
From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 21:09, 23 September 2007 by Orteil (talk | contribs) (Unfinished template ! I have to go to sleep ! French power ! Good night ! *cough*)
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Date Inconnue
Joueurs Inconnu
Ce deck n'a pas encore été catégorisé.
This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - if you have any suggestions, you can leave them on the talk page for the deck creator.
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode


| title =
| designer =
| designer2 =
| designer3 =
| designer4 =
| designer5 =
| designer6 =
| designer7 =
| date =
| players =
| status =
| unlocked =

title is the title of the deck. If left blank it defaults to the page title.

designer is the designer of the deck. If this exactly matches a wiki user name, it will link automatically to that user's page.

designer2 through to designer7 are the other designers of the deck, again linking to wiki profiles where appropriate. For multiple designers, use "designer" for the first, and these for the rest.

date is the date that the deck was created, if any. If left blank it defaults to "unknown".

players is the number of players that the deck is suited to. If left blank it defaults to "unknown".

status is the development status of the deck: its value can be "unfinished", "untested", "playable", "nomic", "CCG set", "CCG deck", "star", "subpage" or "unfinishedplayable".

unlocked defines whether site visitors are encouraged from contributing cards, or not. If set to "true", visitors are told "This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more." - if left blank, visitors are warned that "This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - if you have any suggestions, you can leave them on the talk page for the deck creator."