The HSSSSS Card Game

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The HSSSSS Card Game
Designers jftsang, ictl
Date August 2008
Players 2-4 (3 recommended)
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export
Mtgcard.gif Generate Apprentice CSV

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.


  • Gameplay is in turns. Each player takes his or her turn, and then the next player plays.
  • At the start of the game, you MUST play your home Website (FOFL, HSSSSS or Genesoft) depending on which team you are playing as. Each player searches through his/her deck to find one of these cards (or if the player is unaligned, any unaligned unique Website) and puts it in play. Each player than shuffles his/her deck.
  • The turns go in this order: FOFL, HSSSSS, Genesoft, Unaligned.
  • At the start of your turn, draw a card.
  • The first corner value indicates the attack value. The second corner value indicates the health value/hit points (HP). If the health value reaches 0, the card is removed from play into the discard pile.
  • Any card can attack another card, providing the attacking card has an attack value of 1 or more. Each card can attack once during your turn.
  • You may play 1 card of each type (1 Website, 1 Software, 1 Person, 1 Action, 1 Meme etc) per turn.
  • You may use actions on cards as many times as you want. However, you will need to take into consideration actions which state "once per turn", "once during your turn", "once every two turns" etc.
  • You may not play any card marked as "Unique" if the same card is already in play.
  • Only one Meme card may be in play at a time, unless Global War is in play; in which case 3 may be in play (including Global War). Meme cards affect ALL players, not just the player who played it.
  • Your hand has an unlimited size.

Deck Construction

The following rules must be observed in deck construction:

  • A deck must have at least forty cards, but can have as many above that as you wish.
  • When constructing a deck, a player may use any of the neutral (grey or yellow) cards. He or she may also pick one of the colours (red, black or blue) to play, and may not use cards with the other two colours. If a player does not pick a colour, he or she is neutral or unaligned, and may not use any of the red, black or blue cards.
  • A deck must contain at least one Website, and one of the Websites is to be marked the home website. For an aligned player, this is preset to FOFL for Red, HSSSSS for Black and Genesoft for Blue. For an unaligned player, this home website may be any Unique Website that is designated as neutral.
  • A deck may not contain more than one copy of any card marked as "Unique".
  • Before the game, you must show exactly forty cards from your deck to your opponent, and your opponent must do likewise. These forty cards may be chosen by you.

Victory Conditions

You lose by any of these conditions:

  • Your home Website (FOFL, HSSSSS, Genesoft) is destroyed.
  • You run out of cards in your deck.
  • The size of your discard pile is greater than half of your deck or forty cards, whichever is greater.

If you eliminate both opponents in this way, you win!


  • An unaligned player playing Conversion immediately converts any card. He or she may use Conversion to target any red, black or blue card. If an unaligned player uses Conversion to target a neutral card, the player instead gains control over the card.
  • When a card goes out of play, it returns to full health.
  • The terms coaligned, controlled and owned are often used interchangeably. However, there are stricter definitions:
    • A coaligned card means that its colour is the same as yours. This may be due to a card such as Conversion.
    • A controlled card is one which is currently on your side.
    • An owned card is one which you started the game with.
  • Once per turn means once each turn, including your opponent's turn. This is different to once during your turn.

Card Listing

Main article: The HSSSSS Card Game/Card Listing

Card Text

  • Might do bad Stuff's text is: If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if Tiftif is in play.
    Action: Once during your turn, each player may flip a coin until you get tails. For every head, discard one of your opponent's cards. For every tail, discard one of your own cards. If either player is out of cards in play, that player may discard cards from his/her hand. If a player is forced to discard his/her home Website, that player automatically loses the game.
  • Negative's text is: If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
    Action: All cards which describe a positive value now describe a negative value and vice versa. This has no effect on original corner values. All cards will have at least 0/1 or higher as their final total card value, except cards which do not have a value at all.
    e.g.: an item which gives a card +1/-3 will now give -1/+3. Its corner value of 0/5 will stay as 0/5.