Furthering the Core Mission deck
Furthering the Core Mission deck | |
Designer | A Quick Alias |
Date | 27 Oct 2008 |
Players | 2+ |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more. |
This deck is based entirely on events that happened (or, rather, didn't happen) on the Cult of Persabamini's Furthering the Core Mission topic board on Facebook. Feel free to join the group if you like what you see, by the way.
Each player draws 5 cards at the beginning of the game. Hold a steel cage match to determine which player goes first. Or, alternatively, have each player draw a card from the deck. The player who drew the card with the highest corner value gets to go first; next highest goes second, and continue either clockwise or anticlockwise, according to the relative location of the first and second players. That sounds really confusing... just figure it out yourselves. Ties can be broken in a similar fashion. Then, shuffle the drawn cards back into the deck.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain two sanity points and draw one card (unless otherwise indicated). During your turn, you play one card (unless otherwise indicated).
The main "currency" of the game is sanity. Each player begins the game with 20 sanity points. If any player ever has zero or fewer sanity points, he or she is eliminated from the game. The numbers in the top right corners of the cards are the amount of sanity they cost to play. Keep track of sanity on paper, dice, or in memory... whatever works best for you.
Types of Cards
Goals (Color 06A) are played in the middle of the table and apply to all players. When a player successfully fulfills the requirement(s) listed on the card, that player wins the game. There can only be one goal in play at a time. When a new goal is played, discard the previous one.
Characters (Color A00) are played in front of the person who played them and give that player the abilities listed on the card until it leaves play.
Items (Color 060) are played in front of the person who played them and (usually) only apply to that person.
Locations (Color AAA) are played in the middle of the table and apply to all players. There can only be one location in play at a time. When a new location is played, discard the previous one.
Actions (Color 00A) are played, carried out, and then discarded.
Card List
==Mission Accomplished==
"Then you must escape before dessert of the Grand Commie Undersea Gala (GCUG), when the whole base will blow." - Agent Squirrelnuts
I would actually be impressed if you could screw up this mission with this great of a set-up.
"Whenever I question Amadeus as to how he knows attacks so out of his element, he uses Splash on me. ...It's not very effective..." - Agent Squirrelnuts
Part of this complete breakfast.
"Hoping for reinforcements, in the mean time Amadeus is reinforcing the SAMHRBAG with embankments and Gatling gun emplacements. Over and out." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Fishy, Squirrelnuts is sitting this one out. AKA I'm Squirrelnuts, and I don't want to deal with piranhas. They smell bad. You're the fisherman, you deal with fish." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"And knowing is half the battle!" - Agent Bamini / G. I. Joe
"Bamini, good work with the mugging. Sounds pretty brutal and efficient." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"We're going to drop you from a helicopter onto the top of the mountain because DEATh here has been eating too many pork rinds. He's too fat to move, and we'll have to air-lift him out of bed." - Agent Bamini
"As for Fluffy, we can only hope that he's still getting these transmissions. No news is good news. Unless he's been mansexed to death. In that case, it's pretty safe to call it 'bad news'." - Agent Bamini
"There seems to be a mass influx of piranhas into my underwater tasty demolitions base. I may need some backup from Agent Squirrelnuts. ...But be warned Mr. Nuts, these piranhas are sporting aviators, ray guns, and a large supply of "yo momma" jokes." - Agent Johnny
"Aye, Cap'n Crunch! Noodles here, ready to stalk some chefs! I'll report back as soon as I learn the real identities of the Commie chefs. As everyone knows, all chefs have 'kitchen-names', much like rock stars have their 'stage names'." - Agent Noodles
"Agent Squirrelnuts (...seriously?) reporting, Sarge." - Agent Squirrelnuts
Psychic: Any player of your choice takes one fewer action on his or her next turn.
Splash: This attack does nothing."Don't leave me with all these burly men!" - Agent Fluffy
"As for the Pokemon idea, I've narrowed it down to "Machopin", "Kadabrahms", or "Vivaldisaur". Then again, there's always the write-in candidate of "Kangaskhandel". I will decide eventually." - Agent Bamini
"I've spent these past weeks camping in a cave just below the summit of the volcano, where I made a sleeping bag out of my rogue llama. His name is Frank." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"I have discovered the piranhas are being led by their king, King Pipalopsikopolous. I challenged him to an epic break-dancing showdown in which I achieved victory through several moves that I learned at the agency." - Agent Johnny
"Hello, agents. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the bowling pro shop on the top of the recently-active Mt. Saint Helens, meet up with one of our undercover agents who is disguised as Nelson Burton, and get the box which he is carrying." - Agent Bamini
"Okay, I scheduled a discount flight on the back of an ostrich, which I am now learning is, in fact, a flightless bird. However, I shall remain ever-vigilant! Also of note: my pilot seems to be hung over and homeless. More on that later." - Agent Bamini
"Anyway, I think that-- what was that? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" - Agent Bamini
"Halfway up the volcano, my sherpa was struck by Gollum, who bit off his ring finger. The attack was fatal." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"And Nuts? ...Fluffy is in a coma. I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you that." - Agent Bamini
"It seems that the 'zombie dogs' doing the severe mauling number on me were actually just Cheezy. He thought I was a ham." - Agent Bamini
"HEY, FATTIES! DO YOU COPY? ...No sign of 'em." - Agent Bamini
"The mugging? Oh, it was splendiferous! As for the sleeping bags, I'm just doing what the Little Black Book of Ostrich Pilotry suggested. I may have neglected to mention that." - Agent Bamini
"This mission is of utmost importance, so I'm expecting the very best agents to volunteer. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, so I'm even allowing Fluffy in on it." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"BUT WHAT HO!?" - Agent Bamini
"Refer to Post #1 by the Sarge, hereafter referred to as Agent Bamini, for the basics of the operations of our group of users of lots of prepositions." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Now then, I have begun production of the demolitions but I have run into complications yet again. We seem to be out of cookbooks. All I could find was the Kama Sutra and Squirrelnuts' diary, the latter of which I am reading with renewed vigor." - Agent Johnny
"Frank tracked the key to a hidden room, where we found some pie-bombs." - Agent Squirrelnuts
The least plausible part of the entire game.
