of any other player if they so wish.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|type=Thing}}
{{card|title=Victory Damper|text=If a player would win the game, they draw a card instead unless this card has already prevented a victory this turn.  The card with the text that would allow the victory cannot make any player win until the start of the next turn. If this card would be destroyed, discard a card instead unless this card has already prevented its own destruction this turn. |creator=Bucky|bgcolor=006|type=Thing|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Magic Mirror|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=At the start of each of your turns, give Magic Mirror to an opponent of your choice for the duration of this turn, and gain control of all of their Things for the duration of this turn.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Pepper's Ghost|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=At the start of each of your turns, you may put a Thing into play. Return it to your hand at the end of your turn, if you still control it.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Bullet Catch|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Play in response to an Action card being played by an opponent. The card has no effect, and you may put it into your hand.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Unstoppable force|bgcolor=900|text='''Action:''' Destroy any thing.|type=Action|creator=Tar7arus}}
{{card|title=Invincible rock|bgcolor=709|text='''Thing:''' This card can not be destroyed.|type=Thing|creator=Tar7arus}}
{{card|title=Expanded Options|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Each turn, you may play two Things, two Actions or one Thing and one Action.}}
{{card|title=Straitjacket|creator=Kevan|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Play into the control of an opponent. The controller of Straitjacket may not play a Thing and an Action during the same turn.}}
{{card|title=The Eye of Argon|creator=Kevan|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:''' Look at an opponent's hand, and force them to discard any cards with fewer than three words in their name.}}
{{card|title=Bomb-Banners|text=While this card is in play, no more than one Thing can be destroyed at once.|type=Thing-Group|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Mummy Alive|type=Thing-Undead|text=Whenever any of your Things is destroyed, give the destroying player an amount of Curse tokens equal to the number of your Things they destroyed. This applies to you if you destroy any of your own Things for any reason. If any player acquires 8 Curse tokens, they are eliminated from the game.|bgcolor=ffffff|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=All or Nothin'|type=Action|text=Have all players reveal their hands. If a player's hand is composed of either all Actions or all Things, their hand size is increased by one. Otherwise, their hand size is decreased by one.|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Petri-Dish|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=When this card comes into play, put a Bacteria token into play. When it leaves play, destroy all Bacteria. '''Action:''' Double the number of Bacteria tokens each player controls.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=The Thurston Grip|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever you discard a card from your hand, you may destroy a Thing.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Nanobot Swarm|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:''' Draw, reveal and discard cards until you reveal a Thing; put it into play and give control of Nanobot Swarm to an opponent.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Crate|text=When Crate is destroyed, search through the draw pile and put the first tangible Thing you find in Crate's place. If that Thing has an Action ability, it may use that ability immediately if you wish.|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing|bgcolor=ad8123}}
{{card|title=Friedrich Nietzsche|text='''Action:''' End the game. All players are considered to have lost.|type=Thing|bgcolor=000000|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Tigersheep|text=Tigersheep cannot destroy Things. '''Action:''' Destroy 2 Things. |type=Thing|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Mind Control|text=Pick an opponent, look through their hand, and take up to three cards.|type=Thing|creator=Asymptote|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Carnivorous Rose|bgcolor=006600|creator=Corrigan|type=Thing|text=This card is considered able to destroy Things only on your turn. '''Action:''' Destroy a Thing.}}
{{card|title=Trinitize|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Select 3 Things under your control and put them in a stack. Those 3 Things are considered to be one Thing with the combined names and texts of all of them. Its colour is considered to be the one possessed by the majority of the component cards.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Sheep's Clothing|type=Thing|text=Play Sheep's Clothing on a Thing you control; that Thing has no text during your opponents' turns.|bgcolor=ffffff|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Wiretap|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever an opponent draws a card, they must reveal it to you.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Fall Guy|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a Thing is destroyed, you may prevent its destruction and destroy Fall Guy. Whenever you would discard a card, you may discard Fall Guy from your hand instead.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Hideous Mutant|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Pick a random card from the discard pile, and for each word on the card, flip a coin. If heads, strike out the word.|creator=Asymptote}}
