Monty Python and the Holy Grail deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Designers Ed and Ady
Date 22nd January 2006
Players 2
This is a playable deck - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Send out your Knights to find the Holy Grail

Special Rules


You win the game if you draw the Holy Grail as a result of rescuing or recalling a knight from a location. (Not if you draw the grail during the draw phase).

Play phases

1.. Draw phase. Draw a card at the beginning of your turn.

2.. Recall phase. Recall all your uncaptured knights from all locations to your side of the table. (draw a card for all knights recalled)

3.. Play a thing phase. You *must* put into play one thing if you have a thing in your hand. Knights are played on your side of the boad and belong to you. Locations are played into the middle of the board, for both players to use.

4.. Move Knights phase. You may move your knights in play onto a location (to search for the grail). One knight per location only. (You can move knights to locations you just put into play in the last phase.)

5.. Actions phase. Each turn play as many action cards as you want. (You can play cards you just took from the draw pile as the result of an action you just made.)

6.. Discard phase. Discard down to five cards at the end of your turn.

False Grail

If you draw the Holy Grail as part of your draw phase, it's a false grail and you must reshuffle the grail and all cards in the draw and discard files into a new draw pile.

Knight removed from location

When a knight is removed from a location -for any reason- the location is discarded, and the player that removes the knight gets to draw a card (and possibly win the grail).

Knight Action

Any Knight who has his own action, cannot use that action if he's at a location.

Capturing Knights

If you capture an opponent's knight at a location, the knight stays captured until either a) he is rescued (opponent gets the knight back, gets to draw a card, and discards the location) or b) it becomes your turn again - in which case the knight becomes yours. (you get to draw a card, and the location is discarded). Also you cannot capture your own knights"

Card List

The Cave of Caerbannog
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
A French Castle
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
A Convent
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
The Bridge of Death
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
A Castle Built on a Swamp
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
The Dark Forest of Ewing
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
An Old Forest Bridge
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
The Forest Road
Thing - Location
Card by Ed
Sir Bedevere
Thing - Knight
Card by Ed
Sir Robin
Thing - Knight
The not-quite-as-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot. Action: Brave Sir Robin may choose to be recalled instead of staying captured. But forfeits the right to draw a card when the location is discarded.
Card by Ed
King Arthur
Thing - Knight
Action: may rescue a knight from 'The Black Knight' at 'The old Forest Bridge'
Card by Ed
Sir Lancelot
Thing - Knight
Action: may rescue a knight from 'A Spanking!' at 'The Convent'
Card by Ed
Sir Galahad
Thing - Knight
Card by Ed
Tim the Enchanter
Action: Pick any card from the discard pile, and put it in your hand.
Card by Ed
An Argument, with Tea but not with Biscuits
Action: Rescue a knight form 'The Three Headed Knight' at 'The Dark forest of Ewing'.
Card by Ed
The Black Knight
Action: Capture a knight at 'The Old Forest Bridge'.
Card by Ed
Action: Rescue a knight form 'The Rabbit with Big Pointy Teeth' at 'The Cave of Caerbannog'.
Card by Ed
The Rabbit with Big Pointy Teeth
Action: Capture a knight at 'The Cave of Caerbannog'.
Card by Ed
The Flight Speed of a Swallow
Action: Rescue a knight from 'Three Questions' at 'The Bridge of Death'.
Card by Ed
Three Questions
Action: Capture a knight at 'The Bridge of Death'.
Card by Ed
The Knights That Say Ni!
Action: Capture a knight at 'The Forest Road'.
Card by Ed
A Shrubbery
Action: Rescue a knight from 'The Knights of Ni!' at 'The Forest Road'.
Card by Ed
A French Knight
Action: Capture a knight at 'A French castle'.
Card by Ed
Build a Cow Catapult
Action: Rescue a knight from 'A French Knight' at 'A French castle'.
Card by Ed
A Spanking!
Action: Nuns capture a knight at 'A Convent'.
Card by Ed
Prince Herbert and the Wedding Party
Action: Capture a knight at 'A Castle Built on a Swamp'.
Card by Ed
Concorde the Squire
Action: Rescue a knight from 'Prince Herbert and the Wedding Party' at 'A Castle Built on a Swamp'.
Card by Ed
A Witch!
Action: Put any knight from the discard pile into play.
Card by Ed
Sir Not Appearing In This Picture
Action: Your chosen player must discard a knight in his hand, otherwise one of his knights in play (don't draw a card if it's a knight at a location, locations remain in play)
Card by Ed
Action: Put any knight in play into the discard pile (don't draw a card if it's a knight at a location, locations remain in play)
Card by Ed
The Voice of God
Action: Reshuffle this card, the draw pile and the discard pile, into a new draw pile.
Card by Ed
The Green Knight
Action: Steal another player's knight that is in play but not captured. The knight remains in play as your knight.
Card by Ed
I'm Not Dead!
Action: Put any knight from the discard pile into play on your side.
Card by Ed
I'm Not Dead!
Action: Put any knight from the discard pile into play on your side.
Card by Ed
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Action: Rescue or steal any knight at a location. Discard the location and draw a card.
Card by Ed and Ady
Action: Rescue or steal any knight at a location. Discard the location and draw a card.
Card by Ed and Ady
Action: Rescue or steal any knight at a location. Discard the location and draw a card.
Card by Ed and Ady
Action: You win! Unless you drew this card during the draw phase in which case reshuffle this card, the draw pile and the discard pile, into a new draw pile.
Card by Ed and Ady
Help! Help! I'm being Repressed!
Action: Put any location from the discard pile into your hand.
Card by Ed