Miami Beach Fight: Gang Attack deck

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Miami Beach Fight: Gang Attack
Designer Natanz
Date March 1 2008
Players 2-8
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

You're on vacation in Miami when suddenly a gang attacks you and your friends. Using an ice cream stand for cover, you fend off the attackers.

Work together with other players to survive! Divide your weapons well and balance your ammo!


The game is divided in rounds.

Each player simultaneously takes a gang card (gang pile) and puts it in the middle of the table.

The gang pile contains attacking gangs and other events.

Each player takes a regular card (regular pile).

The regular pile contains ammo, weapons, healing items and other events.

Players are free to mix turns now.

If a gang card is still on the table at the end of the round, whatever it says happens.

Ready for round 2?

Special rules

If the gang pile is empty, the remaining players have survived. You can use Actions to give Things to other players. You may not show or tell others what cards you have in your hand. Where you place cards is called the 'inventory'. Put ammo on weapons. Counters on ammo, destroy the ammo if there are no counters.



Gang - Thugs

A thug punches you in the face.
A thug with diseases bites you. You keep getting 1 damage at the end of each round until this thug is destroyed.
Baseball Bat
A thug hits you with a baseball bat.
A thug cuts you with a knife
A thug shoots you with a gun.
A thug shoots you with a gun.
A thug shoots you with a shotgun.
A thug shoots you with a shotgun. If you kill this enemy, you can choose to get +4 shotgun ammo if you don't play an action the next round.
Riot Shotgun
A thug takes a shot at each of you with a riot shotgun, doing 4 damage to everyone.
Drive-by! Thugs drive by and shoot at you, doing 2 damage to everyone.
A thug steals your current weapon or else another weapon you have, and fires it on you the maximum nr of times it can be fired in a round. You get your weapon back when you kill this thug. If you have no weapon, this thug punches you with 2 damage.
Good thief
A thug steals your best weapon and fires it on you the maximum nr of times it can be fired in a round. You get your weapon back when you kill this thug. If you have no weapon, this thug punches you with 2 damage.

Gang - Special

A thug throws sand in your eyes, you can't see anything. You use your weakest weapon and attack a random player with it.
Sneak attack
Draw 3 more gang cards.
A thug shoots one of your weapons. Decide whose and which weapon is destroyed. etc

Gang - Bosses

Mr X
Mr X does 2 damage to everyone. When you attack Mr X, throw a dice. Even: you miss. If there is already a boss in play, shuffle this card back in the pile.
Mr Y
Mr Y does 3 damage to everyone. When you attack Mr Y, throw a dice. Even: you miss. If there is already a boss in play, shuffle this card back in the pile.
Mr Z
Mr Z does 3 damage to everyone. When you attack Mr Z, throw a dice. Even: you miss. If there is already a boss in play, shuffle this card back in the pile.

Gang - Nothing

A cat chases a dog.
Crazy directions
A crazy person asks for directions.
A bird flies in the sky, swoops down and picks up a monkey.
She Spies
She Spies is on TV.
There's a light breeze.
A child trips and starts crying.
You notice there's a sale in the mall - you want to go there after this.


Regular - Weapons

Kung Fu Handbook
Action: do 1 damage to an attacker.
You do some quick reading. It's in Japanese, but luckily this book has pictures.
Aluminum baseball bat
Action: KO an attacker, who wakes up after the next round.
Flaming stick
Action: Throw a dice – above 2: you hit an attacker in the face, whose face catches fire. You do 1 damage this round and the next round.
Action: You throw a knife and a dice: odds is miss and destroy Knife. If you hit an enemy, but don't kill her: throw a dice: odds: she throws the knife back and you HP-3. If you hit an enemy and kill her, you can get the knife back, but then you can't play an action the next round.
Generic gun
Action: You fire up to 3 times (choose) at 1 attacker. Uses gun ammo.
Desert Eagle
Action: You fire up to 2 times (choose) at 1 attacker. Uses gun ammo.
Flare gun
Action: Fire. Flare gun does 3 damage each round. Uses Flares as ammo.
Action: Fire. Action: melee attack, throw a dice, if even: KO an attacker, who wakes up after the next round. Uses shotgun ammo.

Regular - Ammo

Regular - Actions

Regular - Special

Regular - Characters