{{card|title=Spam Filter|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=When Spam Filter comes into play, choose a letter. Cards with that letter in their title may not be played.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Raining Cats and Dogs|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a Thing comes into play, the player responsible for it coming into play must destroy a Thing.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=The Sorcerer's Apprentice|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever an Action (or a copy of an Action) is played by a player, any of their opponents may force them to play another copy of that Action.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Double-Sided Forcefield|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Equip this card onto a Thing under the control of any player. The Thing equipped with this card is not affected by any cards other than this one and cannot affect any other cards.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Hidden Microphone|text=Whenever an opponent draws a card, plays a card, or discards a card from his or her hand, he or she must read that card's title, type and text aloud.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|type=Thing}}
{{card|title=Shady Figure in a Trenchcoat|type=Thing|bgcolor=996600|text=Whenever an opponent plays a card, flip a coin. If the coin comes up tails, return the card to the owner's hand. The card, if returned, does not take effect but is considered to have been played.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Alarm Bells|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever an opponent plays a Thing card, draw a card.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Overwhelm|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Reveal your hand. An opponent picks one of those cards for you to discard; the rest are played immediately.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Transcendentalism|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=This card may only be played if you already control five or more Things. If this is the only Thing you control, you win the game. At the start of your turn, give control of a Thing you control to an opponent.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Voodoo Doll|text=Select an opposing Thing and make Voodoo Doll a copy of that Thing, except Voodoo Doll's copied text does not have any real effect. Whenever Voodoo Doll is changed or destroyed, the other Thing is changed or destroyed accordingly.|type=Thing|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Inflame|type=Action|text=Select a Thing and flip a coin. If it comes up heads, destroy the Thing and flip a coin for the card to its direct left and the card to its direct right and repeat the process until a tail comes up or all of that player's Things are destroyed. When a card is destroyed, the gap remains.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=700}}
{{card|title=Omnipresence|type=Action|text=Select one Thing in play. Put a copy of it in each player's hand, a copy under the control of each player, one copy in the draw pile and one copy in the discard pile. When one of the copies (or the original) is destroyed, returned or drawn, create a replacement copy and put it in the place of the destroyed, drawn or returned one.|longtext=true|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Double Barrels|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=The first time a player plays a card during a turn, they must immediately play another card of the same type (Action or Thing), or the first card is discarded and has no effect.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Cruise Missile|text=At any time, you may destroy this Thing and another Thing of your choice.|type=Thing|creator=Bucky|bgcolor=006}}
{{card|title=Rain|text=Every player receives a Water token.  Return this card to your hand afterwards.|type=Action|creator=Bucky|bgcolor=700}}
{{card|title=Biodegradation|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Destroy a Thing. Its controller draws two cards.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Freebird|type=Thing|text=This card is not considered to be under the control of any player. Freebird is not affected by locations.|bgcolor=006|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Hallowed Halls|type=Thing|text=Whenever a player draws a card (including at the beginning of their turn), bring the card on top of the discard pile back into play under the control of the player who drew the card.|bgcolor=666666|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Dumbfound 'Em|text=Choose an opponent. All of their Things are considered effectless until your next turn.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Chance Time|text=Choose one non-token Thing belonging to each player and give each to a different random player.|type=Action|creator=Bucky|bgcolor=700}}
{{card|title=Self-Destructive Greed|type=Action|text=Draw 2 cards and decrease your hand size by 1.|flavortext="I don't care! It GETS me stuff!"|bgcolor=600|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Judge Dredd|type=Thing|text=Whenever an ambiguity or conflict between card effects arises, destroy the ambiguous  and/or conflicting cards.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006600}}
{{card|title=Pickelhaube|bgcolor=000|type=Thing-Clothing|text=Play this card onto a Thing you control. When that Thing is made a target of destruction, roll a 6-sided die. On a roll of 5 or 6, your Thing is not destroyed.|creator=Corrigan|cornervalue=2}}
{{card|title=Collective Thought|type=Action|text=Name a card. If the named card is in play or in the discard pile, place it into your hand.|creator=JJ12121616}}
{{card|title=you just got pwned lolz!!11!!|type=Action|text=Choose a thing. All players that don't control the chosen thing draw a card. Destroy the chosen thing.|creator=JJ12121616}}
{{card|title=Really Fast Roller Skates|type=Thing|text=At the beginning of your turn, before you draw for your turn, draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards at random.|creator=JJ12121616|flavortext= Bob, Bob, Bob of suburbia, watch out for that SUV!}}
{{card|title=Sniper Position|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=When Sniper Position comes into play, look at a chosen opponent's hand, then name a card. The named card cannot be played.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Respawn Point|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a Thing you control is destroyed, discard your hand and put the destroyed Thing back into play under your control.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Magic Hat|type=Thing|text=Create a copy of Magic Hat and put it under the control of an opponent. Every turn, that opponent must give control of one of her/his Things to you and you must give control of one of your Things to her/him. Control of a Magic Hat cannot be changed in this way. The copied Magic Hat does not get copied.|bgcolor=000|creator=Corrigan|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Killer Pollen|type=Thing-Plant|text=Each turn, destroy 2 random Things in play other than this one.|bgcolor=006600|flavortext=Just don't inhale and you'll be fine.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Ouroboros|text=When you play this card, put it face down on top of the draw pile. When you draw this card, you must play it. If Ouroboros is discarded from your hand, put it face down on top of the draw pile.|type=Thing|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=∞}}
