WWI Many Fronts

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WWI Many Fronts
Designers Sirexel's conversion of, Lloyd Krasner's original game
Date 19/07/2009
Players 2
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To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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A 2 players card game for around an hours gametime about the WWI. An Easy and Funy simulation on World War I. A try to convert a Warpsawn Game from Lloyds Krasner to Dvorak system, two of the greatest, easiest and cheapest resources on the Web.

Special Rules

(Meanwhile I finnish the adaption to Dvorak system there are too many)


Two Players: One Player represents the Entente Powers (EP)(Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Italy, Romania, Greece, USA) The other Player is the Central Powers (CP): (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey)

Game Lenght

18 full game turns, dividen in two subturns: Central Powers first, Entente Powers then. Represent: 1914 late to 1918 early and 1918 late.

Army Tokens

Each player has a set of Army Tokens (AT). Prepare about 70 tokens of varius values (i.e. 20, 10, 5, 2, 1) for each side. (You can use money, cents, for example) AT is an abstract measure of Men & Material.


There are 6 cards, Thing - Front, that must be set on a line beteewn both players, before to start the game. Each front card has, aside his own rules printed on it, three Terriory Markers

Turn Sequence

For each Full Turn.


Each player fills his hand to 7 cards.


Each player gains 6 AT. Events Card may be played NOW.


Players bid in secret AT and Strategic Cards for each Front Card. Atack cards may be played for player in HIS subturn. Just the oposite for Defense Cards.


Resolve bids for each front. Winning a bid at a Front by at least 4 points gives 1 Territory Marker (TM) to the Player for that Front. Other results are considered a Stalemate.


A Player in a Major Front who Wins losses 1 AT, Lose losses 2 AT, Draws losses 2 AT. A Player in a Lesser Front who Wins lossen no AT, Lose losses 1 AT, Draws losses 1 AT. Casualties Cards may be played NOW.

End Phase:

Players may discard any cards from their hand they don’t want. Discard down to Max hand size. AT not lost in Mobilization or Casualty Phase can be used next turn.

General Hindenburg
Adds his combat value to a Major Front. Central Powers Only
General Ludendorf
Adds his combat value to a Major Front. Central Powers Only
General Moltke
Adds his combat value to a Major Front. Central Powers Only
General Kemal
Adds his combat value to Turkish Front. Central Powers Only
General Joffre
Adds his combat value to West Front. Entente Only
General Petain
Adds his combat value to West Front. Entente Only
General Haig
Adds his combat value to West Front. Entente Only
General Allenby
Adds his combat value to Turkish Front. Entente Only
General Pershing
Adds his combat value to West Front. Entente Only. To Play only 9th Turn
Czar Nicolas
Adds his combat value to Eastern Front. Entente Only

