Dead Spaced Onslaught - Archive

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Dead Spaced Onslaught - Archive
Designer Zenith
Date 28/02/2009
Players 2 - 6
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

A card game based on the popular game "Dead Space"


This is the introduction to my newly designed card game (Dead Spaced Onslaught) It will focus on Space and Planetary combat with each player controlling a ship rather than a person.

Planet System

The planet deck will consist of 25 different planets. These planet cards will be spaced out across the table with varied distances between them. It will also include. 25 Ore cards / 25 Atmosphere cards / 25 Bonus cards. When your ship lands at a planet you will draw 1 Ore card / 1 Atmosphere card / 1 Bonus card. These 3 cards will determine what kind of planet it is.
There are several things you can do with a planet.
1. Inhabit / Possess
2. Mine
3. Destroy
Whether or not you can inhabit a planet will depend on the type of atmosphere it has. You will also need a colony to inhabit it. The necromorph players can possess the planet (Hive) which is the same as colonisation.
The only ship that will be able to mine the planet is the mining ship. The only other method of receiving the ore from the planet is to colonise it.
Any ship with weaponry can destroy a planet.
Here is an example of a planet card.

Water world

The card consists of a planet name, planet type and size value (It's size is equivalent to it's wounds)
To destroy it you need to deal damage equal or greater than it's size.
When you land onto this planet you will draw an ore card, atmosphere card and bonus card.
Here are examples of these types of card.

Value = 1300
Oxygen Based
Precious Ore
Ore mined from this planet has its value doubled

The value of T in the corner of the ore counts for how many turns it takes to mine it. All the information you will need to know will be written on these cards.

Ship System

Every player will control a different ship which will be split into 6 types.