Seducer deck

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Seducer deck
Designer Natanz - natanzz*
Date 10 Jan 2008
Players 2+, more fun 3+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Say all the right things and seduce your Date!

But: if you don't SCORE ! you did everything for nothing!

One more thing you should know, your Date is so popular, she/he goes on dates with several people at once, so you have to compete!

Don't edit yet

A = Answer

Q = Question

SCORE ! = Say something she loves and win!

Score = Gain point(s)

Score = How many points you have

1-card = 1 Open & Story card

2-card = 2 Intimacy card

3-card = 3 Seduce card

opening score = your score when you play the 1-card

intimacy score = your score when you play the 2-card

seduction score = your score when you play the 3-card

Player = Player. A Player trying to seduce the Date.

Special Rules

Players win when they have 10+ points, play the SCORE! card and actually SCORE! (see the card on how to SCORE !). Players lose when they have less than 1 point, or when they have failed to SCORE! for 3 times. The Date always wins.

The Date can draw as many cards as she/he likes if she/he has fewer than 10 cards.

All cards are Actions, except Hit cards and Special Cards (prettier this way).

If a player has more than 2 Yes/No cards, she/he may show those cards to everyone, discard any number of Yes/No cards and draw new ones instead.

When a Special Card has lost its use, it's automatically destroyed.


During the Date's turn, she/he can ask each Player 1 Question and play a Thing.

The Date must first choose which Answer she likes best – this is the Right Answer – then ask the Question. Players can ask other Players Questions as well, in which case the Date decides what the Right Answer is.

Answer Yes / No Questions and This/That Questions with Yes/No cards. For This/That, Yes in the 1st option, No the 2nd one. If you don't have a Yes/No card, you can draw a card. If it's a Yes/No card, you have to play it, else show it to everyone and shuffle it back in the pile and you automatically 'Don't Answer'.

Open Questions The number in the top right corner is how many points you get when you have the right answer, and how many you lose with a wrong answer. If you Don't Answer a question, you lose double the points! Yes / No Questions You always win/lose 1 point and 2 if you Don't Answer.


Choose who's going to be the Date. The Date uses the Date set, Players use the Player set.


Date Set



Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Yes / No Questions


Yes or No?
Have you ever [your own idea]?

I like that!
Yes or No?
Have you ever been arrested?

What do people do in jail?
Yes or No?
Would you lend me $1000 ?

I want to buy something
Yes or No?
Have you ever hit a girl?

Do you think I like that?
Yes or No?
Are you a terrorist?

Hope not!
Yes or No?
Have you been in a mall more than 5 times this month?

What did you buy?
Yes or No?
Do you want kids?

This is a deal breaker
Yes or No?
Are you crazy?

There's so many of us!
Yes or No?
If we were dating, would you call me every day?

What would you say?
Yes or No?
Are you on the internet a lot?

Shall I ask what you download too?

Past Relationships

Yes or No?

Have you ever broken something in bed?

Something from yourself?
Yes or No?

Have you ever dated someone hot?

Hotter than me?
Yes or No?

Have you ever cheated on someone?

Maybe he won't cheat on you.
Yes or No?

Have you ever had a threesome?

Yes or No?

Are you gay?

I want to know
Yes or No?

Do you have more than 4 exes?

And still remember their names?
Yes or No?

Have you ever dated someone ugly?

Yes or No?

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Who hasn't?
Yes or No?

Have you ever kissed a guy?

That is...
Yes or No?

Are you still a virgin?

With experience or with Windows XP?
Yes or No?

Have you ever been cheated on?

Or, can she/he keep me interested?
Yes or No?

Have you ever paid for sex?

Not everyone does that.
Yes or No?

Have you had a lover before?

This also answers another question.
Yes or No?

Are you bi?


Physical Stuff

Yes or No?
7 inch?

6? 7? 8? No lying!
Yes or No?
Do you have a big car?

To compensate for ... ?
Yes or No?
Are they real?

I just can't tell
Yes or No?
Are you rich?

I don't like to work
Yes or No?
Did you just look at my chest?

Which one?
Yes or No?
Do you have an STD?

I need to know!
Yes or No?
Are you strong?

Why do you think I want to know that?
Yes or No?
Have you ever won a fight?

Or are you a loser?
Yes or No?
Can you surf?

Surfing is cool
Yes or No?
Did you go to college?

I did, but I never went there to study...
Yes or No?
Are you good in bed?

For some reason, they always lie here
Yes or No?
1 + 1 = 2 ?

Don't use a calculator

This or That?

Are you naughty or nice?

Open Questions



Free Time
What do you do in your free time?

A Hang out with friends

B Work out

C Go shopping
What did you do last weekend?

A I went out

B Stayed home & watched TV

C I don't remember
What do you do on the internet?

A Talk to friends

B Downloading... music?

C Nothing! I'm innocent!
What did you do today?

A Stalk you

B Buy dirty magazines

C Used the internet
What are you doing tomorrow?

A I don't know yet

B Take a walk in a forest

C You
Good Friends
How many good friends do you have?

A 1

B 3

C 10
What's on your Mind?
What are you thinking about now?

A You

B Surfing

C The environment
What number am I thinking of? (1 - 7)

Don't need a card to answer.

Player Set

Hit Cards

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

1 Opener & Story
Hit Card
If your score = 'opening score' – 2, you lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 3.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 1', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 1', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 1', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 1', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 1', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 3', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

2 Intimacy
Hit Card
You need the 1-card to play this. If your score becomes 'intimacy score – 2', lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 5.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

3 Seduce
Hit Card
You need the 1-card and 2-card to play this. If your score = 'seduction score' – 1, lose this card. You automatically lose this card when your score is less than 7.

Play this when you have 10+ points. Whisper something in the Date's ear, if she/he likes it you win! If the date doesn't like it, lose your 3-card, put your 2-card back in your hand, and lose 2 points!

Play this when you have 10+ points. Whisper something in the Date's ear, if she/he likes it you win! If the date doesn't like it, lose your 3-card, put your 2-card back in your hand, and lose 2 points!

Play this when you have 10+ points. Whisper something in the Date's ear, if she/he likes it you win! If the date doesn't like it, lose your 3-card, put your 2-card back in your hand, and lose 2 points!

Play this when you have 10+ points. Whisper something in the Date's ear, if she/he likes it you win! If the date doesn't like it, lose your 3-card, put your 2-card back in your hand, and lose 2 points!

Play this when you have 10+ points. Whisper something in the Date's ear, if she/he likes it you win! If the date doesn't like it, lose your 3-card, put your 2-card back in your hand, and lose 2 points!



Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Always the right answer!

Question Cards

Special Cards

Good looks

You can't lose points for 2 rounds.

I'm so lucky!
Eye contact

For the next 2 rounds, you gain double points and lose half points.

An easy trick

Your score is + 5 for the next 2 rounds. After this you get – 4.

She likes

You don't have to answer Q's for the next 2 rounds if you don't want to.

Who thought body language could work out so well?

Kiss the Date for real. If she likes it, score + 3, if not score – 3.

Everybody likes me

You score 2 points.

I'm such a nice person

You talk a lot, not giving your competitors a chance to say anything. They get – 2.

Forget them. Think about me.

A Player's ex shows up and tells the date she/he is terrible in bed. The target Player gets – 3.

I didn't feel anything!
Smack in the Face

Not being able to stand your competitor for a second longer, you hit her/him in the face. Luckily your Date didn't see it. Competitor - 1

White Rose

Gain 3 points. After 2 rounds, the White Rose fades.

Just don't tell her you stole it from someone's garden