{{card|title=Spirit Realm|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a non-token Thing is destroyed, put a Ghost token into play under the control of the destroyed Thing's controller.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Rentaghost|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=At the start of your turn, destroy any Things which were put into play by this card. '''Action:''' Discard a card, and put a Thing from the discard pile into play under your control.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Echo|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Pick an Action card in the discard pile; unless an opponent discards two cards, this Action counts as a copy of that Action.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Splat!|type=Action-Cartoon|text=Create a black Thing with no effect called 1000-lb Weight and place it on top of an opponent's Thing. That Thing is considered effectless. When 1000-lb Weight is destroyed, the Thing underneath is considered to have no effect until the end of your next turn.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=f00}}
{{card|title=Conk!|bgcolor=f00|text=Destroy a Thing belonging to an opponent and bring it back into play at the start of your next turn. That Thing is considered to have been destroyed by a Thing called Hammer.|creator=Corrigan|type=Action-Cartoon}}
{{card|title=Thwack!|bgcolor=f00|type=Action-Cartoon|text=When an opposing Thing would destroy any of your Things, destroy that Thing instead and return it from the discard pile at the beginning of your next turn. You may play this card at any time, regardless of whose turn it is.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Foxhole|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=An opponent can only play an Action if you played an Action during your most recent turn.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Protection Racket|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:''' Opponent chooses; either you get to destroy a Thing, or you gain one Money token.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=The Element of Surprise|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Pick a random card from any player's hand; they must play it immediately.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Marketplace|type=Thing-Location|longtext=true|bgcolor=006|text=As an action, a player can gain control of a Thing by giving its controller an amount of Money tokens equal to its cornervalue. A letter in a cornervalue is replaced by its point value in Scrabble and is added to the number. All Things without corner values are given a corner value equal to the number of words in their title, followed by the initial letter in their title.|creator=Corrigan}}
{{card|title=Giant Bee|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Destroy this card to destroy two other Things.|bgcolor=ffcc00|cornervalue=B10|creator=Corrigan|flavortext=These bees have one common goal: The elimination of the human 'picnic' ritual.}}
{{card|title=Traffic Light|text=On each player's turn, before the player has drawn their card, flip a coin. If the coin comes up heads, change the colour of this card to green and continue as normal. If the coin comes up tails, change this card's colour to red and end the current turn.|creator=Corrigan|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=3|type=Thing|flavortext=It is the supreme deity of cars the world over.}}
{{card|title=Philanthropy|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=Whenever a Thing comes into play, its controller must give control of it to an opponent.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Identity Theft|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Play in response to any card. It takes effect as if you had played it; you may make any decisions required of it.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Ricochet|type=Action|bgcolor=600|text=Play in response to any Action that targets one or more players or Things. The player who played it must choose a different valid target, if one exists.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Capitalism|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text=If any player has fifteen or more Money tokens in play, they win the game. '''Action:''' Put a Money token into play.|creator=Kevan}}

{{card|title=Second-Hand Shop|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:''' Discard a card to gain a number of Money tokens equal to the number of words in the card's title.|creator=Kevan}}
{{card|title=Second-Hand Shop|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|text='''Action:''' Discard a card to gain a number of Money tokens equal to the number of words in the card's title.|creator=Kevan}}

Revision as of 16:31, 11 September 2007

The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more. And make sure you put your cards at the bottom of the page.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something seems ambiguous or broken, raise it on the talk page.
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. You should word your mechanics as generically as possible - a fishing rod card that said "gain control of a fish" would be useless in a game where no fish cards came up, whereas one that said "gain control of a living Thing" would probably see some use in every game.
(A good test is to open a random archive page from this deck, and see how many of its cards your new card could apply to. If there are only one or two cards that you could play it on, then you probably haven't worded it generically enough.)
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent "invisible" effect that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player is wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701-800, 801-900.

Second-Hand Shop
Action: Discard a card to gain a number of Money tokens equal to the number of words in the card's title.
Card by Kevan
Guru Meditation
At the end of any turn in which no Things or Actions were played, draw a card.
