Talk:Time Cube deck

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Archived comments from the original site

Yeah! Teach Time Cube, you fools! --william, 27.4.02

This Deck Rocks. I'm copying it onto index cards to play it with my friends. First deck from the archive I've done that with. --Kazz, 2.6.02

I'm bringing this deck to our next poker party! After a few beers I'm sure we'll have some new Cubonaut recruits! Great job! --Brian James, 4.7.02

If you don't like this, You're educated stupid! --DarkScream, 7.7.02

"Cowards Fear The Time Cube" is the greatest card ever created in all of history. --Dave, 9.9.02

this game is great.. one of our mates actually emailed gene ray and took him up on his challenge... gene ray didn't want to give up and resorted to name-calling... wow... mature professor --sam, 14.9.02

i emailed gene ray last week and await a reply. im sure it will be somewhat nonsensical. This game is indeed 'above god'. see also for more insanity on a related topic... --beats, 23.9.02

How can you play this game with 4+1 cards in your hand at all time. That's way too elliptical. 5 cards can't fit in a 4 corner room, 1 card has 4 corners but 2 sides, so 5 cards is evil. But a rock has 4 sides, thus your deck ROCKS! --Gerber, 19.12.02

But cubes have 6 sides! So therefore this deck can't compute a time cube and is educating you stupid. --Nick, 6.2.03

Excellent game. I actually found it pretty balanced... we played eight or nine games today and victory was distributed 5-3 or 5-4 for the Time Cube. It is good to be Wisest Human of All. --Tavo, 5.3.03

Sheva! I've been reading over time cube websites, and it's just the same few phrases over...and reminds me of "Brave New World" and "1984" type of brainwashing. --renzy, 15.8.03

"Academia word bomb." Best. Quote. Ever. "Human Blochead Androids" is a close second! --Windrider, 18.9.03

Ah, this makes more sense then the Time Cube does... ^^ What the hell is this 'Evil Word', anyway? PS: 1 Horse = 4 leg horse also. SO, does that mean 1 = 4 In other words, there is no difference between the Time Cube and... Oh, forget it. Nobody understands the damn principle anyway... --Zelloss, 16.10.03

Time Cube game is damn evil lie educated stupid! You might say you suport evil against migets. You see not ineffable truth of cubic nature. --Turtle, 12.11.03

you know, maybe this guy would get his point across better if he didnt sound so angry and slightly prejudice... he needs to read more gandhi stuff :) --person, 20.11.03

The time cube sucks my soul out of the educators anus, any dumb ass can see that --Any dumbass, 16.12.03

"...all single-Cornered Players must discard their hands in confusion and terror." ROTFFL !!! --annonymous cubist, 25.12.03

I really want to play this one, if only to say the name of one card to the person I play it on. Say it with me! "Do You Enjoy Being Stupid?" --Jacoby, 13.1.04

Isn't all time just an illusion of our minds? --roach, 22.1.04

Well, Mr. Time Cube is a complete nut who needs a good bonk in the head... --Andy, 22.1.04

So, if the person in the other part of the world is going to bed, can I talk to them on the phone --Dill, 29.1.04

"Cowards Fear The Time Cube" is the greatest card ever created in all of history. --Dave, 2.2.04

Obscuratism prevails. --Dave, 2.2.04

Maybe I'm educated stupid...but what does this "time Cube" prove...Why doesn't one say, there are infinite amount of sides/hours in one day...there is a time between sunset and midday and between that etc...what does it prove --Steve, 21.2.04

It proves that this guy just wanted to say something outrageous and baffling online and dare people to contradict him. This idea is fit only for hilarious ridicule. Any attempt to take the idea seriously and try to analyze it will only result in a fatal aneurysm. --Twenty8, 21.2.04

Maybe I'm educated stupid...but what does this "time Cube" prove...Why doesn't one say, there are infinite amount of sides/hours in one day...there is a time between sunset and midday and between that etc...what does it prove --Steve, 22.2.04

believe it or not, I showed this site to a psychology major. she says this person displays all the classic signs of megalomania. of course, you can't trust her opinion... she's educated stupid! --roach, 26.2.04

"Infinite days is stupidity." --gene clone, 10.3.04

This is a very funny and appealing game. One big issue (which may or may not want fixing): If a person has Tower of Babble in play and the Time Cube in hand, nobody else can ever win, and that person may be able to win by either method. Actions are useless against the person, which leaves Things. The person's opponents: -Can't use Evil Hirelings because using them is an action. -Can keep Adult-Cloned God Entity in play indefinitely (stalemate) -Can keep seven Corners away from person indefinitely (stalemate) -Can keep five Corners and $1,000 to One Disproving the Time Cube away from person indefinitely (stalemate) -Human Blockhead Androids, Evil Cubeless Singularity, and Evil Word Pedants are only of nuisance value unless they can help with the above goals. There are also various little points that could perhaps use clarification. -Using Pedantic Mind Control to give someone the Deadly Word Virus forces the discard of that person's entire hand? -"Give control of any Corner to any player" refers to Corners in play or in one's own hand, but not to those in other people's hands or in the draw pile or discard pile? -Human Blockhead Androids can protect you when discarding the Deadly Word Virus? -"may draw three cards" means may draw either three or zero? Thanks; -Daniel. --Daniel., 4.4.04

