Infinite Dvorak deck/Cards 8401-8500/From Day One

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From Day One support pack
Designer Bucky
Date March 2007
Players 2+
This is a subpage of a larger deck.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

This convenience pack contains all the cards that come with the Thing "From Day One" (#8401). It isn't authoritative; if there's a difference, the version on the first archive page is correct.

Card Mine
Counts as a Machine. Action:Draw a card
Card by Bucky
Cutting Corners
While this card is in play, treat all cards as if they had no cornervalue. If any Player plays a card with the string "dust" in its title, destroy this card.
Card by Bucky
The Useless Card
Draw a card. You may take one extra Action this turn.
Card by Bucky
Core Ruleset Loophole
You win unless all other players agree to negate this effect within 10 seconds, or 30 seconds if you are playing online.
Card by Bucky
Leverage Scam
You win unless any player discards eir hand within 10 seconds, or 30 seconds if you are playing online.
Card by Bucky
If there is another Thing in play, immediately destroy Antimatter and any other Thing of your choice. When this occurs, gain 10 Energy Tokens.
Card by Bucky
Generic Elves
Action:Gain a Green Energy Token, and rotate this card 90 degrees.
Card by Bucky
Token Eater
At any time during your turn you may destroy any Token you control and put a Food counter on Token Eater. If this causes Token Eater to have more than 100 Food Counters on it, destroy it. Action:Remove all counters and tokens from this card. For every 5 counters or tokens removed in this way, draw a card, or discard a card and play an extra Thing this turn, or discard a card and play an extra Action this turn.
Card by Bucky