Feast deck
Feast deck | |
Designer | n0tr3sp0ns1bl3 |
Date | 8/08/2008 |
Players | 2+ |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
This page is currently under construction; rules and cards will be added as time passes. Thanks for visiting though, keep looking for updates!
In the explanation of the rules, the term Hero is repeatedly used to refer to a status in the game - of course, Hero should be replaced by Heroine when applicable. Je m'excuse.
About the Feast deck
The Feast deck is based on the horror movie Feast, a gory and slightly immature flick with a genius concept to it. It's sure to entertain if you like horror movies. Anyway, the introduction of the characters gave me a good idea (at least, I think it's good) for a card game. Of course, there are plenty of horror movie card games to go around, commercially even, but I had some time left and I felt like doing something like this!
If you were looking for a game with a feast or a food concept to it, sadly, this is quite the opposite. Then again, you can still make it if you want!
Story behind Feast
In the movie Feast, a collection of decidedly random people visit a bar in the middle of nowhere on this fateful night. Most characters don't know each other, although several characters are related in one way or another. None of their names are revealed, so they are addressed by their social status, job or nickname (example: Town Jackass, Bartender, Marine).
At some time during the night, one person, splashed with blood, comes storming in. This person is the Hero, whom has come to warn the people in the bar of four hideous monsters that follow closely behind him. And sure enough, a second after the Hero finishes telling the bargoers that he knows very little except that they're hideous, murderous and out to eat people, the monsters charge at the building and make their first victim. This adds more credibility to the Hero's story, so the windows are shut, locked and secured, the doors are barred and any other plausible entrance is blocked as far as the stuff in the bar allows it. That means the monsters are locked out, and of course the bargoers are locked in...
In the movie, the story unfolds much like this card game adaptation could unfold, but of course, in the card game anything could happen, so the (happy?) ending is really up to you.
What You Need
In order to play a game of Feast, you need a flat surface like a table, a deck of Feast cards (when they're available), a six-sided die and a token of some sort to designate which player is the Hero (a scrap of paper works just fine).
The Types of Cards
The Feast deck consists of five types of cards. These are the types of cards, followed by their color, their general use and what the number in the top right corner means:
Character Cards - Dark Blue - Represent a character present in the Bar. Used to give players and nameless people an identity. The number in the top right corner is the Entry Number, a number that signifies in what order the players entered the bar (a higher number means having entered later).
Attack! Cards - Slime Green - Represent a creature attacking the Bar or specific players. Used to, well, kill players and such. The number in the top right corner is the Attack Value, a number that signifies how strong the attack is (or better put, how determined the nameless creature is to eating you).
Weapon Cards - Light Blue - Represent objects that can be used as weapons. Used to defend yourself against attacks. The number in the top right corner is the Defense Value, a number that signifies how well you can defend yourself against attacks with your weapon. Disadvantages as outlined on Character Cards may apply.
Event Cards - Dark Red - Represent all sorts of events. Used to help fight attacks, bother other players or any other thing entirely. These cards don't have numbers in the top right corner.
Escape Cards - Safety Orange - Represent ways for players to flee the bar. Used to leave the game, and, if possible, by doing so, win it. The number in the top right corner is the Escape Value, a number that signifies how valuable your escape is (namely, how 'horror movie style' it is).
Base Rules
The following base rules apply during a game of Feast:
1) Every player must have only one Character Card face-up in front of them during play. This Character Card represents the player's role in the bar, and all advantages and disadvantages from this card apply to that player.
2) Every player can have up to two regular Weapon Cards or one Large Weapon Card face-up in front of them. These represent the Weapons the player is currently holding and are the only weapons a player can use in combat (aside from exceptions due to cards). When a player has no Weapon Cards in front of them, they fight with their bare fists, a weapon with a Defense Value of 1.
3) Every player can hold up to eight cards in their hand at the end of their turn (aside from exceptions due to cards). If a player has more than eight cards, plus their bonus allowed thanks to special cards, in their hand at the end of their turn, they must place the surplus cards of their choice on the discard pile.
4) The only cards any player may play outside of their turn are Event Cards, and only when the Event Card specifically mentions it.
5) Players can only have Character, Weapon, Event and Escape Cards in their hands. When any player is caught holding an Attack! card in their hand at any time after the game commences, they immediately lose, they must drop their cards and every player gets to take the cards from that player's hand. Also, that player fails forever at playing Feast.
6) When a player encounters an Attack! Card, they automatically go into battle. Scroll down for The Rules for Fighting.
7) When a player is forced to discard their Character Card (for any reason), they automatically die (not necessarily permanently). Scroll down for What to Do When You Die.
Getting Started
Firstly, separate the dark blue Character cards from the rest of the cards. Shuffle these cards, and give every player two of these, face-down, for them to view and hold in their hands. Subsequently, play eight Character cards face-up in the middle of the playing field.
Secondly, every player must place one of their newly received Character cards face-up in front of them. They will begin play as that character, so the advantages and disadvantages of that character apply to the owner.
Thirdly, the player with the highest Entry Number on their Character Card receives the Hero token. The Entry Number is the number in the upper-right corner.
Fourthly, combine the rest of the Character cards with the other cards and shuffle again. Now deal four cards to each player from this combined stack. If a player receives a green Attack! card, they must put this card at the bottom of the deck (not randomly in the deck) and draw a new card from the top. By repeating this as often as necessary, every player now ends up with five cards in his/her hand, with at least one Character card and no Attack! cards.
