Dragon Wars Card Set
Dragon Wars Card Set | |
Designer | Ran Bookmite |
Date | April 15, 2009 |
Players | 2 – 4 |
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more. |
Description = Based on an old idea I once had but could never elaborate on. Now, thanks to Dvorak, perhaps my idea can become reality. A bunch of different dragons fight against one another is the basic premise.
==Special Rules==
Designer's Note: I shall be using the male pronoun from henceforth, since it is common and shorter to write. I mean no offense to females.
Hands can never exceed 8 cards, unless the special card "Claws-A-Go-Go" is played, or if a dragon gives a special effect to go over this limit. At all other times, if a player exceeds 8, he must discard down to 8 at the end of his turn. What he wishes to discard is up to him. However, if a player has less than 8, he cannot draw up to 8. Unless a special card or effect is in play, a player can only draw one card at the start of his turn. If a player ever has an empty hand, he can draw up to 4 cards, but only by forfeitting his turn. Otherwise, only 1 card may be drawn.
Each player starts the game with 100% Dragon Points (DP). A player is knocked out of the game once he reaches 0 DP or lower (which is possible). The winner is the last one standing, or with DP over 0.
If the draw pile is exhausted, players take the discard pile and shuffle it to make it the new discard pile.
===Dragon Effects===
Some dragons have special effects that either start when they are played onto the field, or are started when an attack is underway. These specifics are on the cards themselves, so just follow what they say. If any of the text comes into conflict, the players should try and work it amongst themselves. If all else fails. just flip a coin or similar 50-50 resolution.
===The Turn===
Play starts with a player chosen randomly. Players can work this out on their own, or a rock-paper-scissors game, or similar situation. When play starts, here is the list of whata player can do. Except for drawing, all are optional and can be skipped if the player wishes.
1. Draw a card. Unless the player has 8 cards in his hand*, he must always draw one card* at the start of his turn.
2. The player may now play up to 2 Dragons OR up to 2 Spells OR 1 Dragon and 1 Spell*. A player is allowed to also just play 1 Dragon and no Spell, or 1 Spell and no Dragon. If the Dragon/Spell is an Instantaneous card (this would be specified on the card itself), then the effect listed on the card is activated right away. If the Dragon/Spell is not an Instananeous card (or after the effect has done its deed), then play can resume from here.
3. Unless it is the player's first turn, he may chose to attack another player now with one of his Dragons. Unless a special effect is in play, players can only attack with one Dragon per turn. The defending player can also only block a Dragon with one Dragon*. The defending player may also use only one spell* against the attacking Dragon, and this can also be used with the one Dragon he is defending with.
3a. If two Dragons (with no spells on either side) do battle, both Dragons deal damage to each other. The amount of damage a Dragon can inflict is listed as "DMG" followed by a number in %; for example: "DMG - 30%". Also, a Dragon can absorb some of the damage to 0%. This is listed as "ABS" followed by a number in %; for example: "ABS - 15%". So, using those example, the defending Dragon wouls absorb 15% of the damage (reducing that 15% to zero, it is not added on to DL), thus only taking 15% total damage to the Dragon's Life, which is listed as "DL" (for "Dragon Life) followed by a number in %; for example: "DL - 60%". So, still using the previous example, this particular Dragon would be reduced to 45% DL.
3b. If one of the dragons has a Spell with them (either played during phase 2 of the turn, or played just before the battle), then the Spell takes effect first. Players do what the Spell says, then do battle accordingly to whatever the Spell did. For example, a Spell can either reduce the DMG of the attacking Dragon or add more to the defending Dragon’s ABS.
3c. If both of the dragons have a Spell with them, then again the Spell takes effect first. After the effect is done with, the battle then commences with whatever increases/decreases the spells have done.
4. After any and all battles have been completed, the attacking player turns over the Dragon they attacked with. This Dragon cannot block any attack or activate any effect (if it has any) until the player’s next turn, in which it is flipped back up again. The Dragon does NOT flip over in this way if any effect it may have is used – unless the effect says to do so.
5. The player’s turn ends here, unless he has more than 8 cards. If that is the case, he must now discard to 8 cards*. Play resumes clockwise*.
Once a Dragon reaches 0% or lower in DL, the Dragon is sent to the Discard pile. Spells also go to the Discard pile once their effect is done – unless they are continuous Spells, which would be detailed on the cards themselves. It does not matter if a player wants all red Dragons, all blue Dragons, only blue and red Dragons, or any mix whatsoever. Each player’s deck must have at least 40 cards. There is no maximum, though players themselves can set a maximum if they so wished (if this is so, the set max should be agreed upon by all players involved).
Each players gets his own Discard pile.
When there are no dragons on the field, players may attack the DP of that player directly. Full DMG is dealt accordingly to the player’s DP, and once it reaches 0% or lower, that player is knocked out.
Should there be any decimals when halving values or in any other situation, always round down to the nearest whole number*.
- *Assuming there is no Spell or special effect in play.
Card List
DMG – 30%
ABS – 40%
DMG – 32%
ABS – 38%
Add 30% to DMG of one Dragon for one full turn.
Add 35% to ABS of one Dragon for one full turn.
Decrease 25% from ABS of one Dragon for one battle.
Decrease 25% from DMG of one Dragon for one battle.
This card nullifies any “Nuuu!” in play, sending it into the graveyard. As a bonus, all players also gain 10% to their current DP.
The player who plays this card gets to have up to 16 cards in his hand. This card affects nobody else.
Play is reversed to counter-clockwise rotation instead of clockwise.
All players take 1% damage to their DP at the start of their turn. Once the turn comes back to the player who played this card, double the amount of damage. This continues until a Dragon’s special is activated or when “Whew!” is played.