Ridge of Shadows Card Set

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Ridge of Shadows
Designers Halfwing, Azure
Date Monday, May 12, 2008
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

This game was created by me and some friends to play in the mornings at school. Please do not contribute to this unless you are one of the people who play with us. Also this is a multi-deck set.

Special Rules

All players start out with a hand of 5 cards and a max hand size of 7. This represents their "Health". Every time a person is damaged, their hand size is reduced by one. Players take damage if a card destroys one of their things and they have none in play, or when a card specifically states that it causes damage. Once their hand size reaches zero they are out of the game.

Each player is allowed to place 1 thing and 1 action a turn (or in place of an action use a things action ability.) Each player is allow a 30 card limit to their deck. If a deck is emptied their discard pile is shuffled and becomes their new deck.

Action types

there are a few different action types.

Action: This may be used in place of playing an action card on your turn.

Instant Action: This action may be activated when it is not your turn. these are usually responses to an attack. 
they do not count as playing an action when activated.
if they are on a thing they can only be used when they are in play and cannot be used while in you hand.

Continuous Action: This action is constantly in affect. This action usually alters the rules in some way. 
These also usually only appear on things. If the card that list the action is destroyed then the effect of the action is removed. 
they do not count as playing an action IF it is on a thing.


These are the decks of each individual player.

Aeon's Fury

Halfwings deck.

Action: Discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 target Thing.
The best part is not the shot fired, but when you are looking down a scope to your target. - matchstick
Card by Halfwing
Action: Discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 target Thing.
The best part is not the shot fired, but when you are looking down a scope to your target. - matchstick
Card by Halfwing
Action: Discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 target Thing.
The best part is not the shot fired, but when you are looking down a scope to your target. - matchstick
Card by Halfwing
Sniper Shot
Destroy 1 target Thing, if you have "Sniper" in play you may destroy 2 instead.
BOOM BITCH! - matchstick
Card by Halfwing
Cannon Fodder
Instant Action: If a card requires you to destroy 2 or more cards, this card counts as 2 Things when destroyed.
Card by Halfwing
Cannon Fodder
Instant Action: If a card requires you to destroy 2 or more cards, this card counts as 2 Things when destroyed.
Card by Halfwing
Sweet Elixir
Raise your maximum hold limit by 2.
Card by Halfwing
Sweet Elixir
Raise your maximum hold limit by 2.
Card by Halfwing
Butterfly Effect
Without looking at them, switch the top 3 cards of your deck with the bottom 3 cards.
Card by Halfwing
Chaos Theory
Remove the bottom 3 cards and the top 3 cards of your deck and rearrange them in any order you see fit, placing 3 on top and 3 underneath. Afterwards discard your hand.
Card by Halfwing
Spy Drone
Action: Discard one card. You may move Spy Drone to another players Zone.
Continuous Action: While Spy Drone is in another players Zone, that player may control it as normal. If Spy Drone is not destroyed within 3 turns of being played, the player currently in possession of it takes 1 Damage. Afterwards destroy Spy Drone.
Card by Halfwing
Unstable Homemade Explosive
If this card is played (either by force or by choice) the person who played it takes 3 damage. If this card is revealed to another player, that player takes 3 damage. This card is then destroyed.
Card by Halfwing

special notes

The Azure Shadow

Azures deck.

Azure Furry
Continuous Action: On your turn if you hold more then 3 cards you may discard your hand, each player must then discard 3 cards from their hand.
Card by Azure
Ninja Attack
Deal 1 damage to an opponent of your choice, Bypassing any Thing's they have in play.
Card by Azure
Blame the Voices
A target of your choice must discard their current hand.
Card by Azure
You gave him what?!
continuous thing
Choose up to 3 @ commands and make them continuos.
Card by Azure
@fastrespawn Azure 1
when this card is used, before the end of his turn, the user may take 1 class card out of the discard pile and add it to his hand if not full. if "You gave him what" is active, this card can become continuous.
Card by Azure
Bypass enemy defenses and deal direct damage.
"May I have a no clip please?"
Card by Azure

Suck box

These are cards that have been deemed to strong/useless and have been removed from play.

Continuous Action:When an Action is played, it stays in play like a Thing and its effect becomes an Action ability. Whenever a Thing (other than this one) is played, it goes directly to the discard pile like an Action. If its effect was continuous, it lasts until the end of its controller's next turn.
Card by Halfwing