College Life deck

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College Life deck
Designer Conner, P. Courterier, J.
Date 21/10/2007
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Special Rules

All players start the game with five cards dealt to the left of the dealer. To simulate the college/university selection process all players must pass one card to the player on their right. Once each player has passed and received their cards, the remaining cards are placed face down and the play begins with the person to the left of the dealer.

Discard Pile


Card List

Director of Student Life
When played, Director of Student Life (DSL) modifies all dice rolls relating to student government by -1.
Dance-Techno never sounded so good.
Audit Class
May destroy any one target effect. Discard both effects to the discard pile. Does not effect game text.
Credit? Who needs credit?
University Police
When University Police (UP) comes into play, choose one target student. Target student receives judicial sanction.
You smokin' tater?
Dr. PsychSci
When played can remove academic probation from target student. May also be played as an administrator, however Dr. PsychSci must abandon faculty status.
May be played as a Thesis Advisor

Chemistry Lab TA
When played player must place any student on the green on academic probation. May not be played as a thesis advisor.
"Your lab reports are due tomorrow, yes...all 50 pages!"

Cold Ones
Target any person on the green. Target person suffers a -2 penalty to all dice rolls for 1d6 rounds.
"Life is always beautiful through beer goggles"

University President
When University President is played all faculty and staff are tapped for 1d3 rounds.
"Would you like a bottle of Cabernet?"

Acoustic Guitar
May be played on any student or faculty member. When played on a student guitar may be used as a student activity.
When played on a student, student gains student leader status.

'A' for Effort
Target student may not be subject to academic probation.
"Sometimes trying is just as good as final grades."

Open Mic Night:
Play on any student as student event
Required for Activities Board victory.

Research & Publication
1)Faculty member is on the quad with the Thesis Advisor effect.

2)Student is on green with the Thesis Topic effect.

3)Two other students on green as "Subjects or Research Assistants"
"The is nothing quite like writing things only 50 people in the world will read"

Vice President of Academic Affairs
When played Vice President of Academic Affairs may place one student not in your control on the green into your hand

Abolish Student Government
1) Must have University President and Director of Student Life in play.

2) Must have FERPA Abuse card in play on University President or Director of Student Life.

3) Roll 1d20. If 20 game ends. Any modifiers from effects or things apply to UP and DSL.
"If it wasn't for those snot-nosed kids and their meddling dog"

When card comes into play roll 1d3. 1d3 students have herpes permanently. If there are more than three players, each player rolls 1d6. The three players with the lowest scores receive herpes. May be cured by University Health Clinic.
"Mommy has it in a special place..."
Card by R. Phillips

Free T-Shirt
Target student receives student leader status. If target student is tapped untap immediately. Student cannot be sent to discard pile. If a discard effect is played on student with Free T-Shirt caster takes both Student and Free T-Shirt back into hand.
"Because pimpin' aint easy."

Student Leadership
When played on student, target student is tapped for two rounds. Student cannot be sent to discard pile.
"Hell on Earth without compensation."

The Ex
"Breakup formed target relationship. Discard both people.
"Yeah, they left you for your professor..."

The Alluring Freshman: "She was a punk who never took advice..."
Tap any two students you control on the quad. Roll 1d6 to determine the length of the relationship. Caster receives +1 to all rolls for duration of relationship.
The Alluring Freshman counts as an additional student.
Forbidden Love: "My Lab TA is sooo hottt!!!1"
Tap one student and one administrator/faculty member. Pair forms relationship for 1d6 rounds. Caster receives +3 to all rolls for duration of relationship.
Counts as either an additional student OR an additional administrator. If Scandal or Higher Education come into play, caster skips one turn.