Gene Ray is my buttloving man baby. OUr four corners will meet for intimate ass-sucking, Lets just say we are both ready to breed. --Mark Greenfield, 13.4.04

Daniel, one way out of that jam is to consider Tower of Babble to forbid only actions that affect Players directly (discarding cards, forcing them to destroy their own Things, etc.) and considering the Things they control to be separate entities. In that case, you couldn't touch the Player but might be able to destroy their Tower of Babel. --Matt, 30.4.04

Daniel: of course I'm just guessing here, but # -Using Pedantic Mind Control to give someone the Deadly Word Virus forces the discard of that person's entire hand? Sounds good to me. If you can collect cards that work well together, you deserve to benefit thereby. # -"Give control of any Corner to any player" refers to Corners in play or in one's own hand, but not to those in other people's hands or in the draw pile or discard pile? I'd guess only those in play, but any player's; it doesn't say "corners you control". Doesn't say about those in your hand one way or another, but I tend to think of things in hand/deck/discard as being nonexistent unless a card specifically mentions one of those sets... # -Human Blockhead Androids can protect you when discarding the Deadly Word Virus? No, because Deadly Word Virus doesn't have a Corner Number. # -"may draw three cards" means may draw either three or zero? Again, sounds good - it says "three", not "up to three". Of course, to get canonical answers to this (and the Tower of Babble issue; Matt's solution sounds good, though) we need to wait for Kevan, if he even reads this. Now, where did I leave those card slips... --ToxicFrog, 30.4.04

Daniel: of course I'm just guessing here, but # -Using Pedantic Mind Control to give someone the Deadly Word Virus forces the discard of that person's entire hand? Sounds good to me. If you can collect cards that work well together, you deserve to benefit thereby. # -"Give control of any Corner to any player" refers to Corners in play or in one's own hand, but not to those in other people's hands or in the draw pile or discard pile? I'd guess only those in play, but --ToxicFrog, 30.4.04

Yes, Matt had the right idea - Towel of Babble wasn't intended to protect itself, or other Things, so you could destroy it with Evil Hirelings or Power Above God. I should probably clarify the wording a bit. (And no, I don't check the archive comments very often - maybe I should encourage people to discuss things on the mailing list...) --Kevan, 30.4.04

what the heck is this crazy hick talking about. if he came to boston, the time cube of red soxonia would eat his soul with biscuits and gravy --feeg, 24.5.04

Great. About using Androids to protect against the Virus, I have no idea what I was thinking. --Daniel., 27.5.04

Well said, feeq, although I'm a Yankee fan. Anyway, as for the Time Cube guy... while I have to chuckle a little (read: burst into hysterical laughter) at such thought-provoking and intelligent quotes as "Beliefs equate pornography, for they coexist on the web" and "Talking dog could enslave humanity," in the end I feel bad for him, and that is because he is just going to spend his last few years trying to convince people that whatever crazy s*** this is is true... and then he will die alone and confused, with only his bizarre and mindless babble at his side. But anyway, enough about the theorist, more about the theory itself. It really doesn't make any sense at all. Really. I have managed to hammer out a few basic "principles" though: 4 is the basic number of the universe. That's about as close to an even remotely viable idea or belief as this gets. There are 4 years in one revolution of the earth around the sun (which is impossible, because a year is a revolution around the sun by definition) All teachers and professors are mind-controlling evil overlords that teach you evil and stupid to do things that "equate to eating... [or] crucifying your children." All schools are controlled and staffed by religious zealots. It's imperative that know what you don't know, but what you know will not allow you to know what you don't know. No kidding, those are his exact words. Gene Ray, the creator of Time Cube, is the wisest human who ever lived. He even dedicated an entire domain name to it. No, I'm not lying. See for yourself at Everything ever in all of everything is a four-cornered cube. Of course, a cube will prove to have 8 corners if you're actually LOOKING at the damn thing, but hell if I know, I'm educated evil and stupid. Bottom line: When Time Cube isn't just insane (Gene Ray has literally been diagnosed with schizophrenia) rambling, it's a decrepit old man's delusions of grandeur. Whee. -WS --WingedSerpent, 21.6.04