Card by Kevan
The Summer Home Card
Whenever it is a player's turn, they must play as many cards as possible.
Card by Corrigan
Year-Sucking Machine
At the end of each turn, remove the top card on the draw pile from play entirely.
No one survives the machine.
Card by Corrigan
Rags-to-Riches Race
When you play this card, destroy all cards in play other than this one, which is not considered to be under any player's control. The first player to control 20 Things wins. If a player ever has 0 Things after the next turn cycle, they are eliminated from play. After you play this card, you may play another Thing.
"I will goooooo from rags to riches..."
Card by Corrigan
Move a card from the discard pile to your hand, then discard a card.
Card by Bucky
Destroy 1 Thing you control for each card that has been played since the end of your last turn. Give this card to the player on your right.
Card by Bucky
Recycling Bin
Each other player may, once per turn, give you a card from eir hand in order to draw a card.
Card by Bucky
Rapid Fads
On each player's turn, when they would normally draw a card, they instead discard their hand and draw a new one.
Card by Corrigan
Creepy Stuffed Owl
Thing-Avian (dead)
Whenever an Action ability or card that involves selecting a target is used by an opponent, flip a coin. If the coin comes up heads, they can select the target normally, but cannot target this card. If the coin comes up heads, then this card must be the target. This is the only way to target this card. If this Thing is ever made living, it is not affected by locations.
Card by Corrigan
Old Photocopier
When this card is destroyed, it may not be returned from the discard pile. Action: Select any number of your Things, change their colour to black, and make them copies of one of your Things which was not selected. Then flip a coin and erase this card's effect if the coin comes up tails.
Card by Corrigan
Waste Not Want Not
Whenever a card would be discarded, the player who is discarding it may play it instead. (This does not count towards their per-turn limit.)
Card by Kevan
Acid Rain
Each player must destroy a Thing they control (other than this card), at the start of each of their turns.
Card by Kevan
Hand Graft
Discard your hand. Take a Thing from play and put it into your hand.
Card by Kevan
Matter-Energy Converter No. 1
Action: Destroy any number of your other tangible in-play Things to play an equal number of Action cards from your hand. If an opponent gains control of this card, they must discard all of their other in-play Things. These do not count towards this card's Action ability.
Card by Corrigan
Matter-Energy Converter No. 2
Action: Destroy any number of your other tangible in-play Things to destroy an equal number of opposing Things. If an opponent gains control of this card, they must discard all of their other Things. These do not count towards this card's Action ability.
Card by Corrigan
Matter-Energy Converter No. 3
Action: Destroy any number of your tangible in-play Things to create and control an equal amount of Energy Tokens. If an opponent gains control of this card, they must discard all of their other in-play Things, which do not count towards this card's effect.
Card by Corrigan
Universal Remote Control
Action: Activate the Action ability of any Thing in play, with you making any decisions required by it.
Card by Kevan
Whenever an Action played by an opponent would affect either your Things or your hand, it instead has no effect and this Thing is destroyed.
Card by Kevan
Domino Effect
Destroy a Thing. Its controller may then choose to take this card and play it immediately.
Card by Kevan
Change all tokens (other than Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Money tokens) into Fire, Water, Earth or Air tokens (the controller of the token chooses which kind for each token). Action: Destroy a Water token, a Fire token, an Earth token and an Air token (all under your control) to create a Money token. Any player may use this ability at any time.
Card by Corrigan
Elemental Powers
Action: Destroy one of your Fire tokens and a Thing card. Action: Destroy one of your Water tokens and draw a card. Action: Destroy one of your Air tokens and control a Thing card.
Action: Destroy one of your Earth tokens and render a Thing card's text blank.
Card by Corrigan
Mass-Production Machine
Draw a card. For as long as this card is in play, all cards drawn are considered to be copies of that card.
Card by Corrigan
Reproducible Bug
Play this onto a Thing controlled by an opponent, and place an Action card from your hand under this card. Whenever the Thing's Action ability is invoked, you may play a copy of the Action card.
Card by Kevan
Blank Tombstones
Flip the discard pile upside down. Whenever a player removes cards from the discard pile, he/she must look through the discard pile and keep them face down, not seeing what those cards are until removing them from the discard pile.
Card by Corrigan
Action: Take control of up to 6 metal Things.
Card by Corrigan
Triple Threat
Destroy a Thing, take control of a Thing and force an opponent to discard a card from his/her hand.
