Dungeon Brawl Deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Dungeon Brawl Deck
Designer Zephyr
Date 23/03/2008
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Elements of the game

Actions - Spontaneous(playable at any time) and normal Environments - Affect basic gameflow Things - Items, Monsters, Allies, Mounts, Character Cards


Start with 4 cards - two from the things deck and two from the miscellaneous deck. Starting with a random player, you take turns in order. From here on follow the ruleset each turn.Rulesets are refered to as environments and affect the basic gameflow such as how many cards are drawn a turn and how many cards can be played a turn.

A turn consists of:- Drawing x card(s) from the draw pile. (If the draw pile's empty, shuffle the discard pile and turn it over to make a new draw pile.)

Playing up to x cards from your hand. You can play x Things and x Actions per turn (or just x-1 of those, or no cards at all). Checking your hand size; if you have more than x cards, discard down to y.

The variables above are affected by the environment.

Your character

A character consists of a race and a gender. Certain races have certain benefits for certain genders. Genders are not limited to male and female. If undefined your race is Human and your Gender is whatever you choose (but make sure it is consistent throughout). Humans can wear one headgear, one bodygear, two handgear(unless it is a two handed weapon) and one leggear.


Items usually increase or decrease your combat level. This does not affect your pure level.


A monster is a thing. Monsters all have a level and hold some gold. To engage a monster in combat, roll D6 and add it to your combat level.


If you reach a pure level of 10 you win. If you reach 100 gold you win. Other cards may also allow you to win. Each time you kill a monster you gain a level.

Card List

Dungeon (Starting)
You may draw 1 card per turn. Play 1 Action and 1 Thing per turn. Play 1 environment per turn. The maximum hand size is 6. This environment is displaced and discarded if another player plays an environment.
A plain old dungeon with lots of monsters.
You may draw 2 cards per turn. Play 1 Action and 1 Thing per turn. Play 1 environment per turn. The maximum hand size is 10. This environment is displaced and discarded if another player plays an environment.
To be added
Embellishment:As an elf, you may wear 3 accessories at once. ----------------------------------------------Purity:If you meet any undead(U), your combat level will be increased by 2 for that battle.
To be added
Brute Strength:You are a fearsome orc and are able to hold 3 weapons at once.
To be added
+1 Oily Leather Coif
+3 to combat level if facing water monsters otherwise +1 to combat level.
To be added
+2 Orcish Chainmail
+2 to combat level unless you are an orc, in which case +3 to combat level.
To be added
+1 Lucky Wooden Stick
+1 to combat level. This weapon cannot be affected by any negative actions.
This wooden stick makes you feel good.

+6 Really Giant Broadsword
Thing.Two handed Weapon
+6 to combat level.
A heavy broadsword for bashing monsters. Hopefully you can carry it.