Shattered Armies B K 3 Joint Offensive B AN 2 Fluidity B SN 2 Support Allies B SN 2 Concentration B SN 4 Expeditionary Force B AN 2 Zeppelin Raids C V -1 Poison Gas B SM 5 Tanks B A 3 Late Massed Tanks E AM 5 Late Light Tanks E AM 3 Very Late Howitzers B S 5 Artillery B S 5 Breakthrough B A 5 Overrun B S 5 Atrocities B SL 2 Withdrawal B D 1 Major Battle B SN 3 Air Power B S 2 Air Support B S 2 Major Operation B AN 2 Revolution B V -4 Mutiny B V -4 Succession B V -2 Abdication B V -2 Uprising B V -4 Assassination B V -3 Election B V -2 Coalition B V +2 Trench Warfare B D 3 Armored Cars B S 1 Machine Guns B D 3 Vast Battle B SM 5 Capture City B A 3 Strategic Victory B SN 5 Executions B V -4 Treason B V -3 Railways B V +4 Landings B AN 2 Evacuation B V +2 Checked B DN 3 Extended B DN 2 Envelopment B AN 4 Re-deploy B SN 3 Logistics Problems B S 3 Disaster B K 3 Interlocking Offensives B A 3 Mass Mobilization B V +4 High Command B SN 3 Resume Fighting B SN 2 Food Shortages B V -2 Inflation B V -3 Renew Offensive B A 2 Divert Forces B SN 2 Outflank B A 4 Send Troops B SN 2 Salient B S 3 Breathing Space B V +2 Independent Offensive B V 2 Attack Stalled B DN 3 Drain Reserves B K 2 Simultaneous Attacks B AN 3 Attrition B K 2 Series of Offensives B AN 2 Limited Offensive B AN 2 Stalemate B DN 3 Centralized Government B V +4 Mass Production B V +3 Mobilize Manpower B V +4 Technology B V +2 Static Front B D 2 Fortress B D 3 Interior Lines C DM 5 Initial Gains B AN 2 Launch Offensive B AN 3 Force Retreat B SN 4 Campaign B SN 2 Economic Collapse B V -5 Economic Ruin B V -5 Master Plan B SN 4 Second Battle B SN 3 Third Battle B SN 2 Reinforcements B V +2 Fresh troops B V +2 Reduce Strength B K -1 Territorial Gain B AN 4 Counter Attack B DN 5 Tactical Defensive B D 5 Deadlock B DN 2 Entrenchments B D 4 Strategic Offensive B AN 4 Industrialization B V +4 Backwardness B V -2 Mass Maneuver B SN 2 Bombardments B SN 2 Partial Gains B AN 1 Rolling Barrage B AM 2 Aerial Reconnaissance B SN 4 Firepower B SN 3 Slaughter B K 2 War Finance B V +4 Munitions Production B V +2 War Economy B V +4 War Effort B V +3 Organized Labor B V +2 Labor Strikes B V -2 Call for Peace B V -2 Nationalism B V +3 Failure to Exploit Gains B S 4 Propaganda B V +2 Rhetoric B V +1 Great Power Status B V +3 Idealism B V +2 Modern War B S 2 Civil-Military Discord B V -3 Total War B V +4 Home Front B V +2 Appalling Cost B K -4 Replace Generals B V -2 Intelligence B SN 2 Long Front B SN 2 Invasion Route B A 3 Repulse B DN 5 Epic March B K 1 Epidemic B V -2 Headlong Assault B A 1 War of Exhaustion B K 2 Escalation B V +2 Futile Offensive B A 2 Heavy Casualties B K 2 General Mud B D 3 Position Warfare B DM 3 Counterfire B DN 3 Penetrations B A 3 Defensive Lines B D 4 Close Gap B DN 3 Local Actions B SN 1 Strong Points B D 4 Communication Problems B S 2 Meat Grinder B K 2 Conscripts B V +2 Volunteers B V +3 Spring Offensive B A 4 They Shall Not Pass E DM 5 Big Push B A 4 Demoralized B SN 3 Spearhead B AN 4 Colossal Defeat B K 5 Rout B K 3 Immense Carnage B K 4 Anarchy B V -3 Pressure Defenses B A 2 New Tactics B S 4 Late Stormtroopers C AM 5 Late Poor Morale B SN 3 Resistance Collapses B A 5 Massive Attack B AN 5 Infiltration B A 3 By-Pass Strong-points B A 3 Mop-Up Operations B AN 2 Surprise B A 4 No Mans Land B DM 4 Stabilize the Line B DM 4 Uncoordinated Attack B DN 3 Unsupported Attack B DN 3 Tunnels B AM 2 Counter Offensive B DN 5 Submarine Warfare B S 3 WASO U-Boats C S 3 WASO Convoys E S 3 WASO Destroyers B S 2 WASO Cruisers B S 2 WASO Battleships B S 2 WASO Bridgeheads B A 2 Fight to Standstill B D 4 Punch Gap B A 4 Naval Blockade B V -4