Anime-Type Battle deck

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Revision as of 11:50, 6 January 2008 by Pongo (talk | contribs)
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Anime-Type Battle deck
Designer Pongo
Date 6/01/2008
Players ?
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

All those flashing lights make me spew. Have your own Anime-Narutard-Dragonball-Final-Fantasy-Style fights. Give other players seizures and long-term brain damage!

For all you die-hard weeaboos out there, I hardly know shit about anime, so this is no doubt extremely unfair. To you I say STFU.

Special Rules


HP stands for hit points or health points. When something has less than 1 HP, it is destroyed. Y'know, like in every remotely RPG-style game ever? The first corner value for Things means HP.


MP stands for mana points or magic points. Each player starts with an amount of mana tokens I haven't decided on. Just for once in your stupid life vote on it, okay? Mana points are used for casting spells. The corner value of actions means MP cost.


Damage reduces the HP of its target.


Armour (or Armor as Americans call it, if anyone's that pissed off that I haven't recognised the fact Americans have an inexplicable fear of the letter "u"), is the amount of damage reduced from attacks. If armour is higher than attack value, the attack only does one damage.


You win when all the other players have lost. That is, when they have no major protagonists left.

Major Protagonists

Everyone gets a random major protagonist at the beginning, which is immediately put into play.

Card List


Spiky-Haired Male Protagonist
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Attack): Your SHMP impales something with his extremely spiky hair for 1-2 damage.
Spiky-Haired Male Protagonist
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Attack): Your SHMP impales something with his extremely spiky hair for 1-2 damage.
Inexplicably Attractive Female Protagonist
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Seduce): Your female protagonist seduces an opponent's protagonists, disabling it and her for one turn.
Inexplicably Attractive Female Protagonist
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Seduce): Your female protagonist seduces an opponent's protagonists, disabling it and her for one turn.
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Heal): For 1 MP token, your Spellcaster/Healer heals one of your living Things for 3 HP.
Action (Back Up): For 2 MP tokens your Spellcaster/Healer increases the effectiveness of any of your attacks by 20% (rounded up). This does not cost an Action.
Thing — Major Protagonist
Action (Heal): For 1 MP token, your Spellcaster/Healer heals one of your living Things for 3 HP.
Action (Back Up): For 2 MP tokens your Spellcaster/Healer increases the effectiveness of any of your attacks by 20% (rounded up). This does not cost an Action.