Urban Dead deck
Urban Dead deck | |
Designer | Watercleave |
Date | 18/08/2009 |
Players | 2+ |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
This was inspired by and is based on Urban Dead, a survival MMORPG, which was incidentally made by the same person who concieved Dvorak.
Special Rules
This game can be played in two ways:
Distinct teams
In this mode, one player or group of players plays the Survivor team, and the other plays the Zombie team. This is the recommended form of play.
There are three distinct decks which are used in this game mode: The main Survivor deck (SD), the main Zombie deck (ZD), and the Zombie selection deck (ZSD). All of the cards are marked with the acronym of their deck.
At any point, either player can choose to shuffle their own discard pile into their deck, provided the number of cards in the discard pile is approximately equal to or higher than the number of cards in the draw pile.
Card types
There are several different types of card in this deck:
- Thing - Survivor - A subset of the Thing type. Survivors have a health value in the corner of their card. When they have taken damage equal to or greater than their health value, they are removed from play. SD cards.
- Action - Item - A subset of the Action type, these cards represent a one-use item. Some of these cards require a certain type of Survivor to be under the control of a player before they can be used. SD cards.
- Thing - Skill (Survivor) - A subset of the Thing type. A card of this type can be applied to any Survivor to give them a special ability or modifier. Some Survivor cards automatically act as if they already have a skill attached.
- Action - Radio - A subset of the Action type. These cards can only be used if the player using it has an intact (Above 3 health) radio transciever, a working generator and a Suvivor equiped with the Radio Operation Thing - Skill card. SD cards.
- Thing - Barricade - A subset of the Thing type. Each card has a health value. See "Barricades" below for more information on these cards. SD cards.
- Zombie Selection - The only cards found in the ZSD deck. See "Zombies" below for more information on these cards. ZSD cards.
- Thing - Item (Equipable) - A subset of the Thing type. These cards can be applied to any Survivor card to give bonuses etc.. Some items have limited uses, given by the number in the corner of the card. SD cards.
- Thing - Item - Currently there are only two cards of this type: Radio Transciever and Generator. Radios are required to use Action - Radio cards. See "Power" below for information on Generators. These items have health values in the top-left corner. SD cards.
- Thing - Building - The building the Survivors are holed up in. Every building has a special ability, and there can only be one building in play at any time. One a building is removed from play, it is placed on the Discard pile.
Tokens can be any type of smallish marker, such as a coin. They are used to represent several things:
Zombies - A special area is set aside by the player playing the Zombie side. Any tokens placed here indicate one zombie each. (Different coloured or different sized tokens can be used to show larger numbers of zombies, ie. 5 or 10 per token).
Survivor/Item/Barricade health - When a survivor, item or barricade piece takes damage, add a token to their card. When the number of tokens equals the health value of the card or more, the survivor is removed from play. Tokens being used this way are called "damage tokens".
Item uses - Some equipable items have limited uses. When you use such an item, add a token to its card. When the number of tokens is equal to or greater than the uses of the item, you may chose to discard the item or wait until you find a method of restoring the uses of the item.
Fuel - See "Power" below.
A zombie player needs no setup apart from setting aside a small area for his "zombie counters".
A Survivor play must set aside a "base", divided into four different areas, usually in the following sequence:
- Barricade area
- Fighter area
- Rest area
- Item area
Survivors are placed in either the Fighter or the Rest areas. They may be moved from one to the other once per turn.
Barricades are the major method of keeping zombies out of your "base". Barricades are constructed by playing a Thing - Barricade card into your barricade area. You can have a maximum of 9 barricade cards in your barricade area.
All barricade cards are played face-down. When a zombie attacks a barricade card, add a damage token to it. When the amount of tokens on a card reach the health points of the card, the card is removed from play.
Cards of the type Thing - Skill can be played onto Survivor cards to give them special abilities and bonuses. Some Survivors come with abilities of their own.
There are two types of skill: Active and Passive.
Passive skills have a constant effect on the Survivor or his surroundings. As a rule of thumb, they are active everywhere.
Active skills can only be used in the Rest Area of your base. A Survivor cannot use an active skill if they are damaged or if they have moved to the Rest Area this turn.