Lastly, every player rolls the die and the player with the highest roll gets to go first. (Of course, in the event of a tie the remaining players roll again.) The game commences. From there, turns proceed clockwise.
How To Play
Feast is played in turns. Every turn consists of four phases, that occur only once in a turn and in this specific order. IMPORTANT: Every one of these phases may be skipped. These phases are:
1) Preparation Phase - You grab a hold of the weapons you find useful and get ready to rumble.
In this phase, you can play, discard or pick up Weapon Cards as much as you like. To play weapons, simply play them in front of you from your hand. Reminder: You may hold two weapons at best, or one weapon designated a Large Weapon. To discard or trade (a) weapon(s), lay the weapon(s) you want to get rid of alongside the non-player controlled characters in the bar, signifying that these cards are now in the bar and can be picked up by any player. To pick up weapons, you take any of the cards already on the playing field and place them in front of you (switching with other weapons if necessary). You may not return weapons you pick up or discard to your hand.
2) Exploration Phase - you go out on your own, looking for weapons, special events and ways out of this joint.
In your Exploration Phase, you draw cards from the main pile one at a time, showing each card face-up to every player. If the card is a Weapon, Event or Escape Card, you may place the card in your hand once everyone has seen it. If the card is an Attack! card, you go into battle. Scroll down for The Rules for Fighting. You can end your Exploration Phase after drawing any number of cards and you may draw as many cards as you like, but your Exploration Phase ends when you finish fighting of any kind.
3) Expedition Phase - you gather a group of brave "volunteers" and go looking for items on the top floor of the bar.
In your Expedition Phase, you may select up to two characters from the non-player controlled characters to bring on your expedition (special cards can increase this amount); however, this is not required. During your Expedition, you must draw two cards for every person in your party (including yourself). You draw these cards one by one and you do not need to show these cards to your fellow players - you may simply place these cards in your hand when you draw them. When you encounter an Attack! card, you should of course play it face-up and go into battle (Scroll down for The Rules for Fighting) - remember the possible consequences if you're caught! After you've drawn your required number of cards and finished your battles, your Expedition Phase ends automatically.
4) Escape Phase - you gather your friends, hold on to your guns and try to get the hell out of here.
In your Escape Phase, you may play one Escape Card from your hand. Once you do that, you need to follow the instructions on the card. If you don't meet the requirements on the card, your turn ends, your Escape Card is placed in the middle and you are still in the bar. If you meet the requirements on the card, you will have escaped and will have a shot at winning the game - Scroll down for How To Win and What to Do When You're Done.
After these four stages (whether or not you've chosen to skip them) your turn ends, and turns proceed clockwise. The game continues until every player has either died permanently or escaped, at which point a winner is picked according to the rules in How To Win.
The Rules For Fighting
If you're gonna play Feast, you ARE going to fight the monsters at one time or another (except if you're disgustingly lucky). Here's how you go about defending yourself against the nameless menace:
First, you compare the Defense Value of your Weapon Cards combined with any bonuses to the Attack Value of the Attack! Card you've drawn. If your adjusted Defense Value is larger than the Attack Value, you will effectively repulse the attack - that is, if nobody chooses to interfere with Event Cards. Players have five seconds after it becomes apparent that the Player will win to interfere with the battle in any way. Every time someone plays an Event Card to interfere, you have to check if you can still win, and players get another five second chance to interfere, etcetera. When everybody is quite done interfering, and you can still win, congratulations: you get to fight another day. Finish the phase you're in as explained.
On the other hand, if your adjusted Defense Value is smaller that the Attack Value, you've still got several options to save your skin:
1) Play an applicable Event Card. Using these can be your saving grace! You can play as many applicable Event Card as you have, and when you do so you start the aforementioned cycle of interference all over again.
2) Release your inner Hero. This pretty much means punching your attacker repeatedly in the face, which doesn't happen to be particularly effective, except when you really mean it. Roll the six-sided die. If you're not the Hero, you have to roll a six to automatically win the battle, but if you are the Hero, a four, five or six will automatically win the battle. If your roll fails, you lose the battle: the card states what the negative consequences are.
3) Sacrifice a team member. You can only do this in your Exploration Phase when you still have (a) team member(s) left. Pick a team member and roll the six-sided die. If you're not the Hero, you need at least a three to succeed in this unholy task, and the Hero can toss someone into damnation by rolling a two or higher. (Apparently, the Hero has very little morals.) If your roll fails, you lose the battle: the card states what the negative consequences are.
If your Event Cards do not work, your roll fails or you just decide to forfeit out of misery, you lose the battle: the card states what the negative consequences are (as I may have mentioned before).
What to Do When You Die
How to Win
What to Do When You're Done
Whether or not you got away from the nameless creatures and the bar, now that your game is over you're going to have to do something with those useless cards. Here's what you do:
You have to show your cards (if any) to all the players. Place any remaining Character, Escape and Weapon Cards amongst the cards in the middle. Any Escape Cards placed in the middle can be used by any player that wants to use it. You get to keep your Event Cards for some last influence - of course, Event Cards that only apply to your own turn and your battles don't have much use anymore, so give them to a fellow player or just discard them - your choice.
If you are revealed to have Attack! cards in your hand at the end of the game, the Attack! Cards Rule works retroactively and you still definitively lose the game. That's what you get!