Zombi: Human Deck
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Zombi: Human Deck | |
Designers | RigorMortis, Ideas by Zenith |
Date | 01/08/10 |
Players | 3-7 (2-6 Human Players and 1 Zombie Player) |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
Inspired by countless (cliches of) Zombie Films, "Zombi" allows 1-6 Human Players fight for survival against a devious Zombie Player. This game is a version of Zenith's "Dead Spaced" game, with both major and minor changes.
You will need a set of counters or coins for this game, and will also need to read the rules [1]
Card List
Character Cards
Action: Fully heal another character. Starts with a "Med-Pak".
"I'm a doctor, and my profession tells me that the dead can't get up and walk!"
"I'm a doctor, and my profession tells me that the dead can't get up and walk!"
4W, 1D
Once per turn, discard two cards in hand to look into any Player's hand, even the Zombie Player's. Starts with "Revolver" and "Revolver Ammo"
"Hi, Peter West here, I heard there was an act of cannibalism at this mourge over here..."
"Hi, Peter West here, I heard there was an act of cannibalism at this mourge over here..."
4W, 1D
Once per Draw Phase, may discard 2 Search Cards in hand to draw 1 Search Card. When an Ally is found with this ability, she may immedietly play it in front of her and draw a new card. Starts with Knife.
"I'm looking for my father, is he here?"
"I'm looking for my father, is he here?"
3W, 1D
May destroy an Ally to negate an attack played on her. Starts with Crowbar
"Jeez, everyone I meet gets eaten by Zombies!"
"Jeez, everyone I meet gets eaten by Zombies!"
4W, 2D, 1A
Inspector RadiciCharacter
Action: Discard 3 Search Cards from hand to stop a Human Player from taking an action this turn. Starts with "Service Pistol" and "Basic Handgun Ammo"
"Halt, I said HALT!"
"Halt, I said HALT!"
3W, 3A
S.W.A.T Officer Roger ReinegerCharacter
Starts with "M16 Assault Rifle" and "Automatic Clip".
"We got this, man, we got this by the A$$!"
"We got this, man, we got this by the A$$!"
Starting Cards
Med-PakItem - First Aid(Starting)
"Quick, maybe we can disinfect the bite!"
RevolverWeapon - Gun (Starting)
"Do you feel dead? Well, do ya, punk?!"
"Do you feel dead? Well, do ya, punk?!"
6S, +1D
Revolver AmmoItem - Ammo (Starting)
Specific Ammo for the "Revolver"
KnifeWeapon - Melee Weapon (Starting)
"Knife to meet you!" "You did not just say that..."
"Knife to meet you!" "You did not just say that..."
CrowbarWeapon - Melee (Starting)
Single-Handed. Does +1 Damage to "Basic Zombies"
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
Service PistolWeapon - Gun (Starting)
Single-Handed. +1 damage to City Dwellers
"I am the law, and this is how I deliver justice" POW!
"I am the law, and this is how I deliver justice" POW!
Basic Handgun AmmoItem - Ammo (Starting)
Gives Ammo to any Single-Handed Gun.
M16 Assault RifleWeapon - Gun (Starting)
Double-Handed. Automatic. May attack 3 different targets in one turn for 1 Shot.
"This isn't your average Mattel model!"
"This isn't your average Mattel model!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo (Starting)
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Search Deck
MacheteWeapon - Melee
Single-Handed. Instantly destroy a "Mall Walker".
"Ki, Ki, Ki...Ma, Ma, Ma"
"Ki, Ki, Ki...Ma, Ma, Ma"
MacheteWeapon - Melee
Single-Handed. Instantly destroy a "Mall Walker".
"Ki, Ki, Ki...Ma, Ma, Ma"
"Ki, Ki, Ki...Ma, Ma, Ma"
Fire AxeWeapon - Melee
Double-Handed. Does +1 damage to any Enhanced Zombie
"Axe me a ques..." "No! Do NOT go there!"
"Axe me a ques..." "No! Do NOT go there!"
Baseball BatWeapon - Melee
Choose Single-Handed or Double-Handed when it comes into play. If Double-Handed, does +1 Damage. This may not change.
"Hey, batta-batta...SWING!"
"Hey, batta-batta...SWING!"
CrowbarWeapon - Melee
Single-Handed. Does +1 Damage to "Basic Zombies"
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
CrowbarWeapon - Melee
Single-Handed. Does +1 Damage to "Basic Zombies"
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
"Probably one of the most useful and most underestimated Zombie killing tool on the Planet."
Pick AxeWeapon - Melee
Double Handed. Does Double Damage against "Crawlers"
"I used to dig graves just to rob them, now I dig graves to see if the bodies are still there."
"I used to dig graves just to rob them, now I dig graves to see if the bodies are still there."
ChainsawWeapon - Melee
Double-Handed. Requires Gasoline (Ammo, not Objective) to use. Does +1 damage to "Zombies from Hell"
Homemade TorchWeapon - Hand
Fire Weapon. Discard to destroy 1 Zombie.
