Talk:Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 22:17, 5 January 2008 by Natanz (talk | contribs) (→‎suggestion)
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Archived comments from the original site

Absolutely crunchy deck idea. Needs more objects though... this one could be expanded quite a bit. But the basic deck is very nifty. Good show! Now if only someone would do a Ministry of Silly Walks deck.. Mr. Teabags --Nev, 29.4.02

Fun game. I can't help thinking it would be improved by making a special rule that one won once creating a pile higher than 1500 or so, though. Perhaps in addition to a winner flag for easier wins if you have the card at the right moment. --Tyrethali, 20.5.02

Maybe worth tweaking some of the point values, too, so as to reflect the objects' benefits and drawbacks more accurately. And that first Construction Girder shouldn't be in the deck, looking at it. Tsk. --Kevan, 21.5.02

[Excess Girder removed.] --Kevan, 22.5.02

Here's a card that got added in a game I played: "Big Hungry Thing (300)". (T) When Big Hungry Thing is played, flip a coin. If it is heads, Big Hungry Thing eats the highest item on your pile that is not Big Hungry Thing." --Adam, 7.8.02

A friend and I just tried this out game out during a boring office meeting. Very entertaining. A new favorite. --Tavo, 21.7.03

I don't understand Low-Flying Aircraft and Domino Effect. Please explain. --Robb, 2.12.03

If the game actually needs more Things, how about: King Kong (+300); Half-Empty Bottle of Dr. Pepper (+5); National Air and Space Museum (+300); Turntable (+100 and all items above this one rotate); Teaspoonful of Neutron Star Stuff (+100 billion); Cardboard Cut-out of Tony the Tiger (+200); 77 RPM (Action) (Destroy all Things that are on top of the Turntable.) --Jason, 11.2.04

What is "Moai"? --Drake, 11.3.04

Gah. Disregard. That'll teach me to not remember to search the Web before asking questions. --Drake, 11.3.04

Robb: # Domino Effect: you destroy all cards in your pile, but for each card that you had in your pile (and thus destroyed), you get to destroy another Thing as well. # Low-flying Aircraft: cuts all piles down to the same height, in effect. For example, if you chose '5', all piles 5 cards or less in size would be unaffected, 6-card piles would lose the top card, 7-card piles would lose the top 2, etc. --ToxicFrog, 30.4.04


How about - Black hole (-1 Trillion). When an object is placed on black hole, if there is another black hole in play it is moved to below that one. If this is the only one in play, flip a coin. If heads, object is destroyed. --Cornflake, 17.5.05


Suggestion: an Action card that allows you to put a Thing in another player's pile -