Rumble Spaceship deck
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Rumble Spaceship deck | |
Designer | Kevan and Ben |
Date | 06/03/2011 |
Players | 2+ |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
Rumble is "a fast-paced game of superhero combat" using cards to describe super powers. This deck contains all of the ship systems from the Rumble Spaceship Archive. The purpose of this Dvorak deck is to make the Spaceship genre of Rumble accessible in an easily-printable format.
Special Rules
Rumble follows its own set of rules, found here.
Card List
Genetic Spaceship Miracle
If an opponent runs out of Energy in the same turn you Attacked them, gain their Systems.
Card by Cait
Multiphasic Shields
Spend X: All Attacks against you this round are reduced by X/2 (rounded down).
Card by Friday
Torpedo Bays
Spend X, where X is this System's Power Strength: On your next turn, you may add X to your Attack. Cannot be used two turns in a row.
Card by Friday
Backup Generator
If you are reduced to 0 Energy, at the beginning of the next round, destroy this System and set your Energy to 30.
Card by Kazz
Parasite Drones
At the end of each turn, steal 5 Energy from each opponent. This System is effective even below 0 Energy.
Card by Kazz
Adaptive Shielding
Add X to your Defense, each turn. X starts at zero and increases by 5 at the end of any turn in which you sustained damage.
Card by Kevan
When you win this System, you may buy copies of any of the other Systems on the table, by paying their Power Strength.
Card by Kevan
Courier Mission
If you've not been eliminated by the end of the tenth round, you win the game.
Card by Kevan
Pick an opponent, after Systems have been assigned. Halve all Attacks from that Opponent that target you.
Card by Kevan
Escape Pod
Use once per game: You can survive going below zero Energy this round. At the end of the round, lose all of your Systems and continue play with 20 Energy.
Card by Kevan
Gauss Disruptor
Burn 5 and nominate a System: That System cannot be used next round.
Card by Kevan
You may never sustain damage except through Burning, but you lose 5 Energy at the end of every round.
Card by Kevan
Burn 5: Enter or leave Hyperspace, at the end of the round. Whilst in Hyperspace, you cannot be targetted by anything, nor target anything. Ships in Hyperspace are treated as "eliminated" when checking for game winners.
Card by Kevan
Infinite Improbability Drive
Spend 10: At the end of the round, if you survive, set your Energy to a random value between 0 and 100.
Card by Kevan
Meteor Storm
Meteor Storm makes a 10-damage Attack against a random Ship during each Resolution Phase.
Card by Kevan
Modular Hull
At the end of any round, you may jettison a System to prevent all damage that was dealt to your Ship during that round.
Card by Kevan
Neutron Bomb
Spend 10, no more than once per round: Neutron Bomb deals 50 Damage to all players (as if Attacking), next round.
Card by Kevan
Photon Cannons
Spend 10: Make a separate Attack for this System's Power Strength minus 20. You may not use this System if you used it in the previous round, and not more than three times per round.
Card by Kevan
Scottish Engineer
Energy costs to use your ship's Systems are halved (rounding up).
Card by Kevan
Self-Destruct Mechanism
Use once per game: Deal 500 damage to all ships that Attacked yours this turn, and to your own ship.
Card by Kevan
Tractor Beam
Spend 20: A chosen opponent's Attack must be at least 10 lower next round than it was during this. If their Attack was below 10, it must be 0 next round.
Card by Kevan
Power Damping Field
Spend X: no System with Power Strength lower than X, except this one, is effective this round.
Card by Squizzle
Druuge Efficiency
Throw X crew members into the furnace to gain a 3X bonus to all Attacks next round. The total crew expendable in this manner equals this System's System Strength.
Card by Ultimatum479
Radiant Shield
Opponents Attacking you must define their Attack as White or Black. Set your Defense against White and Black Attacks separately. Your Defense is doubled.
Card by Zarba