Football deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Designer Dion
Date 16th November 2001
Players 2
This is an untested deck. Its cards are complete, but it hasn't yet been tested.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

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Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Or soccer, depending on your view of these things. Two teams trying to kick a ball into the other's goalmouth.

Special Rules


This game is for two players, called Teams (as there also is a Player card).

Zones of Play

Players brought into play are played in three lines or zones: Defense, Midfield and Attack. One Team's Defense zone is the other Team's Attack zone. The Goal Keeper cards are always in play, one for each Team, and are placed behind their Defense zone.

The Ball

The Ball card is always in play, in one of the zones. It is oriented towards the Team that has Possession, or put sideways if no Team has Possession. A Team keeps Possession unless the Ball is played to a zone where it has no Players, or the other Team takes Possession (using an Action). If there are no Players at all in the zone where the Ball ends up, no Team has Possession and the Ball card is put sideways.


In the beginning, a toss is done as follows: both Teams bring a Player card into the Midfield zone. A coin is flipped; the Team winning the toss has Possession. The Ball is in the Midfield.


When the draw pile is exhausted, the first half ends and the Teams drink tea. They take all Players back into their hand, and discard cards above 5. Then they swap places, and the discard pile is shuffled. To begin the second half, both Teams bring a Player card into the Midfield zone, and the Team that lost the toss has Possession. The Ball is in the Midfield. When the draw pile is exhausted a second time, the game ends. The Team that scored the most goals wins. A draw is also possible.


Each Action is played onto a Player in the zone where the Ball is. That Player then goes back to the hand of the controller. Any card labelled "Player" can do the Action listed on the Player card in addition to the rules on that card. Any card labelled "Interception" follows the rules on the Interception card in addition to the text on that card. Any card labelled "Tackle" follows the rules on the Tackle card in addition to the text on that card.


(I have no idea how it plays, especially whether the number of cards in your hand shouldn't change, and whether the distribution of cards is good like this. Note that a "normal" game of football has hardly ever more than 3 goals, and quite frequently ends in a draw. I hope this distribution adds up to that, without being too boring.)

Card List

Always in play in one of the zones. The Team that can read the text has Possession. If no Team has Possession, put it sideways.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action: Pass. Put the Ball in a zone; an Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Thing - Player
A Defender's Pass cannot be intercepted in the Defense zone.
Thing - Player
A Defender's Pass cannot be intercepted in the Defense zone.
Thing - Player
A Defender's Pass cannot be intercepted in the Defense zone.
Thing - Player
A Defender's Pass cannot be intercepted in the Defense zone.
Thing - Player
Shots cannot be Intercepted in Striker's zone.
Thing - Player
Shots cannot be Intercepted in Striker's zone.
Thing - Player
Shots cannot be Intercepted in Striker's zone.
Thing - Player
Shots cannot be Intercepted in Striker's zone.
Soccer Star
Thing - Player
Shots cannot be Intercepted in Star's zone. Rushes cannot be Tackled in Star's zone.
Goal Keeper
Thing - Player
Always in play, behind the Defense. Does not go back to the hand of the controller after an Action.
Goal Keeper
Thing - Player
Always in play, behind the Defense. Does not go back to the hand of the controller after an Action.
Can only be played in the Attack zone. Can only be played if you played a Pass in your previous turn. If the opponent cannot Save, a goal is scored.
Can only be played in the Attack zone. Can only be played if you played a Pass in your previous turn. If the opponent cannot Save, a goal is scored.
Can only be played in the Attack zone. Can only be played if you played a Pass in your previous turn. If the opponent cannot Save, a goal is scored.
An Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the Defense zone and any zone in between. If the opponent cannot Intercept or Save, a goal is scored.
An Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the Defense zone and any zone in between. If the opponent cannot Intercept or Save, a goal is scored.
An Interception may be played in the Player's zone, the Defense zone and any zone in between. If the opponent cannot Intercept or Save, a goal is scored.
Action - Save
Can only be done by the Goal Keeper. No goal is scored. Take Possession, and put the Ball into your Defense or Midfield (goal kick).
Action - Save
Can only be done by the Goal Keeper. No goal is scored. Take Possession, and put the Ball into your Defense or Midfield (goal kick).
Action - Save
Can only be done by the Goal Keeper. No goal is scored. Take Possession, and put the Ball into your Defense or Midfield (goal kick).
Move the Ball to a zone. A Tackle may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Move the Ball to a zone. A Tackle may be played in the Player's zone, the target zone and any zone in between.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Tackle
Can only be played when the opponent played no action, or a Rush. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Action - Interception
Can only be played when the opponent played a Pass or a Shot. Put the Ball in the Player's zone. Take Possession.
Over the line
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the target zone of a Pass.
Over the line
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the target zone of a Pass.
Over the line
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the target zone of a Pass.
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the Defense zone. Both Teams get one turn in which they can only play Players. Then the opponent takes Possession and Passes (corner).
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the Defense zone. Both Teams get one turn in which they can only play Players. Then the opponent takes Possession and Passes (corner).
Action - Interception
You get a yellow card. If you already have a yellow card, you get a red card: destroy the Player and discard the yellow card. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Action - Interception
You get a yellow card. If you already have a yellow card, you get a red card: destroy the Player and discard the yellow card. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Action - Tackle
You get a yellow card. If you already have a yellow card, you get a red card: remove the Player from the game and discard the yellow card. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Action - Tackle
You get a yellow card. If you already have a yellow card, you get a red card: remove the Player from the game and discard the yellow card. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Red Card
Action - Tackle
Remove the Player from the game. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Red Card
Action - Interception
Remove the Player from the game. Opponent may bring a Player into the zone and Pass (free kick).
Foul in box
Action - Tackle
Can only be played in the Defense zone. Remove the Player from the game. Draw a card. Opponent may bring a Player into his Attack zone and take a Shot that cannot be Intercepted, only Saved (penalty).
Foul in box
Action - Interception
Can only be played in the Defense zone. Remove the Player from the game. Draw a card. Opponent may bring a Player into his Attack zone and take a Shot that cannot be Intercepted, only Saved (penalty).