Well said, feeq, although I'm a Yankee fan. Anyway, as for the Time Cube guy... while I have to chuckle a little (read: burst into hysterical laughter) at such thought-provoking and intelligent quotes as "Beliefs equate pornography, for they coexist on the web" and "Talking dog could enslave humanity," in the end I feel bad for him, and that is because he is just going to spend his last few years trying to convince people that whatever crazy s*** this is i --WingedSerpent, 21.6.04

Whoops, slight error in that last post. Where the sentence breaks off at "see for yourself at," it should say . --WingedSerpent, 21.6.04

toxicfrog do u play magic? --wolf, 17.7.04

Tornadofighter defends "self" as well rounded individuals=strong villages. Unfortunately strong villages will try to subjugate weaker villages. All villages must be bridled and equal. --Theetfd, 26.7.04

You can't see the genius behind Time Cube. Bunch of ignorants! All of readers of this filthy page are Jews I bet. --hahaha, 4.10.04

Fantastic game, guys--I just wonder what you could do with a "Santa Disproves God" card. Can't wait to play this. --Scott, 20.10.04

Tornadofighter defends "self" as well rounded individuals=strong villages. Unfortunately strong villages will try to subjugate weaker villages. All villages must be bridled and equal. --Theetfd, 29.10.04

A note: shouldn't "Do You Enjoy Being Stupid?" have corner numbers of 2, 3, 4? (If you have only one corner, you cannot play the card because it targets a player with less corners than you.) --Mike Rosoft, 1.12.04

Articles with graphics and diagrams explaining Nature's Harmonic Time Cube principle at Cubic Awareness Online. You Must Seek Time Cube! --Cubic Awareness Online, 10.12.04

Nice game... I totally like it --John, 31.12.04

  • giggle* --Toksyuryel, 16.1.05

A two-months-too-late note to Mike Rosoft: the way I see it, giving "Do You Enjoy Being Stupid?" a corner number would make it suceptible to Human Blockhead Androids, which only works on actions with an explicitly-stated corner number. As it is, it's immune to that. Also, what happens if all players have two corners? The card would be useless, with or without the explicit 2, since there'd be no low-corner player. Corner numbers are a limitation, not a rule clarification. --The Archon, 24.2.05

Damned stupid ignorant queer's. The honor of preaching Science to ignorant Student's of EVIL will be BANISHED when NO SELF = OPPOSITES = NON EXISTENCE! Time Cube can not be understood through GAME'S on world wide web of RACE MIXING and JEW PORN when world web has two PAIRS of SIDES and PAIRS make OPPOSITES = NON EXISTENCE! If EVIL PROFIT MONEY is to be HAD from this game's though I get 80% of the green but I'm willing to haggle on that... --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 12.3.05

No offence mate, but if you truly were the "Mosts Wisest", you wouldn't use insults, especially ones like "queer's" the context you put it in implies they possess something, whereas the sentence has no possesion beyond the comment made. Your sentence is nothing more than a rant, not a coherent comment, with an attempt to throw intelligence with nonsensical formulae. I don't claim to be supersmart, but you really need to take an ego check. This game looks interesting, and i may look into it when i have a printer available to print out the cards to play... --Miles Wolfe, 20.3.05

No offence mate, but if you truly were the "Mosts Wisest", you wouldn't use insults, especially ones like "queer's" the context you put it in implies they possess something, whereas the sentence has no possesion beyond the comment made. Your sentence is nothing more than a rant, not a coherent comment, with an attempt to throw intelligence with nonsensical formulae. I don't claim to be supersmart, but you really need to take an ego check. This gam --Miles Wolfe, 20.3.05

Interesting.. it seemed to double post and miss a bit... Hmm. --Miles Wolfe, 20.3.05

Incredible. Simply Incredible. People accually understand this? People accually care? The only reaon "The most wisest" is followed is because you don't like being called stupid, you'd rather call others stupid. Well, see you in HELL. --........, 20.3.05

What if you're playing with 1 other person, you both have 4 corners, and one of you plays the time cube? is it a tie? --Veris, 27.3.05

There aren't enough ways to destroy things, which can make the game lag on and be biased towards the player that gets the Evil Hirelings. 1 or 2 additional methods of destruction (at least one of which requiring 2 or fewer corners) would be a good change. Also, There are no clarfications in the case of ties. If you play the wiset human, and everyone has 5 cards, who draws? This applies to several other cards as well. Overall, funny concept, but wasn't very fun to play. --Twinge, 28.3.05

UNSCIENCE is the word of FOOL's and this GAME IS STUPID QUEERFUL EVIL NONSCIENCE. Four corners = cube = educator's myth of GMT is QUEER LIE. --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 2.4.05

