Dungeon Madness
From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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- Each Player draws 5 cards.
- Decide who goes first, but make it snappy, we've got things to do. Play continues to that player's right.
- Player one draws 1 card, then plays one card. There are no Action Cards, only Things.
- All cards are colored to represent a specific theme. They're numbered to show their value.
- To Play a MADNESS! card:
- Play the card in front of you. If no other player challenges you for it, it stays in play.
- If another player challenges you for it, he declares such and places his own card in play. If the number value is higher, he may claim your card as the prize. He then discards the card he played.
- You may add more cards to your own to boost its value. Other players may also do so. Whoever has the highest value in front of them wins your card.
- Discard every card played EXCEPT the first one you played. That one goes to the victor and is immune to further attacks. He may set it aside.
- Play the card in front of you. If no other player challenges you for it, it stays in play.
- Playing DUNGEON! Cards:
- Some Cards say DUNGEON! on them; these are cards that allow the game to end. On your turn, as your play, you may place it into play. It has a victory requirement - how many points worth of cards on which colors you need to win.
- Play continues normally. After all players have gone one last time, if you still meet the conditions on the card you win.
- If at any time during this phase another player meets these conditions, they must declare it when they play. When the turn gets back around to you, the player with the highest values in the applicable colors wins. If a tie, continue in SUDDEN DEATH!
- If at any time during this phase another player plays a different DUNGEON! card, discard yours and the one they played; they cancel each other out.
- If you run out of cards and nobody's won, count up everybody's points. Whoever has the most, wins.
- Some Cards say DUNGEON! on them; these are cards that allow the game to end. On your turn, as your play, you may place it into play. It has a victory requirement - how many points worth of cards on which colors you need to win.