Blake's 7 (Federation) deck
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Blake's 7 (Federation) | |
Designer | Marcus Young |
Date | 22nd July 2003 |
Players | 2 |
This is a playable deck - it's finished, tested and ready to play. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page. |
Card game of the BBC science-fiction series, with a team of escaped convicts going up against a tyrannical regime. This is the Federation deck; you'll also need the Blake's 7 (Blake) deck for the other player.
Special Rules
Full Rules
The special rules for this game are particularly lengthy and complicated, and as such have been compiled in a separate article, Blake's 7 rules.
Card List
Standard Pursuit Ship
Thing - Ship - SC 2
Standard Pursuit Ship
Thing - Ship - SC 2
Mark X Pursuit Ship
Thing - Ship - SC 3
Mark X Pursuit Ship
Thing - Ship - SC 3
Lost Teleport Bracelet
Play at any time in response to a Teleport action. The player chooses one of the Crewmembers the subject of that action, and that Crewmember does not Teleport with the others but remains in place.
Teleport Glitch
Play on enemy ship. The ship's Teleport action cannot be used whilst this card is in play. This card may be removed as an action by opponent discarding opponent's hand.
Thing - Core Crew
May be played on any Planet. No action printed on the Planet card can be taken whilst this card is in play.
Descending Blast Door
Thing - Core Crew
May be played on any Planet. No Crewmember can Teleport off the Planet whilst this card is in play.
Security Door
Thing - Core Crew
May be played on any Planet. No action printed on the Planet card can be taken whilst this card is in play.
Supreme Commander Servalan
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 2) (SC 2
Federation Officer. Action: The player draws a card for each Crewmember that is currently captured and in the same location as Servalan. Action: Draw a card. If the card is a Federation Adversary or a Pursuit Ship then card is played, but otherwise discard.
Space Commander Travis
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 3) (SC 2
Federation Officer. Action: The player draws a card for each Crewmember that is currently captured and in the same location as Travis. Action: Destroy all captured Crewmembers in the same location as Travis.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 1
Independent Leader. Action: Move, with all attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. May make an immediate attack on any crew on that planet.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 2
Independent Leader. Action: Move, with all attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. May make an immediate attack on any crew on that planet.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 4
Independent Leader. Action: Move, with all attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. May make an immediate attack on any crew on that planet.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 3
Independent Leader. Action: Move, with all attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. May make an immediate attack on any crew on that planet.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 2
Independent Leader. Action: Move, with all attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. May make an immediate attack on any crew on that planet.
Goon Squad
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 2
May be played individually or attached to an Independent Leader. Action: Move, with any attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. Player make an immediate attack on any Crewmembers on that Planet.
Goon Squad
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 2
May be played individually or attached to an Independent Leader. Action: Move, with any attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. Player make an immediate attack on any Crewmembers on that Planet.
Goon Squad
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 2
May be played individually or attached to an Independent Leader. Action: Move, with any attachments, to any Inner or Outer Planet. Player make an immediate attack on any Crewmembers on that Planet.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 1
May only be attached to an Independent Leader. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Thing - Independent Adversary - CC 1
May only be attached to an Independent Leader. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Acting Major Jarvik
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 1) (SC 2
Federation Officer.
Space Major Provine
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 1) (SC 1
Federation Officer.
Section Leader Klegg
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 2) (SC 1
Federation Officer.
Crimo Gang
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 3
May only be attached to Space Commander Travis. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Mutoid Crew
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 3) (SC 1
May only be attached to Supreme Commander Servalan or Space Commander Travis. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed. Space Combat Value may be added in Space Combat in addition to the Value of another Federation Adversary.
Trooper Squad
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 2
May only be attached to a Federation Officer. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Trooper Squad
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 2
May only be attached to a Federation Officer. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Trooper Squad
Thing - Federation Adversary - CC 2
May only be attached to a Federation Officer. If at any time card is not attached, card is destroyed.
Federation Double Agent
Play if opponent controls an Ally Crewmember. The Ally Crewmember is now considered a Federation Adversary. Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards to the location of the Ally Crewmember and launch an immediate Close Combat attack on any enemy Crewmembers at that location.
Pursuit Ship Patrol
Play if an Inner Planet or Core Planet is in play. Move any Pursuit Ships selected by the player (plus attachments) to the orbit of that Planet. Player may then make an immediate Space Combat Attack on the enemy ship.
Pursuit Ship Ambush
Play if Servalan is controlled. Move any Pursuit Ships selected by the player (plus attachments) to the location of the enemy ship and make an immediate Space Combat attack on that ship.
Chance Encounter
Move any Pursuit Ships selected by the player (plus attachments) to the location of the enemy ship.
Ship-Devouring Alien Space Plague
Play on opponent's ship if ship is in Deep Space or if opponent played a Planet card last turn. Whilst this card is in play, opponent must discard 2 cards each turn or destroy the ship. This card is destroyed when a Planet Action is taken.