"While Fluffy might not have been capable of getting them under control, Frank has powerful methods of persuasion." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Cheezy is currently being held in 'Time-Out'. He will be joining us when his lifetime sentence is completed." - Agent Bamini
"Located fifteen uber stones. Could not, however, manage a single umlaut, so we threw the stones at babies." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Squirrelnuts, you'd best begin your journey up the mountain. And it gets cold up there. Bring an ugly sweater that you don't mind having burned off of your body." - Agent Bamini
"To Wikipedia!" - Agent Bamini
"Excellent! Kudos to the single surviving agent!" - Agent Bamini
Your journey is so close to completion, you can almost smell it. It's either that or the nachos they're making.
"All right, agents. Agent DEATh, you wait with Agent Squirrelnuts in this gas station men's room while Agent Fluffy Puff learns all he can about this operation." - Agent Bamini
"Here's your briefing. Bamini, you're going to head to the Library of Congress and find every last cookbook you can find." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"...Hold on, I'm just receiving confirmation that the bowling pro shop is, in fact, located INSIDE the SAMHRBAG. You follow the main hall and take the first two lefts. If you hit the unisex bathroom, you've gone too far." - Agent Bamini
"Whatever the case, agents, find the Secret Agent Mountainside Hotel Resort Bar and Grill (SAMHRBAG for short)." - Agent Bamini
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take 17 pie-bombs, which some guy in IT told me shouldn't blow up until you want them to, infiltrate an underwater Commie base in the Mariana trench while posing as gourmet chefs, and slip the pies into their kitchen." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"We had an original mission? Oh. So thaaat's what that place was next to the unisex bathroom... it's the only bathroom we felt safe taking Frank." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Throw down with a rap diss-off, and make them go whining back to their mothers, who you will have boned. In the meantime, how are the pies?" - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Alright agents, I will contact you once the helicopter has arrived.
[An hour later]
I am just contacting you to say that the helicopter has arrived." - Agent Bamini"Further comments on the wreckage.. No Sasquatch, but something about the entire situation seems distinctly... cheezy..." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"You there, Fluffy? You're in no physical condition to climb a mountain; I suggest that you... practice your straightjacket escape. That might come in handy." - Agent Bamini
Brain fart in action: "Why don't I get to stalkkkkkk... awwwww maaaannnnn!!!!1!seven" - Agent Bamini
"I wanted to simply persuade him out of all of his possessions, but Amadeus had other plans. A strange mix of Flamethrower, Psychic, and Splash annihilated everything except his pockets, which we then searched for epic loots." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"You might have to undercook the meat a tad bit so it can pass as a Commie Patty. Y'know, red and stuff." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"I suppose you can keep everything from the pockets (that's typically the only way we can actually pay our agents)..." - Agent Bamini
"Do you hear that?" "No." "That's right. It's the sound of me caring." - Agent Bamini
"And Cheezy is probably off in the wilderness fondling bears." - Agent Bamini
You just lost the game.
"And if Nutface misspells "necessities" again, you have my permission to kill him." - Agent Bamini
"I will proceed with the production of the pie-bombs using the nonexistent knowledge I have of them." - Agent Johnny
"Requesting backup in the form of Fluffy and his burly manfriends, so that we can begin organizing a search of the mountain and Cheezy's last know location for clues. Tell them to bring Scooby, and maybe a burly man can dress up as Daphne." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"However, I commandeered a rogue llama, and fashioned a saddle out of the ugly sweater I brought." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Amadeus and I have actually taken note that Frank refuses the comfort of beds in our suite, preferring the floor." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"I (or someone else designated by me) will give you, the agents, a new mission. You must accomplish that mission objective in the most dramatic and cliched way possible. Sounds fun." - Agent Bamini
All your brain are belong to us.
"I think it's the rogue llama in his blood. That or those haunting eyes... He sees right into the souls of men." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"They... know... I'm Fluffy!" - Agent Fluffy
At least someone's smart enough to not die a horrible death.
"I read that somewhere esteemed. Like a cult." - Agent Bamini
"However, he is bipolar and has amnesia." - Agent Bamini
"Agent Noodles, your task will involve the infiltration. Discover the identities of the gourmet chefs being brought on board, and then stalk them." - Agent Squirrelnuts
"Anyway, you should continue up the mountain until you see the glass dome that kinda looks like... well, I guess it kinda looks like a butt. ...Haha!" - Agent Bamini
"That's a very unfortunate predicament into which you've gotten yourself. Oh, no, wait, I thought you were Cheezy. Maybe it's just the location, but it seems we've lost all contact with him." - Agent Bamini