Gone deck
this is a deck based around the gone series of books. if you havent read them then i highly recomend that you do. this game is complicated but please bare with it. the rules are simple enough once you understand im just not great at explaining it.
special rules
each card has a level. this stands for a number of things. no 1. the level is the cost to summon that card. the game must have had at least that many turns to summon that card (you may want to start as if its already been 3 turns so as to actualy summon some cards) no 2. the level is a cards stamina. when its level reaches 0 its destroyed no 3. the current level is its attack score, i'll go into that later
both charecters represent a side of the fayz, coats academy or perdo beach (this doesn't affect gameplay). your goal is to keep as many people allive as possible. theese people are represented by lifepoints. you start the game with fifty life points. when all your life points are gone, you loose the game.
you can summon one thing and one action per turn as normal (so long as you have the right level), and you can use one things ability each turn. (you may not use multiple abilities unless specified) theese abilities may say that they damage a certain card. if an amount is specified the the target card looses that many levels. each thing may also attack durning their turn, you may only attack an enimies thing. to do this put the attacking card and the defending card face to face. the defending card then looses levels equal to the attacking cards level. the attacking card also looses levels equal to the damage afflicted. for example attacking cards level is 5- deffending cards level is 3. deffending card minus five levels (it looses 3. the defending card is destroyed. the attacking card then looses 3 levels. the attacking card now is level 2
levels stay the same after damage is taken. a card abilitie may allow it to heal. a card cannot heal more than its orriginal level but may gain more levels.
when an attacking thing defeats a defending thing the defending things owner looses life points equal to the fatal damage caused. taking the last example, the attacking thing destroyed the deffending thing with 3 damage. the defending things owner now looses 3 lifepoints. remember this only happens if the defending thing is destroyed. in some senarios both the attacking and defending things will be destroyed but only the defending things owner takes damage.
certain abilities make things take damage. this damage is taken imidiatly and doesn't damage the attacking thing at all but the deffending owner still takes damage if its thing is destroyed.