"Burn, Baby, Burn...Zombie Inferno"
"Burn, Baby, Burn...Zombie Inferno"
Homemade TorchWeapon - Hand
Fire Weapon. Discard to destroy 1 Zombie.
"Burn, Baby, Burn...Zombie Inferno"
"Burn, Baby, Burn...Zombie Inferno"
RevolverWeapon - Gun
"Do you feel dead? Well, do ya, punk?!"
"Do you feel dead? Well, do ya, punk?!"
PistolWeapon - Gun
Single-Handed. Deals +1 damage to City Dwellers
"Is that a Pistol in your pock..." "OH MY GOD! WILL A ZOMBIE JUST EAT THIS GUY ALREADY!"
"Is that a Pistol in your pock..." "OH MY GOD! WILL A ZOMBIE JUST EAT THIS GUY ALREADY!"
Double-Barreled ShotgunWeapon - Gun
Double-Handed. Shotgun. Once per attack, may spend an extra shot to do +1 damage.
"Alright you fugly zombies, this... is my Boomstick!"
"Alright you fugly zombies, this... is my Boomstick!"
RifleWeapon - Gun
Double Handed.
"I think the guy with the gun decides were we go..."
"I think the guy with the gun decides were we go..."
RifleWeapon - Gun
Double Handed.
"I think the guy with the gun decides were we go..."
"I think the guy with the gun decides were we go..."
Auto-ShotgunWeapon - Gun
Double-Handed. Automatic. Shotgun. May attack up to 2 targets in one turn for 1 shot.
"That...gun...blew its...torso...into seven parts...!"
"That...gun...blew its...torso...into seven parts...!"
Basic Handgun AmmoItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Single-Handed Gun.
Basic Handgun AmmoItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Single-Handed Gun.
Basic Handgun AmmoItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Single-Handed Gun.
Basic Handgun AmmoItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Single-Handed Gun.
6S, +1D
Revolver AmmoItem - Ammo
Specific Ammo for the "Revolver"
6S, +1D
Revolver AmmoItem - Ammo
Specific Ammo for the "Revolver"
8S +1D
Pistol AmmoItem - Ammo
Specific Ammo for the "Pistol"
8S +1D
Pistol AmmoItem - Ammo
Specific Ammo for the "Pistol"
Gasoline (Ammo)Item - Ammo
Ammo for "Chainsaw". If "Chainsaw" is not in play, may destroy Gasoline and a shot from a Gun to destroy 2 Zombies.
"What can we blow up next?"
"What can we blow up next?"
Gasoline (Ammo)Item - Ammo
Ammo for "Chainsaw". If "Chainsaw" is not in play, may destroy Gasoline and a shot from a Gun to destroy 2 Zombies.
"What can we blow up next?"
"What can we blow up next?"
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Rifle AmmoItem - Ammo
Ammo for the "Rifle".
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Shotgun ShellsItem - Ammo
Gives Ammo to any Shotgun.
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Automatic ClipItem - Ammo
Ammo for any Automatic Gun.
"Lock and load!"
"Lock and load!"
Flak JacketItem - Armor
"This might prevent them from scratching you, at least..."
Flak JacketItem - Armor
"This might prevent them from scratching you, at least..."
Kelvar ArmorItem - Armor
"Does this make me look fat?"
Kelvar ArmorItem - Armor
"Does this make me look fat?"
+3A, -1D
Full Body ArmorItem - Armor
"How do I look now?"
+3A, -1D
Full Body ArmorItem - Armor
"How do I look now?"
Pain PillsItem -First Aid
"So what if I'm addicted to pain pills, gimme them!"
Pain PillsItem -First Aid
"So what if I'm addicted to pain pills, gimme them!"
Pain PillsItem -First Aid
"So what if I'm addicted to pain pills, gimme them!"
Med-PakItem - First Aid
"Quick, maybe we can disinfect the bite!"
Med-PakItem - First Aid
"Quick, maybe we can disinfect the bite!"
Med-PakItem - First Aid
"Quick, maybe we can disinfect the bite!"
First Aid KitItem - First Aid
Discard to completely heal another Character.
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
First Aid KitItem - First Aid
Discard to completely heal another Character.
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
First Aid KitItem - First Aid
Discard to completely heal another Character.
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
"Why does everyone look at the guy with the First-Aid Kit when someone's bitten?"
Nurse MaynardAlly
If controlled by "John", John does +1 Damage.
"What's happening!"
"What's happening!"
1W, 1D
Unamed VillagerAlly
"What should we do, sit around and mope while there's walking corpses devouring people?"
1W, 1D
Unamed VillagerAlly
"What should we do, sit around and mope while there's walking corpses devouring people?"
1W, 1D
Unamed VillagerAlly
"What should we do, sit around and mope while there's walking corpses devouring people?"
Way-Too Optimistic Zombie FanAlly
The Character who controls this Ally does -1 Damage.
"Hey, it's not so bad, at least we get to hang out in the mall all day!"
"Hey, it's not so bad, at least we get to hang out in the mall all day!"