Federation Base
Play on the location of an Inner Planet. Action: Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards to the Planet. Action: Player may move any Pursuit Ships to the orbit of the Planet.
Federation Base
Play on the location of an Inner Planet. Action: Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards to the Planet. Action: Player may move any Pursuit Ships to the orbit of the Planet.
It's a Trap!
Play if either Servalan or Travis is controlled. Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards to the location of any Planet and launch an immediate Close Combat attack on enemy Crewmembers on the Planet.
Action: Player may immediately move any Federation Adversaries to the location of any Planet. Discard this card. Action: Player may immediately move any Pursuit Ships to the orbit of any Planet. Discard this card.
Jarvik's Ruse
Play if Acting Major Jarvik is controlled and one or more Pursuit Ships were destroyed in the opponent's last turn. Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards onto the enemy ship and launch an immediate Close Combat attack on enemy Crewmembers aboard the ship.
Unidentified Space Capsule
Player may immediately move one Independent Adversary (and its attachments) onto the enemy ship and launch an immediate Close Combat attack on any enemy Crew-members on board.
Change of Codes
Opponent returns the TP Crystal card to the Special pile.
Thing - Inner Planet
Play whenever Blake is not in play in immediate response to opponent's play of a Planet. This card is substituted for that Planet. This card cannot be destroyed until one or more Core Crewmembers have visited Terminal. Player may move any Federation Adversary cards to Terminal, or any Pursuit Ships to its orbit, as an Action.
Evil Computer
May be played on any Planet. Planet card cannot be destroyed by opponent until this card is destroyed.
Play if opponent controls an Ally Crewmember to control that Ally Crewmember. The Ally Crewmember is now considered an Independent Adversary. Player may immediately make a free play of any Goon Squad or Bodyguard card on the Ally Crewmember and then launch a Close Combat attack at the Ally Crewmember's Location.
The Teleport. A Malfunction. A Power Surge.
Remove an Adversary card from the discard pile and place it in the player's hand.
Alien Possession
Until the start of the player's next turn, Cally is treated as an Independent Adversary. Cally immediately makes a Close Combat attack on any Crewmembers in her location. Cally takes no Damage in this combat. If a possessed Cally is the sole occupant of the enemy ship at any time, the ship and Cally are both destroyed.
Play on Orac. The Orac card is treated for all purposes, other than being destroyed or captured (and consequential reduction of Damage), as if it is not controlled.
Limiter Breakdown
Play on Gan. The Gan card is treated for all purposes, other than being destroyed or captured (and consequential reduction of Damage), as if it is not controlled.
Play on Vila. The Vila card is treated for all purposes, other than being destroyed or captured (and consequential reduction of Damage), as if it is not controlled.
Destroy all captured Crewmembers in the same location as any Federation Officer.
Play if one or more Crewmembers are currently captured on a Planet. Player can move one Federation or Independent Adversary (including attachments) from that Planet to the opponent's Ship for each such Crewmember.
Death Is Too Good For Him/Her!
Choose an Adversary destroyed since the beginning of the player's last turn. The Adversary, less any Attachments is returned to the player's hand.
Xenon Base Is Blown
Play on the Xenon Base card. When next destroyed, the Xenon Base card cannot be restored to the opponent's hand. Action: Player may immediately move any Federation Adversary cards to the location of Xenon Base.
Play in the turn following the play by the opponent of any Crewmember card. The Crewmember card is treated temporarily as a Federation Adversary and Close Combat takes place immediately. Opponent may discard to Reduce damage against the Crewmember. If the Crewmember survives, the opponent keeps the card.
Boarding Attack
Move any Adversaries attached to Pursuit Ships at the same location as the opponent's ship onto that ship and launch an immediate Close Combat attack against any Crewmembers on board.
Booby-Trapped Android Double
Play if opponent controls an Ally Crewmember. The Ally Crewmember is destroyed. If the Ally Crewmember is on a ship, then for each Crew-member on that ship, opponent must discard a card or destroy that Crewmember.
Thing - Alien Adversary - CC 4
May only be played on any Inner or Outer Planet. Launch an immediate Close Combat Attack with this card only. Opponent may not reduce damage by capture in this combat. Any subsequent Close Combat this turn does not include this card.
Thing - Alien Adversary - CC 4
May only be played on any Inner or Outer Planet. Launch an immediate Close Combat Attack with this card only. Opponent may not reduce damage by capture in this combat. Any subsequent Close Combat this turn does not include this card.
Kairopan Insects
Thing - Alien Adversary - CC 4
May only be played on any Inner or Outer Planet. Launch an immediate Close Combat Attack with this card only. Opponent may not reduce damage by capture in this combat. Any subsequent Close Combat this turn does not include this card.