Cults of Nark
Cults of Nark | |
Designer | JakeTheWolfie |
Date | 8/21/19 |
Players | 2-4 |
This deck has not been categorised. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
Print this deck | |
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more. |
Special Rules
Cult Beginnings
Each player playing should get their own Cult Leader card, 12 People, and 3 Cult Influence Tokens. The Cult Leader should be in play before play begins. All People should be facedown in your village.
Every Cult resides within a village.
Cult Influence Tokens - These represent how many people you have influence over in a particular village. Every village has 12 people in it, not including yourself. You will always have, at minimum, as many tokens of this type as you have cultists. (Represented as CI Tokens)
Cultist Tokens - These represent your unskilled cultists. Place a cultist token on a cultist card to "train" them. (Represented as C Tokens)
Cult Power Tokens - These represent how much power your cult possesses. These are generally used to do cultist Actions. You can have as many of these as you have cultists x3. (Represented as CP Tokens)
GodPower Tokens - These represent how much power your God has. Your god gets summoned if you have 13 of these. (Represented as GP Tokens)
Actions & Things
There is no limit to the number of actions a player can make, just as long as they are able to use the action. Any particular action can only be used once per turn, however.
The Thing Play limit is the same.
Card Types
Cultist Jobs - You can place a Cultist Token on a Cultist job to train them. Trained cultists cannot be untrained.
Cultist Items - Things such as Blood, Altars, Holy Book, etc
Regular Items - Things such as Brooms, Bottles, And Weapons
People - Regular Townspersons
Acts of God - Costs GodPower Tokens to play
Rituals - Costs Cultist Items or Cultists themselves to play.
Regular Actions - Usually doesn't cost anything
Winning Conditions
You win if two of the following are met:
You collect 6 GodPower Tokens
You have 6 Cultists
You collect 6 Cult Influence tokens from other villages
You have collected all Cult Influence tokens from your village.
You Summon your God (You win the game instantly if you meet this condition)
You eliminate the other Cults (You win the game instantly if you meet this condition)
This is you.
This is you.
This is you.
This is you.
Blank, I see
Cultist Items
Blank, I see
Regular Items
Blank, I see
Acts of God
Blank, I see
Blank, I see
Regular Actions
Blank, I see