Rescued VictimAlly
When Rescued Victim is played, regain 1 Wound.
"Thank you for saving me, I'll do anything to repay you!"
"Thank you for saving me, I'll do anything to repay you!"
Rescued VictimAlly
When Rescued Victim is played, regain 1 Wound.
"Thank you for saving me, I'll do anything to repay you!"
"Thank you for saving me, I'll do anything to repay you!"
The Truck
To escape in the Truck, one player must have Gasoline (Objective) and another must have Keys. They must both take an Action during their segment of the Human Phase to escape and win the game.
"And we thought escaping in the truck sounded easy enough..."
"And we thought escaping in the truck sounded easy enough..."
Gasoline (Objective)
"Let's use this to fuel that truck..."
Gasoline (Objective)
"Let's use this to fuel that truck..."
Gasoline (Objective)
"Let's use this to fuel that truck..."
"Are these the right Keys?"
"Are these the right Keys?"
"Are these the right Keys?"
Science Lab
Item (Shared)
To create the cure for the Zombie plague, a player must have 3 Zombie Blood Samples and 1 Human Blood Sample
"So, is it really possible to cure this phenomenon, Doctor?" "Let's find out!"
"So, is it really possible to cure this phenomenon, Doctor?" "Let's find out!"
Zombie Blood Sample
"Where did you find these?" "...from the Zombie Blood Bank." "...What the hell...!"
Zombie Blood Sample
"Where did you find these?" "...from the Zombie Blood Bank." "...What the hell...!"
Zombie Blood Sample
"Where did you find these?" "...from the Zombie Blood Bank." "...What the hell...!"
Zombie Blood Sample
"Where did you find these?" "...from the Zombie Blood Bank." "...What the hell...!"
Human Blood Sample
"But I'm afraid of needles!" "Too bad, you're immune."
Human Blood Sample
"But I'm afraid of needles!" "Too bad, you're immune."
Action Cards
Combat Action
Play when a Zombie or Human attacks you or an Ally you control. Negate that attack.
Combat Action
Play when a Zombie or Human attacks you or an Ally you control. Negate that attack.
Play when a Zombie or Human attacks you or an Ally you control. Negate that attack.
Adrenaline Rush
Play after you attack. You may immedietly attack again.
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
Adrenaline Rush
Play after you attack. You may immedietly attack again.
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
Adrenaline Rush
Play after you attack. You may immedietly attack again.
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
"Do ya wanna party? 'cause it's PARTY TIME!"
Play when a Zombie attacks you. The attack is negated and the Zombie is destroyed.
"Like to see you get up and try THAT, you undead freak!"
"Like to see you get up and try THAT, you undead freak!"
Play when a Zombie attacks you. The attack is negated and the Zombie is destroyed.
"Like to see you get up and try THAT, you undead freak!"
"Like to see you get up and try THAT, you undead freak!"
Draw an additional Search card this turn.
"Hey, I think I found something..."
"Hey, I think I found something..."
Draw an additional Search card this turn.
"Hey, I think I found something..."
"Hey, I think I found something..."
Draw two additional Search card this turn.
"Well, it may just be my lucky day..."
"Well, it may just be my lucky day..."
Draw two additional Search card this turn.
"Well, it may just be my lucky day..."
"Well, it may just be my lucky day..."
Ammo Hog
Keep drawing Search Cards and place them at the bottom of the Search Pile until you come across an Ammo Item, then take that card.
"No one likes an ammo hog!" BLAM!
"No one likes an ammo hog!" BLAM!
Doctor! Doctor!
Take two "Pain Pills" from the Discard Pile and put them into play in front of you.
"I need a..."
"I need a..."
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
Head Shot
Instead of attacking a Zombie this turn, you may discard 1 Shot from a Gun you have to destroy any Zombie in play.
"That's another one for the fire!"
"That's another one for the fire!"
You cannot draw a Search Card this turn, and you may only play one Search Card this Search Phase. This overules all other card effects.
"Where am I?"
"Where am I?"
You cannot draw a Search Card this turn, and you may only play one Search Card this Search Phase. This overules all other card effects.
"Where am I?"
"Where am I?"
You cannot draw a Search Card this turn, and you may only play one Search Card this Search Phase. This overules all other card effects.
"Where am I?"
"Where am I?"
You cannot draw a Search Card this turn, and you may only play one Search Card this Search Phase. This overules all other card effects.
"Where am I?"
"Where am I?"
Destroy One Item or Weapon you have in play. This does not affect any Allies.
Destroy One Item or Weapon you have in play. This does not affect any Allies.
Destroy One Item or Weapon you have in play. This does not affect any Allies.
Destroy One Item or Weapon you have in play. This does not affect any Allies.
Discard all Action cards in your hand.
Discard all Action cards in your hand.
This turn, you recieve double the damage you would normaly recieve.
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."
This turn, you recieve double the damage you would normaly recieve.
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."
This turn, you recieve double the damage you would normaly recieve.
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."
"Oh my God, I'm bleeding like crazy..."