Card by Corrigan
Brain Drain
Whenever you draw a card, take a card at random from a chosen opponent's hand instead. (If opponents have no cards in their hands, you do not draw.)
Card by Kevan
When a Thing is destroyed by another Thing, put the destroying Thing in the place where the destroyed Thing was. Every turn, change this card's color from white to black or vice-versa. When another Location is played, destroy Chessboard.
Card by Corrigan
Violet Violence
Destroy a number of non-purple Things equal to the number of purple cards you control (including your hand).
Card by Corrigan
Purple Sabre
A Thing equipped with this card adds "Action: Destroy X Things and discard X cards from your hand. You cannot destroy a number of Things greater than the number of cards in your hand." to the end of its text.
Card by Corrigan
Action:Target opponent must draw a card.
Failure to say "Mao."
Card by Bucky
Whenever a player plays an Action or an Action ability of a Thing, he/she must destroy a thing he/she controls.
Card by Bucky
When a Thing would destroy another Thing with an Action ability but fails, that Thing selects a different Thing as its target.
Card by Corrigan
Sir Répetitive
Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing.
Card by Corrigan
Energy Concept
Give each player 25 Energy tokens. Whenever a player plays a card or uses an Action ability, they must destroy 1 Energy token they control. Whenever a player destroys or takes control of an opposing Thing, they create and control 2 Energy tokens. When a player has no Energy tokens left, they are eliminated from the game.
Card by Corrigan
This Thing may not be destroyed.
Card by Kevan
Combination Safe
Tokens you control may not be destroyed or stolen by other players.
Card by Kevan
Action: Put a Seed token into play. Action: Destroy a Seed token; draw a card, and put it into play in place of the Seed token, if it is a Thing. (If it is an Action, discard it.)
Card by Kevan
Play onto a Thing with an Action ability. That Thing's first action ability is triggered at the beginning of each of its owner's turns, but may not be used in place of an Action.
Card by Bucky
Über Micro
Choose one of the following: Draw three cards; destroy target Thing; or take another turn after this one.
Card by MaxX Unlimited, Pure Pwnage CCG
Double Strike
Reveal an Action from your hand, when you play this; this card is treated as a copy of it.
Card by Kevan
Circlet of Courage
Play this card onto a Thing you control and add 'This overrides all other card effects.' to the end of its text.
Card by Corrigan
Fan Club
Pick a creator. Destroy all cards in play (other than this one) that were not created by that creator. All players discard all cards in their hands not by that creator. Whenever a player draws a card by a different creator, they must remove that card from the game until they draw a card by the selected creator. This card counts as a club.
Card by Corrigan
Action: Destroy up to 6 Things. Then roll a 6-sided die and destroy this card if the result is equal to or less than the amount of Things you destroyed.
Card by Corrigan
Card by Bucky
Action:put a Thing in play under this card and all cards under it.
Action: remove the bottommost thing from under this card.
In addition its normal type and text, this card counts as a copy of the bottommost card under it (if any) and has all the text of that card.
Card by Bucky
Dave Eggers Attack
Destroy all opposing Things whose titles are 3 or fewer words long.
Check out my Heartbreaking Card of Staggering Genius!
Card by Corrigan
Rookie Cards
If a player controls a card that was the first card its creator added to the Infinite Dvorak Deck, they win. A player may also reveal his/her hand and win if they have a card that was the first one its creator added to the Infinite Dvorak Deck in his/her hand.
I'll trade you my The Ergonomics of the Situation for your Tempermental Cloning Machine.
Card by Corrigan
The Mad Hatter
Action: Each player takes another player's seat, taking their cards with them. Each player must end up in a different seat. Then flip a coin. If it comes up heads, play goes counterclockwise, if tails, clockwise.
Twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder what you at.
Card by Corrigan
You may discard two cards at any time in order to play an Action out of turn.
Card by Bucky
As an Action: Play in response to an opponent giving you one of their Things. Return the Thing to them.
As a Thing: None of your other Things can be destroyed by an opponent until Refuse is.
Card by Corrigan
The Zest of Life
When you play this card, destroy all Things in play without flavortext. No cards without flavortext can be played while The Zest of Life is in play.
This card doesn't destroy itself because it has flavortext.
Card by Corrigan
As an Action: Put target Thing in your hand.
As a Thing: Play this card onto a Thing you control and add 'Any cards destroyed by this card are removed from the game.' to its text.
"Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense".
Card by Corrigan
Last step Bungled
if this thing is in play you may put it in an opponents hand to prevent them from winning the game for one turn.
You Forgot to Flip the Red Switch?
Card by Jindra34