First-Person Shooter deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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First-Person Shooter
Designer Alistair
Date 29th March 2002
Players 2
This is a playable deck - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

A first-person-shooter arcade game, in cardboard. Claim respawning weapons and discard with care to gun your foes down.

Special Rules


There are 3 types of things: Game Things, Mods and Real World Things. If a player draws a Game Thing from the deck they place it in the centre of the table and draw another card. Only 1 Mod can be in play at once, playing a Mod destroys the Mod currently in play. All non Game Things have an Action Value (AV) which is some number from 1 to 10.


Every player has 10 health points.


Players can get armour which act as extra health points. When a player takes damage half of the damage is taken by the armour, the other half is inflicted on the player. You may only ever have 1 armour card.

Being Killed

If a player is reduced to 0 health they are killed and the player that killed them gets 1 frag. The killed player places their active weapon card (if any) into the centre of the table, and discards all Game Thing they have along with their hand. They then draw a new hand of 5 cards.

Default Weapon

All players are considered to have a weapon that does damage 1.

Following Fire

If a weapon has Following Fire then a player may make as many attacks with that weapon as they like during their turn.

Cards per Turn

Players can play as many cards and take as many actions per turn as they like. Actions can also be spent for the following effects, with some restrictions.

Action: Attack an Opponent (Once per Turn)

To attack an opponent a player announces the fact an plays a card face down, opponent does like wise. The cards are then revealed. If the attacker's card AV is greater the defender's card AV then the defender is hit. The defender loses health points equal to the damage of the attacker's active weapon. If a player doesn't play a card their base AV is 0.

Action: Change Weapon (Once per Turn)

A Player may change their active weapon card for another they control.

Action: Pick Up Game Things

A player may gain control of a Game Thing by discarding a card from their hand. If the Game Thing picked up is a weapon then the player may make that card their active weapon which doesn't count as that player's Changing Weapon action.

Card List

Thing - Game
Chain Gun
Thing - Game
Damage:3 Following Fire
Rocket Launcher
Thing - Game
Damage:10 When attacking play you card face up.
Rail Gun
Thing - Game
Damage:10 Attack card at -2AV
Battle Armour
Thing - Game
Combat Armour
Thing - Game
Armour Shard
Thing - Game
Armour:2 If you already have an armour card then add 2 points to it and discard this card.
Thing - Game
Regain 3 health. Health cannot go above starting health. Discard when picked up.
Thing - Game
Regain 3 health. Health cannot go above starting health. Discard when picked up.
Mega Health
Thing - Game
Add 10 Health. On each of your turns reduce your health by 1 point until your health is less than or equal to your starting health and then discard this card.
Thing - Mod - AV2
All players get a Rail Gun. Cannot change weapons. Cannot pick-up weapons. Discard all armour.
Point Release
Thing - Mod - AV3
Shotguns Shoot Faster
Thing - Mod - AV1
All Shotguns get Following Fire.
J-Force 8 P6 4.7 Ghz
Thing - Real World - AV4
+1 to all AVs you play.
Cable Modem
Thing - Real World - AV8
You are immune to lag.
Smooth Move
Action - AV8
Good Show
Action - AV10
Rogue Sniper
Action - AV6
Target opponent is attacked by an AV10 Rail Gun attack. If opponent is killed you do not gain a frag.
Sweet Move
Action - AV5
Play instead of a defense card. The attack automatically misses.
Right Out in Front of Me...
Action - AV6
Play after a player has successfully dodged an attack. You make a free attack which automatically hits.
Careful Aim
Action - AV4
Make an attack at +2 AV.
Action - AV7
Play in Response: Target card ah -1AV
Action - AV7
Play in Response: Target card ah -1AV
Hard to Reach
Action - AV5
Play on a Game Thing. Players must now discard 2 cards to pickup Thing.
Playing the Game
Action - AV5
Playing the Game
Action - AV6
Playing the Game
Action - AV6
Playing the Game
Action - AV7
Playing the Game
Action - AV7
Playing the Game
Action - AV8
Playing the Game
Action - AV8
Playing the Game
Action - AV9
Playing the Game
Action - AV9
Playing the Game
Action - AV10
Playing the Game
Action - AV10