
From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 23:27, 27 November 2008 by HellFalen (talk | contribs)
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Designer HellFalen
Date november 2008
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Important concepts

Manna: It is the energy that the magician uses to realise spells. If you did not have manna serious a very weak enemy. Levels of mana: VeryWeek (VW) - Week (W) - Medium (M) - Strong (S) - VeryStrong (VS)

Attack: It is the capacity to realise nonmagical damage of a card. Levels: VeryWeek (VW) - Week (W) - Medium (M) - Strong (S) - VeryStrong (VS)

Defense: It is the capacity of a card to defend itself of magical and nonmagical attacks. If an attack is stronger than the defense of a card, this will be destroyed. Levels: VeryWeek (VW) - Week (W) - Medium (M) - Strong (S) - VeryStrong (VS)

Abilities: They are the abilities that a card owns. They can be the types of magic that makes the targeta or other abilities. They work like requirement to invoke creatures or to use objects. The abilities of a targeta do not own any number. Only are written words. Types of abilities:

  • Magical: They are the types of magic that can realise a magician: Water, air, earth, fire, ice, thunder, chaos, order, death and life.
  • Nonmagical: They are abilities that serve to use objects or other things, for example: to fighting, knowledge, medicine, etc.

Type of cards:

  • Magicians: They realise diverse spells and invoke creatures.
  • Creatures: They are used to attack and to defend. Some own special abilities.
  • Spells: They can be invoked by magicians, they have very diverse effects in the game.
  • Objects: They are cards that helps magicians, creatures of diverse ways. These cards can be from arms to relics with sacred powers.

Making Cards

Anatomy of magicians and creatures:

Name - Abilities: up to 3 - Spells: up to 2 - Requirements for be drawed - Points of M,A, & D

(Creatures cannot have magical abilities nor manna)

Anatomy of spells and objects

Name - Spells: up to 2 - Requirements for be drawed -

(in case of being object, spell changes by bonifications)

Example cards

Dvorak is a game in which each player is created his own cards, and I would not like to break that rule creating a complete card pack, to ruin the diversion to them. I only wish that you follow these own rules when creating your trajetas, that each game is different and that the spirit of Dvorak stays. For that reason the cards that you and I put here only will be examples, not a complete card pack.

Fire mage
Abilities: Fighting - Fire Magic - Magic of Chaos

Spels: It destroys a creature of the opponent - It destroys an object

Requirements: nothing.
Card by HellFalen
Eye of the Chaos
Spell: all the abilities of a mages tranfrom into "Magic of Chaos"
Requirements: A mage with "Magic of Chaos"
Card by HellFalen