FURTHER: Truth Cube debunks 1 corner word god is evil human behavior. Family is a school. I am wiser than all gods and scientists, for I have squared the circle and cubed the Earth to sponsor Harmonic Time Cube debate. Word is LIE for animal man in the CUBE, to deny cube equals evil and to dumb educated singularity stupid science word animal. Word = evil = wordanimal = president of the united states = lie. God is Cube. So there! Dumby. --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 2.4.05

FURTHER: Truth Cube debunks 1 corner word god is evil human behavior. Family is a school. I am wiser than all gods and scientists, for I have squared the circle and cubed the Earth to sponsor Harmonic Time Cube debate. Word is LIE for animal man in the CUBE, to deny cube equals evil and to dumb educated singularity stupid science word animal. Word = evil = wordanimal = president of the united states = lie. God is Cube. So there! Dum --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 2.4.05

FURTHER: Truth Cube debunks 1 corner word god is evil human behavior. Family is a school. I am wiser than all gods and scientists, for I have squared the circle and cubed the Earth to sponsor Harmonic Time Cube debate. Word is LIE for animal man in the CUBE, to deny cube equals evil and to dumb educated singularity stupid science word animal. Word = evil = wordanimal = president of the united states = lie. God is Cube. So there! Dumby. --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 2.4.05

FINALLY: FOUR SIDED Jew hating STRUCTURE = DIRTY KITCHEN. (My time cube is telling me its time to clean this dump for once.) --G. Ray the Mosts Wisest, 2.4.05

Does he realize that if the world goes with this time cube thing then he will have take his fast food fed fat american ass back to tiny england?? --Darkbridge77, 19.4.05

"Word = evil" ~ G. Ray the Mosts Wisest Okay, let's agree that word is evil for a moment. Then maybe you'll stop talking. --Debunker The Mighty, 25.4.05

Is it my immagination or does a cube have 8 corners and 6 sides? --Toksyuryel, 6.5.05

A cube has 4 corners, corners being vertical edges (those parallel to the rotational axis, which passes through the centre of the top face and centre of the bottom face). For more information, see article "Cube Representation" on CubicAO --Cubic Awareness Online, 7.5.05

If a multi-Cornered player plays the Time Cube, and that player is subsequently reduced to one Corner, does Time Cube stay in play? --Mike, 8.6.05

HA! G. Ray asking for 80% of the EVIL PROFIT MONEY = Mosts Wisest + Evil Profit = OPPOSITES = NON-EXISTENT DOC RAY. Oooo, how're you going to banish me for that? --anonymous mosts stupid, 8.7.05

Tried playing a quick game of this today...I'm actually disappointed and seems that in a three player game, there aren't enough Corners to get the game going....and with the amount of discard that occurs, it's very difficult to get a card into play. "The Tower of Babble" appears to have a tremendous protective ability to it... if it had some kind of cost, like making one of your Corners "tapped out" for the turn or forcing you to discard a card, then it would be a little less evil. And with only one evil Henchman in the deck, a player can put the Henchman into play and just leave it there indefinitely...until he gets the Tower of Babble...and he's now impervious to danger. I suggest increasing the number of Corners for a game with more players (but I don't know how many corners should be added for a 3,4,5,...8 player game), OR at leasrt increasing the number of Evil Henchman by at least one... good effort! --anonymous, 12.7.05

Is a cube a flat square with 4 sides or the 3 dimensional model with six? Time cube doesn't stipulate this so the theory is flawed. A cube has six sides so four is not the ultimate number in the universe. 2 is. One can't be defined on its own without reference to another. That's how a 3 dimensional cube is defined as it has opposite sides of which there are three (debunks time cube theory again). 3x2=6. Hang on a minute, 6 is a prime number so it can't exist without reference to.... 5 and 7. But wait, four is supposed to be the ultimate. Someone has been taking tooooooo much acid. The game is flawed if you haven't worked that out as well yet. --Simplicity, 18.7.05

"Cowards Fear The Time Cube" is the greatest card ever created in all of history. --Dave, 18.7.05

Why the hell does this thing keep reposting my comment from 3 years ago? --Dave, 18.7.05

"Cowards Fear The Time Cube" is the greatest card ever created in all of history. --Dave, 18.7.05

Sorry , the game is very boring. --techo, 1.8.05

Buy this game and be funding another hitler? Are you off your rocker. --telma, 1.8.05

Question: if "Family Cube is Creation Body" is played while the Time Cube is in play, causing two or more players to have four corners, who wins? --Eddie the Jedi, 3.8.05

I thought you got $10,000 for disproving the time cube, not $1,000 --DJ_Monkey_Pilot, 13.8.05

What's Ray doing now? Haven't been hearing from the geezer lately. He's probably talking to himself rocking back and forth on a ward, waiting for his Thorazine injection. Poor little bugger. -- The Wiser, 30.8.05

And to all you idiots that hail the time cube, I got several calls from quite a few villages, .....they're looking for you. --The Wiser, 30.8.05