Miami Beach Fight deck
Miami Beach Fight | |
Designer | Natanz - natanzz |
Date | 5 Jan 2008 - last worked on 6 Jan 2008 |
Players | 2+ |
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more. |
You're on vacation in Miami with your lover and 2 friends, relaxing on the beach. You get the idea to play volleyball. But wait, everyone else wants to use the volleyball field too! You know what to do: KO them all so you can play!
Testing: The game is unfinished & untested, but should be playable. Of what cards are there too many and too few?
Feel free to add your own ideas & take a look at the discussion page.
Features & Upcoming Features
This is a fast-paced card game. 1 game lasts for ? minutes. Super easy, just print & play!
Characters perform special action for you: your Lover steals money, Friends seduce enemies so they are on your side, Random Beach Chicks distracts enemy characters, etc.
You have to get rid of every different character in a different way.
Watch out for funny Special Events that may turn things around.
To do list
5 is highest priority
5 Add more Characters
5 Add new Actions for Characters.
4 Get feedback [see discussion page]
4 New ideas
2 Rewrite the instructions [last step]
2 Test the game
1 Add Actions - Attacks [Done for now] 1 Add Actions - Special Events [Done for now]
'She' means she/he, it's not just for women. It's emancipated!
KO = destroy
Special Rules
Special Events Cards don't count towards the 1 Action, 1 Thing limit. Mark both sides of this card. When it's the top card of the pile, play it immediately. If you get one in round 1, ignore it and shuffle it back into the pile.
Action - (Character) Re-Action Cards can't be played in your turn, but only as a Reaction to someone's Action – Attack card, or an AP attack from a character.
Action - Friends Cards can only be played when you have a Thing - Friend.
Action - Lover Cards can only be played when you have a Thing - Lover.
etc, you get it.
Each player starts with 10 HP.
AP = Attack points. If you AP 2 someone, they HP – 2.
If you get AP 2'd, you get attacked and lose 2 HP.
If you attack with Action - Attack cards or Surf Chick, choose who you want to attack: the player, Surf Chick or the Convertible. Your opponent can choose to defend your target with herself, Surf Chick, a Friend or an Action - Reaction Card. She can't defend with other characters, unless she has an Action - Character Reaction card that says so.
You have to get rid of characters you can't attack in other ways.
Most characters don't automatically heal, so keep track of their HP.
You can always transfer Friends to enemies. This can be a strategy if you want to keep an enemy alive for now.
Card List (for about 4 Players)
Things - Characters
Your Friend was talking to a girl, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
Your Friend was chasing a thief, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
Your Friend was downloading a huge file (guess what), so pay $200 to put this card into play.
Your Friend was eating burgers & fries, donuts, hot wings and drinking a milkshake, so pay $200 to put this card into play.
Your Friend was angry at you for kissing her lover, so pay $200 to put this card into play.
You don't really know this Friend, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
You forgot your Friend's name, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
You insulted your Friend yesterday, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
You accidentally tripped and kicked him in the nuts, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
You "accidentally" hit on her, so pay $ 200 to put this card into play.
She was surfing a huge wave, so pay $ 500 to put her into play. 1 of your Friends gets jealous and crosses over to a random enemy when you put Surf Chick into play.
You stepped on her pet turtle, so pay $ 500 to put her into play. 1 of your Friends gets jealous and crosses over to a random enemy when you put Surf Chick into play.
You accidentally undid her bra, so pay $ 500 to put her into play. 1 of your Friends gets jealous and crosses over to a random enemy when you put Surf Chick into play.
At the end of your second turn, she moves to the player to your right.
Where are you from?
At the end of your second turn, she moves to the player to your right.
Where are you from?
Things - Other
Max HP = 6
Grrrrgll – Hey, die faster!
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
Nothing to buy with just $100
This helps
This helps
This helps
This helps
This helps
This helps
This helps
Action - Attacks
I'm so smart
What do you think you're doing?!
I saw it coming… but it was too fast.
Hey! Not fair!
Hey, how did you get here?
This is taking too long.
Hey, where's the monkey?!
Somehow, 3 kicks don't hurt much more than 2.
Action - Friend
This Friend doesn't count towards your 2 Friends limit.
Unfortunately your Friend can't fight that well.
Decide how you want to spread the damage if you get any.
Let's do this!
Her Friends and her Surf Chick get drunk and HP –1. They can't attack or defend until their second turn, counting from now.
What's going on?
Action - Lover
She then moves to a random player for variation, who also gets HP+3.
Enemy: Haha!
Exactly how far did you go?
2 player game: she runs off with the enemy's Lover, destroy them both. No enemy Lover: she's never seen again (destroy).
Action - Random Beach Chick
Of course, this costs you $200.
It wasn't such a bad idea anyway - I made $ 2000!
The enemy Friend leaves for a random player (doesn't count towards the 2 Friends limit).
It's not true! Why won't you believe me?!
Action - Convertible
Turn your Convertible upside down and your HP - 1 and Convertible HP – 2.
Maybe she'll go out with me?
Turn your Convertible upside down and your HP - 1 and Convertible HP – 2.
Maybe she'll go out with me?
This destroys your car and target Thing gets AP 4'd.
Just shut up
If you use this on a Friend or Surf Chick, turn them upside down for 2 turns.
Good thing I have my Friends.
Enemy money - $ 200.
I always wondered what they were good for.
Enemy money - $ 200.
I always wondered what they were good for.
You can play this card whenever you like, but only if you're KO.
Volleyball isn't worth this.
Action - Reaction
It's not very effective.
How does Jackie Chan do that?
As you try to get out of the sun umbrella, you hurt yourself.
Maybe this isn't the best place to hide...
Pretty smart of me, isn't it?
She hopes it's a girl
Of course you kick her when she's down.
He he
A crab in the sand bites you.
Why can't I see?!
Action - Special Events
This happens when it's the turn of the player who at that moment has the most money. Then destroy this card.
Get back here!
Hey, where are you going?!
Nobody can attack for 1 round.
Wow, cool!
Who's going to pay for the hotel now?!
Play this card in your next turn. Others can still attack.
Everyone else gets HP - 1!
SPF 100!
Aren't you lucky it's a vegetarian!
That is... unusual