Talk:Eye of Frog deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 13:01, 16 February 2007 by Kevan (talk | contribs)
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Should Beer be labeled as a Poison, as well as a Liquid?

I don't remember how I played it at the time, but yes, would make sense to. I'll change it. --Kevan 19:44, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

Marshwater/Sea Sponge combination

When Sea Sponge is played on a previously Bubbling Marshwater'ed Potion, what happens? Does it soak up Bubbling Marshwater first, thus removing its effect, then doing nothing, or revealing the cards again, or revealing then destroying liquid ingredients? Or is Bubbling Marshwater's effect permanent (until drunk)? Or does Sea Sponge have no effect at all on a Bubbling Marshwater'ed potion? I'm going to assume that Bubbling Marshwater is destroyed and all cards are turned face-up (as the smoke clears) but other liquid ingredients remain and are not affected by Sea Sponge.

EDIT: New card possibility - Phoenix Down: An unconscious player may be chosen as the drinker of this potion. He/she must choose a healing ingredient first. Once he/she does, and draws, normal unconscious rules apply. (Possible addition: Half of the cards in this potion (round down) are drawn into the hand of the revived player instead of being discarded.)

--David C 04:07, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

Archived comments from the original site

Deck updated to include slightly more interesting things (Marsh Water and Frog Powder, Gizzard and Moss). Vitreous Essence ("View an opponent's hand") taken out for being too dull. --Kevan, 22.3.02

I was thinking about unleashing this on four of my friends. So, how many should I print for a five player game? I've made two copies, that is, 54 cards. Is this enough? Generally, is this even _playable_ with 5 players? Finally, a few clarifications: which components are liquid? and what is the differences between the poison cards and beer (no, I'm trying to get you all started, now ;-) --dabugas, 16.4.03

Hm, no idea how well it'd work with five - two copies sounds about right, though. Let us know how it goes. (The first seven cards are liquid, the rest aren't.) --Kevan, 17.4.03

Beer is poison. I was tempted to print this out for Halloween, with crazy foodstuffs associated with each card, but never got around to it. I just might, this time around. --Breadman, 22.5.03

I played this deck and a few games in I drank a +22 potion. Then we realized it would be entirely possible to get up to +30 or higher. The deck only has 27 cards, so are there any ideas on what should happen if you break the card limit? (Yes, it was a Holy water/Bubbling Marshwater potion.) --Sylph, 9.6.04

i think all minus cards are poisons, including beer. also, are there no actions on purpose? --Lupusam, 11.6.04

My friend and I have been playing this one recently (she won all but three games I think) and we've come up with a couple of potential cards. For instance "Storm Water: When this potion is drunk but before it takes effect, draw a card and add that as well." and "Boiling Water: Immediately after Boiling Water is added this potion must be drunk or all non liquid ingredients must be destroyed." Plus we think one +3, and one -3 card wouldn't be such a bad idea. Perhaps "Thyme", and "Tarantula Fangs"? Also, perhaps a dirt card. "Dirt: This potion must contain at least two liquid ingredients in order to be drunk." And a card that negates bonuses. "Iron Filings: All ingredients that cause cards to be drawn now act as poisons, excluding Unicorn Horn." I thought that might work well to counteract Willow Bark. --Dragon, 25.9.04

My friend and I have been playing this one recently (she won all but three games I think) and we've come up with a couple of potential cards. For instance "Storm Water: When this potion is drunk but before it takes effect, draw a card and add that as well." and "Boiling Water: Immediately after Boiling Water is added this potion must be drunk or all non liquid ingredients must be destroyed." Plus we think one +3, and one -3 card wouldn't be such a bad idea. Perhaps "Thyme", and "Tarantula Fangs"? Also, perhaps a dirt card. "Dirt: This potion must contain at least two liquid --Dragon, 25.9.04