Every skill has a value. This is called its "Cool-down value". When a skill is used, turn the Survivor card that used it upside down or sideways. Every turn, place a token on the card. When the number of tokens is equal to the cool-down value of the skill, turn the card back to normal. A Survivor cannot use any skills or take any actions while going through the Cool-down process.
The strength of the Zombie player lies in his ability to quickly gain more Zombies. At the end of their turn, the Zombie player can either draw one card from his "Zombie selection deck" or attack the Survivors.
Every ZSD card has a numeric value. The Zombie player gains Zombie tokens equal in number to the number on the card. Some ZSD cards are "Hero Zombies". These zombie cards go straight to the Zombie player's hand and function like Survivor cards as far as health, etc. is calculated.
If a Zombie player kills at least one Survivor during an attack (See below), he must take a card from his Zombie selection deck. The number of the cards represents the fraction out of 10 of the Survivors who become Zombies. In other words, a card with a value of 5 represents 5/10 = 1/2, so half of the Survivors killed become Zombies and are added as Zombie tokens to the Zombie player's horde. The number of Zombies created is rounded down, but at least one Zombie must always be created. Therefore, if 2 Survivors are killed, a "7" card will mean 7/10, so 1,2 Zombie will be created, rounded down to 1. However, a "3" card will give 1 Zombie token.
Should the Zombie player pick a Zombie Hero card from his ZSD deck, he should add it to his hand and take another card, this time subtracting one from the total number of Zombies created.
If a Survivor player has a Generator in play, he may use a "Refuel" or "Biofuel" action card to add a number of fuel tokens to this card (For a "Refuel" card, the numeric value indicated on the card). If the player has at least one token on a Generator card, he can choose to run the generator for the turn.
Using Action - Radio cards requires a generator to be running to be used (The Generator is required to power the Radio). If a Generator is running, a Doctor or Medic can heal an extra 1 damage. If the Thing - Building "Hospital" card is in play and a generator is running, a Doctor can heal and extra 2 points, rather than one. Certain other bonuses are described on the cards they affect.
At the end of their turn, a Survivor player may choose to attack the Zombies, or to Search. If they choose to attack, they select the Survivors they want to use in the attack. Every Survivor can either use their weapon (Or intrinsic attack value, stated on their card) to attack the Zombie hordes, killing the amount of Zombies equal to the attack value of their weapon/the Survivor themselves, or use their ability or an item.
Once the attack is over, the Zombie player can counterattack with any amount of Zombies. Each Zombie has a target and does 1 damage to each of their targets. Any Survivors who used their ability on the attack before are returned to the Rest Area with their ability cool-downs set to full, and the Survivor player then gets a chance to counterattack on a number of Zombies equal to the amount that counterattacked his card previously. The Zombie player may then choose to counterattack with any amount of Zombies again (If this is less than the amount of Zombies that have survived since the previous counterattack, the surplus tokens are moved to a separate area, as described below), and so it continues until one player chooses not to counterattack, and the battle ends.
Once the battle is over, the surviving Survivor cards return to the Rest Area, and those that used their abilities have their ability cool-downs set to full. All surviving zombies from the final counterattack have their tokens (Or cards, in the case of Zombie Heroes) moved to the same separate area as the surplus Zombies from one of the counterattacks (See above). These Zombies cannot attack on the Zombie player's next turn. They will be moved back to the zombie token area at the end of the Zombie player's next turn.
At the end of the Zombie player's turn, they can either gain more Zombies or attack the Survivors. Should they choose to attack the Survivors, they must move the number of Zombie tokens they wish to use in the attack to a separate area. Each of the Zombie tokens can do 1 damage to either a barricade or, if there are no barricades, a Survivor in the Fighter area. Two Zombies are required to do 1 damage to a Survivor in the rest area, or to items, unless there are no Thing - Survivor cards in the Fighter area.
Once the Zombies have finished attack, all Survivors in the Fighter area get a chance to counterattack, killing an amount of Zombies equal to the attack value of the weapon they are holding, or of the Survivors themselves. N.B: The Survivors can only kill those Zombies who attacked originally.
The Zombie player can then choose to counterattack with some or all of the Zombies surviving the counterattack. Thereafter, the Survivor player can attack again, etc..
At the end of his turn, rather than attacking the Zombies, a Survivor player may choose to take 1 card from his deck.
Survivor Deck
Still under construction