Summoner TCG card set
Summoner TCG card set | |
Designer | Drock |
Date | June 12, 2011 |
Players | 2+ |
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
Summoner is a trading card game in which players, called Summoners, battle each other by summoning creatures and altering the landscape in order to reduce their opponent's Stamina to 0.
Each player starts with 50 Stamina. If your Stamina Total is reduced to 0 (or less), you lose. You can reduce another player's Stamina several ways.
To start a game, all players shuffle their decks and draw 7 cards. At the beginning of each turn after that, that turn's player draws 1 card and adds 5 Stamina to their Stamina Total.
At the upper right-hand corner of every card is a number; that card's Cost. To play a card, you must reduce your Stamina by that number. You can play as many cards as you can during your turn, as long as you have enough Stamina.
If you want to play a card and can pay its Cost, place it face-down on your Field. This card cannot be used until your next turn. This is called priming the card. A priming card is still considered to be in play. At the beginning of your next turn, before you draw, you may flip any primed cards right-side up. This is called revealing the card. Some cards (such as Gambit Cards) do not have to be primed. You can flip a revealed card face-down and then reveal it again the turn after. You can do this as many times as you want.
Types of Cards
There are 4 Types of Card in Summoner:
Summons: Creatures you summon in order to attack your opponent. Summons have two special values: Summons have two special values: Strength and Defense. These are used in battling (see Battling below).
Gambits: These cards do not have to be primed. They are destroyed (sent to the graveyard, or discard pile) as soon as their effect takes place. If you do prime a Gambit Card, you may reveal it during your opponent's turn.
Equipment: When these cards are revealed, they can be attached to another card (usually a Summon) and affect that card in some way. You can attach Equipment to cards controlled by your opponent(s). If the card an Equipment card is attached to is destroyed, the Equipment card is not destroyed. Equipment cards do not have to be attached to anything, but can only be attached to cards after both cards in question have been revealed.
Planes: When these cards are revealed, they affect all players' Fields continuously until they are destroyed. As long as a Plane Card is in play, its Summoner must continually pay its Cost at the beginning of each of his or her turns. If the Plane's Summoner cannot pay the Cost, the Plane is destroyed. Only one Plane Card can in play at any given time; when another one is put into play (by any player), the first Plane is destroyed.
Once during your turn, you can send your Summons into battle. You can battle with as many Summons as you want, but each Summon can only attack one target (the target being another revealed Summon or another player). More than one Summon may attack the same target, however.
As mentioned before, Summons have special values called Strength and Defense. Both of these are taken into account when battling.
Summon 1 attacks Summon 2. If Summon 1's Strength is greater than Summon 2's Defense, Summon 2 is destroyed. If Summon 1's Strength is equal to or less than Summon 2's Defense, neither Summon is destroyed.
Summon 1 attacks Player 2. If Player 2 has a Summon on his or her Field, he or she can block Summon 1's attack with it. The two Summons then enter the previous battling scenario. If Player 2 doesn't have any Summons to block with, or chooses not to block, he or she takes Damage equal to Summon 1's Strength.
Some Summons have special Abilities to give them an advantage in battle. Here is a comprehensive list of Abilities and their effects.
Consume [Summon Type]: Sacrifice a revealed Summon you control of the designated type in order to activate this Ability. You can sacrifice as many eligible Summons as you desire in order to increase this effect.
Card List